September 2015
everyone – There seems to be a lot happening out there – fantastic!
Attention members that live in the Canberra
Buffy Beggs writes - Would you
be interested in getting together on a monthly or bi-monthly basis to share our
work and our methods and our inspiration? I think it might be very supportive
of our art. If yes, please email me -
and I will then be able to see if it is viable to go forward.
Meet Ali and Kate
Ali and
I will be flying the SAQA flag at two upcoming Stitches and Craft shows,
sitting/standing near the SAQA Trunk Show F and chatting with visitors about
art quilts, techniques, SAQA etc. The details - Melbourne 22-25 October (Kate)
and Adelaide 5-8 November (Ali). Stop by and say ‘hi’
Oceania Exhibition 2017? – Yes!
for the great responses. There are five of us to get things going - Alison
Laurence (NZ), Rasa Mauragis (NSW), Wilma Cawley (ACT), Sue Dennis (QLD) and me
(Kate). At certain points we will no doubt put the call out for help in
specific ways as I know there’s a lot of expertise in our membership. Stay
Members’ Space
We love
to share small and big achievements, successes and experiences.
Neroli Handerson has a bit more background about her new role as Editor of Textile
Fibre Forum -
As a former graphic designer one of
the first questions I was asked when I was approached to be editor was if I
could update the look and feel of this more than 30 year old magazine and it looks
like I got my way! The magazine is now sporting a new logo and layout with a
renewed emphasis on presenting the best of both Australian and International
textile artists, exhibitions, best practice articles and reviews. Issue #119 is
out in September and is my first issue as editor. I’d love to know what you
think of the new Textile Fibre Forum and I also welcome any article submission
you may have, so please email me -
Lisa Walton writes -
I'm off
teaching in the UK and Luxembourg and I will also be manning the SAQA
Exhibition at The Knitting & Stitching Show in London in October at the end
of the trip. [Follow Lisa’s adventures via Facebook -
or her website -]
Yvonne Line writes –
artwork, ‘And to each has its Season’ has been accepted for hanging in the
exhibition ‘Evolution, Change , Challenge, A Contemporary Quilt. The venue is
the Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre, 782 Kingsway, Gymea. NSW and
is in conjunction with The Quilters’ Guild of NSW. Open from 29 August, 2015 to
8 September, 2015.
And to
each has its Season by Yvonne Line
99cm (H) x 69cm (W)
Statement: I have used leaf shapes as a metaphor for the life cycle of change
and evolution of the family of Man. The challenge that I set myself was to use
unpatterned fabric, simplify design elements and emphasize the use of a restricted
palette and strong colour value. Technique: Freehand drawings of leaves. Machine
appliqué, through wadding and backing. Machine and hand finished.
Cotton, Polyester wadding.
Williams writes –
I have been chosen as the Guest
Exhibitor at the Quilters Guild of South Australia, Festival of Quilts
Exhibition 2015 to be held during the Craft and Quilt Fair, Adelaide 5th to 8th
November at the Wayville Showground. My exhibition "Retrospective"
will follow my journey as a traditional quilter to textile artist over the past
21 years.
for Autumn by Mary Williams
by Mary Williams
Eileen Campbell writes –
At the
recent Victorian Quilter’s Showcase Exhibition my quilt ‘Always Bouquets’ won
1st in the ‘Pictorial Quilts’ category and also the award for ‘Excellence in
Domestic Machine Quilting – Professional’.
Always Bouquets by
Eileen Campbell
Always Bouquets (detail)
by Eileen Campbell
Sue Dennis writes –
I have been
invited to attend the 2015 China International Patchwork Invitational
Tournament and Patchwork Arts Show in Beijing 14-16 October. The show will be
held at the Beijing International Exhibition Centre and I will represent
Australia with a display of 10 of my quilts plus five quilts from leading Australian
quilters, Eileen Campbell, Lucy Carroll, Kay Haerland, Brenda Gael Smith and
Linda Steele. This is a wonderful opportunity to introduce quilters in China to
the unique style and subject matter of Australian quilting as well as the
wealth of quilting talent we have in our country. Other
countries to be represented are Taiwan, South Korea, Canada and the USA. I will
be posting about my experiences when I can -,
A Hot Land by Sue Dennis
Jenny Bacon [Curator Golden Textures Contemporary Art Quilt exhibition and
Prize 2013, 2015] writes -
The Golden Textures
biennial exhibition at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Maryborough Vic was
invited to bring a selection of works to the largest quilt show in Europe –
Festival of Quilts 6th-9th August 2015. Knowing that we would be given a
professional standard gallery space was one of the most important factors that
encouraged us to take up the challenge to travel.
We were able to take 21
works by 17 artists including many from SAQA. The full list was:
Anna Brown, Sue Dennis, Dianne Firth, Susanne
Gummow, Jann Haggart, Alvena Hall, Suzanne Lyle, Noelle Lyon, Margaret
McDonald, Susan Mathews, Jenny Bacon, Sue Reid, Valarie Robinson, Ruth de Vos,
Brenda Gael Smith, Tricia Smout.
The trip was a great
success, I had fantastic assistance for set up and take down; the visitors were
very complimentary and wrote in the Visitors Book that they were ‘inspired’ by
our colour, design and technique. One drawcard was ‘Coastal Life #2’ [below] by
Susan Mathews; it usually featured a crowd of visitors. To the right of Susan’s
piece is ‘Eucalyptus’ by Anna Brown.
Coastal Life #2 by Susan Mathews [left]
Outside view of our Gallery with works by Noelle Lyon and Ruth de Vos
With over 1000 quilts
and 60,000 visitors in four days the Festival is a terrific opportunity to
network and indeed it led to us being invited to return to France in April 2016
where we will have a gallery at Quilt Expo en Beaujolais. It was also a chance
to meet many SAQA members from Europe and the USA. All these invitations are a
result of the high standard of work that our artists are producing. So the
journey continues!
Brenda Gael Smith writes –
Along with several other SAQA
members, my work [bottom row, third from left] was selected for the Evolution,
Change, Challenge contemporary quilt exhibition at Hazelhurst 28 August to 8
September. There is an online gallery at
Two new works of mine - Kelp Forest and Landlines:
A river runs through it - were juried into "Dare to Differ" at Gallery
M Adelaide, 2-25 October.
Auction Quilts!
Check out the latest SAQA video of
all of the auction quilts! Start it up and let it run!
Brenda Gael Smith writes –
I would
love to include artwork by SAQA members in my next travelling exhibition -
a matter of time. Entries close on
15 January 2015. For more information, see:
Art Quilts:
Evolution & Revolution
Bookings are now open for the Conference Gala 2015: Art Quilts: Evolution
& Revolution at Geelong. All welcome! Highlights of the
program include:
One-day conference forum Art Quilts:
Evolution and Revolution including presentations by Padriac Fisher , Director,
National Wool Museum; Jan Mullen, fabric & pattern designer, writer, and
maker of art quilts; and John Lamb, professional photographer;
REview / REdesign/ REpurpose
Workshop with Jan Mullen;
Exhibition opening of Art Quilt
Australia 2015 and Australia Wide Four;
Conference Gala Dinner & Silent
Artist Studio Tour – visit Helen
Millar, Jennifer Hyland and Susan Mathews in their home studios; and
Quilt Study at the National Wool
Don’t forget these SAQA opportunities!
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
SAQA Journal Member Gallery – October 1
Stories of Migration: Contemporary
Artists Interpret Diaspora – October 31
My corner of the World – November 30
Tranquility – January 31, 2016
Turmoil – February 28, 2016
Material for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to
If you could prepare the text yourself we can then
just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
August 2015
Hi everyone –
I hope you are taking advantage of the cooler weather and creating madly!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new member Gael ODonnell
from Carterton New Zealand. We’re very pleased to have you aboard!
Thanks to all members who sent me
postcards for the Conference earlier this year. I also took them with me
to Newcastle Stitches and Craft, and they were a real hit alongside the touring
trunk show. Many visitors had never seen textile art or art quilts, and they
were blown away by the techniques, materials, and the workmanship. They are a
fabulous way to get the conversation started about SAQA and the work we do. As
this trunk show travels, if Ali or I will be there, the postcards will be there
(while we can keep an eye on them).
Postcards at
Newcastle Stitches and Craft
Wish You Were Here
Enjoy this
month’s gallery of art - ‘Wish You Were Here’. The curator, V.Susan Johnson
says “I thought of postcards as I
searched through the gallery images. Whether they represent real or imagined
places, these quilts invite me to go in search of new views--or perhaps new
points of view. I chose them for the emotions I think their creators may have
experienced as they brought them to life, emotions I equate with traveling to
new places. And of course, all travels include thankfulness for a safe arrival
See the work
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Neroli Henderson is the new editor of Textile Fibre Forum
magazine, with her first issue hitting the newsstands in September –
congratulations Neroli!
Sandra Champion writes –
I was
thrilled that my quilt Button Grass
Plains: Winter won
First Prize
Art Quilt Open
Best Use of
Mixed/Decorative Media and
Bernina Best Of Show
at the Island
Quilts Show in Tasmania in July.
Button Grass Plains: Winter will travel next year with
2015 Best of Show from other States.
Button Grass
Plains: Winter by Sandra Champion
Lisa Call writes –
I am having
an exhibit of my textile paintings in Philadelphia this month from August 7 –
28, 2015.
Beginnings and Possibilities
Solo Exhibit
Fine Art Gallery
I've attached
a few images of work from the show.
*Portals #5*
©Lisa Call
52 x 85 inches
*Portals #55*
©Lisa Call
18 x 18 inches
*Portals #58*
©Lisa Call
14 x 46 inches
Oceania Exhibition 2017?
We think than
many Oceania members would like to work towards a SAQA exhibition, and we know
that there other regions were very interested in hosting an exhibition from
SAQA Oceania members, so anything we arrange has the potential to tour
We feel that
planning for an exhibition in 2017 is realistic – the making of the pieces is
one thing, the organization will also take a fair bit of time.
has the interest and time to get this rolling? Please let us know – don’t wait
for someone else to put their hand up if it’s something you’d like to do. It
could be super exciting to exhibit here and then have our work travel the
New Mentorship Program: Update!
Last month,
we wrote a little about the mentorship program – Sue Bleiweiss
(Massachusetts/Rhode Island regional co-rep,
has more -
Sue Bleiweiss
Now that the
mentorship program has been underway for several weeks I thought I would post
an update on how it’s going and provide some statistics and other information
about it.
So far 12
matches have been made and all the mentees have met with their mentors at least
once via Skype, FaceTime or telephone to talk about their objectives and goals
and to set up a regular communication schedule with each other. Everyone is
very excited about their new partnerships and I couldn’t be happier about that.
You might be
wondering who these mentors are so I am going to tell you! I’m sharing their
names with their permission of course and they are:
Pamela Allen, Sue Bleiweiss, Lisa Call, Jenny Bowker, Sherri
Culver, Kathleen Loomis, Alison Schwabe, Pamela Druhen, Carol Ann Waugh, Susan
Polansky and Phylis Cullen.
Each of them
have signed on to work with at least one mentee and a couple are working with
more than one. I am grateful for their willingness to sign on to be a part of
this program because the success of the program really hinges on having enough
mentors. And that brings me to my next statistic…
I have 9
mentees on the waiting list waiting to be matched up with a mentor. I need more
So I am once
again putting out the call for mentors. Now I know that being a mentor isn’t
for everyone and I absolutely understand and respect that but I’m guessing that
there are some of you out there that are thinking you might be interested but
you’re not sure about it because you are not sure how to be a mentor or what
areas or categories you can mentor someone in. To answer those questions, just
pop over to the SAQA website here:
All the information about the program is there and if you take a look at both
the mentor and the mentee applications (regardless of which you want to apply
for) those will also help answer your questions. If you still have questions or
your unsure, then write to me at I will be happy to
talk with you about the program and how you can be a part of it.
mentorship program is just one of the programs brought to you by the SAQA
membership committee. The committee is chaired by Diane Wright and is made up
of volunteers Clara Nartey (Secretary), Sue Bleiweiss, Paula Huffman Brown,
Sharon Buck, Christine Hager-Braun, Candice Phelan, Allison Reker, Desi Vaughn,
and Martha Wolfe. We meet once a month to discuss, brainstorm and develop
programs and initiatives related to areas of membership. Watch for updates
about the committee’s other programs and initiatives in future emails.
By the way -
if you're curious about what other commitees that SAQA has you'll find that
information on the SAQA website here:
Don’t forget these SAQA opportunities!
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
SAQA Journal Member Gallery – October 1
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
My corner of the World – November 30
Tranquility – January 31, 2016
Turmoil – February 28, 2016
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
July 2015
Welcome to
another monthly newsletter! We hope you are all keeping well and warm!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new members Sarah Cox and Kathryn Robertson. We’re very pleased to have you
Meet Ali and Rebecca Staunton
Ali and
Rebecca will be at the WA Craft Show in August – stop by to say hi! This show
kicks off a new SAQA Trunk Show tour of Australia
Meet Kate in Newcastle
Kate will be
at the Show from 13 to 16 August, with a floor talk at noon every day. I would
be great to catch up with members!
Successful Meet Up at the Sydney Quilt Show
Lisa Walton
organised a few meetings with SAQA members in town for the Sydney Quilt &
Craft Show. It was a great opportunity to match faces to names and get to know
each other a little especially as we had a few interstate visitors. Here is the
group who met up on the first day
Back row –
Yvonne Line Brenda Gael Smith, Sue Devanny, Denise Griffiths, Mirjam Aigner
Front row –
Maxine O’Toole, Lisa Walton, Rasa Maugaris
Also at get
together, but not pictured - Beth Miller, Alex & Judy Schaefer, Buffy Beggs
and Wilma Cawley
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Lisa Walton is
very pleased that her quilt Blue Corridor has been selected for the prestigious
Tactile Architecture Exhibition which will be on display at IQA shows for a
year starting with Houston
From Alan Tremain
RELEASE—June 2015 Out of Africa An Exhibition of Wax Cloth Quilts by Alan R
Tremain Art Studios Gallery, 391 Mann Street, North Gosford NSW 2250 August
5—16, 2015 Quilting Design Workshop ‘Autumn Splendor—Emotional Response to
Colour’. A 4‐day on‐site Quilting Workshop
will be conducted in conjunction with the exhibition. Request application form
from Or go to Art
Studios Co‐operative, 391 Mann
Street, North Gosford NSW 2250 Monday and Tuesday 10 & 11, 17 & 18
August 2015 Contact: Alan Tremain / Oz Quilt Design / /
0418 273 940 / PO Box 9235 Wyoming NSW 2250 ‘Out of Africa’ is a much awaited
exhibition of dramatic and original quilts made using and inspired by African
Wax Cloth. This is the first solo exhibition by Alan since suffering a stroke
August 2013. While African Wax Cloth embodies a very dramatic and colourful
history, its true origin is yet to be defined. Views differ as to how Dutch wax
prints entered the West African market. One view is that in the late 1800’s
Dutch freighters on their way to Indonesia from Europe with their machine‐made batik textiles
stopped at various African ports, and subsequently an African client base grew.
African wax cloth fabrics have been widely embraced by couture fashion houses
in both Europe and USA. One of the most popular wax cloth print themes has historically
been the use of political images and campaign slogans. African wax cloth is
well known for its highly stylised and innovative bold and colourful design with
very graphic images. On additional display in this exhibition will be a quilt
by an unknown African quilter using such themes. This quilt, which has
miraculously survived since 1944, features on the whole‐cloth quilt backing,
a print celebrating the election of William Vacanarat Shadrach Tubman as the
19th President of Liberia on 3rd January 1944. He was later to become known as
‘The Father of Liberia’. This quilt has resided in Africa, England, USA and now
forms part of Alan’s private quilt collection of significant quilts. Another
‘presidential’ quilt on display will be one titled ‘Happy Birthday Mr
President’ which bears no resemblance to the breathy birthday song, sung to
President John F. Kennedy at his 45th birthday by an adoring Marilyn Munroe on
May 19th 1962. Instead this quilt celebrates both President Barack Obama’s election
as the 44th President of the United States as well as his birthday on 4th
August. Barack’s father Barack Snr., was a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Republic
of Kenya, West Africa. Obama’s parents met in 1960 in a Russian class at the
University of Hawaii at Mānoa, where his father was a foreign student on
scholarship. A Zairean fable, ‘The Tortoise, The Elephant and The Hippopotamus’
features pictorially as the central panel in another quilt in typical African
colour palette of bright yellow, red and black. ‘African wax cloths are so
dramatic and inspiring. I found it very hard to choose which prints that
excited me the most and I’ve tried to include many of my most popular quilt
designs in this exhibition ranging from small to large’ Alan says. Alan R Tremain
is Australia’s longest practising male quilt designer and is recognised internationally
for his design, quilt conservation and restoration abilities. Alan’s inspiring
and dramatic ‘Out of Africa’ wax cloth quilt exhibition will be opened at
2.30pm on Saturday 8th August by International Quilt Artist Judy Hooworth and
introduced by the Quilt Study Group of Australia’s Convenor Karen Fail, both
Life Members of the Quilters’ Guild of NSW Inc.
In previous
Newsletters Helen Beaven and Mel Forrest put together some information about
all the resources that are available on the SAQA website. Here are two more.
1 – Maria
Shell presented a fabulous talk at the Conference, and there was a lot of
interest from other members for her to share her knowledge – she very
generously has put together a webinar. Highly recommended. This direct link may
open up a page for you to sign into your SAQA account since mentorship webinar
are a members-only resource. Enter your info and the page will automatically
redirect to the webinar.
2 – Lyric
Kinard led two breakout sessions about making bad art – sounds counter
intuitive, but she is awesomely inspiring. She also very generously puts out a
newsletter that also includes calls for entry. You can visit her website to
find out this information and also sign up for her newsletter -
3 – Ali has
been listening to some wonderful podcasts by Grace Bonney (a design blogger
with a love for art and design) and highly recommends these – if you have a
communte or other ‘free’ time, it’s worth plugging in and being inspired -
Oceania Exhibition 2017?
We think than
many Oceania members would like to work towards a SAQA exhibition, and we know
that there other regions were very interested in hosting an exhibition from
SAQA Oceania members, so anything we arrange has the potential to tour
We feel that
planning for an exhibition in 2017 is realistic – the making of the pieces is
one thing, the organization will also take a fair bit of time.
has the interest and time to get this rolling? Please let us know – don’t wait
for someone else to put their hand up if it’s something you’d like to do. It
could be super exciting to exhibit here and then have our work travel the
Call for Entry
Art Quilt
Elements 2016
Juror:Bruce Pepich, Racine Art
Museum, Executive Director and Curator of Collections
For more
information visit
Last day to
enter is September 30.
Wayne Art
Maplewood AvenueWayne, PA 19087
Postcards Update
Kate still
has all the postcards from members that she took to the SAQA Conference. The
work represented is really interested, and it would be great if we could take
them around with us as we (Ali and Kate) visit the various shows with the SAQA
trunk show.
Our thinking
is that we won’t put them up on a wall (too much worry about them being taken),
but we will have them on the table when we are personally there, so we can show
them to visitors and talk about them, and when we aren’t at the table, we will
put them away safely.
Only fibre
postcards will be included. If you supplied a fibre postcard, and you’re happy
for it to be seen by show visitors around Australia, you need do nothing. If
you supplied a fibre postcard and you don’t want it to travel, and want it
back, then please email Kate ( If you only sent an image
the first time, but want to make a fibre postcard to be included with the
others, please email Kate with details so she knows to expect your card
New Mentorship Program: An Exciting New Benefit
for SAQA Members
Bleiweiss, Massachusetts/Rhode Island Rep writes –
At the end of
2014 I launched a pilot mentorship program in my region (MA/RI) in the hopes
that it could eventually be offered to all members throughout the organization.
What started as a small region based test program is now available for all
members of SAQA to participate in.
What is the
mentorship program? It’s a goal or project-based program of peer mentoring open
to all SAQA members seeking one-on-one mentorship for a period lasting up to
twelve months: SAQA mentoring is a partnership in professional development. The
SAQA mentor is a friend, a trusted guide, one who shares knowledge and
resources with a less experienced colleague. The mentor’s responsibility is to
provide guidance, support and feedback. The mentee’s responsibility is to
identify goals and make reasonable progress in attaining those goals. Mentors
are recruited and matched to mentee applicants based on availability and areas
of interest. Mentors will review the advisee applications from SAQA members: If
the mentor accepts the applicant and the mentee is amenable, both will receive
a welcome email and begin meeting to discuss and define the goals and
objectives of the mentorship. These meetings can be held via FaceTime or Skype
if meeting in person is not geographically possible.
As far as I
know, there is no other organization as large as SAQA offering a program like this
as a benefit with a general membership level. You can find more information
about the program along with applications for both mentors and proteges on the
SAQA website.
Don’t forget these opportunities!
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
June 2015
Only a few
days until June, and lots happening. I hope you are all finding studio time
during this cooler time of the year!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new members Karen Mundt (Queensland) and Kathryn Robertson (Victoria). We’re
very pleased to have you aboard!
Meet Up at the Sydney Quilt Show
Lisa Walton is keen to have a SAQA gtg at the Sydney Quilt
Show at Glebe Island. She’s thinking about a coffee around 3 when it gets
quieter; her preferred days are Saturday or Sunday, but she could be available
on another day, depending on interest. Please email Lisa:
Members of
Our quarterly meeting is on Saturday 13
June, at 10am in the Gallery Café. Local and visitors alike are very welcome to
come along and chat about all things arty!!
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Lisa Walton writes –
“My Bushfire
Sunset quilt [image below] is going to be hung in the Boardroom of the Rural
Fire Service.
Brenda Gael Smith writes -
the fantastic response to Beneath the Southern Sky and Living Colour!, I am
curating another travelling textile art exhibition touring in 2016/2017.
All the
details at:
There is also a facebook page:
International entries welcome!”
Charlotte Scott writes -
interviewed fellow SAQA Oceania member, Helen Godden, when she visited NZ in
January for the Manawatu Quilt Symposium. It's a great listen as Helen is
funny, upbeat and full of interesting information.
Here is a
link to listen to the interview via a podcast on my blog:
and an iTunes
Kaye Sauer writes
“I thought
you may like to know that one of my quilts ‘My Top 40’ won first prize at
Brookfield Show in the Art/Pictorial Section. I have attached a photo.”
Rebecca Staunton Coffey writes
“Eight of my
quilts will be on show at Parliament’s Exhibition Space in Wellington, New
Zealand, from 30 April to 6 June 2015. The exhibition is called ‘The Colour of
....’ and features the work by eight quilt artists from the Hutt Valley: Patricia
Ashcroft, Diana Carroll, Margaret Davidson, Brenda McPartlin, Ruth Nicholas,
Gael O’Donnell, Margaret Rogerson, and me. Our group was originally called 8 by
8 until recently when we added an extra person (now we are 3 squared) this is
our second series of 15 inch by 12 inch quilts. The first series was exhibited
in Upper Hutt Expressions Gallery. I have stayed in the Group even though I
have returned to live in Australia.
techniques and ways of working with fabric are what interest me the most. The
opportunity to work with colour using fabric, paint or thread is exciting.
Doing my
textile art provides an opportunity to enter a different world which is
challenging and consuming. There is the discovery of different approaches to a
subject, the researching and planning, and the playing and experimenting to
achieve the finished art quilt. My work mixes traditional quilting techniques
with more innovative surface design and uses some of my own hand dyed and
handprinted fabrics.
I have
completed City and Guilds by distance with Laura and Linda Kemshall(UK) in
Patchwork and Quilting and Creative Sketchbooks. I also undertook an Artist
Strength Training distance course with Jane Dunnewold and found this very
helpful in terms of reflection and focus of my work.”
Oszko writes –
‘It was an absolute pleasure to visit The
Dairy Barn Arts Centre in Ohio and see the Quilt National artworks hanging in
that wonderful space.
Of the 84 artists whose work was on show, 5
were Australians, 3 from Japan, 3 from
Germany, 2 from Canada, 2 from Switzerland, 1 from Northern Ireland, 1 from
Great Britain, 1 from Denmark, and the rest from the USA.
SAQA Oceania members represented are - Kathy
Brown - Growing Pains; Ruth de Vos - The Boundless Energy of Children; and Judy
Hooworth - Rainy Day Dora Creek #12.”
Don’t forget
these opportunities!
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge
using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
May 2015
Quick Suggestions
2015 SAQA Conference – Fiberlandia
I (Kate) put
together a brief report on the Conference in a special edition Newsletter which
you will have received by now. It truly was a great experience to be among my ‘amen,
Lisa Walton (Vice President) also wrote about her
experience. She says “I really encourage you all to think of attending the next
one which will be in Philadelphia (29 March - 3 April 2016). You will certainly
enjoy it and be inspired and meet some really interesting like minded souls. If
you are interested in seeing some of the action in pictures you can check out
my Facebook page at
It can be a
good idea to get a few small art works ready now, for donation pieces or other
opportunities that crop up. Here are a few sizes to consider –
4in x 6in (postcard)
6in x 8in (SAQA Spotlight donation size) – these looked great when
12in x 12 (Benefit Auction donation size).
It is also a
great idea to make some good quality/high resolution images of your work. Most
competitions/shows now ask for online entry, so it’s good to be prepared now.
New Group
Neroli Henderson writes –
“I’m wanting
to start up a get together of SAQA members for a once a month meeting in St
Kilda. I’ve managed to get a restaurant venue, opposite Luna Park and the
Palais with a semi private dining room that fits up to 18 and we’re welcome to
sit and chat over coffee or lunch or even bring hand work and sketch books etc.
They have even said a machine would be ok if we needed one to demo something.
There is lots of parking around there too (street and off street) and it has a
major tram stop outside the door.
I’m currently
trying to gauge interest - and find out what times / days would work best for
most people. Please email me back if you’re interested in this and I’ll add you
to a list!
As far as I
know there are no inner city art quilt get togethers and I know I’d love to
spend an hour or two around creative types regularly.”
Email Neroli
Benefit Auction Deadline
Don’t forget
- 1 June 2015 is the deadline for your 12” x 12” auction piece.
World Quilt Competition Deadline
Brenda Gael
Smith writes –
“Entries for
the 2015 World Quilt Competition close on 18 May 2015.
Australian entry form is available at
Entries can
be submitted online, by e-mail or by post.
New Zealand
entry forms are available from Anne Scott at NZ Quilter
The World
Quilt Competition 2015 premieres in New England before touring to Pennsylvania,
Palm Springs and Santa Clara. Quilts
must be larger than 1296 square inches (eg 36in x 36in or 30in x 40in) and
completed since 2013.
Brenda Gael
World Quilt Coordinator”
Other Opportunities
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Health and Wholeness – 1 July 2015
- Urban Textures Challenge - 31 July 2015
- Concrete and Grasslands -
30 September 2015
- Stories of Migration - 31
October 2015
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Something New – 1 October 2015
- My corner of the
world (international) – 30 November 2015
- Tranquility – 31
January 2016
- Turmoil –
29 February 2016
See the SAQA website for more
information about the above.
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Helen Godden writes –
“This was the
Redirecting the Ordinary selection "A Close Shave". Hand painted with
Dye on calico and extreme free -motion graffiti quilting in back ground”
Helen Godden – “A Close Shave”
Helen Godden – “A Close Shave” (detail)
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to
If you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t
forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
April 2015
Hate to say
it – one quarter of the year gone! As we head into the cooler months it usually
means more inside time. I hope you are all finding the opportunity to create.
New Member Welcome!
First –
thanks to all the members who promote SAQA through their enthusiasm and
encouragement to others. It’s so great to see the membership increase.
Second – I
apologise if you are a new member and we have not formally welcomed you! There
was a changeover in systems at SAQA, and that may be why some people have not
appeared in this space in previous newsletters. Rest assured, we really
value your membership, your input, and what you bring to the group.
So – here are
the names of those coming up on the list as new members in 2015 who have not
been welcomed yet (if you aren’t a newie, well, you have received a double
welcome!! lol)
Sharon Bradley
Liana Christlo
Ellizabeth Dubblede
Helen Harford
Sharon Tyzzer Jewson
Alison Leslie
Mary Lewis
Catherine McDonald
Rhonda Stien
Welcome all!!
Meet Up at the AQC
Lisa Walton is organising a SAQA dinner on Thursday night at
the AQC in Melbourne and would love to hear from as many SAQA members who are
in town. Dinner will be in Lygon Street and is a great opportunity to meet and
chat with fellow SAQA Members. Contact Lisa - if you
would like to come along.
Exploring the SAQA Website – by Helen Beaven
Helen has put together another instalment of all that is on offer on the
SAQA website -
Member Listing
For a
listing of all SAQA members:
Members>Member Resources>SAQA
Member Directory
The page
will look something like this:
Use the
drop down boxes or the table to search.
Each member
is listed along with their location, contact details and website (if they have
If you get lost or can’t quite
find the right information, try the site map:
The site map
link appears at the bottom of every page.
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Pam Holland writes –
“I’m in
Mexico Teaching with now and it’s an amazing experience. I wrote this the other
day so it’s from my Journal.
‘Another day
begins and the daylight is tipping the trees.
For a Tutor,
teaching in a country in a foreign language is challenging and very rewarding. (I
don't speak Spanish).
The middle of
Mexico is a long way from Australia. Here I am surrounded by the most wonderful
Mexican friends. I'm in a totally Mexican environment, and we are managing to
share the ideas and techniques on Textile Art that I have created at home in my
studio in suburban Aldgate.
It’s more
than that though, it's a fusion of creativity and design. I capture as much as
I can with photographs which tell only part of the story. It's the history and
culture that is shared through conversations with vendors and artisans here
that complete the picture.
At an Art
Gallery in Patzcuaro I had the opportunity to teach Americans and indigenous
artisans who have never experienced a quilting class. They shared their art
with me and a joining of creativity has begun.
I’m teaching
9 classes throughout Mexico, every person in class is Mexican and it’s unique
to have a translator and two cameramen following me around the class. The video
is being translated into 15 languages and shared throughout the world.
Classes are
loud, bright and a lot of fun and I’m excited to be teaching this art to men as
well as women.
I count my
blessings that I'm able to be in this 'place' right now and I also thank the
troops back home for their observation of my passion... I will be home for an
extended time after July which will be a bit of a difference after years of
Cheers Pam”
Chris Hussey writes -
“I am the
workshop co ordinator for the Hobart-based textile group Stitching and
Beyond. I am organisng a workshop for Jeannette DeNicolis
Meyer very early February or late January for Stitching and
Beyond (dates not yet confirmed, but she has to be back in the
US by February 20). She will be in NZ and is going home to the US via Australia
to accommodate our workshop request. Her workshops
and fees are on her website, but she has told me she is choosing not
to offer Surface Design in Australia for a number of very good reasons. Cost-wise
for our group, this involves the one way airfare from NZ, plus internal
airfares in Australia, workshop fees and accommodation. We were happy to pay
this ourselves originally, but Jeanette is wondering if there are others
Jeanette is
looking for another workshop or two in Melbourne/ nearby Melbourne, coastal NSW
north of Sydney or perhaps southern Queensland. I envisage if say, another 2 or
3 groups joined with us, we could share the NZ-Australia airfare. A further
possibility is perhaps to divide the total internal airfare by 2 or 3,
depending on the groups that were involved as we are doing with Cas Homes visit
later this year, making the airfare component more equitable. Clearly each
group would be responsible for fees and accommodation costs for their part of
the tour.
If anyone is
interested, please could they email me (Chris) at”
Catherine McDonald writes -
“If anyone is
interested in teaching at the New Zealand Christchurch Quilt Symposium 2017
then they can register information on the website
and should do
this by the end of June. About 50 tutors are selected for the event with
several (20ish) from overseas.”
Tricia Smout writes
“My ‘Life’s
Golden Highlights’ piece was accepted into the Golden Textures Biennial
Contemporary Art Quilt Exhibition, displayed at Central Goldfields Art Gallery,
Maryborough, Victoria (21st February – 5th April 2015). It is 150 cm long and
39 cm wide. The photography is by Jolanta Szymczyk.
Occasionally, for the lucky few prospectors, gold appears as gleaming flecks
and nuggets and veins in otherwise seemingly worthless rock. Similarly glimmers
of hope and sparks of good fortune are hidden within the tedious dross and
trivia of our everyday existence. In times of stress and turmoil, we need to
develop the ability to seize these positive moments and embrace them. This
quilt features inspiring quotations about seizing offered opportunities,
seeking cheerful experiences and aiming high to bring our dreams to fruition,
while also making the best of the gloomy times. These gems of wisdom appear as
bright sparks, written, embroidered and beaded on glittery and black fabrics,
encased and surrounded by layers of less exotic materials.”
Life by Tricia Smout
Tricia’s piece will be travelling to the UK!! (see
Jenny Bacon writes –
Contemporary Art Quilts was on at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Neill
St., Maryborough Vic until 5th April 2015. The 2015 Acquisitive Prize was won
by Ruth de Vos for Banksia Spill. A selection of quilts from Golden Textures
will travel to Festival of Quilts in Birmingham UK in August 2015. We are an
independent show run by the Gallery and supported by the Central Goldfields
Council, not attached to any Guild, Group or Network, aiming to build a
collection of contemporary art in ‘quilted’ form to complement the rest of the
art collection held by this regional gallery. Open to any Australian quilt
artist, we will next be looking for Expressions of Interest in mid 2016.
If you wish to be on our mailing list please contact Curator: Jenny Bacon
Helen Godden writes –
‘SAQA Food
For Thought - my second SAQA exhibition i have entered and selected that’s 2/2.
First was Redirecting the Ordinary and it was sold for $1800 - I was going to
put $500 on it and they said NO NO NO so I was very pleased for their advice.
However I should have stopped there. 3rd entry for Wild fabrications was
rejected/not selected. That’s how it goes.
Food For
Thought - C is for…Couching. I am doing lots of experimental couching and
developing this new technique. I have created an entire landscape (Missoula
Montana, for CEO of Handi Quilter, look at his proud grin) piece and then this
vegetable still life, all couched with no digital image underneath just free
hand and I call the technique Couched Yarn Painting.
Montana Landscape by Helen Godden
Still Life
by Helen Godden
Still Life
(detail) by Helen Godden
Don’t forget
these opportunities!
- SAQA Journal – Health and Wholeness – May 1
- The
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
- Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge
using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
-Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
-Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
Benefit Auction 2015
Have you started your Auction Quilt yet? The
final deadline 1 June.
Not that far away! Full information:
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
March 2015
Greetings! Well,
2015 is truly off to a great start – lots of happenings to share.
New Member Welcome!
Maree Rogers
and Sharon Thomson are our two newest Oceania members. Hi from us all and great
to have you part of our region!
Exploring the SAQA Website -
- by Helen Beaven
Member FAQ
The SAQA website is full of useful information, for a list of membership
related frequently asked questions:
Scroll down past membership questions to also find:
General questions
Exhibition questions
Website/technical questions
For a different view:
Members > Member FAQ
For new
member information:
Members > Member FAQ > Information for New Members
If you get
lost or can’t quite find the right information, try the site map:
The site map
link appears at the bottom of every page.
writes: “I have 'Earth Bones #2' (see
below) showing in the Golden Textures Biennial Contemporary Art Quilt
Exhibition, Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Maryborough, Victoria 21st February
– 5th April 2015.
I have also
had 'Sea Blue' preliminary acceptance for the AQC True Blue challenge, but
shouldn't show you that one just yet.”
Sue Dennis writes: “I have 5 quilts in the Golden Textures
exhibition, currently on show at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery in
Maryborough, Victoria. The exhibition runs until April 5 with opening hours
being Thursday- Sunday 10am-4pm. My quilt ‘We all dance around the sun #2’ was
selected for the AQC True Blue Challenge touring exhibition. The exhibition
premiers in Melbourne during the Australasian Quilt Convention April 16-19.” Sue’s
work for Golden Textures is her ‘Seduced by the Imperfect’ series – see below
“I have two
exhibitions going back to back
1 ‘Filling In the Gaps’ (see image
below) a retrospective exhibition of past works. Layering and filling in the
gaps on textile art pieces using commercial
fabrics, haberdashery, beads, recycled items, stretch and furnishing fabrics
with a bit of glitz. Some of them are large wallhangings quilted and stitched
and some are hand stitched onto circular frames and art boards which, were used
to create the many and varied textile art works. On display at Rosalie Gallery Goomungee
Queensland (approx 60klms north west of Toowoomba) Gallery open Wednesday to
Sunday 10.00am to 3.30pm; exhibition on from the 18th March 2015 until 12th
April 2015.
Shifting Sands by Jan Scudamore
2 The second exhibition is one that has
been in the pipeline for over two years and this is a joint exhibition. Tessa
Wright and I worked to a theme titled "Aspects". This is a textile
and mixed media exhibition showcasing very different responses to the
contrasting features of the bush, rainforest, reef and rainforest. The whole
idea is to take the viewers on a journey as they wander through the gallery
looking at the works.
exhibition is on at the Lockyer Valley Regional Art Gallery at the Lake Apex
Community Centre Gatton Queensland from 11th April 2015 until 24th May 2015.
Forest Floor by Jan Scudamore
There is a
very sad twist to this exhibition. I attended the Quilt Symposium in Palmerston
North in NZ and on the very last day of the Symposium, I received a message to
phone back to Oz urgently. I did and learned that Tessa had passed away
suddenly. Tessa and I were very close and worked very well together, especially
when putting this exhibition together.
I made the
decision to continue with the exhibition and over the past few weeks, I have
had to complete not only her works, but my own. Some of the things we had
planned won't happen, but nevertheless, I am sure the whole idea of the
exhibition will remain and I am treating it as if she is still taking part. I
personally have been in grief mode, as I finish the projects and touch her
An article
about the exhibition is now appearing in the Textile Magazine by TAFTA and
written by Toowoomba Chronicles Art Critic - Sandy Pottinger. Which has been a
great thrill and compliments the exhibition.
One never
knows what around our corner. And I wondered if anyone in the group has ever
experienced a similar situation.”
work ‘The Fallen’ (see below) has been selected for the AQC True Blue Challenge,
touring exhibition.
Postcards for
IS STILL TIME!!! A reminder about my address -
Estaway Ct
QLD 4157
postcard just needs to be a regular size – approx 4in x 6in. Put your details
on the back – name, city/town, state, email addy – and any other information
you wish. Also, please let us know if you’d like the postcard returned.
anyone wants to chat about ideas for their postcard, we are here to help – just
drop use a line. Ali -; Kate -
Don’t forget
these opportunities!
Spotlight Auction – March
A chance to have your work showcased at the
Fiberlandia Conference in Portland
Two by Twenty – March 31
accepted artists will show two pieces that relate to each other in some way.
This exhibition will feature SAQA artists whose work has not appeared in a SAQA
exhibition in the past three years.
SAQA Journal – Health and
Wholeness – May 1
The Tasmanian Art Quilt
Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge
using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’ ,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
Concrete and Grasslands –
September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration:
Contemporary Artists Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
Benefit Auction 2015
Have you started your Auction Quilt yet? Early
bird entries are due in on 1
April with the final deadline 1 June. Not that far away! Full information:
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
January/February 2015
Hi Everyone!
First Newsletter of the
year – which promises to be wonderful on many levels!
New Member Welcome!
A warm welcome to Alex
Shaefer, Judy Schaefer and Chris Beardsley. Lovely to have you part of SAQA.
Stay connected!
There are a few ways to
connect with the SAQA community.
- Locally
- the OMG! Oceania Mentorship Group, the new challenge is ‘Balance’. This
is a low key, encouraging and interesting page to check and get
inspiration! -
- Worldwide
– there is a Yahoo Discussion Group for SAQA members only; request
membership at –
don’t forget to include your full name in your request!
- Worldwide
- the Visioning Project is about visualizing goals and dreams and making
them happen, with members helping each other with support, networking, and
resource information; contact Suzan Engler if you’re interested –
- Worldwide
– the SAQArtique group is open to all SAQA members and members offer critiques
in the spirit of a shared interest in quilting as an art form and
improvement of each person's talents; contact Martha Ginn if this interests
you -
In case you missed Charlotte Scott’s
message on google groups – two visitors are looking to meet up with NZ
Charlotte writes –
“Hi everyone,
After sending out emails to organise a SAQA
meet up at the NZ Symposium, I've received a couple from international SAQA
members who will be in NZ this year and are interested in meeting other
I've sent personal emails to both Uta and
Lisa, but if there are any other NZ members who would like to be in touch with
them, I've included their messages for you.
Charlotte Scott
From Uta Lenk, co-rep for SAQA
Europe/Middle East; Mozartstr. 6, 84137 Vilsbiburg, Germany; e-mail:
“Hello Charlotte - I saw your notice on the
yahoo group. I won't be there at this time - but I am coming to NZ in November.
I'll be in Wellington first for a few days, and then biking a bit. Would love
to meet people, if there is interest. Perhaps you could mention it when you get
Greetings, UtaBlog -
SAQA Europe/Middle East's Blog:
From Lisa Call –
“Hi Charlotte,
I'm going to be in New Zealand in April to
teach a workshop and afterwards I'll be traveling around the country for about
3 weeks. I'd love to connect with other saqa members while there. Is there some
sort of local list or maybe a facebook group for new zealand saqa-ers?
Quilt Symposium Manawatu, New Zealand
Quite a few members were
at the Symposium held in Palmerston North from 16 to 21 January. By all reports
it was a fun time of learning and sharing.
Charlotte Scott interviewed Melanie Martin whose graffiti-inspired work was awarded Best of Show. You can listen to the interview on Charlotte’s blog, here -
Alison Laurence won
first prize in the Games Up challenge with "Hopscotch", and her quilt
was selected to tour with the Suitcase Exhibition.
Helen Beaven's quilt 'No
Sew HSTs' won a merit award in the 'Inspired Fibres' Category at the Symposium.
The description of the Inspired Fibres Category is as follows ‘Without freedom,
there is no creation in thread and fibre play. Innovative use of fibres and
threads but must bear some resemblance to a quilt.' Helens’ quilt is wool and
other fibres felted on to an acrylic felt base then quilted. It is her take on
half square triangles - just the no sew variety.
Viewers’ Choice was won
by Mathea Daunheimer for ‘Fragility - Kina on Rangiputa’. The images below are
lovely details of her work. She was interviewed on ‘The Ambitious Quilter’ blog
Mathea’s blog is Esparta Fiber Arts
Brenda Gael Smith was in New Zealand teaching and
exhibiting. Photos from the Living Colour! exhibition at Te Manawa gallery
(Palmerston North) and NorthArt Gallery (Auckland) can be viewed at:
Postcards for Portland
Thanks for the
cards I’ve received so far – I think we will blow people away with our
A reminder about my
address -
Kate Oszko
9 Estaway Ct
Capalaba QLD 4157
The postcard just
needs to be a regular size – approx 4in x 6in. Put your details on the back –
name, city/town, state, email addy – and any other information you wish. Also,
please let us know if you’d like the postcard returned.
If anyone wants to
chat about ideas for their postcard, we are here to help – just drop use a
line. Ali -; Kate -
Call For Entry – All SAQA
- Balancing Act – deadline of 28 February
This show celebrates women both throughout history and today--and
is open to any interpretation each artist feels inspired to depict.
- Spotlight Auction – March 20
A chance to have your work showcased at the Fiberlandia
Conference in Portland
- Two by Twenty – March 31
Twenty accepted artists will show two pieces that relate to
each other in some way. This exhibition will feature SAQA artists whose work
has not appeared in a SAQA exhibition in the past three years.
- SAQA Journal – Health and Wholeness – May 1
- Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’ ,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
- Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the
human constructed cityscape.
- Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists Interpret
Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme ‘Diaspora’.
Call For Entry -
The Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’. The
major prize of $3000 is sponsored by Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July
2015. www.
SAQA Benefit Auction
Have you started your Auction Quilt yet?
Early bird entries are due in on 1 April – this means that
your piece will be eligible for all publicity images. The final deadline is 1
June. Not that far away! Who is planning theirs? Any tips or tricks you’d like
to share with us?
Full information:
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership
– email them to
If you could prepare the text
yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images
wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep creating!!!
Ali, Susie and Kate
December 2014
Hi Everyone!
So it’s the last
Newsletter of the year. What a year 2014 has been!
New Member Welcome!
It’s wonderful to see the SAQA membership growing – a
warm welcome to all our new members who have recently joined. We'll be sending you an individual invitation to join our Oceania Google Group as well as the OMG! (Oceania Mentorship Group) shortly - we're thrilled to have you in the Oceania region.
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
How are you progressing
with the ‘Roots’ challenge? It has got a lot of us thinking about what it means
to us. Join the discussion and sharing –
Get Togethers
Are you heading to the NZ
Quilt Symposium in Palmerston North in January 2015? How about a gtg with other
SAQAers? Charlotte Scott is happy to
coordinate this, so drop her a line if you want to catch up -,
or ring her on (NZ) mobile phone - 0277524648.
Oborn Jefferis who
would very much like to
meet up with some other SAQA members who live in Adelaide. Contact her on if
you are in the area and would like to get together.
Our Members of Brisbane (MOB) gtg on 13 December was a
good way to catch up with what everyone was doing – and some shopping at the
Gallery Gift shop may have occurred…
(Back row, from left – Sue Dennis, Mel Forrest, Kate
Oszko; Front row, from left – Kathryn Iliff, Janet Jackson)
The dates for 2015 are:
- Saturday 14 March
- Saturday 13 June
- Saturday 12 September
- Saturday 12 December.
Are you in another city/state and are looking to meet
with other SAQA-ers? Let us know and we might be able to do some matchmaking!
Postcards for Portland
Have you made your
post card yet? It would be great to have them sent to me by the end of January.
My address -
Kate Oszko
9 Estaway Ct
Capalaba QLD 4157
It just needs to be
a regular size – approx 4in x 6in. Put your details on the back – name,
city/town, state, email addy – and any other information you wish. Also, please
let us know if you’d like the postcard returned.
A special message from
Lisa Walton:
Hello Oceania Members.
In addition to
membership fees, SAQA depends on your voluntary donations to provide the rich
and varied programs that inspire, motivate, educate and develop quilt artists
and to promote the appreciation of art quilts throughout the world.
Every gift and
every donor count! Participation from
the entire SAQA community sends a message to the larger art world, increasing
recognition for art quilts and the artists who make them.
I know that we all
benefit from SAQA in different ways including selling and displaying our work
through the Benefit Auction and Exhibitions. It would be wonderful if you would
make a donation to the End of Year Appeal so that we can continue to benefit
from this great organization.
Please lend your
support by making a gift today (there is a button above) and
show that the Oceania members appreciate everything that SAQA does for us.
I hope you all have
a wonderful Festive Season and look forward to meeting up with many of you in
the New Year. I will try and organize a get together at the AQC and Symposium
in NZ. If you are interested please let
me know.
Thank you
Lisa Walton
Vice President – SAQA
Call For Entries
New - Balancing Act
Premiere Venues: International Quilt Festival, Houston,
Texas -- October 2015; International Quilt Festival, Chicago, Illinois -- June
2016; Quilt! Knit! Stitch! Portland, Oregon -- August 2016; additional venues
to be announced (work must be available to travel from September 2015 to
December 2018).
Exhibit Concept: Throughout history, women have had to
balance responsibilities to community, home and family while pursuing other
interests, jobs or careers. From those who helped farm the land to those who
worked the factories during wartime, to those who stand shoulder to shoulder
with men to pursue careers, and those who serve as caregivers; women have
always had to juggle the various aspects of their lives.
This show celebrates women both throughout history and
today--and is open to any interpretation each artist feels inspired to depict.
What have we accomplished that we now enjoy as rights and freedoms that our
grandmothers and their grandmothers did not? What obstacles are left to
conquer? We encourage both representational and abstract work.
Jurors: Lynn Bassett, Sue Bleiweiss; Managing Curator: Cynthia St. Charles
Full Information:
New - Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists Interpret Diaspora
Premiere Location: Textile Museum, Washington, D.C. from
mid March through late August 2016.
Exhibition Concept: Housed in the new George Washington
University Museum, The Textile Museum is hosting a juried exhibition in collaboration
with SAQA. All works will reflect upon the theme of "Diaspora."
Diaspora is the dispersion of a people from an established ancestral homeland.
These communities remain simultaneously active in social, economic, cultural,
or political processes in their country of origin and with compatriots
worldwide. In addition to presenting the pieces selected by jurors, the
exhibition will feature social, cultural and historical commentary by faculty
members of GW's acclaimed program in Diaspora Studies.
Jurors: Lee Talbot, Curator of Eastern Hemisphere
Collections at The Textile Museum; Rebecca A. T. Stevens is Consulting Curator,
Contemporary Textiles at The Textile Museum
SAQA Administrators: Leni Levenson Wiener and Patty
Kennedy-Zafred; Please contact with any questions regarding this
prospectus (full prospectus online).
Reminder - The Tasmanian Quilting Guild and
the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery have announced the theme for the 2015 Tasmanian
Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’. An entry form can be downloaded from
www. Entries close on 31 July 2015. The major prize of
$3000 is sponsored by Bernina Australia. Last year the winner was our very own Sandra Champion.
Reminders - SAQA has a range of opportunities for
creating and entering work in collections, exhibitions and the Journal – here
are the current ones:
- Wild Fabrications - Deadline for Entry is January 31,
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Creatures - Deadline is
February 1, 2015
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Health and Wholeness - Deadline
is May 1, 2015
- Concrete and Grasslands - Deadline for Entry is September
30, 2015
The Pi Project
From the SAQA ebulletin. Sally Sellers writes -
‘If you don't know about The Pi Project, let me tell you
about it: it is an international public art project celebrating the number Pi.
Digits are made by individual participants on fabric (hooray for fiber art!)
and sewn together in the precise order in which they appear in Pi. The result
is a fabric "ribbon" that could be 200 feet or 2000 feet, depending
on participation.
The Pi Project is gathering steam, but I still need
numbers, especially from fiber artists! The public has responded positively and
I've received many digits on 9.5" square (24 cm) pieces of fabric. The
squares need not be fancy at all. The deadline is Jan 31, 2015, although ASAP
is a far better deadline. Please send me a digit, and spread the word to
others. For more complete information, go to’
2015 Auction Quilts
Are you the person we’re looking for? Someone who can get
us organized and on track for next year’s auction?
We don’t see it taking up too much time, just a few
reminders here and there for those of us who need the encouragement.
Drop any of us a line if this is speaking to you!
Get ready for an
exciting new opportunity for Oceania members in 2015 – we can’t say too much
yet, as final details have to be sorted. BUT we can say that it will be a
wonderful chance to be part of a touring exhibition. Stay tuned!
Beth Miller writes –
‘My quilt, Canberra the Planned City, was accepted into
the Sweinfurth Art Center, Quilts = Art = Quilts. The exhibition runs until
January 4 2015. I was lucky enough to win the Catherine Hastedt Award for
Workmanship for this quilt.’
Well done Beth!
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership
– email them to or
If you could prepare the text
yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images
wherever possible!
Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
From all of us – we wish you all the very
very best for this time of year. We hope you have plenty of time to rest and
recharge. We hope you have time to be creative or to start planning for the new
year. We look forward to catching up again in 2015 for another amazing year.
Signing off for 2014
Ali, Susie and Kate
October 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the October newsletter. No, your calendar is not wrong – it IS November, but better late than never!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome Jennifer Bacon and Rae Poon new SAQA members in our region. Good to have you on board! We know
you’ll find lots of resources and news that will help you in your journey as
As reps, we are sent
membership updates about once a month. But if you think someone should be
mentioned here that isn’t, or if you’re getting this Newsletter and you’re no
longer a member – please let us know!
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
The OMG! (Oceania
Mentorship Group) on Facebook has been a great success. With the first
challenge, Ali got us thinking about ‘unity’ and some of us have shared our work
– not all of it complete. Joining the group is well worth it, as it gives
another perspective on our art. There is no pressure to ‘do’ anything, but of
course, sharing is encouraged, if that’s what works for you.
Sue Reno launched the
second challenge on 1 October – and her chosen theme is ‘Roots’. If you haven’t
already, check out the discussion and the way the theme has resonated with
The OMG! Facebook page
is at and ask to join!
Feedback Very Much Appreciated!!
Thanks to all the
members who responded to our question about whether non-SAQA members can be
part of OMG! We really appreciate the time you took to let us know your
thoughts. As reps, we aim to do what you as members want/need. So if you have
any other ideas/suggestions, they are more than welcome.
Travelling Trunk Show G – Our 25th Anniversary
Trunk Show
Trunk Show G is heading
to Adelaide in a few days. As usual, Ali will be the official escort, and would
LOVE to say ‘hi’ to any local SAQA-ers.
Get Togethers
Members of Brisbane (MOB) – get ready for a slight change
of meeting date. The quarterly gtg at the Queensland Art Gallery Café will now
be the SECOND Saturday of the new season. This will free up some members who
previously had clashes.
So, our next meeting will be 13 December, 10am.
In 2015, we’ll meet on Saturday 14 March, Saturday 13
June, Saturday 12 September, and (planning waaay ahead now) Saturday 12
Everyone – locals and visitors – very welcome!
SAQA – What’s In It
For You?
We often get asked about the benefits of being a member.
A good question. Here are some of the things your membership offers you.
In June and July Mel Forrest and Helen Beaven wrote about
the resources available on the SAQA website. There is heaps there, so it’s
worth a re-read of their articles. Plus, Helen has put together some
information for this Newsletter – all about Webinars – see below!
SAQA also offers members many opportunities to
participate in juried exhibitions. Go to the SAQA website, click on the
Resources tab at the top of the page, then click on ‘Calls for Entry’. Or go
here - You’ll see a list of deadlines
and dates with a clickable link to more information. Always worth a look to see
what’s on offer. This information is also mentioned in the regular e-bulletin
sent to members.
How about submitting your work for the SAQA Journals?
Read about the requirements and deadlines in the current e-bulletin, or here - It’s a great opportunity to
showcase your response to a particular them or idea to the broader SAQA world.
At a more local level we have:
- this Newsletter where
we share information/successes/events
- our own regional blog
- – where you can find previous - Newsletters,
links to member blogs, and a link to the main SAQA website
- googlegroups – a
discussion group and a way of getting information to members quickly,
allowing for interaction as well
- OMG! Facebook
membership group
- Face to face get
togethers – at the moment there is one regular meet up in Brisbane, but
there are ad hoc ones tied in with local shows.
The main SAQA site has a page called ‘Maximize your SAQA
Membership in 5 Easy Steps’ – some good resources/information there as well -
Plus, we’re always open to other ways we can enhance your
SAQA experience – just let us know!
SAQA Webinars – by
Helen Beaven
Exploring the SAQA
Every now and then SAQA host a webinar, this is either
like a podcast (audio only) or a powerpoint presentation with audio. When these
are ‘aired’ live you can join and listen. Webinars are advised in the weekly
SAQA emails. The only one I’ve listened to live was at 8am NZ time – this would
have been way less convenient in the various Australian time zones! Fortunately
after the webinars have aired they are available on SAQA’s website.
The most recent webinars include:
- Trade Only Design
Library (TODL). This is a free research library and toolset for design
professional. More information here -
- Maximising Your SAQA
Membership in 5 Easy Steps. Includes information on connecting with other
members, professional resources, career development and marketing -
- 2014 Conference in
Washington, DC. This includes highlights from workshops, exhibits and
panel discussions.
- ‘Selling Art Quilts’
with Wen Redmond, Roxanne Lessa and Frieda Anderson -
To access the webinars you need to be logged on with your
SAQA username and password. Use the links above or to go directly to the webinars.
Or, to navigate the website, scroll to the very bottom on
the home page and select ‘site map’ ( – I find this
makes locating things on SAQA’s site a lot easier. Select ‘member resources’,
if you haven’t logged on to SAQA you’ll be asked at this point. Under
‘Professional Development’ select ‘Mentorship Webinar recordings’. There are
recordings back to 2007 on a wide range of topics.
Conference 2015 –
Portland Oregon
Are you going? A few of us have registered
for Fiberlandia, the SAQA Conference in Portland Oregon from April 30 - May
3, 2015.
If you go to this
web page - – you’ll see what’s planned,
and further details of dates and times and other information.
Lisa Walton’s first
hand account of the 2014 Conference was in the June Newsletter. Just head to
the blog, click on the tab ‘Newsletters’ and scroll down to June to read all
about it. This link will take you straight to the newsletters -
Postcards for Portland
We know that not
everyone can get to the Conference, for one reason and another, so Kate has cooked
up a way to take you all with her!
Wouldn’t it be
fabulous for SAQA-ers from around the world to see what Oceania artists get up
Here’s the idea –
send Kate a postcard showing your work – approx 4in x 6in. It can be a newly
created piece, or one you’ve already made and have kind of hanging around. Put
your details on the back – name, city/town, state, and email addy. You can add
anything else to this information side that you wish, but those details are a
minimum. Also, please let us know if you’d like the postcard returned. The only
cost to you will be the one way stamp to Kate.
The idea is to
showcase the work of EVERYONE in this region, so it would be just so awesome if
we could get a contribution from each member. I think members from elsewhere
will be blown away by the talent we have here.
2014 Benefit Auction
As at writing, all auctions have closed. Congratulations
to all those who submitted work – it was an absolute pleasure to browse the
immense variety of artwork for sale. If you missed the chance to bid, there is
still a chance to pick up something wonderful from the SAQA Store -
Help! A co-ordinator
for next year’s Benefit Auction contributions is needed!
In 2013, Jenny Bowker had this wonderful idea for an ‘Oceania
Collection’ of auction contributions. And it worked! We all got enthused,
created wonderful pieces and posted progress on our blogs.
How about we do it all again in 2015? Having a
co-ordinator will keep us on track, and make sure we don’t miss the submission
date. Can you do it? It won’t be hard, but will be such a help to get some of
us organized! Drop Ali/Susie/Kate/all of us a line if this is you!
Walton has just
released the first in her Creative Journeys ebook series. Book 1 is Fun and
Easy Textile Surface Design Technique and has lots of great photos and links to
videos. It is available through Lisa’s website or directly
from Amazon. Lisa would love it if you helped spread the word on your networks
as she is self publishing the series and would be very grateful for your
support. She also wrote a blog post which has more information about why she is
self publishing and more about what’s in the eBook -
The collection called ‘Australia Quilts’, curated by Brenda
Gael Smith, was a special guest country exhibit at the European
Patchwork Meeting in Alsace France. It was a big hit with viewers! The official
online gallery is at and there is a
selection of exhibition photos at
Another collection juried and curated by Brenda
Gael Smith, ‘Living Colour’, will be at the South Australia Festival of
Quilts 13-16 November. Suzanne Gummow will be presenting an
artist floor talk on Saturday and Sunday at 1.30pm.
On 8 November, busy Brenda Gael Smith will be giving a
presentation ‘Technology & Your Creative Practice’ at the Quilt Study
Group meeting (the Group is part of of The Quilters' Guild of NSW Inc,
Sydney). The meeting will commence at 2.00pm and go through until 4.30 pm.
There is a new venue - Glover Cottages, 124 Kent Street, Millers Point, Sydney. Guild
members $5.00 and non-guild members $10.00. Afternoon tea will be provided.
Hooworth is
having a solo show ‘Detour via The Silk Road’ at Timeless Textiles Gallery, 90
Hunter St Newcastle East. Opening 6pm -8pm 20th November until 14th
December 2014. Judy’s new work is influenced by journeys to China and Central
Asia in 2012/13. Inspired by embroidery and tile patterns from the region she
has connected with artisans from the past, recreating and reinterpreting their
designs with silk screened mono prints and intensive stitching in my quilts and
textile pieces.
Henderson manages
a Facebook group called ‘Textile Arts’ which has a challenge called ‘Horizons’
– entries (images) due by the last day of the year – 31 December. Go here for
more information -
Gael Smith’s
artwork was juried into Quilts=Art=Quilts, Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn,
NY: It will be on display form 1 November 2014 to 4 January 2015 along with the
work of other Australians: Dianne Firth, Beth Miller, Alison Muir and Judy
Hoowoorth (see below). See the listing at -
Hooworth writes -
My quilt ‘Creek Drawing #9’ has been juried in to ‘Quilts=Art=Quilts’ at The
Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn NY, USA. Another quilt, ’Rainy Day Dora Creek
#12’ was accepted for ‘Quilt National 2015’at the Dairy Barn Arts Center in
Athens, Ohio, USA from 23 May 2015 to
September 2015. This is the sixth time my quilts have been selected for
this prestigious event.
Carroll’s work ‘Eucalyptus
Melliodora’ has been selected as part of the Flying Arts Alliance Inc
Queensland Regional Art Awards touring exhibition. This year’s theme was ‘The
Sky’s the Limit’. Find more information here
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership
– email them to or
If you could prepare the text
yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images
wherever possible!
That’s all for now – see you next month
later this month!
Ali, Susie and Kate
September 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the September newsletter. We welcome two new
members to the Oceania group – welcome Dale Robson and Janet Wright.
Our first challenge comes to a close in the next day or so – with our second
challenge commencing on 1 October with Sue Reno as our guest artist. As
always, it is never too late to participate and you can find the OMG! Facebook
page at and ask to
My own thoughts about the first challenge are that 10 – 15 of our members
actively participated in the challenge and have responded positively to the
discussion, ideas, and suggestions. There are also a large number of members
who joined the Facebook group and do not participate and seem quite
comfortable on the sidelines. I think it is great to have so much interest–
although feedback on how the forum might be improved or enhanced is
always appreciated and welcomed.
I received a number of requests from non-SAQA members to join the group –
and it raised the question of whether the group should be open to anyone who
wishes to participate. The pros include introducing more people to SAQA and
the con is that the group was established to support Oceania members and
some may prefer to keep the group exclusively for SAQA Oceania members –
or broaden to any interested SAQA member – I don’t have a view one way or
the other and would appreciate feedback on your thoughts, if any, about
whether membership could or should be extended. Tell us what you think!
Lea McComas - A Horse of Course
Trunk Show G continues its tour around Australia –
having toured through Canberra and then Newcastle in
recent weeks. We are so appreciative of the support
provided by Expertise Events in travelling the trunk
show for us throughout its touring life “Down Under”.
Please let me know if you are interested in helping out
at any of the upcoming shows – a few hours being
available to talk about SAQA and introduce art quilts to
an inquisitive public would be greatly appreciated. Next
Lea McComas - A Horse of Coursedates are: Melbourne Stitches and Craft Show October 23-26, Adelaide Craft
and Quilt Fair November 13-16. I will be heading to Adelaide for the quilt show
– would love some company!
I’ve been able to travel with the exhibition a little this year – and there has
been a crowd favourite – which is Lea McComas’s A Horse of Course.
Members of Brisbane (MOB) gathered at
the Queensland Art Gallery Café on 6
September and spent a wonderful
morning (and for some lunch) before
taking in one or more of the exhibitions
on offer. A great opportunity to catch up
and were joined again by a resident
reptile. We are moving our get togethers
to the second Saturday of the new season – so for December that means we
will gather at 10am on Saturday 13 December.
Feel free to organise your own get-togethers and meet with other Oceania
members. Shows, Fairs and exhibitions often provide an opportunity to catch
Congratulations to Sue
Dennis who has had two
quilts accepted for the
Hands all Around touring
exhibition which premiers in
Houston at the International
Quilt Festival 2014 October
30-November 2. The
exhibition tours through
2015 to USA venues.
Sue Dennis - Flood #1: River Rising
Detail of Sue Dennis’ Shake the Tree,
also accepted into Hands All Around.
Sue was also selected to make work for
Golden Textures, a biennial
contemporary art quilt exhibition
hosted by the Central Goldfields Art
Gallery in Maryborough, Victoria.
Sue’s new series Seduced by the
Imperfect will debut at the exhibition
which runs from February 21- April 5,
Living Colour! continues on tour to the
following venues in 2014 Brisbane Craft
& Quilt Fair: 8-12 October 2014 with
daily curator floor talks by Brenda Gael
Smith at 1.30pm. Living Colour will also
be at the South Australia Festival of
Quilts 13-16 November 2014 with artist
floor talks on Saturday and Sunday at
1.30pm. Finally for 2014 (but more tour
dates in 2015 to be announced) at
Grenfell Art Gallery, Grenfell, NSW: 22
November-20 December 2014
Congratulations to all the SAQA
members who were curated into this
exceptional exhibition. I can’t wait to see it in the cloth in Adelaide.
Susie, Kate and I caught up recently in Brisbane, a wonderful evening
discussing all things Oceania and SAQA related. We had quite a few ideas
Putting together an Oceania SAQA Trunk Show to travel to Australia and
New Zealand in 2015 – 2016 comprising a piece from any participating
Oceania member – similar to existing SAQA Travelling Trunk Shows – a
specific size able to be mounted and sealed in plastic protective sleeves
Postcards from Oceania – to be taken to Portland, OR for SAQA’s 2015
conference – and the possibility of alternating between an Oceania
Collection for the Benefit Auction and blog hop (as for 2013) and an
Oceania Trunk Show in the alternate year (which could also travel to the
US or other regions)
An Oceania Conference – in 2016
Further developing OMG! – and thinking about making the challenge
pieces 12” x 12” to be consistent with the Benefit Auction
Applying for regional grant funding for SAQA Oceania specific events (in
conjunction with own source funding as required under SAQA’s
Next year’s conference will see a few Oceania members in attendance –and is
just around the corner. I’ve had to defer attendance due to family health
matters – which is disappointing because I know how much fun, professional
development and networking is possible at these events! In the meantime it
would be great to have a volunteer to write about their conference experience
for an upcoming newsletter – get in touch if you can contribute an article.
Kate will be preparing the October newsletter so please send anything art quilt
related for inclusion – we want to share what you are up to with other
members of the group.
That’s all the news for this newsletter, so until next month,
Ali, Susie and Kate.
August 2014
Hi everyone and welcome
to the August newsletter. August has been a huge month including the Out of the
Box at the Delmar Gallery in Sydney. Well done to everyone who contributed or
participated in workshops.
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
Our first challenge is
well underway. It’s not too late to join the conversation or participate, if
only from the sidelines – everyone’s view is most welcome. The OMG! Facebook
page is at and ask to join!
Travelling Trunk Show G – Our 25th Anniversary
Trunk Show?
Trunk Show G debuted in
Perth at the beginning of August and is now in Canberra for the Craft and Quilt
Fair. Many thanks to the Canberra Quilters for setting up and packing away the
trunk show – if any member is available to help out at any of the 25th
anniversary venues – please get in touch.
A Reminder: Art Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
Martha Sielman, SAQA’s Chief Executive
Officer is excited to announce that she has just signed a contract with
Interweave to write "Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts &
Geometrics". The book will include interviews with 20 Featured Artists
showing multiple works by each. Approximately 70 additional artists will have
their work showcased in the book's gallery sections. This is your opportunity
to be part of another great publication showcasing our art.
How to Submit for Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
Preliminary submission is via email. Send
· your name
· address
· phone number
· email address
· website URL
· titles of your submission(s)
Attach jpegs of up to 3 images of your art.
Images should be jpegs only, not larger than 1200 pixels in any dimension.
Please label each image file with last name_first name_title (e.g.
Sielman_Martha_Abstract 1).
is October 31, 2014.
Get Togethers
Members of Brisbane (MOB) it’s that time of the season
again – we’ll meet at 10.00am on Saturday 6 September in the usual place – the
Queensland Art Gallery Café. Can’t wait to see as many of you as can make it!
It was fantastic to get over to Perth again and catch up
with SAQA members – and a special thanks to Linda Stokes who looked after the
SAQA table during the show. We had lots of positive feedback about the 25th anniversary
exhibition – and it was so lovely to say “hi!” and compare threads.
Calls for entry
SAQA offers members many opportunities to
participate in juried exhibitions – to keep up to date with Calls for Entry
please go to the Resources tab on the website main page, then check the far
left column of options which includes “Calls for Entry”. Here’s the link
Deadlines and dates are covered off in the regular
e-bulletin sent to members.The current e-bulletin can be found at
Ever considered submitting your work for the SAQA
Journals? Read about the requirements and deadlines in the current e-bulletin.
It is a great opportunity to showcase your response to a particular them or
idea to the broader SAQA world.
The deadline for Food for Thought is fast approaching and
is open to all SAQA members. Deadline: September 30, 2014. This
exhibition will allow artists to explore any aspects of food that they find
inspirational – from a single piece of fruit, to a still life, to the family
table, to the significance of food in culture and the celebration of family milestones
and religious holidays. Please check the website for full details, terms and
2015 – Portland Oregon
Save the dates! April 30 - May 3, 2015. All
things being unequal, I’ll be attending the 2015 SAQA Conference in Portland,
Oregon. It will be a wonderful experience and a chance to get together with
other reps as well as around 300 SAQA members- all in the same place at the
same time – just magic!
Portland is easy to access out of either LA,
San Francisco or Seattle Airports. All conference details can be found
progressively on the SAQA website. If you are interested in finding out about
our annual conference, read Lisa Walton’s account in the June newsletter, or
talk to some of us who have had the privilege of attending in past years. The
benefits of attending are immeasurable – what about an Oceania contingent for
Help Needed –
Coordinating the Oceania 2015 Contributions to the Benefit Auction
We are getting in early – if you would like to coordinate
the Oceania 2015 Benefit auction collection and / or blog hop – please get in
touch with one of your reps (me, Susie or Kate). SAQA marketing is looking for
any members who recorded/documented the making of their 2014 contribution – and
would love to hear from anyone who did so – for marketing purposes. See your
latest ebulletin for more details.
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership –
email them to
- it is preferred if you help us out and prepare the
text yourself – so we can cut and paste – and don’t forget to include images wherever
That’s all the news for this newsletter, so
until next month,
Ali, Susie and Kate.
Hi everyone and welcome
to the July newsletter – it is hard to believe we are hurtling through winter
and approaching Spring again. We welcome new members Susanne Hadfield, Susan
Auden Wood and Neroli Henderson to SAQA and our Oceania region this month – a
big welcome to you all. July has been an exciting month for our group,
including the long awaited opening of Out of the Box at the Delmar Gallery in
Sydney on Friday night. Congratulations to all who are exhibiting and
especially to Susie Cujes who almost single-handedly pulled the exhibition and
workshops together.
Update – Welcome Kate Oszko
big welcome and thank you to Kate Oszko who has agreed to join me and Susie as
your Oceania Co-representative for the next two years. Kate brings a wealth of
experience and expertise and Susie and I are really excited to have the benefit
of Kate’s sage advice and being able to tap into Kate’s passion and enthusiasm
for SAQA and art quiltmaking.
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
Thank you too for the
nearly forty of you who are engaging with the mentorship group – our first
challenge being an exploration of “unity”. The OMG! is a resource for Oceania
members (apologies to anyone’s friend who tried to join and was declined but
being a SAQA member is a pre-requisite to being part of OMG!). There is no
pressure or obligation to join the group (facebook page), nor to post anything
or complete the challenge – the information provided is intended to help with
thinking processes and developing your creative practice. Take as much or as
little as you like! For anyone who would like to participate in the group –
please go to the OMG! Facebook page and ask to join! Here is the
post that launched “Unity” and you are most welcome to participate.
Challenge #1: Unity (finished piece 10"
wide by 12" long - like portrait rather than landscape setting), any
medium and combination of techniques.
dates: 1 July challenge starts; 1 August show and tell our exploration and
visual diary work, our creative thinking and sharing; 15 September - post
challenge pics and participate in ongoing discussion / feedback and learning. 1
October .... challenge #2
Exploring the SAQA Website –
newsletter we look at two different aspects of SAQA’s website – resources (Mel
Forrest) and exhibitions (Helen Beaven).
Resources by Mel Forrest
you first enter the SAQA website you land on the homepage which features a
monthly showcase of members works. From here there are several categories
(tabs) that you can dive into including: About Us, Artwork, Resources,
Join/Support and Members. Each main category breaks down further.
The category that
grabbed my attention for this month is the resources
category. The resources category subdivides further into nine sections
including: Art Services directory, Calender of events, Artist interviews,
Marketplace, Art Quilt Resources, SAQA Journal, SAQA Publications & Art
Quilt News.
this trip we’ll begin to explore the Art
Quilt Resources category and in particular Resource Articles a sub-category within Art Quilt Resources.
Sub-category Resource Articles contains links to articles which both inform and
guide the experienced and the not yet as experienced art quilter through all
those questions that pop up as we evolve through our artistic development.
get you started with exploring this generous section here are a couple of links
to articles contained within this sub-category.
Acquiring Your Own Voice by June O. Underwood
Finishing and Packing Techniques for
Professional Presentation by Susan Crouse-Kemp
Learn to Analyze Your Own Work by Kim Ritter
These three articles are
a small representation of what lies within the Resource Articles category.
So go ahead, dive in and enjoy exploring.
Exhibitions by Helen Beaven
view quilts in SAQA’s Exhibitions either go directly via or via menus on the webpage by clicking
through about us →what we do →SAQA Exhibitions
page details a bit of background for SAQA’s exhibitions and lists the most recent
exhibitions. The list of exhibitions is then divided into Current, Future,
Previous and Regional on the left hand side of the screen.
to Current (, displays the
exhibitions that are touring various locations. For each exhibition the quilts
can be viewed (and purchased), also view the show schedule, curator and juror’s
Using Text Messages
exhibition as an example (,
I have a quilt in this exhibition and as I was writing this have read for the
first time the curator and juror’s statements
( where I’ve been mentioned!
Being able to
see what the juror was looking for and how they choose quilts for an overall
look is invaluable – I’ve never seen this sort of detail in any New Zealand
exhibitions I’ve entered. Be inspired by the quilts and challenged to have
a go and enter a SAQA exhibition.
Many thanks to Mel and
Helen for their research efforts and time which is greatly appreciated by all
of us.
Travelling Trunk Show G – Our 25th Anniversary
Trunk Show
Show G is heading over to Perth for the WA Craft Fair from Friday 1 to Sunday 3
August. I will be at the show again this year delivering floor talks and
providing demonstrations as well as catching up with SAQA members. If anyone
would like to come to the show and help out on the SAQA stand or just drop in
for a chat – please do. (Image: Diane Melms, Tango)
After Perth, the Trunk
Show will travel to Canberra Craft and Quilt Fair from August 21-24 – then on
to the Newcastle Stitches and Craft from September 11 to 14. The Trunk Show
will then travel to Melbourne from October 23 to 26 – for the Melbourne Stitches
& Craft Show. From November 13-16 the Trunk Show will be at the Adelaide
Craft & Quilt and then to Sydney and Brisbane in March 2015 for the
Stitches and Craft Shows before returning to the USA. Expertise Events has been
a huge supporter of the travelling Trunk Show and provides transport between
each event.
If any member is able to
either attend or help with the exhibition at any of its venues (I’ll also be
travelling to Adelaide) – simply being present to talk about SAQA would be
wonderful - then please let me know and I can make the necessary arrangements.
Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
Martha Sielman, SAQA’s
Chief Executive Officer is excited to announce that she has just signed a
contract with Interweave to write "Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts
& Geometrics". The book will include interviews with 20 Featured
Artists showing multiple works by each. Approximately 70 additional artists
will have their work showcased in the book's gallery sections. This is your
opportunity to be part of another great publication showcasing our art.
SDA website)
How to Submit for Art
Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
submission is via email. Send
of your submission(s)
jpegs of up to 3 images of your art. Images should be jpegs only, not larger
than 1200 pixels in any dimension. Please label each image file with last
name_first name_title (e.g. Sielman_Martha_Abstract 1).
is October 31, 2014.
Flying Arts Alliance – Professional Development
Flying Arts Alliance Inc
offers a number of professional development opportunities for visual artists.
Sessions are often available online – check the program for full details.
Information and contact details for Flying Arts can be accessed at
Curator Development
Over 5 workshops
sessions during Sept – Nov the Curator Development Project offers intensive
training to emerging curators wanting to develop their curatorial skills. Each
session will cover principles and practice of curatorship as participants
prepare for an exhibition which will be held at JWCoCA over December and
January. There are limited places available and interested participants are
invited to a briefing session at the Judith Wright Centre on Saturday 9 August
at 2 pm.
development Workshop 4 Artists
3 August - How to facilitate an arts workshop - Valeska Wood
a workshop for other artists or students can be a stimulating, sharing
experience and another way to augment your income. In this workshop
participants will learn about the role of a facilitator, how to prepare and
plan for a workshop as well gain valuable insight into managing group dynamics
and evaluating the learning experience. It is all the things you need to know
about planning and managing a successful arts workshop.
Where: Judith Wright
Centre of Contemporary Arts, 420 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley, Time: 10am -
4pm, Cost: $55 ($45 for members) BYO Lunch
Artist Consultations –
Live and Online
29 August - Artist Consultation - Simone Oriti (Urban Art Projects)
is an opportunity to have a professional discussion about your art, your
practise and your career direction with experienced curator and exhibition manager
Simone Oriti (nee Jones).
Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts - Flying Arts Office
Remote sessions via
SKYPE also available. Time: 1 hr time slots; Cost: $45 per hour ($35 for
members). Call Paul on 3216 1322 to book a time
Artist Talk Online –
Queensland Wide via Web TV
11 August - Artist Talk - John Stafford & Jennifer Marchant
instructive and more than just interesting - visual arts champion John Stafford
interviews public artist and graphic designer Jennifer Marchant who has
recently completed the work “Sunset Strip” for the Brunswick Street Mall
All you need for this
session is a computer, speakers and an internet connection.
What’s On
Out of the Box continues
at the Delmar Gallery, Trinity Grammar School in Sydney until 3 August 2014.
For more information contact Susie Cujes who has pulled this exhibition of
textile and fibre artists together. We’ll have a review of the exhibition for inclusion
in our next newsletter.
Conference 2015 –
Portland Oregon
the dates! April 30 - May 3, 2015. A message from the Conference Committee:
planning is taking place now. We look forward to welcoming you to Portland
next year. Come early and stay after to enjoy all that Portland and the
surrounding area has to offer. It is a short 2 hour drive to the mountains, the
coast, Mt. St. Helens volcano, and the Columbia River Gorge is an hour away. We
also have some wonderful museums, great galleries and fantastic fabric stores!
We are planning a wonderful conference for you all. "
Who is coming to
conference in 2015? Portland is exceptionally easy to access out of either LA,
San Francisco or Seattle Airports and fares for April / May 2015 are well
priced. All conference details can be found progressively on the SAQA website.
If you are interested in finding out about our annual conference, read Lisa
Walton’s account in last month’s newsletter, or talk to some of us who have had
the privilege of attending in past years. The benefits of attending are
immeasurable – what about an Oceania contingent for 2015?
Material for
Inclusion in Your Newsletters
through celebrations and awards, information about exhibitions or general
matters of interest to our membership – email them to - it
is preferred if you help us out and prepare the text yourself – so we can cut
and paste – and don’t forget to include images wherever possible.
all the news for now. As the little sign on my wall says “Be gorgeous. Shine
brightly. Love Life!”.
Until next time
Ali, Susie and Kate
June 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the June newsletter – there’s
lots to share including Lisa Walton’s account of SAQA’s Capitolizing on Fiber
Conference celebrating 25 years of SAQA.
After a lengthy and excruciating wait (I think Bill Reiker
will have to share the story, not me!) the 25th Anniversary Trunk Show G
arrived at home – and I am now the custodian of 50 beautiful
framed art quilts ready to tour Australia and New Zealand
until April 2015. This is Diane Firth’s Stony Desert #3 – other artists include
Alicia Merrett (River Flow #3) and Hsin-Chen Lin (The Forest III). If nothing
else we are reminded that it is the quiet persistence and development of our work
that pays off – I can’t wait to share the trunk!
Oceania Mentorship Group Launches
We have lift off – the OMG! group has its own Facebook
page – with a fresh challenge each quarter. What’s involved? Participants
explore a challenge theme– whether that’s working in a visual diary or journal,
gathering ideas and/or designs – it’s the thinking part of the process. We’ll
share / provide comments to each other through the fb page – with resources
provided to help participants engage meaningfully in providing constructive,
appreciative feedback. Then the 2nd and part of the 3rd month are spent
creating a piece in response to the challenge theme – members are invited to
participate as much or as little as they like – it’s a personal commitment to
yourself. We’ll then share thoughts and learnings in the final fortnight before
the next challenge commences. Everyone is welcome to participate. Here’s the
link and the first challenge
has been posted!
Capitolizing on Fiber– SAQA 25th Anniversary
Alexandria Virginia May 2014
Here’s Lisa Walton’s first-hand account of her first SAQA
conference and first as a member of the SAQA Board. It really is a special
experience to attend and the 2012 joint conference of SAQA and the Surface
Design Association held in Philadelphia, I can’t wait to go again. I love the
speed dating and as Lisa found out … get postcards of your work to showcase at these
and similar events. I’ll never forget the speed dating moment when I realised
they meant for you to take 50 ordinary artist postcards made of paper … not the
18 inch high stack I had stitched over the three months leading up to
conference! Happy reading and thank you Lisa.
Here is Lisa’s account of the 2014 Conference …
I was extremely thrilled to be going to my first SAQA
Conference and it certainly lived up to all expectations.
As a member of the Board of Directors I went a day early
to attend the AGM which was a great opportunity to meet all the Board face to
face. Monthly conference calls are fine but there is nothing like actually
meeting in person. The Board recently decided to change the changeover date for
terms to June so this May meeting also serves as a crossover of retiring and new
Board members. I think I volunteered for too much but time will tell.
The Conference was held this year in Alexandria Virginia
which is just on the Potomac River near Washington DC so although I could have
done the tourist thing this time I just stayed close to the venue as Alexandria
does have some beautiful old buildings and sights.
Some of the highlights for me at the Conference
Artists Speed Dating – sounds weird but each table
(starting off with each region at their own table so I was on the Overseas
members table) introducing themselves for about 90 seconds and talking about
their works and giving out business or postcards cards. When the table was done
we moved to another table and repeated the exercise – about five times in all
so you got to meet a great selection of artists. It was very funny trying to
describe yourselves in such a short time. Note to self – get some postcards
done of your work.
The Break Out Sessions were wonderful. I attended Lesley
Riley’s session on How to be your own Art Coach and Gregory Case’s session on Photographing
your textile and fibre art like a professional and both were fascinating and
entertaining presentations. My only regrets were that the sessions weren’t
repeated later so I could have attended some of the others – Promote your work
without apologizing, Digital designing with Photoshop and What is a Voice and
how do I find it. I was able – the next day to attend one of Sandra Sider’s
Critiquing Contemporary Quilt Art which was really enlightening. Sandra’s skill
and style and knowledge was fascinating to watch. I attended as an observer
rather than one of the participants.
Another highlight was a trip out to a museum to see the
new SAQA Exhibition Radical Elements. (
I really hope it travels to Australia as it was so interesting. Oceania was represented
by Dianne Firth – Silicon.
One night we had a silent auction of over 60 8” x 10”
works and the bidding was fast and furious. Based on the previous year we were
expecting to raise about $5000 so it was absolutely amazing to tally up the
total at the end to find we had raised over $10000. I kept getting outbid and the
two quilts I really wanted finally went for $1000 and $700 so I obviously had
good taste.
As it was the 25th Anniversary of SAQA we were honoured
to have Yvonne Porcella who started SAQA give a presentation of a history of where
and why SAQA started as well as the history of her work. What an amazing woman
and she has achieved so much. There was also a really entertaining panel discussion
with all (except one) Presidents of SAQA.
One thing, which really made an impression on me and gave
me great food for thought was that I really am an artist and I need to work
more towards this part of me. It is my driving force and although the teaching
and writing is a major part of what I do – I need to remember to create for
I really recommend attending a SAQA Conference and look
forward to Portland Oregon April 30-May 3 2015.
Out of the Box Exhibition
Pieces for the Out of the Box exhibition are starting to
arrive – your contribution is welcome and this is a great opportunity to put your
work into an exhibition where you’ll be amongst friends and a whole lot of
fibre art talent. Susie is looking forward to receiving more of your entries –
keep working on finishing any outstanding pieces and arrange to have them sent
to Susie in the next few weeks. This fibre art expo and exhibition runs from 25
July until 3 August 2014 at the Delmar Gallery, Trinity Grammar School, Sydney.
Full details can be found in the latest issue of Down Under Textiles (page 9)
and any queries please get in touch with Susie direct. Please send your
exhibition pieces to Susie c/- Trinity Grammar School, 119 Prospect Rd, Summer
Hill, NSW 2130
Getting to know SAQA and Exploring the
SAQA Website
A big thank you to Helen Beaven for doing some research
for us on the SAQA website – if you haven’t had time to explore all that SAQA
has to offer then this first instalment introduces us to the Juried Artist
Directory. Many thanks Helen.
Juried Artist Directory
To view the Juried Artist’s Directory and a great
selection of quilts either go directly via or
via menus:
about us →who we are →juried artist
For the definition of a ‘Juried Artist’ click on Juried
Artist Guidelines on the left hand side of the screen (
There are 13 pages of artists (in alphabetical order)
each with 25 artists.
Selecting Juried Artist Gallery
shows a random slideshow of different artist’s work. To move through the images
use the navigation arrows. Clicking an image provides more information.
Enjoy going through the pages and viewing the quilts.
Celebrations and congratulations
The fourth biennial PETITE: Miniature textiles opened on
14 June 2014 and will be at the Wangaratta Art Gallery until 27 July 2014. The
exhibition features the work of one hundred textile artists including Brenda
Gael Smith’s High Country Lupins #2. Congratulations to Brenda on not only having
her work selected but sharing the challenge of working in a smaller context.
Get togethers
I’ll be in Perth from 31 July through to 4 August
accompanied by Trunk Show G. Thanks to everyone organising a get together – I
can’t wait to catch up again. I’ll also be in Adelaide later in the year (from
6 – 16 November) and would love to catch up if that’s at all possible.
Until next time, take care and happy creating
Ali and Susie
everyone and it’s both welcome to and goodbye April. I hope you all had some
time doing the important things in life over the Easter and Anzac Day breaks – many
people seemed to combine the adjacent weekends and turn the fortnight into a
very creative experience.
love this time of year – the change of seasons, even if in some parts the
visual accompaniment to the temperature change isn’t quite as dramatic as in
the more southern part of our countries. It’s not just the autumn colours –
it’s the way the humidity gives way to dry air and clear night skies. Just
lots of magic happening in Oceania region – thanks to everyone who sent
information and news items – it is wonderful to be able to share successes and
other interesting things with everyone. Our best wishes go to members facing
health and other challenges – you are in our thoughts.
Out of the Box (non-SAQA Exhibition)
of the Box is an exhibition being coordinated by Susie and is open to textiles
artists including any member of the SAQA Oceania group. It is time to start
sending Susie your pieces for the exhibition. This is a friendly reminder to
get cracking and start packing. Susie has recently moved back into her
renovated house and has a room ready to store your works. Please feel free to
contact Susie if you need further info and don't forget your return postage address
and title of your piece.
your pieces to:
Cujes, Trinity Grammar School,119 Prospect Rd, Summer Hill, NSW 2130
forget to include $20 for the first piece to cover postage and advertising.
There will be an advertisement in the next Down Under textiles! Pamphlets are
available –contact Susie for more information.
Get Togethers
March Susie (left) had a wonderful morning in Auckland having a cuppa with two
SAQA members Alison Laurence (centre) and Maureen Heywood (right). It was great
to catch up with fellow artists and discuss the struggles and satisfaction we
experience in the creative process.
of Brisbane (MOB) also get together on the 1st Saturday of the new season – at
the Queensland Art Gallery Café – next meeting will be the first Saturday in
June – meet around 10am for morning tea and bring something for show and tell.
Please email me ( if you are able to join us – it helps
book the table and I can let everyone know if something comes up - all welcome.
Repsevicius wants to hear from WA members who would like to get together in a
similar way to that of the MOB – please get in touch with Lisa is you would
like to meet up – Lisa can be contacted at:
and Celebrations
in far north Queensland, Lucy Carroll had her quilt, Work Ready,
accepted into SAQA’s Redirecting The Ordinary Exhibition. Lucy says she
really enjoyed making Work Ready – which has taken her to some new
places as far as design goes and it gave Lucy an excuse to take lots of
pictures of her husband in uniform!
says she is grateful for the support of other Oceania members and looking
forward to meeting more of us over time.
can see more of Lucy’s works at Lucy Carroll Textiles
also to Helen Beaven - Helen’s quilt 'Knit One, Paint One' was
also selected for SAQA's 'Redirecting the Ordinary' exhibition. It is Helen’s
take on all the knitting that her quilting friends seem to be currently doing.
Its a whole cloth quilt that has been coloured with oil pastels, each shape has
been padded with an extra layer of batting before being quilted. For a bit more
info on how it was quilted. For a bit more info on how it was created see
Helen’s blog entry
to Felicity Clark who has just finished a wonderful exhibition Embodiment
at the 69 Smith Street Gallery inn Fitzroy, Melbourne with Laziza Hawkins
throughout April. Felicity exhibited a mini retrospective of her art quilts and
more recent machine embroidered silk drawings. Felicity says she used as a
response to her physical and emotional journey over the last 4 years.
Felicity’s works focus on the human form and responses to various stimuli. Many
of you will have seen Felicity as one of the faces of “I am SAQA” campaign. Congratulations
again Felicity.
also to Pam Holland who was approached by the Museum of Natural Science
in Houston to loan her test piece of the Bayeux Tapestry to Quilt for the Magna
Carta Exhibition. The piece will be displayed from January to August 2014 and
Pamwill be giving lectures when she visits again in July. Pam says she visited
the exhibition in early March and was blown away to see the piece in such a
prestigious display. It is an honour and a fabulous achievement.
is a you tube video on Pam’s web page - here’s the link to the youtube video It is a beautiful video – an extraordinary
also has the honour of sharing the Super seminars with Ricky Tims and Alex
Anderson. Congratulations again Pam.
celebrations – this time congratulations again go to Judy Hooworth.
Judy’s quilt Creek Drawing #11: Autumn has been selected for Quilt
Visions 2014: The Sky’s the Limit at Visions Art Museum, San Diego USA. The
show runs from 3 October 2014 through to 4 January 2015.
can’t show an image of Creek Drawing #11: Autumn yet – however you may have
seen one of Judy’s earlier quilts (left) at the Australasian Quilt Convention
select exhibition Great Australian Quilts. Judy’s quilt Road to Condo #2
was made in 1992.
You ever Been a Guest Blogger?
Spinks was invited, along with a few other bloggers, to contribute guest posts
and celebrate a month of hand stitching on the European blog, …And Then We
Set It On Fire. Erica shares her experience and an idea for using guest
blogging as a way of reaching different audiences.
It was decided that March would be the month. I agreed and jotted a few notes
in my diary, so that I could start to think about what I would post and how
many posts I would write. Over the next couple of months, my subconscious started
to shape my ideas.
in Europe, …And Then We Set It On Fire is a technique-driven blog
dedicated to mastery of surface design techniques. Generously, each guest was
given direct access to the blog so that she could contribute text and photos without
having to go through an intermediary. I’m not sure I could ever give anyone
direct access to my blog!
hand stitch for the sheer pleasure of it and I endeavoured to share a variety
of my works so that readers could see how the simple running stitches I use
alter the texture of my works. My three posts are here:
blogging allows you to expose your work to a different collection of readers
and is a valuable way of gaining new followers to your own blog. Perhaps we
could consider if fellow SAQA Oceania bloggers would like to reciprocate with
guest posts? Please get in touch if this appeals.
Erica by email at or visit Erica’s blog at
– A fellowship and the Blue Mountains
recipient of the Queensland Regional Art Awards (textiles) for 2013. Part of
the award included a generous Fellowship to attend ContextART just prior to
Easter – and I chose five days with Hilary Petersen at the Korowal School in
Hazelbrook, Blue Mountains (NSW). I wanted to maximise the opportunity to
really explore a technique and thoroughly enjoyed Hilary’s Dye Print Stitch. It
was nice to have the uninterrupted days in a supported environment to simply …
explore. I had a magic week with new friendships, a deeper understanding of
chemistry, serendipity and alchemy and a chance to truly leave the world behind
for a few days. Many thanks to Hilary and my fellow classmates for an
unforgettable experience.
member Caroline Sharkey is joining with Gloria Loughman for a Sewing at
Sea Cruise in 2015. Bookings are open – feel free to contact Caroline for more
information. Caroline is also teaching at the Pacific International Quilt
Festival in Santa Clara in the US in October 2014. It’s all very exciting and
congratulations Caroline.
You Help?
you would like to be part of OMG! (Oceania Mentorship Group) please let me know
– so far I haven’t received any indication of support or interest from our more
experienced or well exhibited members – which may well be for many sensible and
realistic reasons. OMG! is not something that one member can run effectively –
so, please let me know if you are able to contribute a few hours (ideally if we
had 6 interested “mentor” members able to set a small challenge - and then two
month’s later be available via the blog or similar platform to provide
commentary / join in an online discussion / a supportive critique / feedback on
the pieces put up by participating members). We could review in a year and see
how participants felt their work had developed after 6 challenges (or not), and
how the “mentors” had found the experience. Just some of my thoughts … it
really is a matter for members and I’m more than comfortable not to progress
the idea if the interest or value in such an exercise doesn’t exist.
Forrest and Helen Beaven have kindly agreed to contribute to the monthly
newsletter - look out for reviews of the SAQA website and other interesting
items in future months. Thank you Mel and Helen.
also to Kate Oszko for her ongoing behind the scenes support for me and Susie –
it’s all greatly appreciated.
you have an idea, or suggestion please get in touch – we are here to support
you as your representatives and happy to hear your thoughts. A quick note – I
am home from paid employment on weekends when I can deal with SAQA related
matters / emails – although I will try to respond more quickly if that is
the best until next newsletter, Ali (and Susie)
March 2014
Welcome to March – and the autumn months where the
humidity leaves us for a short time and the nights become crisp and cool –
depending of course, on proximity to the equator. It is my favourite time of
Best wishes…
Our best wishes are heading to Jenny Bowker and family
for the coming weeks. Jenny will be in our thoughts, hopes and prayers for the
challenges ahead – and we all wish for the best possible outcome next week.
Are You Up To Date with
Works In or Held by Galleries?
Have you ever put a quilt or piece of textile
art into a gallery or other space on consignment? Do you have work in a gallery
that is being held pending sale of that item? The Arts Law Centre of Australia
offers a range of advice to assist artists. Changes to the Australian (Commonwealth)
Personal Property Securities Act 2009 that came into effect mid- 2012 might
affect your interests if an administrator is appointed as a result of financial
difficulties or closure of the gallery. An administrator can assume that the
art belongs to the gallery if the item is not registered on the (Australian)
Personal Property Securities Register. For a small fee, personal property
including art works can be registered on the PPS Register – this is a way to
provide prima facie evidence that you are the owner of the artwork. You can have
a look at the PPS register at For more information about the register and personal property /
security more generally visit The Arts Law Centre provides
access to a great range of articles and information to assist artists and not a
substitute for getting independent legal advice. Same goes for mentioning the
register in the newsletter – feel free to have a look and make your own
decision about whether you need to take action.
on Redirecting the Ordinary Selection and Participation by Oceania Members Congratulations to the five SAQA
Oceania members whose pieces were juried by Alicia Merrett into “Redirecting
the Ordinary”. That’s an amazing number of artists from our region represented
in this exhibition. Congratulations too go to the many other SAQA Oceania members
who submitted pieces for consideration. I was intrigued to receive an email advising
my piece was not selected, and that disappointment and rejection happens to everyone.
I’m sure it does. However there is a different take on not having a piece
selected – which I shared with the curator, in part, as follows:
“ … got your email.
Thank you so much for your prompt response - and I am not "disappointed" at
all. I am growing as an artist - and being part of SAQA has helped me in ways I
can never describe. Redirecting the Ordinary was the first exhibition
I've submitted to - and it is my best work to date - I really connected with
the theme and my response. I am so happy that I was able to accomplish this as
an artist – an emerging and learning artist - and my goal was to actually
enter. To have been selected would have been icing on the cake - and I'm yet to
interpret a decline letter as a failure - I'm seeing it as yet another
opportunity to take my textile work further. And I am ...
I hope we all take something positive out of making our
best work and submitting it to exhibitions. For those Oceania members
whose work was selected – I’d love to include some words in next month’s
newsletter and on our blog about your creative processes and how you
interpreted the theme – we’d love to share your excitement.
Out of the Box Exhibition – Delmar Gallery 25/7 – 2/8
An invitation for Oceania
members and other textile artists to submit pieces for exhibition at Delmar
Gallery 25 July – 3 August 2014
As promised a further update from Susie on
the processes for exhibiting and/or attending the workshops. Each entry can be
any size, there are no restrictions on subject, and it does not have to be
quilted. This is your chance to let the creative juices flow. I am hoping that
some of you will consider 3D options. You can have holes you can have things
protruding - it is up to you. This is not a juried exhibition.
Now each entry will have a fee of $20 which
hopefully will cover return postage and go towards advertising. An artist can
enter up to three pieces with the second and third piece the fee will be $10
each. Please number them in order of preference in case we need to restrict
numbers of pieces able to be hung.
Please label each piece with the title and
your name on the back and you must have either a rod pocket on the back or
loops for a rod. Remember the gallery will take the standard commission on the
sale so when you are working out the price of your piece take that into account.
If you don't want to sell make sure you mark it NFS.
Include in your parcel a return address and
an artist statement if you desire. You can start sending me your pieces from
22nd April to the 30th June. This gives me time to set up the catalogue before
the opening on Friday 25th. The workshops will be taking place on Saturday 26th
July and Sunday 27th, I have some pamphlets made giving details if you would
like some contact me at address to post your pieces to is:-
Susie Cujes
Trinity Grammar School
119 Prospect Rd
Summer Hill NSW 2130
Colour Debuts in Melbourne 10-13 April
The exhibition will premiere at the Australasian Quilt Convention in
Melbourne, 10-13 April 2014 and a comprehensive website gallery will be published
at that time. Brenda has been sharing some preview detail shots of each of the
selected works in a series of blog posts entitled A Glimpse of Living Colour. Brenda invites you to bookmark this
blog feed ( in your preferred RSS reading
app; subscribe by e-mail; or follow the Living
Colour Facebook page to stay up to date.
Get togethers
AQC Melbourne
If anyone is attending the AQC in Melbourne there is an
opportunity to catch up – contact Lisa by email if you would like to meet - it
is a great way for us to connect face to face across our rather vast region.
Members of Brisbane
The MoB meets on the first Saturday of the new season –
at the Queensland Art Gallery café – from 10am. Bring something for show and
tell and enjoy a relaxed chat and catch up. Please let Ali know if you are
attending – and we look forward to catching up on 7 June, 6 September and 6
December 2014.
SAQA Trunk Show –
Celebrating 25 years
We will be receiving a 25th Anniversary Trunk Show in
late May 2014 – and I’ll be taking it to Perth (1-3 August) and Adelaide (mid
November 2014). The first outing will be at the Scenic Rim Open Studios – on 24
and 25 May 2014 – at Aliquilts Studios (Tarome, Qld). As with last year’s
exhibition, we are hoping for the quilts to travel with Expertise Events around
Australia and New Zealand for the remainder of its time in Australia and New
Artist Strength Training
With Jane Dunnewold – A Review
Artist Strength Training is a ten week course run by Jane
Dunnewold (author of Complex Cloth (1996) Improvisational Screen Printing
(2003), and co-authored Finding Your Own Visual Language (2007). Interweave
Press published Art Cloth: A Guide to Surface Design on Fabric in 2010; current
President of the Surface Design Association). Each week artists are taken
through a short video by Jane, an essay or reading, and an action or series of
exercises. Participants share as much or as little of their experience as they
like in the online studio – with individual feedback on posts, progress and
development as an artist from Jane. This is not a traditional online workshop
in any sense of the word. A commitment to self to fully participate in the weekly
offerings can be challenging – in terms of demanding the investment of time (as
much or as little as you are able or life allows) and being prepared to honestly
evaluate self and your art, creative processes and who you are as an artist.
There were quite a few textile artists in the first group
and not all participants are quilt makers or made art quilts. This is the type
of course or workshop that stretches you each week and I described it as like
having a regular, deep tissue massage. Sometimes it makes you wince, and
occasionally is uncomfortable – but the benefit is amazing and lasts long after
the hour on the massage table is over.
If you are ready to or want to make more sense and
meaning of the myriad of techniques available to us in working with textiles
then this might be the next step in your artistic journey. If you need a
refresher or want to refocus on who you are as an artist and why you create –
this might be a great investment in ten weeks of you – it’s all about you. For
early bird registration the course works out at just over $20 per week – which
represents great value for money and return on an investment in you. More
information about Artist Strength Training with Jane Dunnewold, can be found at
SAQA’s 2014 Artist
Benefit Auction
It’s that time of the year again – please check the SAQA
website for due dates – deadline for receipt is 1 June 2014. Last year’s
auction saw 421 donated quilts which raised US $65 000– your 12 inch square
donation helps SAQA raise essential funds – so spread the word and it’s not too
late if you haven’t yet turned your thoughts to this annual event.
Help Needed
If you are able to assist without being officially on a
committee - then Susie and I would like to hear from you. We need 3 or so
members who could work towards getting approval of a SAQA Oceania exhibition
(for 2015-16) and taking the first important steps. The SAQA website sets out
the policy for holding a SAQA endorsed exhibition – and the exhibition committee
aims to endorse requests in a very short timeframe to enable plans, themes,
calls for entry etc to be released. If we are to host a SAQA Oceania exhibition
it requires the commitment of a few – so I’ll leave it in your hands to think
about whether the idea gets progressed.
If you have an hour or so spare each month, we’d love
someone to review a different part of the SAQA site and write a very brief “how
to access XXXX” or “did you know that XXXX is available on the SAQA website and
this is how it works. This would be a regular contribution to our monthly
newsletter – a great way to develop personal knowledge of what SAQA has to
offer and maybe a foray into writing for publication about something you are
about – art quilts.
We are looking for members to participate in an Oceania
Mentorship Group (OMG!) where a theme, word, colour, idea or concept is chosen
for the following 2 months and members develop those ideas to fruition in the
form of a textile response. I would like to hear from any member who would like
to lead a 2 month exploration – choose a concept or idea that we can explore
for the time period and work with me to provide participants feedback and
respond to the conversation on that particular topic. Beyond simply creating
(and simple isn’t the best word for it) the intent is to leave egos at the door
and work with each other creatively in a supportive and encouraging
environment. I’ll have more details about the first session in April’s
newsletter. Email me separately if you are able to share
some of your time and expertise with the OMG!
Well that’s all the news and events for March. I’m off to
the Blue Mountains for the week
proceeding Easter – a five day master class with Hilary
Petersen at TAFTAs CONTEXTart
forum. Susie is currently on the water, cruising across
the Tasman and visiting SAQA friends
in New Zealand – kia-ora and happy creating until next
Ali and Susie
Hi everyone and welcome to the (end of)
February newsletter. Another season comes to a close and this weekend marks the beginning of
autumn for those of us in the southern hemisphere. Personally, I can’t wait! Many of you will
have had the opportunity to read our annual report on the State of the Regions – which is due each year
in January. Thanks again for all your support and encouragement – of your reps and each other –
and for the way we’ve grown as a group.
OMG! If anyone is interested in participating
in an Oceania Mentorship Group – please get in
touch with me – depending on levels of
interest we could look at having regular reviews / catch-up / discussions via a blog or other appropriate
format. All ideas and suggestions welcome!
A big welcome to our newest members – I hope
you are taking the opportunity to explore the website and look at all SAQA has to
offer. In our 25th year, there are many services available to
all members and the new website ensures access to everyone – no matter where you are
located. So if you haven’t been to the website lately, take a tour when you have a few
minutes – perhaps you are interested in opportunities to exhibit and calls for entries, or meeting the
featured artist of the month, announcements of upcoming events,
conferences, and other resources.
Speaking of exhibitions - it is benefit
auction time – and your 12” x 12” donation piece is greatly
appreciated. Last year’s Oceania Collection
was hugely successful on several levels – a great
concept, a fabulous coordinator (thank you
again Jenny Bowker)and a really imaginative way to
promote the Oceania region to the rest of
the SAQA community.
Meet a Member
One of our newest members is Maureen
Heywood from Auckland New Zealand who joined a few weeks ago. Here’s a little about her in her
own words:
“I have been a quilter for almost 35 years, purely traditional in
the early days using the standard 5 or 6 co-ordinating
fabrics, I very quickly changed to using 50 instead of 5! Been involved in
shibori dyeing on silk, taught
for many years, just love textiles and mixed media. Began a blog almost one year ago. Looking
forward to being part of the group and "meeting" other members.”
Welcome Maureen. You can view Maureen’s
blog at
of the Box” - July 21 to August 3 2014
This exhibition is an opportunity for you to
showcase your work – and we hope for a wide variety of entries from textile and fibre artists – works
can be any size, shape and subject. You have absolute freedom to design and create a piece for
The exhibition will be held at the Delmar Gallery (in Sydney) which has hosted a range of wonderful fine art exhibitions, including the finalists for the Blake Art and Poetry finalists. Workshops are being planned for the weekend of Friday 25th July to Sunday 26th July, so if you are interested in being included in the workshop program, please let Susie know as soon as possible to enable advertising of the classes. There is flexibility here - you could offer a class
for a half day, a full day or over two days. There
is already interest from artists to provide day
classes of wet and dry felting, a two day
mixed media and art cloth journal cover workshop as well as a photo shop class for printing on fabric.
There is no funding for this venture, so you
will need to factor in the cost of transport for you and
your supplies into class costs. More details
from Susie in our March newsletter.
Please contact Susie
( if you are interested in participating!
Brenda Gael Smith, Curator, Living Colour!
Writes -
Thank you to all the Oceania members who
submitted entries for the Living Colour travelling textile art exhibition. I am honoured that so many
artists took up the opportunity to submit their work for consideration and deeply appreciate the
time and creative energy that goes into such work. Here is a list of the selected artists (with SAQA
members in bold):
Jenny Bacon (Australia)
Deborah Boschert (USA)
Betty Busby (USA)
Sandra Champion
Sandy Corry (Australia)
Mathea Daunheimer (New
Sue Dennis (Australia)
Christine Dowell (Australia)
Sue Duffy (Australia)
Robyn Eves (Australia)
Dianne Firth (Australia)
Di Flint (Australia)
Catherine Gowthorpe (UK)
Suzanne Gummow (Australia)
Kay Haerland (Australia)
Julie Harding (Australia)
Neroli Henderson (Australia)
Anne Jolly (New Zealand)
Linden Lancaster (Australia)
Alison Laurence (New
Susan Mathews
Roxanne Murphy(Australia)
Lois Parish-Evans (Australia)
Paula Rafferty (Maher) (Ireland)
Charlotte Scott (New
Caroline Sharkey
Sarah Ann Smith (USA)
Carolyn Sullivan (Australia)
Phyllis Sullivan (Australia)
The exhibition will premiere at the
Australasian Quilt Convention in Melbourne, 10-13 April 2014 and a comprehensive website gallery will be
published at that time. Meanwhile, I will be sharing some preview detail shots of each of the
selected works in a series of blog posts entitled A Glimpse of Living Colour. I invite you to bookmark
this blog feed
( in your
preferred RSS reading app; subscribe by e-mail; or
follow the Living Colour Facebook page
( to stay up to date. I will also be sharing some curatorial
insights about the selection process that I hope will be helpful to those entering juried exhibitions.
Cunningham has had a quilt juried into the Art Quilt Elements 2014
exhibition in the
Wayne Centre, PA, USA.
The exhibition dates are March 21, 2014 – May 3 2014. This a
beautiful venue and I
was fortunate to be at the opening of Art Quilt Elements 2012.
Fantastic effort and well
done Sue!
Walton has been busy again! Her second video, about fabric painting, is
available on you tube:
This is Lisa’s second
technique-based video. Her first covers sun printing, and can be
found here:
the Ordinary – entry
deadline 28 February
Concept: We live in an environment we take for granted. We often miss the
essential and forget
that we can make the routine so much more vibrant and interesting.
Turning things around,
upside down, inside out, backwards or maybe even just a
minuscule course
correction can charge up the humdrum, turn the common into the
uncommon, and make the
expected unexpected. For example, look around your studio,
home or neighbourhood to
pick out an object (a paintbrush, fork, tree branch, or chair) or a
phenomenon (light
hitting a doorknob, raindrops streaming down a window…). Choose
something you see all
the time but don't notice and make it special. Interpret the object or
phenomenon in cloth to
bring attention and significance to the ordinary.
Juror: Alicia
Merrett - Curator: Gül Laporte
28, 2014 Online Entry Deadline at 11:59 pm EST (USA)
Venues - International
Quilt Festival - Houston, Texas, October 30 - November 2, 2014;
International Quilt
Festival - Cincinnati, Ohio, April 2015; International Quilt Festival -
Chicago, Illinois, June
2015; Additional venues may be added, through December 2017.
Don’t Forget!
Send small images wherever
possible to go with your news or stories – we love to include
SAQA members who live in
Brisbane, or are visiting, are very welcome at the seasonal
MOB (Members of Brisbane)
get togethers at the Queensland Art Gallery coffee shop. The
next meeting will be 1
March from 10.00am. After that, we will meet on 7 June, 6
September and 6 December.
Come along for some friendly chat and sharing!
Until next month,
Ali and Susie
January 2014
Happy 2014 everyone!
We hope your holidays/break allowed some time for creativity, and
that the creativity continues throughout the year. Welcome to new
members Carol Croce, Maureen Heywood, Julie Herring, Jan Nottingham, and Sonia Solly – we look
forward to hearing from you.
a Member
We have such a diverse and interesting
membership, we thought it would be great to start to know each other. To get
the ball rolling, here’s Susie Cujes, and a a bit about her in her own words -
“My world of art and my world of sewing
have exploded into the world of fibre art. I have worked as a portraitist and
printmaker, but have since found great satisfaction in working with fibre. For
me, working with fibre is all about texture. I create this by hand dyeing my
fabrics, wet and dry felting, using fabric confetti to give a sense of depth to
landscapes and, of course, what I call thread painting. I use the needle of my
sewing machine as my paint bush: this not only gives me the tonal shadings but
also the texture to add volume and depth to my work. I love to share my world
of fibre art and have run workshops with both adults and children. On one such
occasion a 12 year old boy commented “I never thought I was good at art but now
I know I am.” An inspiring gift for sharing my passion.
of the Box” - July 21 to August 3 2014
This exhibition is an opportunity for you
to showcase your work, and we look forward to a wide variety as entries can be any
size, shape and subject. You have absolute freedom to design and create a piece
for display.
The exhibition will be at the Delmar
Gallery in Sydney which has hosted a range of wonderful fine art exhibitions,
including the finalists for the Blake Art and Poetry finalists.
Workshops are being planned for the weekend
of Friday 25th July to Sunday 26th July, so if you are interested in being
included in the workshop program, please let Susie know as soon as possible to
enable advertising of the classes. There is flexibility here - you could offer
a class for a half day, a full day or over two days. There is already interest
from artists to provide day classes of wet and dry felting, a two day mixed
media and art cloth journal cover workshop as well as a photo shop class for
printing on fabric.
There is no funding for this venture, so
you will need to factor in the cost of transport for you and your supplies into
class costs.
Pam Holland was asked by the
Art Institute of Chicago to stand with her quilt “American Gothic Revisited”
next to the original painting by Grant Wood. It was a great thrill for her, and
she shares the full experience on her blog -
Pam’s quilt "The
sample, Bayeux to quilt” is to hang in the Houston Museum of Natural Science in
the Magna Carta Exhibition and she is quite thrilled out it, as it’s 10th most
visited museum in the United States so the piece will get a lot of exposure. If
you’re in Houston between February 14 and August 17 this year, you’ll be able
to visit the exhibition and the quilt.
Dianne Firth was selected as a
finalist in the Infinity Art Gallery RED show, which is open to all mediums.
Although most of the works were paintings, there were five textile works
accepted. Dianne writes that she is “honoured to be in there with Mirjam
An overview of the show can be found here –; the gallery of finalists can be found here –
Ali George – My Father’s Shed,
part of the Queensland Regional Art Awards touring exhibition for 2014, can be seen at
the State Library of Queensland from next Saturday (1 February) and will travel to regional
galleries around the State for the next year. As part of her prize, Ali is
attending the ContextART Forum
in the Blue Mountains for a five day workshop with Hilary Peterson and working on a solo exhibition.
Walton has been busy – making technique-based
videos. Her first covers sunprinting, and the next one will be about more
fabric painting techniques. Lisa very generously shares her tips for success
and you get to see her in action in her own backyard (literally). She is hoping
to come out with a new one every month, and the sunprinting video is already on
for Entries
Petite Miniature Textiles
Entries are invited for this biennial exhibition, which is open to any
Australian artist working in textile and/or fibre. The exhibition will be on
display from 14 June to 27 July in Gallery 1 of the Wangaratta Art Gallery and
will be complemented by a concurrent installation of fibre-based work by
Melbourne artist Dana Harris in Gallery 2.
Enter via the website -
or write to
if you'd like to receive entry information via snail mail
This Biennial Contemporary Art Quilt
Exhibition at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery in Maryborough, Victoria, from
21 February to 5 April 2015. Artists who are Australian nationals are invited to
enter a proposal, including a statement outlining the artist’s intention and
proposed works, details of design and colours (including sketches, drawing
and/or photographs), materials to be used, anticipated dimensions of the work.
Please note that there is no theme, artists are free to explore any subject
For the purposes of this exhibition, a quilt is defined as a layered,
stitched textile with at least 2 distinct layers bound together by stitches
throughout the piece. Works can be 2 D or 3 D. Entries will be juried on the
basis of originality and innovative use of media.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted by 16 May 2014, with delivery
of work (if accepted) by 13th February 2015. For further information and EOI
Forms contact Jenny Bacon, Curator, 0409 189 143,
2014 Anniversary Trunk Show
The aim of this exhibition is to give an up-close-and-personal
look at SAQA artists' works. You can join in the celebrations for SAQA’s 25th
year with your trunk show submission a 10" x 7" art quilt that
showcases your artistic expression.
This is a travelling exhibition, starting
with the premiere at the 2014 SAQA conference in Washington, DC, and then
making its way across the United States and around the world. A group of quilts
from this exhibition will be chosen by jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret “Peg”
Keeney to become a permanent part of the collection of the National Quilt
Museum in Paducah, Kentucky.
Craft NSW Emerging Artist - Craft Award
The Society of Arts and Crafts of NSW
invites emerging craftspeople in any craft discipline to submit up to two
entries for this aware. There is a major prize of $2000 and an invitation to
exhibit work at Craft NSW for six months, and a minor prize of $1000 and an
invitation to exhibit work at Craft NSW for six months. As well, there are two
encouragement awards of $500 each. For selection purposes, only emailed digital
images will be accepted and should be emailed or posted by July 31 2014. Entry
is free. More information can be found on the Craft NSW website
To stay up with the opportunities SAQA has
for exhibiting and sharing your work, don’t forget to visit the website “Call
for Entries” section. At the top of the Home page of the website, click on
“Resources” which brings up a menu including “Calls for Entry”.
The Brisbane MOB (Members of Brisbane)
meets at the Queensland Art Gallery coffee shop on the first Saturday of each
new season. The next get together will be 1 March. After that, we will meet for
7 June, 6 September and 6 December. It’s a relaxed and friendly gathering, a
good way to get to know what others are doing, and learn more about SAQA. Keep
those dates free so you can come along for a chat, and some show and tell.
Until next month,
Ali and Susie
December 2013
Welcome to the December newsletter!
One of Lisa Walton’s first jobs as SAQA
Board member was to undertake a cleanup of the SAQA Yahoo group membership
list. If you have a number of email addresses and use one for your SAQA
membership profile and a different one for the Yahoo Group, you may have been inadvertently
removed from the Yahoo group, as she just cross-checked email addresses to
determine SAQA membership. If you find that you no longer have access to the
group, but you are still a SAQA member, then you can rejoin, but it would be
best to use your SAQA contact email. Rejoining is as easy as going to:
Auction results
As you know, SAQA's Benefit Auction is its
largest fundraiser and SAQA's biggest income source after membership dues. This
year, for the second time, the quilts were auctioned directly from the website
and bidding for some quilts was also done at Houston. Pinterest and other
social media were used to maximise exposure. For 2013, 421 artworks were
donated by generous members and over $53,000 was been raised for SAQA
exhibitions and programs! In case you’re
wondering where all the money goes, the Benefit Auction supports SAQA's
exhibition program. During 2013 ten exhibitions of SAQA member work travelled
to Australia, Canada, England, France, Gabon, Italy, South Africa, and
seventeen states across the U.S. They
were displayed in 8 museums and 19 major quilt festivals and were seen by
several hundred thousand visitors, many of whom had never seen an art quilt
Claimer - July 21 to August 3 2014
Sounds like a wedding – but it’s even more
exciting! Susie Cujes and Ali George have put together a local exhibition
opportunity open to all SAQA Oceania members. Entries for the exhibition –
called “Out of the Box” – can be your choice of size, shape and subject. You
have absolute freedom to design and create a piece for display.
The location has been secured – it’s the
Delmar Gallery in Sydney which has hosted a range of wonderful fine art
exhibitions, including the finalists for the Blake Art and Poetry finalists.
On the weekend of Friday 25th July to Sunday 26th July they are planning to run some workshops. If you are interested in being included in the workshop program, please let Susie or Ali know as soon as possible to enable advertising of the classes. There is flexibility here - you could offer a class for a half day, a full day or over two days. There is already interest from artists to provide day classes of wet and dry felting, a two day mixed media and art cloth journal cover workshop as well as a photo shop class for printing on fabric. There is no funding for this venture, so you will need to factor in the cost of transport for you and your supplies into class costs. Please contact Susie ( or Ali ( if you would like to exhibit a piece. You don't have to send any details of your piece yet just a note of intention so that we can start to get organized. We will contact you with further details in the New Year. This is our opportunity to put our pieces into the "fine art world", happy creating and hope to hear from you all soon.
(Members of Brisbane)
The Brisbane MOB (Members of Brisbane) meets
at the Queensland Art Gallery coffee shop on the first Saturday of each new
season. The next get together will be 1 March. After that, we will meet for 7
June, 6 September and 6 December. It’s a relaxed and friendly gathering, a good
way to get to know what others are doing, and learn more about SAQA. Keep those
dates free so you can come along for a chat, and some show and tell.
Susan Matthews recently won the major prize
in the Victorian Quilters Inc. contemporary quilt exhibition, One Step Further.
Her quilt “Notations 2 (Musings)” was inspired by her mind’s ramblings while
walking along the beach here in Ocean Grove (Vic). It is one of two pieces she
has made in a very different palette to the one she usually uses (the other was
shown in the Wangaratta Contemporary Textile Award exhibition in June/July).
The techniques are an organic extension of those she has been developing over
many years. The exhibition is on Oak Hill Gallery in Mornington Vic until
December 29th.
Congratulations to Judy Hooworth who was SAQA
Featured Artist for November. Each featured artist talks about their work and
there are images to enjoy. Judy reveals that walking along Dora Creek near her
home is integral to her work as an artist. Access the page directly you can go to archived pages via the
“Artwork” link at the top of the SAQA website.
for Entries
To stay up with the opportunities SAQA has
for exhibiting and sharing your work, don’t forget to visit the website “Call
for Entries” section. At the top of the Home page of the website, click on
“Resources” which brings up a menu including “Calls for Entry”. There are a few
important ones with submission deadlines approaching including Art Quilt
Australia (deadline 14 July).
One of the deadlines coming up soon is for
the SAQA 2014 Anniversary Trunk Show. Its aim is to give an up-close-and-personal
look at SAQA artists' works. You can join in the celebrations for SAQA’s 25th
year with your trunk show submission a 10" x 7" art quilt that
showcases your artistic expression.
This is a travelling exhibition, starting
with the premiere at the 2014 SAQA conference in Washington, DC, and then
making its way across the United States and around the world. A group of quilts
from this exhibition will be chosen by jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret “Peg”
Keeney to become a permanent part of the collection of the National Quilt
Museum in Paducah, Kentucky.
only about a month left to enter Living Colour! which will premiere at the
Australasian Quilt Convention in 2014. The closing date for entries is 31
January 2014. Curator Brenda Gael Smith notes that monochromatic works in
glorious colour are eligible for consideration, there is no need to have a
rainbow of hues in your piece; just pick a colour you like and go for it! And don’t
forget that there are two words to the title theme. Each work will be in a
100x40cm (L x W) vertical format and up to 30 works may be selected. To submit
an entry, please review the Conditions of Entry and complete the Online Entry
Form at
No entry fee is payable unless your work is selected. International entries are
Until next month,
Ali and Susie
September 2015
everyone – There seems to be a lot happening out there – fantastic!
Attention members that live in the Canberra
Buffy Beggs writes - Would you
be interested in getting together on a monthly or bi-monthly basis to share our
work and our methods and our inspiration? I think it might be very supportive
of our art. If yes, please email me -
and I will then be able to see if it is viable to go forward.
Meet Ali and Kate
Ali and
I will be flying the SAQA flag at two upcoming Stitches and Craft shows,
sitting/standing near the SAQA Trunk Show F and chatting with visitors about
art quilts, techniques, SAQA etc. The details - Melbourne 22-25 October (Kate)
and Adelaide 5-8 November (Ali). Stop by and say ‘hi’
Oceania Exhibition 2017? – Yes!
for the great responses. There are five of us to get things going - Alison
Laurence (NZ), Rasa Mauragis (NSW), Wilma Cawley (ACT), Sue Dennis (QLD) and me
(Kate). At certain points we will no doubt put the call out for help in
specific ways as I know there’s a lot of expertise in our membership. Stay
Members’ Space
We love
to share small and big achievements, successes and experiences.
Neroli Handerson has a bit more background about her new role as Editor of Textile
Fibre Forum -
As a former graphic designer one of
the first questions I was asked when I was approached to be editor was if I
could update the look and feel of this more than 30 year old magazine and it looks
like I got my way! The magazine is now sporting a new logo and layout with a
renewed emphasis on presenting the best of both Australian and International
textile artists, exhibitions, best practice articles and reviews. Issue #119 is
out in September and is my first issue as editor. I’d love to know what you
think of the new Textile Fibre Forum and I also welcome any article submission
you may have, so please email me -
Lisa Walton writes -
I'm off
teaching in the UK and Luxembourg and I will also be manning the SAQA
Exhibition at The Knitting & Stitching Show in London in October at the end
of the trip. [Follow Lisa’s adventures via Facebook -
or her website -]
Yvonne Line writes –
artwork, ‘And to each has its Season’ has been accepted for hanging in the
exhibition ‘Evolution, Change , Challenge, A Contemporary Quilt. The venue is
the Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre, 782 Kingsway, Gymea. NSW and
is in conjunction with The Quilters’ Guild of NSW. Open from 29 August, 2015 to
8 September, 2015.
And to
each has its Season by Yvonne Line
99cm (H) x 69cm (W)
Statement: I have used leaf shapes as a metaphor for the life cycle of change
and evolution of the family of Man. The challenge that I set myself was to use
unpatterned fabric, simplify design elements and emphasize the use of a restricted
palette and strong colour value. Technique: Freehand drawings of leaves. Machine
appliqué, through wadding and backing. Machine and hand finished.
Cotton, Polyester wadding.
Williams writes –
I have been chosen as the Guest
Exhibitor at the Quilters Guild of South Australia, Festival of Quilts
Exhibition 2015 to be held during the Craft and Quilt Fair, Adelaide 5th to 8th
November at the Wayville Showground. My exhibition "Retrospective"
will follow my journey as a traditional quilter to textile artist over the past
21 years.
for Autumn by Mary Williams
by Mary Williams
Eileen Campbell writes –
At the
recent Victorian Quilter’s Showcase Exhibition my quilt ‘Always Bouquets’ won
1st in the ‘Pictorial Quilts’ category and also the award for ‘Excellence in
Domestic Machine Quilting – Professional’.
Always Bouquets by
Eileen Campbell
Always Bouquets (detail)
by Eileen Campbell
Sue Dennis writes –
I have been
invited to attend the 2015 China International Patchwork Invitational
Tournament and Patchwork Arts Show in Beijing 14-16 October. The show will be
held at the Beijing International Exhibition Centre and I will represent
Australia with a display of 10 of my quilts plus five quilts from leading Australian
quilters, Eileen Campbell, Lucy Carroll, Kay Haerland, Brenda Gael Smith and
Linda Steele. This is a wonderful opportunity to introduce quilters in China to
the unique style and subject matter of Australian quilting as well as the
wealth of quilting talent we have in our country. Other
countries to be represented are Taiwan, South Korea, Canada and the USA. I will
be posting about my experiences when I can -,
A Hot Land by Sue Dennis
Jenny Bacon [Curator Golden Textures Contemporary Art Quilt exhibition and
Prize 2013, 2015] writes -
The Golden Textures
biennial exhibition at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Maryborough Vic was
invited to bring a selection of works to the largest quilt show in Europe –
Festival of Quilts 6th-9th August 2015. Knowing that we would be given a
professional standard gallery space was one of the most important factors that
encouraged us to take up the challenge to travel.
We were able to take 21
works by 17 artists including many from SAQA. The full list was:
Anna Brown, Sue Dennis, Dianne Firth, Susanne
Gummow, Jann Haggart, Alvena Hall, Suzanne Lyle, Noelle Lyon, Margaret
McDonald, Susan Mathews, Jenny Bacon, Sue Reid, Valarie Robinson, Ruth de Vos,
Brenda Gael Smith, Tricia Smout.
The trip was a great
success, I had fantastic assistance for set up and take down; the visitors were
very complimentary and wrote in the Visitors Book that they were ‘inspired’ by
our colour, design and technique. One drawcard was ‘Coastal Life #2’ [below] by
Susan Mathews; it usually featured a crowd of visitors. To the right of Susan’s
piece is ‘Eucalyptus’ by Anna Brown.
Coastal Life #2 by Susan Mathews [left]
Outside view of our Gallery with works by Noelle Lyon and Ruth de Vos
With over 1000 quilts
and 60,000 visitors in four days the Festival is a terrific opportunity to
network and indeed it led to us being invited to return to France in April 2016
where we will have a gallery at Quilt Expo en Beaujolais. It was also a chance
to meet many SAQA members from Europe and the USA. All these invitations are a
result of the high standard of work that our artists are producing. So the
journey continues!
Brenda Gael Smith writes –
Along with several other SAQA
members, my work [bottom row, third from left] was selected for the Evolution,
Change, Challenge contemporary quilt exhibition at Hazelhurst 28 August to 8
September. There is an online gallery at
Two new works of mine - Kelp Forest and Landlines:
A river runs through it - were juried into "Dare to Differ" at Gallery
M Adelaide, 2-25 October.
Auction Quilts!
Check out the latest SAQA video of
all of the auction quilts! Start it up and let it run!
Brenda Gael Smith writes –
I would
love to include artwork by SAQA members in my next travelling exhibition -
a matter of time. Entries close on
15 January 2015. For more information, see:
Art Quilts:
Evolution & Revolution
Bookings are now open for the Conference Gala 2015: Art Quilts: Evolution
& Revolution at Geelong. All welcome! Highlights of the
program include:
One-day conference forum Art Quilts:
Evolution and Revolution including presentations by Padriac Fisher , Director,
National Wool Museum; Jan Mullen, fabric & pattern designer, writer, and
maker of art quilts; and John Lamb, professional photographer;
REview / REdesign/ REpurpose
Workshop with Jan Mullen;
Exhibition opening of Art Quilt
Australia 2015 and Australia Wide Four;
Conference Gala Dinner & Silent
Artist Studio Tour – visit Helen
Millar, Jennifer Hyland and Susan Mathews in their home studios; and
Quilt Study at the National Wool
Don’t forget these SAQA opportunities!
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
SAQA Journal Member Gallery – October 1
Stories of Migration: Contemporary
Artists Interpret Diaspora – October 31
My corner of the World – November 30
Tranquility – January 31, 2016
Turmoil – February 28, 2016
Material for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to
If you could prepare the text yourself we can then
just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
August 2015
Hi everyone –
I hope you are taking advantage of the cooler weather and creating madly!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new member Gael ODonnell
from Carterton New Zealand. We’re very pleased to have you aboard!
Thanks to all members who sent me
postcards for the Conference earlier this year. I also took them with me
to Newcastle Stitches and Craft, and they were a real hit alongside the touring
trunk show. Many visitors had never seen textile art or art quilts, and they
were blown away by the techniques, materials, and the workmanship. They are a
fabulous way to get the conversation started about SAQA and the work we do. As
this trunk show travels, if Ali or I will be there, the postcards will be there
(while we can keep an eye on them).
Postcards at
Newcastle Stitches and Craft
Wish You Were Here
Enjoy this
month’s gallery of art - ‘Wish You Were Here’. The curator, V.Susan Johnson
says “I thought of postcards as I
searched through the gallery images. Whether they represent real or imagined
places, these quilts invite me to go in search of new views--or perhaps new
points of view. I chose them for the emotions I think their creators may have
experienced as they brought them to life, emotions I equate with traveling to
new places. And of course, all travels include thankfulness for a safe arrival
See the work
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Neroli Henderson is the new editor of Textile Fibre Forum
magazine, with her first issue hitting the newsstands in September –
congratulations Neroli!
Sandra Champion writes –
I was
thrilled that my quilt Button Grass
Plains: Winter won
First Prize
Art Quilt Open
Best Use of
Mixed/Decorative Media and
Bernina Best Of Show
at the Island
Quilts Show in Tasmania in July.
Button Grass Plains: Winter will travel next year with
2015 Best of Show from other States.
Button Grass
Plains: Winter by Sandra Champion
Lisa Call writes –
I am having
an exhibit of my textile paintings in Philadelphia this month from August 7 –
28, 2015.
Beginnings and Possibilities
Solo Exhibit
Fine Art Gallery
I've attached
a few images of work from the show.
*Portals #5*
©Lisa Call
52 x 85 inches
*Portals #55*
©Lisa Call
18 x 18 inches
*Portals #58*
©Lisa Call
14 x 46 inches
Oceania Exhibition 2017?
We think than
many Oceania members would like to work towards a SAQA exhibition, and we know
that there other regions were very interested in hosting an exhibition from
SAQA Oceania members, so anything we arrange has the potential to tour
We feel that
planning for an exhibition in 2017 is realistic – the making of the pieces is
one thing, the organization will also take a fair bit of time.
has the interest and time to get this rolling? Please let us know – don’t wait
for someone else to put their hand up if it’s something you’d like to do. It
could be super exciting to exhibit here and then have our work travel the
New Mentorship Program: Update!
Last month,
we wrote a little about the mentorship program – Sue Bleiweiss
(Massachusetts/Rhode Island regional co-rep,
has more -
Sue Bleiweiss
Now that the
mentorship program has been underway for several weeks I thought I would post
an update on how it’s going and provide some statistics and other information
about it.
So far 12
matches have been made and all the mentees have met with their mentors at least
once via Skype, FaceTime or telephone to talk about their objectives and goals
and to set up a regular communication schedule with each other. Everyone is
very excited about their new partnerships and I couldn’t be happier about that.
You might be
wondering who these mentors are so I am going to tell you! I’m sharing their
names with their permission of course and they are:
Pamela Allen, Sue Bleiweiss, Lisa Call, Jenny Bowker, Sherri
Culver, Kathleen Loomis, Alison Schwabe, Pamela Druhen, Carol Ann Waugh, Susan
Polansky and Phylis Cullen.
Each of them
have signed on to work with at least one mentee and a couple are working with
more than one. I am grateful for their willingness to sign on to be a part of
this program because the success of the program really hinges on having enough
mentors. And that brings me to my next statistic…
I have 9
mentees on the waiting list waiting to be matched up with a mentor. I need more
So I am once
again putting out the call for mentors. Now I know that being a mentor isn’t
for everyone and I absolutely understand and respect that but I’m guessing that
there are some of you out there that are thinking you might be interested but
you’re not sure about it because you are not sure how to be a mentor or what
areas or categories you can mentor someone in. To answer those questions, just
pop over to the SAQA website here:
All the information about the program is there and if you take a look at both
the mentor and the mentee applications (regardless of which you want to apply
for) those will also help answer your questions. If you still have questions or
your unsure, then write to me at I will be happy to
talk with you about the program and how you can be a part of it.
mentorship program is just one of the programs brought to you by the SAQA
membership committee. The committee is chaired by Diane Wright and is made up
of volunteers Clara Nartey (Secretary), Sue Bleiweiss, Paula Huffman Brown,
Sharon Buck, Christine Hager-Braun, Candice Phelan, Allison Reker, Desi Vaughn,
and Martha Wolfe. We meet once a month to discuss, brainstorm and develop
programs and initiatives related to areas of membership. Watch for updates
about the committee’s other programs and initiatives in future emails.
By the way -
if you're curious about what other commitees that SAQA has you'll find that
information on the SAQA website here:
Don’t forget these SAQA opportunities!
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
SAQA Journal Member Gallery – October 1
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
My corner of the World – November 30
Tranquility – January 31, 2016
Turmoil – February 28, 2016
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
July 2015
Welcome to
another monthly newsletter! We hope you are all keeping well and warm!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new members Sarah Cox and Kathryn Robertson. We’re very pleased to have you
Meet Ali and Rebecca Staunton
Ali and
Rebecca will be at the WA Craft Show in August – stop by to say hi! This show
kicks off a new SAQA Trunk Show tour of Australia
Meet Kate in Newcastle
Kate will be
at the Show from 13 to 16 August, with a floor talk at noon every day. I would
be great to catch up with members!
Successful Meet Up at the Sydney Quilt Show
Lisa Walton
organised a few meetings with SAQA members in town for the Sydney Quilt &
Craft Show. It was a great opportunity to match faces to names and get to know
each other a little especially as we had a few interstate visitors. Here is the
group who met up on the first day
Back row –
Yvonne Line Brenda Gael Smith, Sue Devanny, Denise Griffiths, Mirjam Aigner
Front row –
Maxine O’Toole, Lisa Walton, Rasa Maugaris
Also at get
together, but not pictured - Beth Miller, Alex & Judy Schaefer, Buffy Beggs
and Wilma Cawley
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Lisa Walton is
very pleased that her quilt Blue Corridor has been selected for the prestigious
Tactile Architecture Exhibition which will be on display at IQA shows for a
year starting with Houston
From Alan Tremain
RELEASE—June 2015 Out of Africa An Exhibition of Wax Cloth Quilts by Alan R
Tremain Art Studios Gallery, 391 Mann Street, North Gosford NSW 2250 August
5—16, 2015 Quilting Design Workshop ‘Autumn Splendor—Emotional Response to
Colour’. A 4‐day on‐site Quilting Workshop
will be conducted in conjunction with the exhibition. Request application form
from Or go to Art
Studios Co‐operative, 391 Mann
Street, North Gosford NSW 2250 Monday and Tuesday 10 & 11, 17 & 18
August 2015 Contact: Alan Tremain / Oz Quilt Design / /
0418 273 940 / PO Box 9235 Wyoming NSW 2250 ‘Out of Africa’ is a much awaited
exhibition of dramatic and original quilts made using and inspired by African
Wax Cloth. This is the first solo exhibition by Alan since suffering a stroke
August 2013. While African Wax Cloth embodies a very dramatic and colourful
history, its true origin is yet to be defined. Views differ as to how Dutch wax
prints entered the West African market. One view is that in the late 1800’s
Dutch freighters on their way to Indonesia from Europe with their machine‐made batik textiles
stopped at various African ports, and subsequently an African client base grew.
African wax cloth fabrics have been widely embraced by couture fashion houses
in both Europe and USA. One of the most popular wax cloth print themes has historically
been the use of political images and campaign slogans. African wax cloth is
well known for its highly stylised and innovative bold and colourful design with
very graphic images. On additional display in this exhibition will be a quilt
by an unknown African quilter using such themes. This quilt, which has
miraculously survived since 1944, features on the whole‐cloth quilt backing,
a print celebrating the election of William Vacanarat Shadrach Tubman as the
19th President of Liberia on 3rd January 1944. He was later to become known as
‘The Father of Liberia’. This quilt has resided in Africa, England, USA and now
forms part of Alan’s private quilt collection of significant quilts. Another
‘presidential’ quilt on display will be one titled ‘Happy Birthday Mr
President’ which bears no resemblance to the breathy birthday song, sung to
President John F. Kennedy at his 45th birthday by an adoring Marilyn Munroe on
May 19th 1962. Instead this quilt celebrates both President Barack Obama’s election
as the 44th President of the United States as well as his birthday on 4th
August. Barack’s father Barack Snr., was a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Republic
of Kenya, West Africa. Obama’s parents met in 1960 in a Russian class at the
University of Hawaii at Mānoa, where his father was a foreign student on
scholarship. A Zairean fable, ‘The Tortoise, The Elephant and The Hippopotamus’
features pictorially as the central panel in another quilt in typical African
colour palette of bright yellow, red and black. ‘African wax cloths are so
dramatic and inspiring. I found it very hard to choose which prints that
excited me the most and I’ve tried to include many of my most popular quilt
designs in this exhibition ranging from small to large’ Alan says. Alan R Tremain
is Australia’s longest practising male quilt designer and is recognised internationally
for his design, quilt conservation and restoration abilities. Alan’s inspiring
and dramatic ‘Out of Africa’ wax cloth quilt exhibition will be opened at
2.30pm on Saturday 8th August by International Quilt Artist Judy Hooworth and
introduced by the Quilt Study Group of Australia’s Convenor Karen Fail, both
Life Members of the Quilters’ Guild of NSW Inc.
In previous
Newsletters Helen Beaven and Mel Forrest put together some information about
all the resources that are available on the SAQA website. Here are two more.
1 – Maria
Shell presented a fabulous talk at the Conference, and there was a lot of
interest from other members for her to share her knowledge – she very
generously has put together a webinar. Highly recommended. This direct link may
open up a page for you to sign into your SAQA account since mentorship webinar
are a members-only resource. Enter your info and the page will automatically
redirect to the webinar.
2 – Lyric
Kinard led two breakout sessions about making bad art – sounds counter
intuitive, but she is awesomely inspiring. She also very generously puts out a
newsletter that also includes calls for entry. You can visit her website to
find out this information and also sign up for her newsletter -
3 – Ali has
been listening to some wonderful podcasts by Grace Bonney (a design blogger
with a love for art and design) and highly recommends these – if you have a
communte or other ‘free’ time, it’s worth plugging in and being inspired -
Oceania Exhibition 2017?
We think than
many Oceania members would like to work towards a SAQA exhibition, and we know
that there other regions were very interested in hosting an exhibition from
SAQA Oceania members, so anything we arrange has the potential to tour
We feel that
planning for an exhibition in 2017 is realistic – the making of the pieces is
one thing, the organization will also take a fair bit of time.
has the interest and time to get this rolling? Please let us know – don’t wait
for someone else to put their hand up if it’s something you’d like to do. It
could be super exciting to exhibit here and then have our work travel the
Call for Entry
Art Quilt
Elements 2016
Juror:Bruce Pepich, Racine Art
Museum, Executive Director and Curator of Collections
For more
information visit
Last day to
enter is September 30.
Wayne Art
Maplewood AvenueWayne, PA 19087
Postcards Update
Kate still
has all the postcards from members that she took to the SAQA Conference. The
work represented is really interested, and it would be great if we could take
them around with us as we (Ali and Kate) visit the various shows with the SAQA
trunk show.
Our thinking
is that we won’t put them up on a wall (too much worry about them being taken),
but we will have them on the table when we are personally there, so we can show
them to visitors and talk about them, and when we aren’t at the table, we will
put them away safely.
Only fibre
postcards will be included. If you supplied a fibre postcard, and you’re happy
for it to be seen by show visitors around Australia, you need do nothing. If
you supplied a fibre postcard and you don’t want it to travel, and want it
back, then please email Kate ( If you only sent an image
the first time, but want to make a fibre postcard to be included with the
others, please email Kate with details so she knows to expect your card
New Mentorship Program: An Exciting New Benefit
for SAQA Members
Bleiweiss, Massachusetts/Rhode Island Rep writes –
At the end of
2014 I launched a pilot mentorship program in my region (MA/RI) in the hopes
that it could eventually be offered to all members throughout the organization.
What started as a small region based test program is now available for all
members of SAQA to participate in.
What is the
mentorship program? It’s a goal or project-based program of peer mentoring open
to all SAQA members seeking one-on-one mentorship for a period lasting up to
twelve months: SAQA mentoring is a partnership in professional development. The
SAQA mentor is a friend, a trusted guide, one who shares knowledge and
resources with a less experienced colleague. The mentor’s responsibility is to
provide guidance, support and feedback. The mentee’s responsibility is to
identify goals and make reasonable progress in attaining those goals. Mentors
are recruited and matched to mentee applicants based on availability and areas
of interest. Mentors will review the advisee applications from SAQA members: If
the mentor accepts the applicant and the mentee is amenable, both will receive
a welcome email and begin meeting to discuss and define the goals and
objectives of the mentorship. These meetings can be held via FaceTime or Skype
if meeting in person is not geographically possible.
As far as I
know, there is no other organization as large as SAQA offering a program like this
as a benefit with a general membership level. You can find more information
about the program along with applications for both mentors and proteges on the
SAQA website.
Don’t forget these opportunities!
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
June 2015
Only a few
days until June, and lots happening. I hope you are all finding studio time
during this cooler time of the year!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new members Karen Mundt (Queensland) and Kathryn Robertson (Victoria). We’re
very pleased to have you aboard!
Meet Up at the Sydney Quilt Show
Lisa Walton is keen to have a SAQA gtg at the Sydney Quilt
Show at Glebe Island. She’s thinking about a coffee around 3 when it gets
quieter; her preferred days are Saturday or Sunday, but she could be available
on another day, depending on interest. Please email Lisa:
Members of
Our quarterly meeting is on Saturday 13
June, at 10am in the Gallery Café. Local and visitors alike are very welcome to
come along and chat about all things arty!!
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Lisa Walton writes –
“My Bushfire
Sunset quilt [image below] is going to be hung in the Boardroom of the Rural
Fire Service.
Brenda Gael Smith writes -
the fantastic response to Beneath the Southern Sky and Living Colour!, I am
curating another travelling textile art exhibition touring in 2016/2017.
All the
details at:
There is also a facebook page:
International entries welcome!”
Charlotte Scott writes -
interviewed fellow SAQA Oceania member, Helen Godden, when she visited NZ in
January for the Manawatu Quilt Symposium. It's a great listen as Helen is
funny, upbeat and full of interesting information.
Here is a
link to listen to the interview via a podcast on my blog:
and an iTunes
Kaye Sauer writes
“I thought
you may like to know that one of my quilts ‘My Top 40’ won first prize at
Brookfield Show in the Art/Pictorial Section. I have attached a photo.”
Rebecca Staunton Coffey writes
“Eight of my
quilts will be on show at Parliament’s Exhibition Space in Wellington, New
Zealand, from 30 April to 6 June 2015. The exhibition is called ‘The Colour of
....’ and features the work by eight quilt artists from the Hutt Valley: Patricia
Ashcroft, Diana Carroll, Margaret Davidson, Brenda McPartlin, Ruth Nicholas,
Gael O’Donnell, Margaret Rogerson, and me. Our group was originally called 8 by
8 until recently when we added an extra person (now we are 3 squared) this is
our second series of 15 inch by 12 inch quilts. The first series was exhibited
in Upper Hutt Expressions Gallery. I have stayed in the Group even though I
have returned to live in Australia.
techniques and ways of working with fabric are what interest me the most. The
opportunity to work with colour using fabric, paint or thread is exciting.
Doing my
textile art provides an opportunity to enter a different world which is
challenging and consuming. There is the discovery of different approaches to a
subject, the researching and planning, and the playing and experimenting to
achieve the finished art quilt. My work mixes traditional quilting techniques
with more innovative surface design and uses some of my own hand dyed and
handprinted fabrics.
I have
completed City and Guilds by distance with Laura and Linda Kemshall(UK) in
Patchwork and Quilting and Creative Sketchbooks. I also undertook an Artist
Strength Training distance course with Jane Dunnewold and found this very
helpful in terms of reflection and focus of my work.”
Oszko writes –
‘It was an absolute pleasure to visit The
Dairy Barn Arts Centre in Ohio and see the Quilt National artworks hanging in
that wonderful space.
Of the 84 artists whose work was on show, 5
were Australians, 3 from Japan, 3 from
Germany, 2 from Canada, 2 from Switzerland, 1 from Northern Ireland, 1 from
Great Britain, 1 from Denmark, and the rest from the USA.
SAQA Oceania members represented are - Kathy
Brown - Growing Pains; Ruth de Vos - The Boundless Energy of Children; and Judy
Hooworth - Rainy Day Dora Creek #12.”
Don’t forget
these opportunities!
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge
using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
May 2015
Quick Suggestions
2015 SAQA Conference – Fiberlandia
I (Kate) put
together a brief report on the Conference in a special edition Newsletter which
you will have received by now. It truly was a great experience to be among my ‘amen,
Lisa Walton (Vice President) also wrote about her
experience. She says “I really encourage you all to think of attending the next
one which will be in Philadelphia (29 March - 3 April 2016). You will certainly
enjoy it and be inspired and meet some really interesting like minded souls. If
you are interested in seeing some of the action in pictures you can check out
my Facebook page at
It can be a
good idea to get a few small art works ready now, for donation pieces or other
opportunities that crop up. Here are a few sizes to consider –
4in x 6in (postcard)
6in x 8in (SAQA Spotlight donation size) – these looked great when
12in x 12 (Benefit Auction donation size).
It is also a
great idea to make some good quality/high resolution images of your work. Most
competitions/shows now ask for online entry, so it’s good to be prepared now.
New Group
Neroli Henderson writes –
“I’m wanting
to start up a get together of SAQA members for a once a month meeting in St
Kilda. I’ve managed to get a restaurant venue, opposite Luna Park and the
Palais with a semi private dining room that fits up to 18 and we’re welcome to
sit and chat over coffee or lunch or even bring hand work and sketch books etc.
They have even said a machine would be ok if we needed one to demo something.
There is lots of parking around there too (street and off street) and it has a
major tram stop outside the door.
I’m currently
trying to gauge interest - and find out what times / days would work best for
most people. Please email me back if you’re interested in this and I’ll add you
to a list!
As far as I
know there are no inner city art quilt get togethers and I know I’d love to
spend an hour or two around creative types regularly.”
Email Neroli
Benefit Auction Deadline
Don’t forget
- 1 June 2015 is the deadline for your 12” x 12” auction piece.
World Quilt Competition Deadline
Brenda Gael
Smith writes –
“Entries for
the 2015 World Quilt Competition close on 18 May 2015.
Australian entry form is available at
Entries can
be submitted online, by e-mail or by post.
New Zealand
entry forms are available from Anne Scott at NZ Quilter
The World
Quilt Competition 2015 premieres in New England before touring to Pennsylvania,
Palm Springs and Santa Clara. Quilts
must be larger than 1296 square inches (eg 36in x 36in or 30in x 40in) and
completed since 2013.
Brenda Gael
World Quilt Coordinator”
Other Opportunities
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Health and Wholeness – 1 July 2015
- Urban Textures Challenge - 31 July 2015
- Concrete and Grasslands -
30 September 2015
- Stories of Migration - 31
October 2015
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Something New – 1 October 2015
- My corner of the
world (international) – 30 November 2015
- Tranquility – 31
January 2016
- Turmoil –
29 February 2016
See the SAQA website for more
information about the above.
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Helen Godden writes –
“This was the
Redirecting the Ordinary selection "A Close Shave". Hand painted with
Dye on calico and extreme free -motion graffiti quilting in back ground”
Helen Godden – “A Close Shave”
Helen Godden – “A Close Shave” (detail)
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to
If you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t
forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
April 2015
Hate to say
it – one quarter of the year gone! As we head into the cooler months it usually
means more inside time. I hope you are all finding the opportunity to create.
New Member Welcome!
First –
thanks to all the members who promote SAQA through their enthusiasm and
encouragement to others. It’s so great to see the membership increase.
Second – I
apologise if you are a new member and we have not formally welcomed you! There
was a changeover in systems at SAQA, and that may be why some people have not
appeared in this space in previous newsletters. Rest assured, we really
value your membership, your input, and what you bring to the group.
So – here are
the names of those coming up on the list as new members in 2015 who have not
been welcomed yet (if you aren’t a newie, well, you have received a double
welcome!! lol)
Sharon Bradley
Liana Christlo
Ellizabeth Dubblede
Helen Harford
Sharon Tyzzer Jewson
Alison Leslie
Mary Lewis
Catherine McDonald
Rhonda Stien
Welcome all!!
Meet Up at the AQC
Lisa Walton is organising a SAQA dinner on Thursday night at
the AQC in Melbourne and would love to hear from as many SAQA members who are
in town. Dinner will be in Lygon Street and is a great opportunity to meet and
chat with fellow SAQA Members. Contact Lisa - if you
would like to come along.
Exploring the SAQA Website – by Helen Beaven
Helen has put together another instalment of all that is on offer on the
SAQA website -
Member Listing
For a
listing of all SAQA members:
Members>Member Resources>SAQA
Member Directory
The page
will look something like this:
Use the
drop down boxes or the table to search.
Each member
is listed along with their location, contact details and website (if they have
If you get lost or can’t quite
find the right information, try the site map:
The site map
link appears at the bottom of every page.
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Pam Holland writes –
“I’m in
Mexico Teaching with now and it’s an amazing experience. I wrote this the other
day so it’s from my Journal.
‘Another day
begins and the daylight is tipping the trees.
For a Tutor,
teaching in a country in a foreign language is challenging and very rewarding. (I
don't speak Spanish).
The middle of
Mexico is a long way from Australia. Here I am surrounded by the most wonderful
Mexican friends. I'm in a totally Mexican environment, and we are managing to
share the ideas and techniques on Textile Art that I have created at home in my
studio in suburban Aldgate.
It’s more
than that though, it's a fusion of creativity and design. I capture as much as
I can with photographs which tell only part of the story. It's the history and
culture that is shared through conversations with vendors and artisans here
that complete the picture.
At an Art
Gallery in Patzcuaro I had the opportunity to teach Americans and indigenous
artisans who have never experienced a quilting class. They shared their art
with me and a joining of creativity has begun.
I’m teaching
9 classes throughout Mexico, every person in class is Mexican and it’s unique
to have a translator and two cameramen following me around the class. The video
is being translated into 15 languages and shared throughout the world.
Classes are
loud, bright and a lot of fun and I’m excited to be teaching this art to men as
well as women.
I count my
blessings that I'm able to be in this 'place' right now and I also thank the
troops back home for their observation of my passion... I will be home for an
extended time after July which will be a bit of a difference after years of
Cheers Pam”
Chris Hussey writes -
“I am the
workshop co ordinator for the Hobart-based textile group Stitching and
Beyond. I am organisng a workshop for Jeannette DeNicolis
Meyer very early February or late January for Stitching and
Beyond (dates not yet confirmed, but she has to be back in the
US by February 20). She will be in NZ and is going home to the US via Australia
to accommodate our workshop request. Her workshops
and fees are on her website, but she has told me she is choosing not
to offer Surface Design in Australia for a number of very good reasons. Cost-wise
for our group, this involves the one way airfare from NZ, plus internal
airfares in Australia, workshop fees and accommodation. We were happy to pay
this ourselves originally, but Jeanette is wondering if there are others
Jeanette is
looking for another workshop or two in Melbourne/ nearby Melbourne, coastal NSW
north of Sydney or perhaps southern Queensland. I envisage if say, another 2 or
3 groups joined with us, we could share the NZ-Australia airfare. A further
possibility is perhaps to divide the total internal airfare by 2 or 3,
depending on the groups that were involved as we are doing with Cas Homes visit
later this year, making the airfare component more equitable. Clearly each
group would be responsible for fees and accommodation costs for their part of
the tour.
If anyone is
interested, please could they email me (Chris) at”
Catherine McDonald writes -
“If anyone is
interested in teaching at the New Zealand Christchurch Quilt Symposium 2017
then they can register information on the website
and should do
this by the end of June. About 50 tutors are selected for the event with
several (20ish) from overseas.”
Tricia Smout writes
“My ‘Life’s
Golden Highlights’ piece was accepted into the Golden Textures Biennial
Contemporary Art Quilt Exhibition, displayed at Central Goldfields Art Gallery,
Maryborough, Victoria (21st February – 5th April 2015). It is 150 cm long and
39 cm wide. The photography is by Jolanta Szymczyk.
Occasionally, for the lucky few prospectors, gold appears as gleaming flecks
and nuggets and veins in otherwise seemingly worthless rock. Similarly glimmers
of hope and sparks of good fortune are hidden within the tedious dross and
trivia of our everyday existence. In times of stress and turmoil, we need to
develop the ability to seize these positive moments and embrace them. This
quilt features inspiring quotations about seizing offered opportunities,
seeking cheerful experiences and aiming high to bring our dreams to fruition,
while also making the best of the gloomy times. These gems of wisdom appear as
bright sparks, written, embroidered and beaded on glittery and black fabrics,
encased and surrounded by layers of less exotic materials.”
Life by Tricia Smout
Tricia’s piece will be travelling to the UK!! (see
Jenny Bacon writes –
Contemporary Art Quilts was on at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Neill
St., Maryborough Vic until 5th April 2015. The 2015 Acquisitive Prize was won
by Ruth de Vos for Banksia Spill. A selection of quilts from Golden Textures
will travel to Festival of Quilts in Birmingham UK in August 2015. We are an
independent show run by the Gallery and supported by the Central Goldfields
Council, not attached to any Guild, Group or Network, aiming to build a
collection of contemporary art in ‘quilted’ form to complement the rest of the
art collection held by this regional gallery. Open to any Australian quilt
artist, we will next be looking for Expressions of Interest in mid 2016.
If you wish to be on our mailing list please contact Curator: Jenny Bacon
Helen Godden writes –
‘SAQA Food
For Thought - my second SAQA exhibition i have entered and selected that’s 2/2.
First was Redirecting the Ordinary and it was sold for $1800 - I was going to
put $500 on it and they said NO NO NO so I was very pleased for their advice.
However I should have stopped there. 3rd entry for Wild fabrications was
rejected/not selected. That’s how it goes.
Food For
Thought - C is for…Couching. I am doing lots of experimental couching and
developing this new technique. I have created an entire landscape (Missoula
Montana, for CEO of Handi Quilter, look at his proud grin) piece and then this
vegetable still life, all couched with no digital image underneath just free
hand and I call the technique Couched Yarn Painting.
Montana Landscape by Helen Godden
Still Life
by Helen Godden
Still Life
(detail) by Helen Godden
Don’t forget
these opportunities!
- SAQA Journal – Health and Wholeness – May 1
- The
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
- Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge
using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
-Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
-Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
Benefit Auction 2015
Have you started your Auction Quilt yet? The
final deadline 1 June.
Not that far away! Full information:
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
March 2015
Greetings! Well,
2015 is truly off to a great start – lots of happenings to share.
New Member Welcome!
Maree Rogers
and Sharon Thomson are our two newest Oceania members. Hi from us all and great
to have you part of our region!
Exploring the SAQA Website -
- by Helen Beaven
Member FAQ
The SAQA website is full of useful information, for a list of membership
related frequently asked questions:
Scroll down past membership questions to also find:
General questions
Exhibition questions
Website/technical questions
For a different view:
Members > Member FAQ
For new
member information:
Members > Member FAQ > Information for New Members
If you get
lost or can’t quite find the right information, try the site map:
The site map
link appears at the bottom of every page.
writes: “I have 'Earth Bones #2' (see
below) showing in the Golden Textures Biennial Contemporary Art Quilt
Exhibition, Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Maryborough, Victoria 21st February
– 5th April 2015.
I have also
had 'Sea Blue' preliminary acceptance for the AQC True Blue challenge, but
shouldn't show you that one just yet.”
Sue Dennis writes: “I have 5 quilts in the Golden Textures
exhibition, currently on show at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery in
Maryborough, Victoria. The exhibition runs until April 5 with opening hours
being Thursday- Sunday 10am-4pm. My quilt ‘We all dance around the sun #2’ was
selected for the AQC True Blue Challenge touring exhibition. The exhibition
premiers in Melbourne during the Australasian Quilt Convention April 16-19.” Sue’s
work for Golden Textures is her ‘Seduced by the Imperfect’ series – see below
“I have two
exhibitions going back to back
1 ‘Filling In the Gaps’ (see image
below) a retrospective exhibition of past works. Layering and filling in the
gaps on textile art pieces using commercial
fabrics, haberdashery, beads, recycled items, stretch and furnishing fabrics
with a bit of glitz. Some of them are large wallhangings quilted and stitched
and some are hand stitched onto circular frames and art boards which, were used
to create the many and varied textile art works. On display at Rosalie Gallery Goomungee
Queensland (approx 60klms north west of Toowoomba) Gallery open Wednesday to
Sunday 10.00am to 3.30pm; exhibition on from the 18th March 2015 until 12th
April 2015.
Shifting Sands by Jan Scudamore
2 The second exhibition is one that has
been in the pipeline for over two years and this is a joint exhibition. Tessa
Wright and I worked to a theme titled "Aspects". This is a textile
and mixed media exhibition showcasing very different responses to the
contrasting features of the bush, rainforest, reef and rainforest. The whole
idea is to take the viewers on a journey as they wander through the gallery
looking at the works.
exhibition is on at the Lockyer Valley Regional Art Gallery at the Lake Apex
Community Centre Gatton Queensland from 11th April 2015 until 24th May 2015.
Forest Floor by Jan Scudamore
There is a
very sad twist to this exhibition. I attended the Quilt Symposium in Palmerston
North in NZ and on the very last day of the Symposium, I received a message to
phone back to Oz urgently. I did and learned that Tessa had passed away
suddenly. Tessa and I were very close and worked very well together, especially
when putting this exhibition together.
I made the
decision to continue with the exhibition and over the past few weeks, I have
had to complete not only her works, but my own. Some of the things we had
planned won't happen, but nevertheless, I am sure the whole idea of the
exhibition will remain and I am treating it as if she is still taking part. I
personally have been in grief mode, as I finish the projects and touch her
An article
about the exhibition is now appearing in the Textile Magazine by TAFTA and
written by Toowoomba Chronicles Art Critic - Sandy Pottinger. Which has been a
great thrill and compliments the exhibition.
One never
knows what around our corner. And I wondered if anyone in the group has ever
experienced a similar situation.”
work ‘The Fallen’ (see below) has been selected for the AQC True Blue Challenge,
touring exhibition.
Postcards for
IS STILL TIME!!! A reminder about my address -
Estaway Ct
QLD 4157
postcard just needs to be a regular size – approx 4in x 6in. Put your details
on the back – name, city/town, state, email addy – and any other information
you wish. Also, please let us know if you’d like the postcard returned.
anyone wants to chat about ideas for their postcard, we are here to help – just
drop use a line. Ali -; Kate -
Don’t forget
these opportunities!
Spotlight Auction – March
A chance to have your work showcased at the
Fiberlandia Conference in Portland
Two by Twenty – March 31
accepted artists will show two pieces that relate to each other in some way.
This exhibition will feature SAQA artists whose work has not appeared in a SAQA
exhibition in the past three years.
SAQA Journal – Health and
Wholeness – May 1
The Tasmanian Art Quilt
Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge
using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’ ,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
Concrete and Grasslands –
September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration:
Contemporary Artists Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
Benefit Auction 2015
Have you started your Auction Quilt yet? Early
bird entries are due in on 1
April with the final deadline 1 June. Not that far away! Full information:
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
January/February 2015
Hi Everyone!
First Newsletter of the
year – which promises to be wonderful on many levels!
New Member Welcome!
A warm welcome to Alex
Shaefer, Judy Schaefer and Chris Beardsley. Lovely to have you part of SAQA.
Stay connected!
There are a few ways to
connect with the SAQA community.
- Locally
- the OMG! Oceania Mentorship Group, the new challenge is ‘Balance’. This
is a low key, encouraging and interesting page to check and get
inspiration! -
- Worldwide
– there is a Yahoo Discussion Group for SAQA members only; request
membership at –
don’t forget to include your full name in your request!
- Worldwide
- the Visioning Project is about visualizing goals and dreams and making
them happen, with members helping each other with support, networking, and
resource information; contact Suzan Engler if you’re interested –
- Worldwide
– the SAQArtique group is open to all SAQA members and members offer critiques
in the spirit of a shared interest in quilting as an art form and
improvement of each person's talents; contact Martha Ginn if this interests
you -
In case you missed Charlotte Scott’s
message on google groups – two visitors are looking to meet up with NZ
Charlotte writes –
“Hi everyone,
After sending out emails to organise a SAQA
meet up at the NZ Symposium, I've received a couple from international SAQA
members who will be in NZ this year and are interested in meeting other
I've sent personal emails to both Uta and
Lisa, but if there are any other NZ members who would like to be in touch with
them, I've included their messages for you.
Charlotte Scott
From Uta Lenk, co-rep for SAQA
Europe/Middle East; Mozartstr. 6, 84137 Vilsbiburg, Germany; e-mail:
“Hello Charlotte - I saw your notice on the
yahoo group. I won't be there at this time - but I am coming to NZ in November.
I'll be in Wellington first for a few days, and then biking a bit. Would love
to meet people, if there is interest. Perhaps you could mention it when you get
Greetings, UtaBlog -
SAQA Europe/Middle East's Blog:
From Lisa Call –
“Hi Charlotte,
I'm going to be in New Zealand in April to
teach a workshop and afterwards I'll be traveling around the country for about
3 weeks. I'd love to connect with other saqa members while there. Is there some
sort of local list or maybe a facebook group for new zealand saqa-ers?
Quilt Symposium Manawatu, New Zealand
Quite a few members were
at the Symposium held in Palmerston North from 16 to 21 January. By all reports
it was a fun time of learning and sharing.
Charlotte Scott interviewed Melanie Martin whose graffiti-inspired work was awarded Best of Show. You can listen to the interview on Charlotte’s blog, here -
Alison Laurence won
first prize in the Games Up challenge with "Hopscotch", and her quilt
was selected to tour with the Suitcase Exhibition.
Helen Beaven's quilt 'No
Sew HSTs' won a merit award in the 'Inspired Fibres' Category at the Symposium.
The description of the Inspired Fibres Category is as follows ‘Without freedom,
there is no creation in thread and fibre play. Innovative use of fibres and
threads but must bear some resemblance to a quilt.' Helens’ quilt is wool and
other fibres felted on to an acrylic felt base then quilted. It is her take on
half square triangles - just the no sew variety.
Viewers’ Choice was won
by Mathea Daunheimer for ‘Fragility - Kina on Rangiputa’. The images below are
lovely details of her work. She was interviewed on ‘The Ambitious Quilter’ blog
Mathea’s blog is Esparta Fiber Arts
Brenda Gael Smith was in New Zealand teaching and
exhibiting. Photos from the Living Colour! exhibition at Te Manawa gallery
(Palmerston North) and NorthArt Gallery (Auckland) can be viewed at:
Postcards for Portland
Thanks for the
cards I’ve received so far – I think we will blow people away with our
A reminder about my
address -
Kate Oszko
9 Estaway Ct
Capalaba QLD 4157
The postcard just
needs to be a regular size – approx 4in x 6in. Put your details on the back –
name, city/town, state, email addy – and any other information you wish. Also,
please let us know if you’d like the postcard returned.
If anyone wants to
chat about ideas for their postcard, we are here to help – just drop use a
line. Ali -; Kate -
Call For Entry – All SAQA
- Balancing Act – deadline of 28 February
This show celebrates women both throughout history and today--and
is open to any interpretation each artist feels inspired to depict.
- Spotlight Auction – March 20
A chance to have your work showcased at the Fiberlandia
Conference in Portland
- Two by Twenty – March 31
Twenty accepted artists will show two pieces that relate to
each other in some way. This exhibition will feature SAQA artists whose work
has not appeared in a SAQA exhibition in the past three years.
- SAQA Journal – Health and Wholeness – May 1
- Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’ ,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
- Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the
human constructed cityscape.
- Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists Interpret
Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme ‘Diaspora’.
Call For Entry -
The Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’. The
major prize of $3000 is sponsored by Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July
2015. www.
SAQA Benefit Auction
Have you started your Auction Quilt yet?
Early bird entries are due in on 1 April – this means that
your piece will be eligible for all publicity images. The final deadline is 1
June. Not that far away! Who is planning theirs? Any tips or tricks you’d like
to share with us?
Full information:
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership
– email them to
If you could prepare the text
yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images
wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep creating!!!
Ali, Susie and Kate
December 2014
Hi Everyone!
So it’s the last
Newsletter of the year. What a year 2014 has been!
New Member Welcome!
It’s wonderful to see the SAQA membership growing – a
warm welcome to all our new members who have recently joined. We'll be sending you an individual invitation to join our Oceania Google Group as well as the OMG! (Oceania Mentorship Group) shortly - we're thrilled to have you in the Oceania region.
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
How are you progressing
with the ‘Roots’ challenge? It has got a lot of us thinking about what it means
to us. Join the discussion and sharing –
Get Togethers
Are you heading to the NZ
Quilt Symposium in Palmerston North in January 2015? How about a gtg with other
SAQAers? Charlotte Scott is happy to
coordinate this, so drop her a line if you want to catch up -,
or ring her on (NZ) mobile phone - 0277524648.
Oborn Jefferis who
would very much like to
meet up with some other SAQA members who live in Adelaide. Contact her on if
you are in the area and would like to get together.
Our Members of Brisbane (MOB) gtg on 13 December was a
good way to catch up with what everyone was doing – and some shopping at the
Gallery Gift shop may have occurred…
(Back row, from left – Sue Dennis, Mel Forrest, Kate
Oszko; Front row, from left – Kathryn Iliff, Janet Jackson)
The dates for 2015 are:
- Saturday 14 March
- Saturday 13 June
- Saturday 12 September
- Saturday 12 December.
Are you in another city/state and are looking to meet
with other SAQA-ers? Let us know and we might be able to do some matchmaking!
Postcards for Portland
Have you made your
post card yet? It would be great to have them sent to me by the end of January.
My address -
Kate Oszko
9 Estaway Ct
Capalaba QLD 4157
It just needs to be
a regular size – approx 4in x 6in. Put your details on the back – name,
city/town, state, email addy – and any other information you wish. Also, please
let us know if you’d like the postcard returned.
A special message from
Lisa Walton:
Hello Oceania Members.
In addition to
membership fees, SAQA depends on your voluntary donations to provide the rich
and varied programs that inspire, motivate, educate and develop quilt artists
and to promote the appreciation of art quilts throughout the world.
Every gift and
every donor count! Participation from
the entire SAQA community sends a message to the larger art world, increasing
recognition for art quilts and the artists who make them.
I know that we all
benefit from SAQA in different ways including selling and displaying our work
through the Benefit Auction and Exhibitions. It would be wonderful if you would
make a donation to the End of Year Appeal so that we can continue to benefit
from this great organization.
Please lend your
support by making a gift today (there is a button above) and
show that the Oceania members appreciate everything that SAQA does for us.
I hope you all have
a wonderful Festive Season and look forward to meeting up with many of you in
the New Year. I will try and organize a get together at the AQC and Symposium
in NZ. If you are interested please let
me know.
Thank you
Lisa Walton
Vice President – SAQA
Call For Entries
New - Balancing Act
Premiere Venues: International Quilt Festival, Houston,
Texas -- October 2015; International Quilt Festival, Chicago, Illinois -- June
2016; Quilt! Knit! Stitch! Portland, Oregon -- August 2016; additional venues
to be announced (work must be available to travel from September 2015 to
December 2018).
Exhibit Concept: Throughout history, women have had to
balance responsibilities to community, home and family while pursuing other
interests, jobs or careers. From those who helped farm the land to those who
worked the factories during wartime, to those who stand shoulder to shoulder
with men to pursue careers, and those who serve as caregivers; women have
always had to juggle the various aspects of their lives.
This show celebrates women both throughout history and
today--and is open to any interpretation each artist feels inspired to depict.
What have we accomplished that we now enjoy as rights and freedoms that our
grandmothers and their grandmothers did not? What obstacles are left to
conquer? We encourage both representational and abstract work.
Jurors: Lynn Bassett, Sue Bleiweiss; Managing Curator: Cynthia St. Charles
Full Information:
New - Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists Interpret Diaspora
Premiere Location: Textile Museum, Washington, D.C. from
mid March through late August 2016.
Exhibition Concept: Housed in the new George Washington
University Museum, The Textile Museum is hosting a juried exhibition in collaboration
with SAQA. All works will reflect upon the theme of "Diaspora."
Diaspora is the dispersion of a people from an established ancestral homeland.
These communities remain simultaneously active in social, economic, cultural,
or political processes in their country of origin and with compatriots
worldwide. In addition to presenting the pieces selected by jurors, the
exhibition will feature social, cultural and historical commentary by faculty
members of GW's acclaimed program in Diaspora Studies.
Jurors: Lee Talbot, Curator of Eastern Hemisphere
Collections at The Textile Museum; Rebecca A. T. Stevens is Consulting Curator,
Contemporary Textiles at The Textile Museum
SAQA Administrators: Leni Levenson Wiener and Patty
Kennedy-Zafred; Please contact with any questions regarding this
prospectus (full prospectus online).
Reminder - The Tasmanian Quilting Guild and
the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery have announced the theme for the 2015 Tasmanian
Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’. An entry form can be downloaded from
www. Entries close on 31 July 2015. The major prize of
$3000 is sponsored by Bernina Australia. Last year the winner was our very own Sandra Champion.
Reminders - SAQA has a range of opportunities for
creating and entering work in collections, exhibitions and the Journal – here
are the current ones:
- Wild Fabrications - Deadline for Entry is January 31,
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Creatures - Deadline is
February 1, 2015
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Health and Wholeness - Deadline
is May 1, 2015
- Concrete and Grasslands - Deadline for Entry is September
30, 2015
The Pi Project
From the SAQA ebulletin. Sally Sellers writes -
‘If you don't know about The Pi Project, let me tell you
about it: it is an international public art project celebrating the number Pi.
Digits are made by individual participants on fabric (hooray for fiber art!)
and sewn together in the precise order in which they appear in Pi. The result
is a fabric "ribbon" that could be 200 feet or 2000 feet, depending
on participation.
The Pi Project is gathering steam, but I still need
numbers, especially from fiber artists! The public has responded positively and
I've received many digits on 9.5" square (24 cm) pieces of fabric. The
squares need not be fancy at all. The deadline is Jan 31, 2015, although ASAP
is a far better deadline. Please send me a digit, and spread the word to
others. For more complete information, go to’
2015 Auction Quilts
Are you the person we’re looking for? Someone who can get
us organized and on track for next year’s auction?
We don’t see it taking up too much time, just a few
reminders here and there for those of us who need the encouragement.
Drop any of us a line if this is speaking to you!
Get ready for an
exciting new opportunity for Oceania members in 2015 – we can’t say too much
yet, as final details have to be sorted. BUT we can say that it will be a
wonderful chance to be part of a touring exhibition. Stay tuned!
Beth Miller writes –
‘My quilt, Canberra the Planned City, was accepted into
the Sweinfurth Art Center, Quilts = Art = Quilts. The exhibition runs until
January 4 2015. I was lucky enough to win the Catherine Hastedt Award for
Workmanship for this quilt.’
Well done Beth!
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership
– email them to or
If you could prepare the text
yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images
wherever possible!
Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
From all of us – we wish you all the very
very best for this time of year. We hope you have plenty of time to rest and
recharge. We hope you have time to be creative or to start planning for the new
year. We look forward to catching up again in 2015 for another amazing year.
Signing off for 2014
Ali, Susie and Kate
October 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the October newsletter. No, your calendar is not wrong – it IS November, but better late than never!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome Jennifer Bacon and Rae Poon new SAQA members in our region. Good to have you on board! We know
you’ll find lots of resources and news that will help you in your journey as
As reps, we are sent
membership updates about once a month. But if you think someone should be
mentioned here that isn’t, or if you’re getting this Newsletter and you’re no
longer a member – please let us know!
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
The OMG! (Oceania
Mentorship Group) on Facebook has been a great success. With the first
challenge, Ali got us thinking about ‘unity’ and some of us have shared our work
– not all of it complete. Joining the group is well worth it, as it gives
another perspective on our art. There is no pressure to ‘do’ anything, but of
course, sharing is encouraged, if that’s what works for you.
Sue Reno launched the
second challenge on 1 October – and her chosen theme is ‘Roots’. If you haven’t
already, check out the discussion and the way the theme has resonated with
The OMG! Facebook page
is at and ask to join!
Feedback Very Much Appreciated!!
Thanks to all the
members who responded to our question about whether non-SAQA members can be
part of OMG! We really appreciate the time you took to let us know your
thoughts. As reps, we aim to do what you as members want/need. So if you have
any other ideas/suggestions, they are more than welcome.
Travelling Trunk Show G – Our 25th Anniversary
Trunk Show
Trunk Show G is heading
to Adelaide in a few days. As usual, Ali will be the official escort, and would
LOVE to say ‘hi’ to any local SAQA-ers.
Get Togethers
Members of Brisbane (MOB) – get ready for a slight change
of meeting date. The quarterly gtg at the Queensland Art Gallery Café will now
be the SECOND Saturday of the new season. This will free up some members who
previously had clashes.
So, our next meeting will be 13 December, 10am.
In 2015, we’ll meet on Saturday 14 March, Saturday 13
June, Saturday 12 September, and (planning waaay ahead now) Saturday 12
Everyone – locals and visitors – very welcome!
SAQA – What’s In It
For You?
We often get asked about the benefits of being a member.
A good question. Here are some of the things your membership offers you.
In June and July Mel Forrest and Helen Beaven wrote about
the resources available on the SAQA website. There is heaps there, so it’s
worth a re-read of their articles. Plus, Helen has put together some
information for this Newsletter – all about Webinars – see below!
SAQA also offers members many opportunities to
participate in juried exhibitions. Go to the SAQA website, click on the
Resources tab at the top of the page, then click on ‘Calls for Entry’. Or go
here - You’ll see a list of deadlines
and dates with a clickable link to more information. Always worth a look to see
what’s on offer. This information is also mentioned in the regular e-bulletin
sent to members.
How about submitting your work for the SAQA Journals?
Read about the requirements and deadlines in the current e-bulletin, or here - It’s a great opportunity to
showcase your response to a particular them or idea to the broader SAQA world.
At a more local level we have:
- this Newsletter where
we share information/successes/events
- our own regional blog
- – where you can find previous - Newsletters,
links to member blogs, and a link to the main SAQA website
- googlegroups – a
discussion group and a way of getting information to members quickly,
allowing for interaction as well
- OMG! Facebook
membership group
- Face to face get
togethers – at the moment there is one regular meet up in Brisbane, but
there are ad hoc ones tied in with local shows.
The main SAQA site has a page called ‘Maximize your SAQA
Membership in 5 Easy Steps’ – some good resources/information there as well -
Plus, we’re always open to other ways we can enhance your
SAQA experience – just let us know!
SAQA Webinars – by
Helen Beaven
Exploring the SAQA
Every now and then SAQA host a webinar, this is either
like a podcast (audio only) or a powerpoint presentation with audio. When these
are ‘aired’ live you can join and listen. Webinars are advised in the weekly
SAQA emails. The only one I’ve listened to live was at 8am NZ time – this would
have been way less convenient in the various Australian time zones! Fortunately
after the webinars have aired they are available on SAQA’s website.
The most recent webinars include:
- Trade Only Design
Library (TODL). This is a free research library and toolset for design
professional. More information here -
- Maximising Your SAQA
Membership in 5 Easy Steps. Includes information on connecting with other
members, professional resources, career development and marketing -
- 2014 Conference in
Washington, DC. This includes highlights from workshops, exhibits and
panel discussions.
- ‘Selling Art Quilts’
with Wen Redmond, Roxanne Lessa and Frieda Anderson -
To access the webinars you need to be logged on with your
SAQA username and password. Use the links above or to go directly to the webinars.
Or, to navigate the website, scroll to the very bottom on
the home page and select ‘site map’ ( – I find this
makes locating things on SAQA’s site a lot easier. Select ‘member resources’,
if you haven’t logged on to SAQA you’ll be asked at this point. Under
‘Professional Development’ select ‘Mentorship Webinar recordings’. There are
recordings back to 2007 on a wide range of topics.
Conference 2015 –
Portland Oregon
Are you going? A few of us have registered
for Fiberlandia, the SAQA Conference in Portland Oregon from April 30 - May
3, 2015.
If you go to this
web page - – you’ll see what’s planned,
and further details of dates and times and other information.
Lisa Walton’s first
hand account of the 2014 Conference was in the June Newsletter. Just head to
the blog, click on the tab ‘Newsletters’ and scroll down to June to read all
about it. This link will take you straight to the newsletters -
Postcards for Portland
We know that not
everyone can get to the Conference, for one reason and another, so Kate has cooked
up a way to take you all with her!
Wouldn’t it be
fabulous for SAQA-ers from around the world to see what Oceania artists get up
Here’s the idea –
send Kate a postcard showing your work – approx 4in x 6in. It can be a newly
created piece, or one you’ve already made and have kind of hanging around. Put
your details on the back – name, city/town, state, and email addy. You can add
anything else to this information side that you wish, but those details are a
minimum. Also, please let us know if you’d like the postcard returned. The only
cost to you will be the one way stamp to Kate.
The idea is to
showcase the work of EVERYONE in this region, so it would be just so awesome if
we could get a contribution from each member. I think members from elsewhere
will be blown away by the talent we have here.
2014 Benefit Auction
As at writing, all auctions have closed. Congratulations
to all those who submitted work – it was an absolute pleasure to browse the
immense variety of artwork for sale. If you missed the chance to bid, there is
still a chance to pick up something wonderful from the SAQA Store -
Help! A co-ordinator
for next year’s Benefit Auction contributions is needed!
In 2013, Jenny Bowker had this wonderful idea for an ‘Oceania
Collection’ of auction contributions. And it worked! We all got enthused,
created wonderful pieces and posted progress on our blogs.
How about we do it all again in 2015? Having a
co-ordinator will keep us on track, and make sure we don’t miss the submission
date. Can you do it? It won’t be hard, but will be such a help to get some of
us organized! Drop Ali/Susie/Kate/all of us a line if this is you!
Walton has just
released the first in her Creative Journeys ebook series. Book 1 is Fun and
Easy Textile Surface Design Technique and has lots of great photos and links to
videos. It is available through Lisa’s website or directly
from Amazon. Lisa would love it if you helped spread the word on your networks
as she is self publishing the series and would be very grateful for your
support. She also wrote a blog post which has more information about why she is
self publishing and more about what’s in the eBook -
The collection called ‘Australia Quilts’, curated by Brenda
Gael Smith, was a special guest country exhibit at the European
Patchwork Meeting in Alsace France. It was a big hit with viewers! The official
online gallery is at and there is a
selection of exhibition photos at
Another collection juried and curated by Brenda
Gael Smith, ‘Living Colour’, will be at the South Australia Festival of
Quilts 13-16 November. Suzanne Gummow will be presenting an
artist floor talk on Saturday and Sunday at 1.30pm.
On 8 November, busy Brenda Gael Smith will be giving a
presentation ‘Technology & Your Creative Practice’ at the Quilt Study
Group meeting (the Group is part of of The Quilters' Guild of NSW Inc,
Sydney). The meeting will commence at 2.00pm and go through until 4.30 pm.
There is a new venue - Glover Cottages, 124 Kent Street, Millers Point, Sydney. Guild
members $5.00 and non-guild members $10.00. Afternoon tea will be provided.
Hooworth is
having a solo show ‘Detour via The Silk Road’ at Timeless Textiles Gallery, 90
Hunter St Newcastle East. Opening 6pm -8pm 20th November until 14th
December 2014. Judy’s new work is influenced by journeys to China and Central
Asia in 2012/13. Inspired by embroidery and tile patterns from the region she
has connected with artisans from the past, recreating and reinterpreting their
designs with silk screened mono prints and intensive stitching in my quilts and
textile pieces.
Henderson manages
a Facebook group called ‘Textile Arts’ which has a challenge called ‘Horizons’
– entries (images) due by the last day of the year – 31 December. Go here for
more information -
Gael Smith’s
artwork was juried into Quilts=Art=Quilts, Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn,
NY: It will be on display form 1 November 2014 to 4 January 2015 along with the
work of other Australians: Dianne Firth, Beth Miller, Alison Muir and Judy
Hoowoorth (see below). See the listing at -
Hooworth writes -
My quilt ‘Creek Drawing #9’ has been juried in to ‘Quilts=Art=Quilts’ at The
Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn NY, USA. Another quilt, ’Rainy Day Dora Creek
#12’ was accepted for ‘Quilt National 2015’at the Dairy Barn Arts Center in
Athens, Ohio, USA from 23 May 2015 to
September 2015. This is the sixth time my quilts have been selected for
this prestigious event.
Carroll’s work ‘Eucalyptus
Melliodora’ has been selected as part of the Flying Arts Alliance Inc
Queensland Regional Art Awards touring exhibition. This year’s theme was ‘The
Sky’s the Limit’. Find more information here
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership
– email them to or
If you could prepare the text
yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images
wherever possible!
That’s all for now – see you next month
later this month!
Ali, Susie and Kate
September 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the September newsletter. We welcome two new
members to the Oceania group – welcome Dale Robson and Janet Wright.
Our first challenge comes to a close in the next day or so – with our second
challenge commencing on 1 October with Sue Reno as our guest artist. As
always, it is never too late to participate and you can find the OMG! Facebook
page at and ask to
My own thoughts about the first challenge are that 10 – 15 of our members
actively participated in the challenge and have responded positively to the
discussion, ideas, and suggestions. There are also a large number of members
who joined the Facebook group and do not participate and seem quite
comfortable on the sidelines. I think it is great to have so much interest–
although feedback on how the forum might be improved or enhanced is
always appreciated and welcomed.
I received a number of requests from non-SAQA members to join the group –
and it raised the question of whether the group should be open to anyone who
wishes to participate. The pros include introducing more people to SAQA and
the con is that the group was established to support Oceania members and
some may prefer to keep the group exclusively for SAQA Oceania members –
or broaden to any interested SAQA member – I don’t have a view one way or
the other and would appreciate feedback on your thoughts, if any, about
whether membership could or should be extended. Tell us what you think!
Lea McComas - A Horse of Course
Trunk Show G continues its tour around Australia –
having toured through Canberra and then Newcastle in
recent weeks. We are so appreciative of the support
provided by Expertise Events in travelling the trunk
show for us throughout its touring life “Down Under”.
Please let me know if you are interested in helping out
at any of the upcoming shows – a few hours being
available to talk about SAQA and introduce art quilts to
an inquisitive public would be greatly appreciated. Next
Lea McComas - A Horse of Coursedates are: Melbourne Stitches and Craft Show October 23-26, Adelaide Craft
and Quilt Fair November 13-16. I will be heading to Adelaide for the quilt show
– would love some company!
I’ve been able to travel with the exhibition a little this year – and there has
been a crowd favourite – which is Lea McComas’s A Horse of Course.
Members of Brisbane (MOB) gathered at
the Queensland Art Gallery Café on 6
September and spent a wonderful
morning (and for some lunch) before
taking in one or more of the exhibitions
on offer. A great opportunity to catch up
and were joined again by a resident
reptile. We are moving our get togethers
to the second Saturday of the new season – so for December that means we
will gather at 10am on Saturday 13 December.
Feel free to organise your own get-togethers and meet with other Oceania
members. Shows, Fairs and exhibitions often provide an opportunity to catch
Congratulations to Sue
Dennis who has had two
quilts accepted for the
Hands all Around touring
exhibition which premiers in
Houston at the International
Quilt Festival 2014 October
30-November 2. The
exhibition tours through
2015 to USA venues.
Sue Dennis - Flood #1: River Rising
Detail of Sue Dennis’ Shake the Tree,
also accepted into Hands All Around.
Sue was also selected to make work for
Golden Textures, a biennial
contemporary art quilt exhibition
hosted by the Central Goldfields Art
Gallery in Maryborough, Victoria.
Sue’s new series Seduced by the
Imperfect will debut at the exhibition
which runs from February 21- April 5,
Living Colour! continues on tour to the
following venues in 2014 Brisbane Craft
& Quilt Fair: 8-12 October 2014 with
daily curator floor talks by Brenda Gael
Smith at 1.30pm. Living Colour will also
be at the South Australia Festival of
Quilts 13-16 November 2014 with artist
floor talks on Saturday and Sunday at
1.30pm. Finally for 2014 (but more tour
dates in 2015 to be announced) at
Grenfell Art Gallery, Grenfell, NSW: 22
November-20 December 2014
Congratulations to all the SAQA
members who were curated into this
exceptional exhibition. I can’t wait to see it in the cloth in Adelaide.
Susie, Kate and I caught up recently in Brisbane, a wonderful evening
discussing all things Oceania and SAQA related. We had quite a few ideas
Putting together an Oceania SAQA Trunk Show to travel to Australia and
New Zealand in 2015 – 2016 comprising a piece from any participating
Oceania member – similar to existing SAQA Travelling Trunk Shows – a
specific size able to be mounted and sealed in plastic protective sleeves
Postcards from Oceania – to be taken to Portland, OR for SAQA’s 2015
conference – and the possibility of alternating between an Oceania
Collection for the Benefit Auction and blog hop (as for 2013) and an
Oceania Trunk Show in the alternate year (which could also travel to the
US or other regions)
An Oceania Conference – in 2016
Further developing OMG! – and thinking about making the challenge
pieces 12” x 12” to be consistent with the Benefit Auction
Applying for regional grant funding for SAQA Oceania specific events (in
conjunction with own source funding as required under SAQA’s
Next year’s conference will see a few Oceania members in attendance –and is
just around the corner. I’ve had to defer attendance due to family health
matters – which is disappointing because I know how much fun, professional
development and networking is possible at these events! In the meantime it
would be great to have a volunteer to write about their conference experience
for an upcoming newsletter – get in touch if you can contribute an article.
Kate will be preparing the October newsletter so please send anything art quilt
related for inclusion – we want to share what you are up to with other
members of the group.
That’s all the news for this newsletter, so until next month,
Ali, Susie and Kate.
August 2014
Hi everyone and welcome
to the August newsletter. August has been a huge month including the Out of the
Box at the Delmar Gallery in Sydney. Well done to everyone who contributed or
participated in workshops.
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
Our first challenge is
well underway. It’s not too late to join the conversation or participate, if
only from the sidelines – everyone’s view is most welcome. The OMG! Facebook
page is at and ask to join!
Travelling Trunk Show G – Our 25th Anniversary
Trunk Show?
Trunk Show G debuted in
Perth at the beginning of August and is now in Canberra for the Craft and Quilt
Fair. Many thanks to the Canberra Quilters for setting up and packing away the
trunk show – if any member is available to help out at any of the 25th
anniversary venues – please get in touch.
A Reminder: Art Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
Martha Sielman, SAQA’s Chief Executive
Officer is excited to announce that she has just signed a contract with
Interweave to write "Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts &
Geometrics". The book will include interviews with 20 Featured Artists
showing multiple works by each. Approximately 70 additional artists will have
their work showcased in the book's gallery sections. This is your opportunity
to be part of another great publication showcasing our art.
How to Submit for Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
Preliminary submission is via email. Send
· your name
· address
· phone number
· email address
· website URL
· titles of your submission(s)
Attach jpegs of up to 3 images of your art.
Images should be jpegs only, not larger than 1200 pixels in any dimension.
Please label each image file with last name_first name_title (e.g.
Sielman_Martha_Abstract 1).
is October 31, 2014.
Get Togethers
Members of Brisbane (MOB) it’s that time of the season
again – we’ll meet at 10.00am on Saturday 6 September in the usual place – the
Queensland Art Gallery Café. Can’t wait to see as many of you as can make it!
It was fantastic to get over to Perth again and catch up
with SAQA members – and a special thanks to Linda Stokes who looked after the
SAQA table during the show. We had lots of positive feedback about the 25th anniversary
exhibition – and it was so lovely to say “hi!” and compare threads.
Calls for entry
SAQA offers members many opportunities to
participate in juried exhibitions – to keep up to date with Calls for Entry
please go to the Resources tab on the website main page, then check the far
left column of options which includes “Calls for Entry”. Here’s the link
Deadlines and dates are covered off in the regular
e-bulletin sent to members.The current e-bulletin can be found at
Ever considered submitting your work for the SAQA
Journals? Read about the requirements and deadlines in the current e-bulletin.
It is a great opportunity to showcase your response to a particular them or
idea to the broader SAQA world.
The deadline for Food for Thought is fast approaching and
is open to all SAQA members. Deadline: September 30, 2014. This
exhibition will allow artists to explore any aspects of food that they find
inspirational – from a single piece of fruit, to a still life, to the family
table, to the significance of food in culture and the celebration of family milestones
and religious holidays. Please check the website for full details, terms and
2015 – Portland Oregon
Save the dates! April 30 - May 3, 2015. All
things being unequal, I’ll be attending the 2015 SAQA Conference in Portland,
Oregon. It will be a wonderful experience and a chance to get together with
other reps as well as around 300 SAQA members- all in the same place at the
same time – just magic!
Portland is easy to access out of either LA,
San Francisco or Seattle Airports. All conference details can be found
progressively on the SAQA website. If you are interested in finding out about
our annual conference, read Lisa Walton’s account in the June newsletter, or
talk to some of us who have had the privilege of attending in past years. The
benefits of attending are immeasurable – what about an Oceania contingent for
Help Needed –
Coordinating the Oceania 2015 Contributions to the Benefit Auction
We are getting in early – if you would like to coordinate
the Oceania 2015 Benefit auction collection and / or blog hop – please get in
touch with one of your reps (me, Susie or Kate). SAQA marketing is looking for
any members who recorded/documented the making of their 2014 contribution – and
would love to hear from anyone who did so – for marketing purposes. See your
latest ebulletin for more details.
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership –
email them to
- it is preferred if you help us out and prepare the
text yourself – so we can cut and paste – and don’t forget to include images wherever
That’s all the news for this newsletter, so
until next month,
Ali, Susie and Kate.
Hi everyone and welcome
to the July newsletter – it is hard to believe we are hurtling through winter
and approaching Spring again. We welcome new members Susanne Hadfield, Susan
Auden Wood and Neroli Henderson to SAQA and our Oceania region this month – a
big welcome to you all. July has been an exciting month for our group,
including the long awaited opening of Out of the Box at the Delmar Gallery in
Sydney on Friday night. Congratulations to all who are exhibiting and
especially to Susie Cujes who almost single-handedly pulled the exhibition and
workshops together.
Update – Welcome Kate Oszko
big welcome and thank you to Kate Oszko who has agreed to join me and Susie as
your Oceania Co-representative for the next two years. Kate brings a wealth of
experience and expertise and Susie and I are really excited to have the benefit
of Kate’s sage advice and being able to tap into Kate’s passion and enthusiasm
for SAQA and art quiltmaking.
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
Thank you too for the
nearly forty of you who are engaging with the mentorship group – our first
challenge being an exploration of “unity”. The OMG! is a resource for Oceania
members (apologies to anyone’s friend who tried to join and was declined but
being a SAQA member is a pre-requisite to being part of OMG!). There is no
pressure or obligation to join the group (facebook page), nor to post anything
or complete the challenge – the information provided is intended to help with
thinking processes and developing your creative practice. Take as much or as
little as you like! For anyone who would like to participate in the group –
please go to the OMG! Facebook page and ask to join! Here is the
post that launched “Unity” and you are most welcome to participate.
Challenge #1: Unity (finished piece 10"
wide by 12" long - like portrait rather than landscape setting), any
medium and combination of techniques.
dates: 1 July challenge starts; 1 August show and tell our exploration and
visual diary work, our creative thinking and sharing; 15 September - post
challenge pics and participate in ongoing discussion / feedback and learning. 1
October .... challenge #2
Exploring the SAQA Website –
newsletter we look at two different aspects of SAQA’s website – resources (Mel
Forrest) and exhibitions (Helen Beaven).
Resources by Mel Forrest
you first enter the SAQA website you land on the homepage which features a
monthly showcase of members works. From here there are several categories
(tabs) that you can dive into including: About Us, Artwork, Resources,
Join/Support and Members. Each main category breaks down further.
The category that
grabbed my attention for this month is the resources
category. The resources category subdivides further into nine sections
including: Art Services directory, Calender of events, Artist interviews,
Marketplace, Art Quilt Resources, SAQA Journal, SAQA Publications & Art
Quilt News.
this trip we’ll begin to explore the Art
Quilt Resources category and in particular Resource Articles a sub-category within Art Quilt Resources.
Sub-category Resource Articles contains links to articles which both inform and
guide the experienced and the not yet as experienced art quilter through all
those questions that pop up as we evolve through our artistic development.
get you started with exploring this generous section here are a couple of links
to articles contained within this sub-category.
Acquiring Your Own Voice by June O. Underwood
Finishing and Packing Techniques for
Professional Presentation by Susan Crouse-Kemp
Learn to Analyze Your Own Work by Kim Ritter
These three articles are
a small representation of what lies within the Resource Articles category.
So go ahead, dive in and enjoy exploring.
Exhibitions by Helen Beaven
view quilts in SAQA’s Exhibitions either go directly via or via menus on the webpage by clicking
through about us →what we do →SAQA Exhibitions
page details a bit of background for SAQA’s exhibitions and lists the most recent
exhibitions. The list of exhibitions is then divided into Current, Future,
Previous and Regional on the left hand side of the screen.
to Current (, displays the
exhibitions that are touring various locations. For each exhibition the quilts
can be viewed (and purchased), also view the show schedule, curator and juror’s
Using Text Messages
exhibition as an example (,
I have a quilt in this exhibition and as I was writing this have read for the
first time the curator and juror’s statements
( where I’ve been mentioned!
Being able to
see what the juror was looking for and how they choose quilts for an overall
look is invaluable – I’ve never seen this sort of detail in any New Zealand
exhibitions I’ve entered. Be inspired by the quilts and challenged to have
a go and enter a SAQA exhibition.
Many thanks to Mel and
Helen for their research efforts and time which is greatly appreciated by all
of us.
Travelling Trunk Show G – Our 25th Anniversary
Trunk Show
Show G is heading over to Perth for the WA Craft Fair from Friday 1 to Sunday 3
August. I will be at the show again this year delivering floor talks and
providing demonstrations as well as catching up with SAQA members. If anyone
would like to come to the show and help out on the SAQA stand or just drop in
for a chat – please do. (Image: Diane Melms, Tango)
After Perth, the Trunk
Show will travel to Canberra Craft and Quilt Fair from August 21-24 – then on
to the Newcastle Stitches and Craft from September 11 to 14. The Trunk Show
will then travel to Melbourne from October 23 to 26 – for the Melbourne Stitches
& Craft Show. From November 13-16 the Trunk Show will be at the Adelaide
Craft & Quilt and then to Sydney and Brisbane in March 2015 for the
Stitches and Craft Shows before returning to the USA. Expertise Events has been
a huge supporter of the travelling Trunk Show and provides transport between
each event.
If any member is able to
either attend or help with the exhibition at any of its venues (I’ll also be
travelling to Adelaide) – simply being present to talk about SAQA would be
wonderful - then please let me know and I can make the necessary arrangements.
Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
Martha Sielman, SAQA’s
Chief Executive Officer is excited to announce that she has just signed a
contract with Interweave to write "Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts
& Geometrics". The book will include interviews with 20 Featured
Artists showing multiple works by each. Approximately 70 additional artists
will have their work showcased in the book's gallery sections. This is your
opportunity to be part of another great publication showcasing our art.
SDA website)
How to Submit for Art
Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
submission is via email. Send
of your submission(s)
jpegs of up to 3 images of your art. Images should be jpegs only, not larger
than 1200 pixels in any dimension. Please label each image file with last
name_first name_title (e.g. Sielman_Martha_Abstract 1).
is October 31, 2014.
Flying Arts Alliance – Professional Development
Flying Arts Alliance Inc
offers a number of professional development opportunities for visual artists.
Sessions are often available online – check the program for full details.
Information and contact details for Flying Arts can be accessed at
Curator Development
Over 5 workshops
sessions during Sept – Nov the Curator Development Project offers intensive
training to emerging curators wanting to develop their curatorial skills. Each
session will cover principles and practice of curatorship as participants
prepare for an exhibition which will be held at JWCoCA over December and
January. There are limited places available and interested participants are
invited to a briefing session at the Judith Wright Centre on Saturday 9 August
at 2 pm.
development Workshop 4 Artists
3 August - How to facilitate an arts workshop - Valeska Wood
a workshop for other artists or students can be a stimulating, sharing
experience and another way to augment your income. In this workshop
participants will learn about the role of a facilitator, how to prepare and
plan for a workshop as well gain valuable insight into managing group dynamics
and evaluating the learning experience. It is all the things you need to know
about planning and managing a successful arts workshop.
Where: Judith Wright
Centre of Contemporary Arts, 420 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley, Time: 10am -
4pm, Cost: $55 ($45 for members) BYO Lunch
Artist Consultations –
Live and Online
29 August - Artist Consultation - Simone Oriti (Urban Art Projects)
is an opportunity to have a professional discussion about your art, your
practise and your career direction with experienced curator and exhibition manager
Simone Oriti (nee Jones).
Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts - Flying Arts Office
Remote sessions via
SKYPE also available. Time: 1 hr time slots; Cost: $45 per hour ($35 for
members). Call Paul on 3216 1322 to book a time
Artist Talk Online –
Queensland Wide via Web TV
11 August - Artist Talk - John Stafford & Jennifer Marchant
instructive and more than just interesting - visual arts champion John Stafford
interviews public artist and graphic designer Jennifer Marchant who has
recently completed the work “Sunset Strip” for the Brunswick Street Mall
All you need for this
session is a computer, speakers and an internet connection.
What’s On
Out of the Box continues
at the Delmar Gallery, Trinity Grammar School in Sydney until 3 August 2014.
For more information contact Susie Cujes who has pulled this exhibition of
textile and fibre artists together. We’ll have a review of the exhibition for inclusion
in our next newsletter.
Conference 2015 –
Portland Oregon
the dates! April 30 - May 3, 2015. A message from the Conference Committee:
planning is taking place now. We look forward to welcoming you to Portland
next year. Come early and stay after to enjoy all that Portland and the
surrounding area has to offer. It is a short 2 hour drive to the mountains, the
coast, Mt. St. Helens volcano, and the Columbia River Gorge is an hour away. We
also have some wonderful museums, great galleries and fantastic fabric stores!
We are planning a wonderful conference for you all. "
Who is coming to
conference in 2015? Portland is exceptionally easy to access out of either LA,
San Francisco or Seattle Airports and fares for April / May 2015 are well
priced. All conference details can be found progressively on the SAQA website.
If you are interested in finding out about our annual conference, read Lisa
Walton’s account in last month’s newsletter, or talk to some of us who have had
the privilege of attending in past years. The benefits of attending are
immeasurable – what about an Oceania contingent for 2015?
Material for
Inclusion in Your Newsletters
through celebrations and awards, information about exhibitions or general
matters of interest to our membership – email them to - it
is preferred if you help us out and prepare the text yourself – so we can cut
and paste – and don’t forget to include images wherever possible.
all the news for now. As the little sign on my wall says “Be gorgeous. Shine
brightly. Love Life!”.
Until next time
Ali, Susie and Kate
June 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the June newsletter – there’s
lots to share including Lisa Walton’s account of SAQA’s Capitolizing on Fiber
Conference celebrating 25 years of SAQA.
After a lengthy and excruciating wait (I think Bill Reiker
will have to share the story, not me!) the 25th Anniversary Trunk Show G
arrived at home – and I am now the custodian of 50 beautiful
framed art quilts ready to tour Australia and New Zealand
until April 2015. This is Diane Firth’s Stony Desert #3 – other artists include
Alicia Merrett (River Flow #3) and Hsin-Chen Lin (The Forest III). If nothing
else we are reminded that it is the quiet persistence and development of our work
that pays off – I can’t wait to share the trunk!
Oceania Mentorship Group Launches
We have lift off – the OMG! group has its own Facebook
page – with a fresh challenge each quarter. What’s involved? Participants
explore a challenge theme– whether that’s working in a visual diary or journal,
gathering ideas and/or designs – it’s the thinking part of the process. We’ll
share / provide comments to each other through the fb page – with resources
provided to help participants engage meaningfully in providing constructive,
appreciative feedback. Then the 2nd and part of the 3rd month are spent
creating a piece in response to the challenge theme – members are invited to
participate as much or as little as they like – it’s a personal commitment to
yourself. We’ll then share thoughts and learnings in the final fortnight before
the next challenge commences. Everyone is welcome to participate. Here’s the
link and the first challenge
has been posted!
Capitolizing on Fiber– SAQA 25th Anniversary
Alexandria Virginia May 2014
Here’s Lisa Walton’s first-hand account of her first SAQA
conference and first as a member of the SAQA Board. It really is a special
experience to attend and the 2012 joint conference of SAQA and the Surface
Design Association held in Philadelphia, I can’t wait to go again. I love the
speed dating and as Lisa found out … get postcards of your work to showcase at these
and similar events. I’ll never forget the speed dating moment when I realised
they meant for you to take 50 ordinary artist postcards made of paper … not the
18 inch high stack I had stitched over the three months leading up to
conference! Happy reading and thank you Lisa.
Here is Lisa’s account of the 2014 Conference …
I was extremely thrilled to be going to my first SAQA
Conference and it certainly lived up to all expectations.
As a member of the Board of Directors I went a day early
to attend the AGM which was a great opportunity to meet all the Board face to
face. Monthly conference calls are fine but there is nothing like actually
meeting in person. The Board recently decided to change the changeover date for
terms to June so this May meeting also serves as a crossover of retiring and new
Board members. I think I volunteered for too much but time will tell.
The Conference was held this year in Alexandria Virginia
which is just on the Potomac River near Washington DC so although I could have
done the tourist thing this time I just stayed close to the venue as Alexandria
does have some beautiful old buildings and sights.
Some of the highlights for me at the Conference
Artists Speed Dating – sounds weird but each table
(starting off with each region at their own table so I was on the Overseas
members table) introducing themselves for about 90 seconds and talking about
their works and giving out business or postcards cards. When the table was done
we moved to another table and repeated the exercise – about five times in all
so you got to meet a great selection of artists. It was very funny trying to
describe yourselves in such a short time. Note to self – get some postcards
done of your work.
The Break Out Sessions were wonderful. I attended Lesley
Riley’s session on How to be your own Art Coach and Gregory Case’s session on Photographing
your textile and fibre art like a professional and both were fascinating and
entertaining presentations. My only regrets were that the sessions weren’t
repeated later so I could have attended some of the others – Promote your work
without apologizing, Digital designing with Photoshop and What is a Voice and
how do I find it. I was able – the next day to attend one of Sandra Sider’s
Critiquing Contemporary Quilt Art which was really enlightening. Sandra’s skill
and style and knowledge was fascinating to watch. I attended as an observer
rather than one of the participants.
Another highlight was a trip out to a museum to see the
new SAQA Exhibition Radical Elements. (
I really hope it travels to Australia as it was so interesting. Oceania was represented
by Dianne Firth – Silicon.
One night we had a silent auction of over 60 8” x 10”
works and the bidding was fast and furious. Based on the previous year we were
expecting to raise about $5000 so it was absolutely amazing to tally up the
total at the end to find we had raised over $10000. I kept getting outbid and the
two quilts I really wanted finally went for $1000 and $700 so I obviously had
good taste.
As it was the 25th Anniversary of SAQA we were honoured
to have Yvonne Porcella who started SAQA give a presentation of a history of where
and why SAQA started as well as the history of her work. What an amazing woman
and she has achieved so much. There was also a really entertaining panel discussion
with all (except one) Presidents of SAQA.
One thing, which really made an impression on me and gave
me great food for thought was that I really am an artist and I need to work
more towards this part of me. It is my driving force and although the teaching
and writing is a major part of what I do – I need to remember to create for
I really recommend attending a SAQA Conference and look
forward to Portland Oregon April 30-May 3 2015.
Out of the Box Exhibition
Pieces for the Out of the Box exhibition are starting to
arrive – your contribution is welcome and this is a great opportunity to put your
work into an exhibition where you’ll be amongst friends and a whole lot of
fibre art talent. Susie is looking forward to receiving more of your entries –
keep working on finishing any outstanding pieces and arrange to have them sent
to Susie in the next few weeks. This fibre art expo and exhibition runs from 25
July until 3 August 2014 at the Delmar Gallery, Trinity Grammar School, Sydney.
Full details can be found in the latest issue of Down Under Textiles (page 9)
and any queries please get in touch with Susie direct. Please send your
exhibition pieces to Susie c/- Trinity Grammar School, 119 Prospect Rd, Summer
Hill, NSW 2130
Getting to know SAQA and Exploring the
SAQA Website
A big thank you to Helen Beaven for doing some research
for us on the SAQA website – if you haven’t had time to explore all that SAQA
has to offer then this first instalment introduces us to the Juried Artist
Directory. Many thanks Helen.
Juried Artist Directory
To view the Juried Artist’s Directory and a great
selection of quilts either go directly via or
via menus:
about us →who we are →juried artist
For the definition of a ‘Juried Artist’ click on Juried
Artist Guidelines on the left hand side of the screen (
There are 13 pages of artists (in alphabetical order)
each with 25 artists.
Selecting Juried Artist Gallery
shows a random slideshow of different artist’s work. To move through the images
use the navigation arrows. Clicking an image provides more information.
Enjoy going through the pages and viewing the quilts.
Celebrations and congratulations
The fourth biennial PETITE: Miniature textiles opened on
14 June 2014 and will be at the Wangaratta Art Gallery until 27 July 2014. The
exhibition features the work of one hundred textile artists including Brenda
Gael Smith’s High Country Lupins #2. Congratulations to Brenda on not only having
her work selected but sharing the challenge of working in a smaller context.
Get togethers
I’ll be in Perth from 31 July through to 4 August
accompanied by Trunk Show G. Thanks to everyone organising a get together – I
can’t wait to catch up again. I’ll also be in Adelaide later in the year (from
6 – 16 November) and would love to catch up if that’s at all possible.
Until next time, take care and happy creating
Ali and Susie
everyone and it’s both welcome to and goodbye April. I hope you all had some
time doing the important things in life over the Easter and Anzac Day breaks – many
people seemed to combine the adjacent weekends and turn the fortnight into a
very creative experience.
love this time of year – the change of seasons, even if in some parts the
visual accompaniment to the temperature change isn’t quite as dramatic as in
the more southern part of our countries. It’s not just the autumn colours –
it’s the way the humidity gives way to dry air and clear night skies. Just
lots of magic happening in Oceania region – thanks to everyone who sent
information and news items – it is wonderful to be able to share successes and
other interesting things with everyone. Our best wishes go to members facing
health and other challenges – you are in our thoughts.
Out of the Box (non-SAQA Exhibition)
of the Box is an exhibition being coordinated by Susie and is open to textiles
artists including any member of the SAQA Oceania group. It is time to start
sending Susie your pieces for the exhibition. This is a friendly reminder to
get cracking and start packing. Susie has recently moved back into her
renovated house and has a room ready to store your works. Please feel free to
contact Susie if you need further info and don't forget your return postage address
and title of your piece.
your pieces to:
Cujes, Trinity Grammar School,119 Prospect Rd, Summer Hill, NSW 2130
forget to include $20 for the first piece to cover postage and advertising.
There will be an advertisement in the next Down Under textiles! Pamphlets are
available –contact Susie for more information.
Get Togethers
March Susie (left) had a wonderful morning in Auckland having a cuppa with two
SAQA members Alison Laurence (centre) and Maureen Heywood (right). It was great
to catch up with fellow artists and discuss the struggles and satisfaction we
experience in the creative process.
of Brisbane (MOB) also get together on the 1st Saturday of the new season – at
the Queensland Art Gallery Café – next meeting will be the first Saturday in
June – meet around 10am for morning tea and bring something for show and tell.
Please email me ( if you are able to join us – it helps
book the table and I can let everyone know if something comes up - all welcome.
Repsevicius wants to hear from WA members who would like to get together in a
similar way to that of the MOB – please get in touch with Lisa is you would
like to meet up – Lisa can be contacted at:
and Celebrations
in far north Queensland, Lucy Carroll had her quilt, Work Ready,
accepted into SAQA’s Redirecting The Ordinary Exhibition. Lucy says she
really enjoyed making Work Ready – which has taken her to some new
places as far as design goes and it gave Lucy an excuse to take lots of
pictures of her husband in uniform!
says she is grateful for the support of other Oceania members and looking
forward to meeting more of us over time.
can see more of Lucy’s works at Lucy Carroll Textiles
also to Helen Beaven - Helen’s quilt 'Knit One, Paint One' was
also selected for SAQA's 'Redirecting the Ordinary' exhibition. It is Helen’s
take on all the knitting that her quilting friends seem to be currently doing.
Its a whole cloth quilt that has been coloured with oil pastels, each shape has
been padded with an extra layer of batting before being quilted. For a bit more
info on how it was quilted. For a bit more info on how it was created see
Helen’s blog entry
to Felicity Clark who has just finished a wonderful exhibition Embodiment
at the 69 Smith Street Gallery inn Fitzroy, Melbourne with Laziza Hawkins
throughout April. Felicity exhibited a mini retrospective of her art quilts and
more recent machine embroidered silk drawings. Felicity says she used as a
response to her physical and emotional journey over the last 4 years.
Felicity’s works focus on the human form and responses to various stimuli. Many
of you will have seen Felicity as one of the faces of “I am SAQA” campaign. Congratulations
again Felicity.
also to Pam Holland who was approached by the Museum of Natural Science
in Houston to loan her test piece of the Bayeux Tapestry to Quilt for the Magna
Carta Exhibition. The piece will be displayed from January to August 2014 and
Pamwill be giving lectures when she visits again in July. Pam says she visited
the exhibition in early March and was blown away to see the piece in such a
prestigious display. It is an honour and a fabulous achievement.
is a you tube video on Pam’s web page - here’s the link to the youtube video It is a beautiful video – an extraordinary
also has the honour of sharing the Super seminars with Ricky Tims and Alex
Anderson. Congratulations again Pam.
celebrations – this time congratulations again go to Judy Hooworth.
Judy’s quilt Creek Drawing #11: Autumn has been selected for Quilt
Visions 2014: The Sky’s the Limit at Visions Art Museum, San Diego USA. The
show runs from 3 October 2014 through to 4 January 2015.
can’t show an image of Creek Drawing #11: Autumn yet – however you may have
seen one of Judy’s earlier quilts (left) at the Australasian Quilt Convention
select exhibition Great Australian Quilts. Judy’s quilt Road to Condo #2
was made in 1992.
You ever Been a Guest Blogger?
Spinks was invited, along with a few other bloggers, to contribute guest posts
and celebrate a month of hand stitching on the European blog, …And Then We
Set It On Fire. Erica shares her experience and an idea for using guest
blogging as a way of reaching different audiences.
It was decided that March would be the month. I agreed and jotted a few notes
in my diary, so that I could start to think about what I would post and how
many posts I would write. Over the next couple of months, my subconscious started
to shape my ideas.
in Europe, …And Then We Set It On Fire is a technique-driven blog
dedicated to mastery of surface design techniques. Generously, each guest was
given direct access to the blog so that she could contribute text and photos without
having to go through an intermediary. I’m not sure I could ever give anyone
direct access to my blog!
hand stitch for the sheer pleasure of it and I endeavoured to share a variety
of my works so that readers could see how the simple running stitches I use
alter the texture of my works. My three posts are here:
blogging allows you to expose your work to a different collection of readers
and is a valuable way of gaining new followers to your own blog. Perhaps we
could consider if fellow SAQA Oceania bloggers would like to reciprocate with
guest posts? Please get in touch if this appeals.
Erica by email at or visit Erica’s blog at
– A fellowship and the Blue Mountains
recipient of the Queensland Regional Art Awards (textiles) for 2013. Part of
the award included a generous Fellowship to attend ContextART just prior to
Easter – and I chose five days with Hilary Petersen at the Korowal School in
Hazelbrook, Blue Mountains (NSW). I wanted to maximise the opportunity to
really explore a technique and thoroughly enjoyed Hilary’s Dye Print Stitch. It
was nice to have the uninterrupted days in a supported environment to simply …
explore. I had a magic week with new friendships, a deeper understanding of
chemistry, serendipity and alchemy and a chance to truly leave the world behind
for a few days. Many thanks to Hilary and my fellow classmates for an
unforgettable experience.
member Caroline Sharkey is joining with Gloria Loughman for a Sewing at
Sea Cruise in 2015. Bookings are open – feel free to contact Caroline for more
information. Caroline is also teaching at the Pacific International Quilt
Festival in Santa Clara in the US in October 2014. It’s all very exciting and
congratulations Caroline.
You Help?
you would like to be part of OMG! (Oceania Mentorship Group) please let me know
– so far I haven’t received any indication of support or interest from our more
experienced or well exhibited members – which may well be for many sensible and
realistic reasons. OMG! is not something that one member can run effectively –
so, please let me know if you are able to contribute a few hours (ideally if we
had 6 interested “mentor” members able to set a small challenge - and then two
month’s later be available via the blog or similar platform to provide
commentary / join in an online discussion / a supportive critique / feedback on
the pieces put up by participating members). We could review in a year and see
how participants felt their work had developed after 6 challenges (or not), and
how the “mentors” had found the experience. Just some of my thoughts … it
really is a matter for members and I’m more than comfortable not to progress
the idea if the interest or value in such an exercise doesn’t exist.
Forrest and Helen Beaven have kindly agreed to contribute to the monthly
newsletter - look out for reviews of the SAQA website and other interesting
items in future months. Thank you Mel and Helen.
also to Kate Oszko for her ongoing behind the scenes support for me and Susie –
it’s all greatly appreciated.
you have an idea, or suggestion please get in touch – we are here to support
you as your representatives and happy to hear your thoughts. A quick note – I
am home from paid employment on weekends when I can deal with SAQA related
matters / emails – although I will try to respond more quickly if that is
the best until next newsletter, Ali (and Susie)
March 2014
Welcome to March – and the autumn months where the
humidity leaves us for a short time and the nights become crisp and cool –
depending of course, on proximity to the equator. It is my favourite time of
Best wishes…
Our best wishes are heading to Jenny Bowker and family
for the coming weeks. Jenny will be in our thoughts, hopes and prayers for the
challenges ahead – and we all wish for the best possible outcome next week.
Are You Up To Date with
Works In or Held by Galleries?
Have you ever put a quilt or piece of textile
art into a gallery or other space on consignment? Do you have work in a gallery
that is being held pending sale of that item? The Arts Law Centre of Australia
offers a range of advice to assist artists. Changes to the Australian (Commonwealth)
Personal Property Securities Act 2009 that came into effect mid- 2012 might
affect your interests if an administrator is appointed as a result of financial
difficulties or closure of the gallery. An administrator can assume that the
art belongs to the gallery if the item is not registered on the (Australian)
Personal Property Securities Register. For a small fee, personal property
including art works can be registered on the PPS Register – this is a way to
provide prima facie evidence that you are the owner of the artwork. You can have
a look at the PPS register at For more information about the register and personal property /
security more generally visit The Arts Law Centre provides
access to a great range of articles and information to assist artists and not a
substitute for getting independent legal advice. Same goes for mentioning the
register in the newsletter – feel free to have a look and make your own
decision about whether you need to take action.
on Redirecting the Ordinary Selection and Participation by Oceania Members Congratulations to the five SAQA
Oceania members whose pieces were juried by Alicia Merrett into “Redirecting
the Ordinary”. That’s an amazing number of artists from our region represented
in this exhibition. Congratulations too go to the many other SAQA Oceania members
who submitted pieces for consideration. I was intrigued to receive an email advising
my piece was not selected, and that disappointment and rejection happens to everyone.
I’m sure it does. However there is a different take on not having a piece
selected – which I shared with the curator, in part, as follows:
“ … got your email.
Thank you so much for your prompt response - and I am not "disappointed" at
all. I am growing as an artist - and being part of SAQA has helped me in ways I
can never describe. Redirecting the Ordinary was the first exhibition
I've submitted to - and it is my best work to date - I really connected with
the theme and my response. I am so happy that I was able to accomplish this as
an artist – an emerging and learning artist - and my goal was to actually
enter. To have been selected would have been icing on the cake - and I'm yet to
interpret a decline letter as a failure - I'm seeing it as yet another
opportunity to take my textile work further. And I am ...
I hope we all take something positive out of making our
best work and submitting it to exhibitions. For those Oceania members
whose work was selected – I’d love to include some words in next month’s
newsletter and on our blog about your creative processes and how you
interpreted the theme – we’d love to share your excitement.
Out of the Box Exhibition – Delmar Gallery 25/7 – 2/8
An invitation for Oceania
members and other textile artists to submit pieces for exhibition at Delmar
Gallery 25 July – 3 August 2014
As promised a further update from Susie on
the processes for exhibiting and/or attending the workshops. Each entry can be
any size, there are no restrictions on subject, and it does not have to be
quilted. This is your chance to let the creative juices flow. I am hoping that
some of you will consider 3D options. You can have holes you can have things
protruding - it is up to you. This is not a juried exhibition.
Now each entry will have a fee of $20 which
hopefully will cover return postage and go towards advertising. An artist can
enter up to three pieces with the second and third piece the fee will be $10
each. Please number them in order of preference in case we need to restrict
numbers of pieces able to be hung.
Please label each piece with the title and
your name on the back and you must have either a rod pocket on the back or
loops for a rod. Remember the gallery will take the standard commission on the
sale so when you are working out the price of your piece take that into account.
If you don't want to sell make sure you mark it NFS.
Include in your parcel a return address and
an artist statement if you desire. You can start sending me your pieces from
22nd April to the 30th June. This gives me time to set up the catalogue before
the opening on Friday 25th. The workshops will be taking place on Saturday 26th
July and Sunday 27th, I have some pamphlets made giving details if you would
like some contact me at address to post your pieces to is:-
Susie Cujes
Trinity Grammar School
119 Prospect Rd
Summer Hill NSW 2130
Colour Debuts in Melbourne 10-13 April
The exhibition will premiere at the Australasian Quilt Convention in
Melbourne, 10-13 April 2014 and a comprehensive website gallery will be published
at that time. Brenda has been sharing some preview detail shots of each of the
selected works in a series of blog posts entitled A Glimpse of Living Colour. Brenda invites you to bookmark this
blog feed ( in your preferred RSS reading
app; subscribe by e-mail; or follow the Living
Colour Facebook page to stay up to date.
Get togethers
AQC Melbourne
If anyone is attending the AQC in Melbourne there is an
opportunity to catch up – contact Lisa by email if you would like to meet - it
is a great way for us to connect face to face across our rather vast region.
Members of Brisbane
The MoB meets on the first Saturday of the new season –
at the Queensland Art Gallery café – from 10am. Bring something for show and
tell and enjoy a relaxed chat and catch up. Please let Ali know if you are
attending – and we look forward to catching up on 7 June, 6 September and 6
December 2014.
SAQA Trunk Show –
Celebrating 25 years
We will be receiving a 25th Anniversary Trunk Show in
late May 2014 – and I’ll be taking it to Perth (1-3 August) and Adelaide (mid
November 2014). The first outing will be at the Scenic Rim Open Studios – on 24
and 25 May 2014 – at Aliquilts Studios (Tarome, Qld). As with last year’s
exhibition, we are hoping for the quilts to travel with Expertise Events around
Australia and New Zealand for the remainder of its time in Australia and New
Artist Strength Training
With Jane Dunnewold – A Review
Artist Strength Training is a ten week course run by Jane
Dunnewold (author of Complex Cloth (1996) Improvisational Screen Printing
(2003), and co-authored Finding Your Own Visual Language (2007). Interweave
Press published Art Cloth: A Guide to Surface Design on Fabric in 2010; current
President of the Surface Design Association). Each week artists are taken
through a short video by Jane, an essay or reading, and an action or series of
exercises. Participants share as much or as little of their experience as they
like in the online studio – with individual feedback on posts, progress and
development as an artist from Jane. This is not a traditional online workshop
in any sense of the word. A commitment to self to fully participate in the weekly
offerings can be challenging – in terms of demanding the investment of time (as
much or as little as you are able or life allows) and being prepared to honestly
evaluate self and your art, creative processes and who you are as an artist.
There were quite a few textile artists in the first group
and not all participants are quilt makers or made art quilts. This is the type
of course or workshop that stretches you each week and I described it as like
having a regular, deep tissue massage. Sometimes it makes you wince, and
occasionally is uncomfortable – but the benefit is amazing and lasts long after
the hour on the massage table is over.
If you are ready to or want to make more sense and
meaning of the myriad of techniques available to us in working with textiles
then this might be the next step in your artistic journey. If you need a
refresher or want to refocus on who you are as an artist and why you create –
this might be a great investment in ten weeks of you – it’s all about you. For
early bird registration the course works out at just over $20 per week – which
represents great value for money and return on an investment in you. More
information about Artist Strength Training with Jane Dunnewold, can be found at
SAQA’s 2014 Artist
Benefit Auction
It’s that time of the year again – please check the SAQA
website for due dates – deadline for receipt is 1 June 2014. Last year’s
auction saw 421 donated quilts which raised US $65 000– your 12 inch square
donation helps SAQA raise essential funds – so spread the word and it’s not too
late if you haven’t yet turned your thoughts to this annual event.
Help Needed
If you are able to assist without being officially on a
committee - then Susie and I would like to hear from you. We need 3 or so
members who could work towards getting approval of a SAQA Oceania exhibition
(for 2015-16) and taking the first important steps. The SAQA website sets out
the policy for holding a SAQA endorsed exhibition – and the exhibition committee
aims to endorse requests in a very short timeframe to enable plans, themes,
calls for entry etc to be released. If we are to host a SAQA Oceania exhibition
it requires the commitment of a few – so I’ll leave it in your hands to think
about whether the idea gets progressed.
If you have an hour or so spare each month, we’d love
someone to review a different part of the SAQA site and write a very brief “how
to access XXXX” or “did you know that XXXX is available on the SAQA website and
this is how it works. This would be a regular contribution to our monthly
newsletter – a great way to develop personal knowledge of what SAQA has to
offer and maybe a foray into writing for publication about something you are
about – art quilts.
We are looking for members to participate in an Oceania
Mentorship Group (OMG!) where a theme, word, colour, idea or concept is chosen
for the following 2 months and members develop those ideas to fruition in the
form of a textile response. I would like to hear from any member who would like
to lead a 2 month exploration – choose a concept or idea that we can explore
for the time period and work with me to provide participants feedback and
respond to the conversation on that particular topic. Beyond simply creating
(and simple isn’t the best word for it) the intent is to leave egos at the door
and work with each other creatively in a supportive and encouraging
environment. I’ll have more details about the first session in April’s
newsletter. Email me separately if you are able to share
some of your time and expertise with the OMG!
Well that’s all the news and events for March. I’m off to
the Blue Mountains for the week
proceeding Easter – a five day master class with Hilary
Petersen at TAFTAs CONTEXTart
forum. Susie is currently on the water, cruising across
the Tasman and visiting SAQA friends
in New Zealand – kia-ora and happy creating until next
Ali and Susie
Hi everyone and welcome to the (end of)
February newsletter. Another season comes to a close and this weekend marks the beginning of
autumn for those of us in the southern hemisphere. Personally, I can’t wait! Many of you will
have had the opportunity to read our annual report on the State of the Regions – which is due each year
in January. Thanks again for all your support and encouragement – of your reps and each other –
and for the way we’ve grown as a group.
OMG! If anyone is interested in participating
in an Oceania Mentorship Group – please get in
touch with me – depending on levels of
interest we could look at having regular reviews / catch-up / discussions via a blog or other appropriate
format. All ideas and suggestions welcome!
A big welcome to our newest members – I hope
you are taking the opportunity to explore the website and look at all SAQA has to
offer. In our 25th year, there are many services available to
all members and the new website ensures access to everyone – no matter where you are
located. So if you haven’t been to the website lately, take a tour when you have a few
minutes – perhaps you are interested in opportunities to exhibit and calls for entries, or meeting the
featured artist of the month, announcements of upcoming events,
conferences, and other resources.
Speaking of exhibitions - it is benefit
auction time – and your 12” x 12” donation piece is greatly
appreciated. Last year’s Oceania Collection
was hugely successful on several levels – a great
concept, a fabulous coordinator (thank you
again Jenny Bowker)and a really imaginative way to
promote the Oceania region to the rest of
the SAQA community.
Meet a Member
One of our newest members is Maureen
Heywood from Auckland New Zealand who joined a few weeks ago. Here’s a little about her in her
own words:
“I have been a quilter for almost 35 years, purely traditional in
the early days using the standard 5 or 6 co-ordinating
fabrics, I very quickly changed to using 50 instead of 5! Been involved in
shibori dyeing on silk, taught
for many years, just love textiles and mixed media. Began a blog almost one year ago. Looking
forward to being part of the group and "meeting" other members.”
Welcome Maureen. You can view Maureen’s
blog at
of the Box” - July 21 to August 3 2014
This exhibition is an opportunity for you to
showcase your work – and we hope for a wide variety of entries from textile and fibre artists – works
can be any size, shape and subject. You have absolute freedom to design and create a piece for
The exhibition will be held at the Delmar Gallery (in Sydney) which has hosted a range of wonderful fine art exhibitions, including the finalists for the Blake Art and Poetry finalists. Workshops are being planned for the weekend of Friday 25th July to Sunday 26th July, so if you are interested in being included in the workshop program, please let Susie know as soon as possible to enable advertising of the classes. There is flexibility here - you could offer a class
for a half day, a full day or over two days. There
is already interest from artists to provide day
classes of wet and dry felting, a two day
mixed media and art cloth journal cover workshop as well as a photo shop class for printing on fabric.
There is no funding for this venture, so you
will need to factor in the cost of transport for you and
your supplies into class costs. More details
from Susie in our March newsletter.
Please contact Susie
( if you are interested in participating!
Brenda Gael Smith, Curator, Living Colour!
Writes -
Thank you to all the Oceania members who
submitted entries for the Living Colour travelling textile art exhibition. I am honoured that so many
artists took up the opportunity to submit their work for consideration and deeply appreciate the
time and creative energy that goes into such work. Here is a list of the selected artists (with SAQA
members in bold):
Jenny Bacon (Australia)
Deborah Boschert (USA)
Betty Busby (USA)
Sandra Champion
Sandy Corry (Australia)
Mathea Daunheimer (New
Sue Dennis (Australia)
Christine Dowell (Australia)
Sue Duffy (Australia)
Robyn Eves (Australia)
Dianne Firth (Australia)
Di Flint (Australia)
Catherine Gowthorpe (UK)
Suzanne Gummow (Australia)
Kay Haerland (Australia)
Julie Harding (Australia)
Neroli Henderson (Australia)
Anne Jolly (New Zealand)
Linden Lancaster (Australia)
Alison Laurence (New
Susan Mathews
Roxanne Murphy(Australia)
Lois Parish-Evans (Australia)
Paula Rafferty (Maher) (Ireland)
Charlotte Scott (New
Caroline Sharkey
Sarah Ann Smith (USA)
Carolyn Sullivan (Australia)
Phyllis Sullivan (Australia)
The exhibition will premiere at the
Australasian Quilt Convention in Melbourne, 10-13 April 2014 and a comprehensive website gallery will be
published at that time. Meanwhile, I will be sharing some preview detail shots of each of the
selected works in a series of blog posts entitled A Glimpse of Living Colour. I invite you to bookmark
this blog feed
( in your
preferred RSS reading app; subscribe by e-mail; or
follow the Living Colour Facebook page
( to stay up to date. I will also be sharing some curatorial
insights about the selection process that I hope will be helpful to those entering juried exhibitions.
Cunningham has had a quilt juried into the Art Quilt Elements 2014
exhibition in the
Wayne Centre, PA, USA.
The exhibition dates are March 21, 2014 – May 3 2014. This a
beautiful venue and I
was fortunate to be at the opening of Art Quilt Elements 2012.
Fantastic effort and well
done Sue!
Walton has been busy again! Her second video, about fabric painting, is
available on you tube:
This is Lisa’s second
technique-based video. Her first covers sun printing, and can be
found here:
the Ordinary – entry
deadline 28 February
Concept: We live in an environment we take for granted. We often miss the
essential and forget
that we can make the routine so much more vibrant and interesting.
Turning things around,
upside down, inside out, backwards or maybe even just a
minuscule course
correction can charge up the humdrum, turn the common into the
uncommon, and make the
expected unexpected. For example, look around your studio,
home or neighbourhood to
pick out an object (a paintbrush, fork, tree branch, or chair) or a
phenomenon (light
hitting a doorknob, raindrops streaming down a window…). Choose
something you see all
the time but don't notice and make it special. Interpret the object or
phenomenon in cloth to
bring attention and significance to the ordinary.
Juror: Alicia
Merrett - Curator: Gül Laporte
28, 2014 Online Entry Deadline at 11:59 pm EST (USA)
Venues - International
Quilt Festival - Houston, Texas, October 30 - November 2, 2014;
International Quilt
Festival - Cincinnati, Ohio, April 2015; International Quilt Festival -
Chicago, Illinois, June
2015; Additional venues may be added, through December 2017.
Don’t Forget!
Send small images wherever
possible to go with your news or stories – we love to include
SAQA members who live in
Brisbane, or are visiting, are very welcome at the seasonal
MOB (Members of Brisbane)
get togethers at the Queensland Art Gallery coffee shop. The
next meeting will be 1
March from 10.00am. After that, we will meet on 7 June, 6
September and 6 December.
Come along for some friendly chat and sharing!
Until next month,
Ali and Susie
January 2014
Happy 2014 everyone!
We hope your holidays/break allowed some time for creativity, and
that the creativity continues throughout the year. Welcome to new
members Carol Croce, Maureen Heywood, Julie Herring, Jan Nottingham, and Sonia Solly – we look
forward to hearing from you.
a Member
We have such a diverse and interesting
membership, we thought it would be great to start to know each other. To get
the ball rolling, here’s Susie Cujes, and a a bit about her in her own words -
“My world of art and my world of sewing
have exploded into the world of fibre art. I have worked as a portraitist and
printmaker, but have since found great satisfaction in working with fibre. For
me, working with fibre is all about texture. I create this by hand dyeing my
fabrics, wet and dry felting, using fabric confetti to give a sense of depth to
landscapes and, of course, what I call thread painting. I use the needle of my
sewing machine as my paint bush: this not only gives me the tonal shadings but
also the texture to add volume and depth to my work. I love to share my world
of fibre art and have run workshops with both adults and children. On one such
occasion a 12 year old boy commented “I never thought I was good at art but now
I know I am.” An inspiring gift for sharing my passion.
of the Box” - July 21 to August 3 2014
This exhibition is an opportunity for you
to showcase your work, and we look forward to a wide variety as entries can be any
size, shape and subject. You have absolute freedom to design and create a piece
for display.
The exhibition will be at the Delmar
Gallery in Sydney which has hosted a range of wonderful fine art exhibitions,
including the finalists for the Blake Art and Poetry finalists.
Workshops are being planned for the weekend
of Friday 25th July to Sunday 26th July, so if you are interested in being
included in the workshop program, please let Susie know as soon as possible to
enable advertising of the classes. There is flexibility here - you could offer
a class for a half day, a full day or over two days. There is already interest
from artists to provide day classes of wet and dry felting, a two day mixed
media and art cloth journal cover workshop as well as a photo shop class for
printing on fabric.
There is no funding for this venture, so
you will need to factor in the cost of transport for you and your supplies into
class costs.
Pam Holland was asked by the
Art Institute of Chicago to stand with her quilt “American Gothic Revisited”
next to the original painting by Grant Wood. It was a great thrill for her, and
she shares the full experience on her blog -
Pam’s quilt "The
sample, Bayeux to quilt” is to hang in the Houston Museum of Natural Science in
the Magna Carta Exhibition and she is quite thrilled out it, as it’s 10th most
visited museum in the United States so the piece will get a lot of exposure. If
you’re in Houston between February 14 and August 17 this year, you’ll be able
to visit the exhibition and the quilt.
Dianne Firth was selected as a
finalist in the Infinity Art Gallery RED show, which is open to all mediums.
Although most of the works were paintings, there were five textile works
accepted. Dianne writes that she is “honoured to be in there with Mirjam
An overview of the show can be found here –; the gallery of finalists can be found here –
Ali George – My Father’s Shed,
part of the Queensland Regional Art Awards touring exhibition for 2014, can be seen at
the State Library of Queensland from next Saturday (1 February) and will travel to regional
galleries around the State for the next year. As part of her prize, Ali is
attending the ContextART Forum
in the Blue Mountains for a five day workshop with Hilary Peterson and working on a solo exhibition.
Walton has been busy – making technique-based
videos. Her first covers sunprinting, and the next one will be about more
fabric painting techniques. Lisa very generously shares her tips for success
and you get to see her in action in her own backyard (literally). She is hoping
to come out with a new one every month, and the sunprinting video is already on
for Entries
Petite Miniature Textiles
Entries are invited for this biennial exhibition, which is open to any
Australian artist working in textile and/or fibre. The exhibition will be on
display from 14 June to 27 July in Gallery 1 of the Wangaratta Art Gallery and
will be complemented by a concurrent installation of fibre-based work by
Melbourne artist Dana Harris in Gallery 2.
Enter via the website -
or write to
if you'd like to receive entry information via snail mail
This Biennial Contemporary Art Quilt
Exhibition at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery in Maryborough, Victoria, from
21 February to 5 April 2015. Artists who are Australian nationals are invited to
enter a proposal, including a statement outlining the artist’s intention and
proposed works, details of design and colours (including sketches, drawing
and/or photographs), materials to be used, anticipated dimensions of the work.
Please note that there is no theme, artists are free to explore any subject
For the purposes of this exhibition, a quilt is defined as a layered,
stitched textile with at least 2 distinct layers bound together by stitches
throughout the piece. Works can be 2 D or 3 D. Entries will be juried on the
basis of originality and innovative use of media.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted by 16 May 2014, with delivery
of work (if accepted) by 13th February 2015. For further information and EOI
Forms contact Jenny Bacon, Curator, 0409 189 143,
2014 Anniversary Trunk Show
The aim of this exhibition is to give an up-close-and-personal
look at SAQA artists' works. You can join in the celebrations for SAQA’s 25th
year with your trunk show submission a 10" x 7" art quilt that
showcases your artistic expression.
This is a travelling exhibition, starting
with the premiere at the 2014 SAQA conference in Washington, DC, and then
making its way across the United States and around the world. A group of quilts
from this exhibition will be chosen by jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret “Peg”
Keeney to become a permanent part of the collection of the National Quilt
Museum in Paducah, Kentucky.
Craft NSW Emerging Artist - Craft Award
The Society of Arts and Crafts of NSW
invites emerging craftspeople in any craft discipline to submit up to two
entries for this aware. There is a major prize of $2000 and an invitation to
exhibit work at Craft NSW for six months, and a minor prize of $1000 and an
invitation to exhibit work at Craft NSW for six months. As well, there are two
encouragement awards of $500 each. For selection purposes, only emailed digital
images will be accepted and should be emailed or posted by July 31 2014. Entry
is free. More information can be found on the Craft NSW website
To stay up with the opportunities SAQA has
for exhibiting and sharing your work, don’t forget to visit the website “Call
for Entries” section. At the top of the Home page of the website, click on
“Resources” which brings up a menu including “Calls for Entry”.
The Brisbane MOB (Members of Brisbane)
meets at the Queensland Art Gallery coffee shop on the first Saturday of each
new season. The next get together will be 1 March. After that, we will meet for
7 June, 6 September and 6 December. It’s a relaxed and friendly gathering, a
good way to get to know what others are doing, and learn more about SAQA. Keep
those dates free so you can come along for a chat, and some show and tell.
Until next month,
Ali and Susie
December 2013
Welcome to the December newsletter!
One of Lisa Walton’s first jobs as SAQA
Board member was to undertake a cleanup of the SAQA Yahoo group membership
list. If you have a number of email addresses and use one for your SAQA
membership profile and a different one for the Yahoo Group, you may have been inadvertently
removed from the Yahoo group, as she just cross-checked email addresses to
determine SAQA membership. If you find that you no longer have access to the
group, but you are still a SAQA member, then you can rejoin, but it would be
best to use your SAQA contact email. Rejoining is as easy as going to:
Auction results
As you know, SAQA's Benefit Auction is its
largest fundraiser and SAQA's biggest income source after membership dues. This
year, for the second time, the quilts were auctioned directly from the website
and bidding for some quilts was also done at Houston. Pinterest and other
social media were used to maximise exposure. For 2013, 421 artworks were
donated by generous members and over $53,000 was been raised for SAQA
exhibitions and programs! In case you’re
wondering where all the money goes, the Benefit Auction supports SAQA's
exhibition program. During 2013 ten exhibitions of SAQA member work travelled
to Australia, Canada, England, France, Gabon, Italy, South Africa, and
seventeen states across the U.S. They
were displayed in 8 museums and 19 major quilt festivals and were seen by
several hundred thousand visitors, many of whom had never seen an art quilt
Claimer - July 21 to August 3 2014
Sounds like a wedding – but it’s even more
exciting! Susie Cujes and Ali George have put together a local exhibition
opportunity open to all SAQA Oceania members. Entries for the exhibition –
called “Out of the Box” – can be your choice of size, shape and subject. You
have absolute freedom to design and create a piece for display.
The location has been secured – it’s the
Delmar Gallery in Sydney which has hosted a range of wonderful fine art
exhibitions, including the finalists for the Blake Art and Poetry finalists.
On the weekend of Friday 25th July to Sunday 26th July they are planning to run some workshops. If you are interested in being included in the workshop program, please let Susie or Ali know as soon as possible to enable advertising of the classes. There is flexibility here - you could offer a class for a half day, a full day or over two days. There is already interest from artists to provide day classes of wet and dry felting, a two day mixed media and art cloth journal cover workshop as well as a photo shop class for printing on fabric. There is no funding for this venture, so you will need to factor in the cost of transport for you and your supplies into class costs. Please contact Susie ( or Ali ( if you would like to exhibit a piece. You don't have to send any details of your piece yet just a note of intention so that we can start to get organized. We will contact you with further details in the New Year. This is our opportunity to put our pieces into the "fine art world", happy creating and hope to hear from you all soon.
(Members of Brisbane)
The Brisbane MOB (Members of Brisbane) meets
at the Queensland Art Gallery coffee shop on the first Saturday of each new
season. The next get together will be 1 March. After that, we will meet for 7
June, 6 September and 6 December. It’s a relaxed and friendly gathering, a good
way to get to know what others are doing, and learn more about SAQA. Keep those
dates free so you can come along for a chat, and some show and tell.
Susan Matthews recently won the major prize
in the Victorian Quilters Inc. contemporary quilt exhibition, One Step Further.
Her quilt “Notations 2 (Musings)” was inspired by her mind’s ramblings while
walking along the beach here in Ocean Grove (Vic). It is one of two pieces she
has made in a very different palette to the one she usually uses (the other was
shown in the Wangaratta Contemporary Textile Award exhibition in June/July).
The techniques are an organic extension of those she has been developing over
many years. The exhibition is on Oak Hill Gallery in Mornington Vic until
December 29th.
Congratulations to Judy Hooworth who was SAQA
Featured Artist for November. Each featured artist talks about their work and
there are images to enjoy. Judy reveals that walking along Dora Creek near her
home is integral to her work as an artist. Access the page directly you can go to archived pages via the
“Artwork” link at the top of the SAQA website.
for Entries
To stay up with the opportunities SAQA has
for exhibiting and sharing your work, don’t forget to visit the website “Call
for Entries” section. At the top of the Home page of the website, click on
“Resources” which brings up a menu including “Calls for Entry”. There are a few
important ones with submission deadlines approaching including Art Quilt
Australia (deadline 14 July).
One of the deadlines coming up soon is for
the SAQA 2014 Anniversary Trunk Show. Its aim is to give an up-close-and-personal
look at SAQA artists' works. You can join in the celebrations for SAQA’s 25th
year with your trunk show submission a 10" x 7" art quilt that
showcases your artistic expression.
This is a travelling exhibition, starting
with the premiere at the 2014 SAQA conference in Washington, DC, and then
making its way across the United States and around the world. A group of quilts
from this exhibition will be chosen by jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret “Peg”
Keeney to become a permanent part of the collection of the National Quilt
Museum in Paducah, Kentucky.
only about a month left to enter Living Colour! which will premiere at the
Australasian Quilt Convention in 2014. The closing date for entries is 31
January 2014. Curator Brenda Gael Smith notes that monochromatic works in
glorious colour are eligible for consideration, there is no need to have a
rainbow of hues in your piece; just pick a colour you like and go for it! And don’t
forget that there are two words to the title theme. Each work will be in a
100x40cm (L x W) vertical format and up to 30 works may be selected. To submit
an entry, please review the Conditions of Entry and complete the Online Entry
Form at
No entry fee is payable unless your work is selected. International entries are
Until next month,
Ali and Susie
September 2015
everyone – There seems to be a lot happening out there – fantastic!
Attention members that live in the Canberra
Buffy Beggs writes - Would you
be interested in getting together on a monthly or bi-monthly basis to share our
work and our methods and our inspiration? I think it might be very supportive
of our art. If yes, please email me -
and I will then be able to see if it is viable to go forward.
Meet Ali and Kate
Ali and
I will be flying the SAQA flag at two upcoming Stitches and Craft shows,
sitting/standing near the SAQA Trunk Show F and chatting with visitors about
art quilts, techniques, SAQA etc. The details - Melbourne 22-25 October (Kate)
and Adelaide 5-8 November (Ali). Stop by and say ‘hi’
Oceania Exhibition 2017? – Yes!
for the great responses. There are five of us to get things going - Alison
Laurence (NZ), Rasa Mauragis (NSW), Wilma Cawley (ACT), Sue Dennis (QLD) and me
(Kate). At certain points we will no doubt put the call out for help in
specific ways as I know there’s a lot of expertise in our membership. Stay
Members’ Space
We love
to share small and big achievements, successes and experiences.
Neroli Handerson has a bit more background about her new role as Editor of Textile
Fibre Forum -
As a former graphic designer one of
the first questions I was asked when I was approached to be editor was if I
could update the look and feel of this more than 30 year old magazine and it looks
like I got my way! The magazine is now sporting a new logo and layout with a
renewed emphasis on presenting the best of both Australian and International
textile artists, exhibitions, best practice articles and reviews. Issue #119 is
out in September and is my first issue as editor. I’d love to know what you
think of the new Textile Fibre Forum and I also welcome any article submission
you may have, so please email me -
Lisa Walton writes -
I'm off
teaching in the UK and Luxembourg and I will also be manning the SAQA
Exhibition at The Knitting & Stitching Show in London in October at the end
of the trip. [Follow Lisa’s adventures via Facebook -
or her website -]
Yvonne Line writes –
artwork, ‘And to each has its Season’ has been accepted for hanging in the
exhibition ‘Evolution, Change , Challenge, A Contemporary Quilt. The venue is
the Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre, 782 Kingsway, Gymea. NSW and
is in conjunction with The Quilters’ Guild of NSW. Open from 29 August, 2015 to
8 September, 2015.
And to
each has its Season by Yvonne Line
99cm (H) x 69cm (W)
Statement: I have used leaf shapes as a metaphor for the life cycle of change
and evolution of the family of Man. The challenge that I set myself was to use
unpatterned fabric, simplify design elements and emphasize the use of a restricted
palette and strong colour value. Technique: Freehand drawings of leaves. Machine
appliqué, through wadding and backing. Machine and hand finished.
Cotton, Polyester wadding.
Williams writes –
I have been chosen as the Guest
Exhibitor at the Quilters Guild of South Australia, Festival of Quilts
Exhibition 2015 to be held during the Craft and Quilt Fair, Adelaide 5th to 8th
November at the Wayville Showground. My exhibition "Retrospective"
will follow my journey as a traditional quilter to textile artist over the past
21 years.
for Autumn by Mary Williams
by Mary Williams
Eileen Campbell writes –
At the
recent Victorian Quilter’s Showcase Exhibition my quilt ‘Always Bouquets’ won
1st in the ‘Pictorial Quilts’ category and also the award for ‘Excellence in
Domestic Machine Quilting – Professional’.
Always Bouquets by
Eileen Campbell
Always Bouquets (detail)
by Eileen Campbell
Sue Dennis writes –
I have been
invited to attend the 2015 China International Patchwork Invitational
Tournament and Patchwork Arts Show in Beijing 14-16 October. The show will be
held at the Beijing International Exhibition Centre and I will represent
Australia with a display of 10 of my quilts plus five quilts from leading Australian
quilters, Eileen Campbell, Lucy Carroll, Kay Haerland, Brenda Gael Smith and
Linda Steele. This is a wonderful opportunity to introduce quilters in China to
the unique style and subject matter of Australian quilting as well as the
wealth of quilting talent we have in our country. Other
countries to be represented are Taiwan, South Korea, Canada and the USA. I will
be posting about my experiences when I can -,
A Hot Land by Sue Dennis
Jenny Bacon [Curator Golden Textures Contemporary Art Quilt exhibition and
Prize 2013, 2015] writes -
The Golden Textures
biennial exhibition at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Maryborough Vic was
invited to bring a selection of works to the largest quilt show in Europe –
Festival of Quilts 6th-9th August 2015. Knowing that we would be given a
professional standard gallery space was one of the most important factors that
encouraged us to take up the challenge to travel.
We were able to take 21
works by 17 artists including many from SAQA. The full list was:
Anna Brown, Sue Dennis, Dianne Firth, Susanne
Gummow, Jann Haggart, Alvena Hall, Suzanne Lyle, Noelle Lyon, Margaret
McDonald, Susan Mathews, Jenny Bacon, Sue Reid, Valarie Robinson, Ruth de Vos,
Brenda Gael Smith, Tricia Smout.
The trip was a great
success, I had fantastic assistance for set up and take down; the visitors were
very complimentary and wrote in the Visitors Book that they were ‘inspired’ by
our colour, design and technique. One drawcard was ‘Coastal Life #2’ [below] by
Susan Mathews; it usually featured a crowd of visitors. To the right of Susan’s
piece is ‘Eucalyptus’ by Anna Brown.
Coastal Life #2 by Susan Mathews [left]
Outside view of our Gallery with works by Noelle Lyon and Ruth de Vos
With over 1000 quilts
and 60,000 visitors in four days the Festival is a terrific opportunity to
network and indeed it led to us being invited to return to France in April 2016
where we will have a gallery at Quilt Expo en Beaujolais. It was also a chance
to meet many SAQA members from Europe and the USA. All these invitations are a
result of the high standard of work that our artists are producing. So the
journey continues!
Brenda Gael Smith writes –
Along with several other SAQA
members, my work [bottom row, third from left] was selected for the Evolution,
Change, Challenge contemporary quilt exhibition at Hazelhurst 28 August to 8
September. There is an online gallery at
Two new works of mine - Kelp Forest and Landlines:
A river runs through it - were juried into "Dare to Differ" at Gallery
M Adelaide, 2-25 October.
Auction Quilts!
Check out the latest SAQA video of
all of the auction quilts! Start it up and let it run!
Brenda Gael Smith writes –
I would
love to include artwork by SAQA members in my next travelling exhibition -
a matter of time. Entries close on
15 January 2015. For more information, see:
Art Quilts:
Evolution & Revolution
Bookings are now open for the Conference Gala 2015: Art Quilts: Evolution
& Revolution at Geelong. All welcome! Highlights of the
program include:
One-day conference forum Art Quilts:
Evolution and Revolution including presentations by Padriac Fisher , Director,
National Wool Museum; Jan Mullen, fabric & pattern designer, writer, and
maker of art quilts; and John Lamb, professional photographer;
REview / REdesign/ REpurpose
Workshop with Jan Mullen;
Exhibition opening of Art Quilt
Australia 2015 and Australia Wide Four;
Conference Gala Dinner & Silent
Artist Studio Tour – visit Helen
Millar, Jennifer Hyland and Susan Mathews in their home studios; and
Quilt Study at the National Wool
Don’t forget these SAQA opportunities!
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
SAQA Journal Member Gallery – October 1
Stories of Migration: Contemporary
Artists Interpret Diaspora – October 31
My corner of the World – November 30
Tranquility – January 31, 2016
Turmoil – February 28, 2016
Material for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to
If you could prepare the text yourself we can then
just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
August 2015
Hi everyone –
I hope you are taking advantage of the cooler weather and creating madly!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new member Gael ODonnell
from Carterton New Zealand. We’re very pleased to have you aboard!
Thanks to all members who sent me
postcards for the Conference earlier this year. I also took them with me
to Newcastle Stitches and Craft, and they were a real hit alongside the touring
trunk show. Many visitors had never seen textile art or art quilts, and they
were blown away by the techniques, materials, and the workmanship. They are a
fabulous way to get the conversation started about SAQA and the work we do. As
this trunk show travels, if Ali or I will be there, the postcards will be there
(while we can keep an eye on them).
Postcards at
Newcastle Stitches and Craft
Wish You Were Here
Enjoy this
month’s gallery of art - ‘Wish You Were Here’. The curator, V.Susan Johnson
says “I thought of postcards as I
searched through the gallery images. Whether they represent real or imagined
places, these quilts invite me to go in search of new views--or perhaps new
points of view. I chose them for the emotions I think their creators may have
experienced as they brought them to life, emotions I equate with traveling to
new places. And of course, all travels include thankfulness for a safe arrival
See the work
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Neroli Henderson is the new editor of Textile Fibre Forum
magazine, with her first issue hitting the newsstands in September –
congratulations Neroli!
Sandra Champion writes –
I was
thrilled that my quilt Button Grass
Plains: Winter won
First Prize
Art Quilt Open
Best Use of
Mixed/Decorative Media and
Bernina Best Of Show
at the Island
Quilts Show in Tasmania in July.
Button Grass Plains: Winter will travel next year with
2015 Best of Show from other States.
Button Grass
Plains: Winter by Sandra Champion
Lisa Call writes –
I am having
an exhibit of my textile paintings in Philadelphia this month from August 7 –
28, 2015.
Beginnings and Possibilities
Solo Exhibit
Fine Art Gallery
I've attached
a few images of work from the show.
*Portals #5*
©Lisa Call
52 x 85 inches
*Portals #55*
©Lisa Call
18 x 18 inches
*Portals #58*
©Lisa Call
14 x 46 inches
Oceania Exhibition 2017?
We think than
many Oceania members would like to work towards a SAQA exhibition, and we know
that there other regions were very interested in hosting an exhibition from
SAQA Oceania members, so anything we arrange has the potential to tour
We feel that
planning for an exhibition in 2017 is realistic – the making of the pieces is
one thing, the organization will also take a fair bit of time.
has the interest and time to get this rolling? Please let us know – don’t wait
for someone else to put their hand up if it’s something you’d like to do. It
could be super exciting to exhibit here and then have our work travel the
New Mentorship Program: Update!
Last month,
we wrote a little about the mentorship program – Sue Bleiweiss
(Massachusetts/Rhode Island regional co-rep,
has more -
Sue Bleiweiss
Now that the
mentorship program has been underway for several weeks I thought I would post
an update on how it’s going and provide some statistics and other information
about it.
So far 12
matches have been made and all the mentees have met with their mentors at least
once via Skype, FaceTime or telephone to talk about their objectives and goals
and to set up a regular communication schedule with each other. Everyone is
very excited about their new partnerships and I couldn’t be happier about that.
You might be
wondering who these mentors are so I am going to tell you! I’m sharing their
names with their permission of course and they are:
Pamela Allen, Sue Bleiweiss, Lisa Call, Jenny Bowker, Sherri
Culver, Kathleen Loomis, Alison Schwabe, Pamela Druhen, Carol Ann Waugh, Susan
Polansky and Phylis Cullen.
Each of them
have signed on to work with at least one mentee and a couple are working with
more than one. I am grateful for their willingness to sign on to be a part of
this program because the success of the program really hinges on having enough
mentors. And that brings me to my next statistic…
I have 9
mentees on the waiting list waiting to be matched up with a mentor. I need more
So I am once
again putting out the call for mentors. Now I know that being a mentor isn’t
for everyone and I absolutely understand and respect that but I’m guessing that
there are some of you out there that are thinking you might be interested but
you’re not sure about it because you are not sure how to be a mentor or what
areas or categories you can mentor someone in. To answer those questions, just
pop over to the SAQA website here:
All the information about the program is there and if you take a look at both
the mentor and the mentee applications (regardless of which you want to apply
for) those will also help answer your questions. If you still have questions or
your unsure, then write to me at I will be happy to
talk with you about the program and how you can be a part of it.
mentorship program is just one of the programs brought to you by the SAQA
membership committee. The committee is chaired by Diane Wright and is made up
of volunteers Clara Nartey (Secretary), Sue Bleiweiss, Paula Huffman Brown,
Sharon Buck, Christine Hager-Braun, Candice Phelan, Allison Reker, Desi Vaughn,
and Martha Wolfe. We meet once a month to discuss, brainstorm and develop
programs and initiatives related to areas of membership. Watch for updates
about the committee’s other programs and initiatives in future emails.
By the way -
if you're curious about what other commitees that SAQA has you'll find that
information on the SAQA website here:
Don’t forget these SAQA opportunities!
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
SAQA Journal Member Gallery – October 1
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
My corner of the World – November 30
Tranquility – January 31, 2016
Turmoil – February 28, 2016
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
July 2015
Welcome to
another monthly newsletter! We hope you are all keeping well and warm!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new members Sarah Cox and Kathryn Robertson. We’re very pleased to have you
Meet Ali and Rebecca Staunton
Ali and
Rebecca will be at the WA Craft Show in August – stop by to say hi! This show
kicks off a new SAQA Trunk Show tour of Australia
Meet Kate in Newcastle
Kate will be
at the Show from 13 to 16 August, with a floor talk at noon every day. I would
be great to catch up with members!
Successful Meet Up at the Sydney Quilt Show
Lisa Walton
organised a few meetings with SAQA members in town for the Sydney Quilt &
Craft Show. It was a great opportunity to match faces to names and get to know
each other a little especially as we had a few interstate visitors. Here is the
group who met up on the first day
Back row –
Yvonne Line Brenda Gael Smith, Sue Devanny, Denise Griffiths, Mirjam Aigner
Front row –
Maxine O’Toole, Lisa Walton, Rasa Maugaris
Also at get
together, but not pictured - Beth Miller, Alex & Judy Schaefer, Buffy Beggs
and Wilma Cawley
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Lisa Walton is
very pleased that her quilt Blue Corridor has been selected for the prestigious
Tactile Architecture Exhibition which will be on display at IQA shows for a
year starting with Houston
From Alan Tremain
RELEASE—June 2015 Out of Africa An Exhibition of Wax Cloth Quilts by Alan R
Tremain Art Studios Gallery, 391 Mann Street, North Gosford NSW 2250 August
5—16, 2015 Quilting Design Workshop ‘Autumn Splendor—Emotional Response to
Colour’. A 4‐day on‐site Quilting Workshop
will be conducted in conjunction with the exhibition. Request application form
from Or go to Art
Studios Co‐operative, 391 Mann
Street, North Gosford NSW 2250 Monday and Tuesday 10 & 11, 17 & 18
August 2015 Contact: Alan Tremain / Oz Quilt Design / /
0418 273 940 / PO Box 9235 Wyoming NSW 2250 ‘Out of Africa’ is a much awaited
exhibition of dramatic and original quilts made using and inspired by African
Wax Cloth. This is the first solo exhibition by Alan since suffering a stroke
August 2013. While African Wax Cloth embodies a very dramatic and colourful
history, its true origin is yet to be defined. Views differ as to how Dutch wax
prints entered the West African market. One view is that in the late 1800’s
Dutch freighters on their way to Indonesia from Europe with their machine‐made batik textiles
stopped at various African ports, and subsequently an African client base grew.
African wax cloth fabrics have been widely embraced by couture fashion houses
in both Europe and USA. One of the most popular wax cloth print themes has historically
been the use of political images and campaign slogans. African wax cloth is
well known for its highly stylised and innovative bold and colourful design with
very graphic images. On additional display in this exhibition will be a quilt
by an unknown African quilter using such themes. This quilt, which has
miraculously survived since 1944, features on the whole‐cloth quilt backing,
a print celebrating the election of William Vacanarat Shadrach Tubman as the
19th President of Liberia on 3rd January 1944. He was later to become known as
‘The Father of Liberia’. This quilt has resided in Africa, England, USA and now
forms part of Alan’s private quilt collection of significant quilts. Another
‘presidential’ quilt on display will be one titled ‘Happy Birthday Mr
President’ which bears no resemblance to the breathy birthday song, sung to
President John F. Kennedy at his 45th birthday by an adoring Marilyn Munroe on
May 19th 1962. Instead this quilt celebrates both President Barack Obama’s election
as the 44th President of the United States as well as his birthday on 4th
August. Barack’s father Barack Snr., was a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Republic
of Kenya, West Africa. Obama’s parents met in 1960 in a Russian class at the
University of Hawaii at Mānoa, where his father was a foreign student on
scholarship. A Zairean fable, ‘The Tortoise, The Elephant and The Hippopotamus’
features pictorially as the central panel in another quilt in typical African
colour palette of bright yellow, red and black. ‘African wax cloths are so
dramatic and inspiring. I found it very hard to choose which prints that
excited me the most and I’ve tried to include many of my most popular quilt
designs in this exhibition ranging from small to large’ Alan says. Alan R Tremain
is Australia’s longest practising male quilt designer and is recognised internationally
for his design, quilt conservation and restoration abilities. Alan’s inspiring
and dramatic ‘Out of Africa’ wax cloth quilt exhibition will be opened at
2.30pm on Saturday 8th August by International Quilt Artist Judy Hooworth and
introduced by the Quilt Study Group of Australia’s Convenor Karen Fail, both
Life Members of the Quilters’ Guild of NSW Inc.
In previous
Newsletters Helen Beaven and Mel Forrest put together some information about
all the resources that are available on the SAQA website. Here are two more.
1 – Maria
Shell presented a fabulous talk at the Conference, and there was a lot of
interest from other members for her to share her knowledge – she very
generously has put together a webinar. Highly recommended. This direct link may
open up a page for you to sign into your SAQA account since mentorship webinar
are a members-only resource. Enter your info and the page will automatically
redirect to the webinar.
2 – Lyric
Kinard led two breakout sessions about making bad art – sounds counter
intuitive, but she is awesomely inspiring. She also very generously puts out a
newsletter that also includes calls for entry. You can visit her website to
find out this information and also sign up for her newsletter -
3 – Ali has
been listening to some wonderful podcasts by Grace Bonney (a design blogger
with a love for art and design) and highly recommends these – if you have a
communte or other ‘free’ time, it’s worth plugging in and being inspired -
Oceania Exhibition 2017?
We think than
many Oceania members would like to work towards a SAQA exhibition, and we know
that there other regions were very interested in hosting an exhibition from
SAQA Oceania members, so anything we arrange has the potential to tour
We feel that
planning for an exhibition in 2017 is realistic – the making of the pieces is
one thing, the organization will also take a fair bit of time.
has the interest and time to get this rolling? Please let us know – don’t wait
for someone else to put their hand up if it’s something you’d like to do. It
could be super exciting to exhibit here and then have our work travel the
Call for Entry
Art Quilt
Elements 2016
Juror:Bruce Pepich, Racine Art
Museum, Executive Director and Curator of Collections
For more
information visit
Last day to
enter is September 30.
Wayne Art
Maplewood AvenueWayne, PA 19087
Postcards Update
Kate still
has all the postcards from members that she took to the SAQA Conference. The
work represented is really interested, and it would be great if we could take
them around with us as we (Ali and Kate) visit the various shows with the SAQA
trunk show.
Our thinking
is that we won’t put them up on a wall (too much worry about them being taken),
but we will have them on the table when we are personally there, so we can show
them to visitors and talk about them, and when we aren’t at the table, we will
put them away safely.
Only fibre
postcards will be included. If you supplied a fibre postcard, and you’re happy
for it to be seen by show visitors around Australia, you need do nothing. If
you supplied a fibre postcard and you don’t want it to travel, and want it
back, then please email Kate ( If you only sent an image
the first time, but want to make a fibre postcard to be included with the
others, please email Kate with details so she knows to expect your card
New Mentorship Program: An Exciting New Benefit
for SAQA Members
Bleiweiss, Massachusetts/Rhode Island Rep writes –
At the end of
2014 I launched a pilot mentorship program in my region (MA/RI) in the hopes
that it could eventually be offered to all members throughout the organization.
What started as a small region based test program is now available for all
members of SAQA to participate in.
What is the
mentorship program? It’s a goal or project-based program of peer mentoring open
to all SAQA members seeking one-on-one mentorship for a period lasting up to
twelve months: SAQA mentoring is a partnership in professional development. The
SAQA mentor is a friend, a trusted guide, one who shares knowledge and
resources with a less experienced colleague. The mentor’s responsibility is to
provide guidance, support and feedback. The mentee’s responsibility is to
identify goals and make reasonable progress in attaining those goals. Mentors
are recruited and matched to mentee applicants based on availability and areas
of interest. Mentors will review the advisee applications from SAQA members: If
the mentor accepts the applicant and the mentee is amenable, both will receive
a welcome email and begin meeting to discuss and define the goals and
objectives of the mentorship. These meetings can be held via FaceTime or Skype
if meeting in person is not geographically possible.
As far as I
know, there is no other organization as large as SAQA offering a program like this
as a benefit with a general membership level. You can find more information
about the program along with applications for both mentors and proteges on the
SAQA website.
Don’t forget these opportunities!
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
June 2015
Only a few
days until June, and lots happening. I hope you are all finding studio time
during this cooler time of the year!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new members Karen Mundt (Queensland) and Kathryn Robertson (Victoria). We’re
very pleased to have you aboard!
Meet Up at the Sydney Quilt Show
Lisa Walton is keen to have a SAQA gtg at the Sydney Quilt
Show at Glebe Island. She’s thinking about a coffee around 3 when it gets
quieter; her preferred days are Saturday or Sunday, but she could be available
on another day, depending on interest. Please email Lisa:
Members of
Our quarterly meeting is on Saturday 13
June, at 10am in the Gallery Café. Local and visitors alike are very welcome to
come along and chat about all things arty!!
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Lisa Walton writes –
“My Bushfire
Sunset quilt [image below] is going to be hung in the Boardroom of the Rural
Fire Service.
Brenda Gael Smith writes -
the fantastic response to Beneath the Southern Sky and Living Colour!, I am
curating another travelling textile art exhibition touring in 2016/2017.
All the
details at:
There is also a facebook page:
International entries welcome!”
Charlotte Scott writes -
interviewed fellow SAQA Oceania member, Helen Godden, when she visited NZ in
January for the Manawatu Quilt Symposium. It's a great listen as Helen is
funny, upbeat and full of interesting information.
Here is a
link to listen to the interview via a podcast on my blog:
and an iTunes
Kaye Sauer writes
“I thought
you may like to know that one of my quilts ‘My Top 40’ won first prize at
Brookfield Show in the Art/Pictorial Section. I have attached a photo.”
Rebecca Staunton Coffey writes
“Eight of my
quilts will be on show at Parliament’s Exhibition Space in Wellington, New
Zealand, from 30 April to 6 June 2015. The exhibition is called ‘The Colour of
....’ and features the work by eight quilt artists from the Hutt Valley: Patricia
Ashcroft, Diana Carroll, Margaret Davidson, Brenda McPartlin, Ruth Nicholas,
Gael O’Donnell, Margaret Rogerson, and me. Our group was originally called 8 by
8 until recently when we added an extra person (now we are 3 squared) this is
our second series of 15 inch by 12 inch quilts. The first series was exhibited
in Upper Hutt Expressions Gallery. I have stayed in the Group even though I
have returned to live in Australia.
techniques and ways of working with fabric are what interest me the most. The
opportunity to work with colour using fabric, paint or thread is exciting.
Doing my
textile art provides an opportunity to enter a different world which is
challenging and consuming. There is the discovery of different approaches to a
subject, the researching and planning, and the playing and experimenting to
achieve the finished art quilt. My work mixes traditional quilting techniques
with more innovative surface design and uses some of my own hand dyed and
handprinted fabrics.
I have
completed City and Guilds by distance with Laura and Linda Kemshall(UK) in
Patchwork and Quilting and Creative Sketchbooks. I also undertook an Artist
Strength Training distance course with Jane Dunnewold and found this very
helpful in terms of reflection and focus of my work.”
Oszko writes –
‘It was an absolute pleasure to visit The
Dairy Barn Arts Centre in Ohio and see the Quilt National artworks hanging in
that wonderful space.
Of the 84 artists whose work was on show, 5
were Australians, 3 from Japan, 3 from
Germany, 2 from Canada, 2 from Switzerland, 1 from Northern Ireland, 1 from
Great Britain, 1 from Denmark, and the rest from the USA.
SAQA Oceania members represented are - Kathy
Brown - Growing Pains; Ruth de Vos - The Boundless Energy of Children; and Judy
Hooworth - Rainy Day Dora Creek #12.”
Don’t forget
these opportunities!
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge
using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
May 2015
Quick Suggestions
2015 SAQA Conference – Fiberlandia
I (Kate) put
together a brief report on the Conference in a special edition Newsletter which
you will have received by now. It truly was a great experience to be among my ‘amen,
Lisa Walton (Vice President) also wrote about her
experience. She says “I really encourage you all to think of attending the next
one which will be in Philadelphia (29 March - 3 April 2016). You will certainly
enjoy it and be inspired and meet some really interesting like minded souls. If
you are interested in seeing some of the action in pictures you can check out
my Facebook page at
It can be a
good idea to get a few small art works ready now, for donation pieces or other
opportunities that crop up. Here are a few sizes to consider –
4in x 6in (postcard)
6in x 8in (SAQA Spotlight donation size) – these looked great when
12in x 12 (Benefit Auction donation size).
It is also a
great idea to make some good quality/high resolution images of your work. Most
competitions/shows now ask for online entry, so it’s good to be prepared now.
New Group
Neroli Henderson writes –
“I’m wanting
to start up a get together of SAQA members for a once a month meeting in St
Kilda. I’ve managed to get a restaurant venue, opposite Luna Park and the
Palais with a semi private dining room that fits up to 18 and we’re welcome to
sit and chat over coffee or lunch or even bring hand work and sketch books etc.
They have even said a machine would be ok if we needed one to demo something.
There is lots of parking around there too (street and off street) and it has a
major tram stop outside the door.
I’m currently
trying to gauge interest - and find out what times / days would work best for
most people. Please email me back if you’re interested in this and I’ll add you
to a list!
As far as I
know there are no inner city art quilt get togethers and I know I’d love to
spend an hour or two around creative types regularly.”
Email Neroli
Benefit Auction Deadline
Don’t forget
- 1 June 2015 is the deadline for your 12” x 12” auction piece.
World Quilt Competition Deadline
Brenda Gael
Smith writes –
“Entries for
the 2015 World Quilt Competition close on 18 May 2015.
Australian entry form is available at
Entries can
be submitted online, by e-mail or by post.
New Zealand
entry forms are available from Anne Scott at NZ Quilter
The World
Quilt Competition 2015 premieres in New England before touring to Pennsylvania,
Palm Springs and Santa Clara. Quilts
must be larger than 1296 square inches (eg 36in x 36in or 30in x 40in) and
completed since 2013.
Brenda Gael
World Quilt Coordinator”
Other Opportunities
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Health and Wholeness – 1 July 2015
- Urban Textures Challenge - 31 July 2015
- Concrete and Grasslands -
30 September 2015
- Stories of Migration - 31
October 2015
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Something New – 1 October 2015
- My corner of the
world (international) – 30 November 2015
- Tranquility – 31
January 2016
- Turmoil –
29 February 2016
See the SAQA website for more
information about the above.
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Helen Godden writes –
“This was the
Redirecting the Ordinary selection "A Close Shave". Hand painted with
Dye on calico and extreme free -motion graffiti quilting in back ground”
Helen Godden – “A Close Shave”
Helen Godden – “A Close Shave” (detail)
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to
If you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t
forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
September 2015
everyone – There seems to be a lot happening out there – fantastic!
Attention members that live in the Canberra
Buffy Beggs writes - Would you
be interested in getting together on a monthly or bi-monthly basis to share our
work and our methods and our inspiration? I think it might be very supportive
of our art. If yes, please email me -
and I will then be able to see if it is viable to go forward.
Meet Ali and Kate
Ali and
I will be flying the SAQA flag at two upcoming Stitches and Craft shows,
sitting/standing near the SAQA Trunk Show F and chatting with visitors about
art quilts, techniques, SAQA etc. The details - Melbourne 22-25 October (Kate)
and Adelaide 5-8 November (Ali). Stop by and say ‘hi’
Oceania Exhibition 2017? – Yes!
for the great responses. There are five of us to get things going - Alison
Laurence (NZ), Rasa Mauragis (NSW), Wilma Cawley (ACT), Sue Dennis (QLD) and me
(Kate). At certain points we will no doubt put the call out for help in
specific ways as I know there’s a lot of expertise in our membership. Stay
Members’ Space
We love
to share small and big achievements, successes and experiences.
Neroli Handerson has a bit more background about her new role as Editor of Textile
Fibre Forum -
As a former graphic designer one of
the first questions I was asked when I was approached to be editor was if I
could update the look and feel of this more than 30 year old magazine and it looks
like I got my way! The magazine is now sporting a new logo and layout with a
renewed emphasis on presenting the best of both Australian and International
textile artists, exhibitions, best practice articles and reviews. Issue #119 is
out in September and is my first issue as editor. I’d love to know what you
think of the new Textile Fibre Forum and I also welcome any article submission
you may have, so please email me -
Lisa Walton writes -
I'm off
teaching in the UK and Luxembourg and I will also be manning the SAQA
Exhibition at The Knitting & Stitching Show in London in October at the end
of the trip. [Follow Lisa’s adventures via Facebook -
or her website -]
Yvonne Line writes –
artwork, ‘And to each has its Season’ has been accepted for hanging in the
exhibition ‘Evolution, Change , Challenge, A Contemporary Quilt. The venue is
the Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre, 782 Kingsway, Gymea. NSW and
is in conjunction with The Quilters’ Guild of NSW. Open from 29 August, 2015 to
8 September, 2015.
And to
each has its Season by Yvonne Line
99cm (H) x 69cm (W)
Statement: I have used leaf shapes as a metaphor for the life cycle of change
and evolution of the family of Man. The challenge that I set myself was to use
unpatterned fabric, simplify design elements and emphasize the use of a restricted
palette and strong colour value. Technique: Freehand drawings of leaves. Machine
appliqué, through wadding and backing. Machine and hand finished.
Cotton, Polyester wadding.
Williams writes –
I have been chosen as the Guest
Exhibitor at the Quilters Guild of South Australia, Festival of Quilts
Exhibition 2015 to be held during the Craft and Quilt Fair, Adelaide 5th to 8th
November at the Wayville Showground. My exhibition "Retrospective"
will follow my journey as a traditional quilter to textile artist over the past
21 years.
for Autumn by Mary Williams
by Mary Williams
Eileen Campbell writes –
At the
recent Victorian Quilter’s Showcase Exhibition my quilt ‘Always Bouquets’ won
1st in the ‘Pictorial Quilts’ category and also the award for ‘Excellence in
Domestic Machine Quilting – Professional’.
Always Bouquets by
Eileen Campbell
Always Bouquets (detail)
by Eileen Campbell
Sue Dennis writes –
I have been
invited to attend the 2015 China International Patchwork Invitational
Tournament and Patchwork Arts Show in Beijing 14-16 October. The show will be
held at the Beijing International Exhibition Centre and I will represent
Australia with a display of 10 of my quilts plus five quilts from leading Australian
quilters, Eileen Campbell, Lucy Carroll, Kay Haerland, Brenda Gael Smith and
Linda Steele. This is a wonderful opportunity to introduce quilters in China to
the unique style and subject matter of Australian quilting as well as the
wealth of quilting talent we have in our country. Other
countries to be represented are Taiwan, South Korea, Canada and the USA. I will
be posting about my experiences when I can -,
A Hot Land by Sue Dennis
Jenny Bacon [Curator Golden Textures Contemporary Art Quilt exhibition and
Prize 2013, 2015] writes -
The Golden Textures
biennial exhibition at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Maryborough Vic was
invited to bring a selection of works to the largest quilt show in Europe –
Festival of Quilts 6th-9th August 2015. Knowing that we would be given a
professional standard gallery space was one of the most important factors that
encouraged us to take up the challenge to travel.
We were able to take 21
works by 17 artists including many from SAQA. The full list was:
Anna Brown, Sue Dennis, Dianne Firth, Susanne
Gummow, Jann Haggart, Alvena Hall, Suzanne Lyle, Noelle Lyon, Margaret
McDonald, Susan Mathews, Jenny Bacon, Sue Reid, Valarie Robinson, Ruth de Vos,
Brenda Gael Smith, Tricia Smout.
The trip was a great
success, I had fantastic assistance for set up and take down; the visitors were
very complimentary and wrote in the Visitors Book that they were ‘inspired’ by
our colour, design and technique. One drawcard was ‘Coastal Life #2’ [below] by
Susan Mathews; it usually featured a crowd of visitors. To the right of Susan’s
piece is ‘Eucalyptus’ by Anna Brown.
Coastal Life #2 by Susan Mathews [left]
Outside view of our Gallery with works by Noelle Lyon and Ruth de Vos
With over 1000 quilts
and 60,000 visitors in four days the Festival is a terrific opportunity to
network and indeed it led to us being invited to return to France in April 2016
where we will have a gallery at Quilt Expo en Beaujolais. It was also a chance
to meet many SAQA members from Europe and the USA. All these invitations are a
result of the high standard of work that our artists are producing. So the
journey continues!
Brenda Gael Smith writes –
Along with several other SAQA
members, my work [bottom row, third from left] was selected for the Evolution,
Change, Challenge contemporary quilt exhibition at Hazelhurst 28 August to 8
September. There is an online gallery at
Two new works of mine - Kelp Forest and Landlines:
A river runs through it - were juried into "Dare to Differ" at Gallery
M Adelaide, 2-25 October.
Auction Quilts!
Check out the latest SAQA video of
all of the auction quilts! Start it up and let it run!
Brenda Gael Smith writes –
I would
love to include artwork by SAQA members in my next travelling exhibition -
a matter of time. Entries close on
15 January 2015. For more information, see:
Art Quilts:
Evolution & Revolution
Bookings are now open for the Conference Gala 2015: Art Quilts: Evolution & Revolution at Geelong. All welcome! Highlights of the program include:
Bookings are now open for the Conference Gala 2015: Art Quilts: Evolution & Revolution at Geelong. All welcome! Highlights of the program include:
One-day conference forum Art Quilts:
Evolution and Revolution including presentations by Padriac Fisher , Director,
National Wool Museum; Jan Mullen, fabric & pattern designer, writer, and
maker of art quilts; and John Lamb, professional photographer;
REview / REdesign/ REpurpose
Workshop with Jan Mullen;
Exhibition opening of Art Quilt
Australia 2015 and Australia Wide Four;
Conference Gala Dinner & Silent
Artist Studio Tour – visit Helen
Millar, Jennifer Hyland and Susan Mathews in their home studios; and
Quilt Study at the National Wool
Don’t forget these SAQA opportunities!
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
SAQA Journal Member Gallery – October 1
Stories of Migration: Contemporary
Artists Interpret Diaspora – October 31
My corner of the World – November 30
Tranquility – January 31, 2016
Turmoil – February 28, 2016
Material for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to
If you could prepare the text yourself we can then
just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
August 2015
Hi everyone –
I hope you are taking advantage of the cooler weather and creating madly!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new member Gael ODonnell
from Carterton New Zealand. We’re very pleased to have you aboard!
Thanks to all members who sent me
postcards for the Conference earlier this year. I also took them with me
to Newcastle Stitches and Craft, and they were a real hit alongside the touring
trunk show. Many visitors had never seen textile art or art quilts, and they
were blown away by the techniques, materials, and the workmanship. They are a
fabulous way to get the conversation started about SAQA and the work we do. As
this trunk show travels, if Ali or I will be there, the postcards will be there
(while we can keep an eye on them).
Postcards at
Newcastle Stitches and Craft
Wish You Were Here
Enjoy this
month’s gallery of art - ‘Wish You Were Here’. The curator, V.Susan Johnson
says “I thought of postcards as I
searched through the gallery images. Whether they represent real or imagined
places, these quilts invite me to go in search of new views--or perhaps new
points of view. I chose them for the emotions I think their creators may have
experienced as they brought them to life, emotions I equate with traveling to
new places. And of course, all travels include thankfulness for a safe arrival
See the work
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Neroli Henderson is the new editor of Textile Fibre Forum
magazine, with her first issue hitting the newsstands in September –
congratulations Neroli!
Sandra Champion writes –
I was
thrilled that my quilt Button Grass
Plains: Winter won
First Prize
Art Quilt Open
Best Use of
Mixed/Decorative Media and
Bernina Best Of Show
at the Island
Quilts Show in Tasmania in July.
Button Grass Plains: Winter will travel next year with
2015 Best of Show from other States.
Button Grass
Plains: Winter by Sandra Champion
Lisa Call writes –
I am having
an exhibit of my textile paintings in Philadelphia this month from August 7 –
28, 2015.
Beginnings and Possibilities
Solo Exhibit
Fine Art Gallery
I've attached
a few images of work from the show.
*Portals #5*
©Lisa Call
52 x 85 inches
*Portals #55*
©Lisa Call
18 x 18 inches
*Portals #58*
©Lisa Call
14 x 46 inches
Oceania Exhibition 2017?
We think than
many Oceania members would like to work towards a SAQA exhibition, and we know
that there other regions were very interested in hosting an exhibition from
SAQA Oceania members, so anything we arrange has the potential to tour
We feel that
planning for an exhibition in 2017 is realistic – the making of the pieces is
one thing, the organization will also take a fair bit of time.
has the interest and time to get this rolling? Please let us know – don’t wait
for someone else to put their hand up if it’s something you’d like to do. It
could be super exciting to exhibit here and then have our work travel the
New Mentorship Program: Update!
Last month,
we wrote a little about the mentorship program – Sue Bleiweiss
(Massachusetts/Rhode Island regional co-rep,
has more -
Sue Bleiweiss
Now that the
mentorship program has been underway for several weeks I thought I would post
an update on how it’s going and provide some statistics and other information
about it.
So far 12
matches have been made and all the mentees have met with their mentors at least
once via Skype, FaceTime or telephone to talk about their objectives and goals
and to set up a regular communication schedule with each other. Everyone is
very excited about their new partnerships and I couldn’t be happier about that.
You might be
wondering who these mentors are so I am going to tell you! I’m sharing their
names with their permission of course and they are:
Pamela Allen, Sue Bleiweiss, Lisa Call, Jenny Bowker, Sherri
Culver, Kathleen Loomis, Alison Schwabe, Pamela Druhen, Carol Ann Waugh, Susan
Polansky and Phylis Cullen.
Each of them
have signed on to work with at least one mentee and a couple are working with
more than one. I am grateful for their willingness to sign on to be a part of
this program because the success of the program really hinges on having enough
mentors. And that brings me to my next statistic…
I have 9
mentees on the waiting list waiting to be matched up with a mentor. I need more
So I am once
again putting out the call for mentors. Now I know that being a mentor isn’t
for everyone and I absolutely understand and respect that but I’m guessing that
there are some of you out there that are thinking you might be interested but
you’re not sure about it because you are not sure how to be a mentor or what
areas or categories you can mentor someone in. To answer those questions, just
pop over to the SAQA website here:
All the information about the program is there and if you take a look at both
the mentor and the mentee applications (regardless of which you want to apply
for) those will also help answer your questions. If you still have questions or
your unsure, then write to me at I will be happy to
talk with you about the program and how you can be a part of it.
mentorship program is just one of the programs brought to you by the SAQA
membership committee. The committee is chaired by Diane Wright and is made up
of volunteers Clara Nartey (Secretary), Sue Bleiweiss, Paula Huffman Brown,
Sharon Buck, Christine Hager-Braun, Candice Phelan, Allison Reker, Desi Vaughn,
and Martha Wolfe. We meet once a month to discuss, brainstorm and develop
programs and initiatives related to areas of membership. Watch for updates
about the committee’s other programs and initiatives in future emails.
By the way -
if you're curious about what other commitees that SAQA has you'll find that
information on the SAQA website here:
Don’t forget these SAQA opportunities!
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
SAQA Journal Member Gallery – October 1
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
My corner of the World – November 30
Tranquility – January 31, 2016
Turmoil – February 28, 2016
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
July 2015
Welcome to
another monthly newsletter! We hope you are all keeping well and warm!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new members Sarah Cox and Kathryn Robertson. We’re very pleased to have you
Meet Ali and Rebecca Staunton
Ali and
Rebecca will be at the WA Craft Show in August – stop by to say hi! This show
kicks off a new SAQA Trunk Show tour of Australia
Meet Kate in Newcastle
Kate will be
at the Show from 13 to 16 August, with a floor talk at noon every day. I would
be great to catch up with members!
Successful Meet Up at the Sydney Quilt Show
Lisa Walton
organised a few meetings with SAQA members in town for the Sydney Quilt &
Craft Show. It was a great opportunity to match faces to names and get to know
each other a little especially as we had a few interstate visitors. Here is the
group who met up on the first day
Back row –
Yvonne Line Brenda Gael Smith, Sue Devanny, Denise Griffiths, Mirjam Aigner
Front row –
Maxine O’Toole, Lisa Walton, Rasa Maugaris
Also at get
together, but not pictured - Beth Miller, Alex & Judy Schaefer, Buffy Beggs
and Wilma Cawley
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Lisa Walton is
very pleased that her quilt Blue Corridor has been selected for the prestigious
Tactile Architecture Exhibition which will be on display at IQA shows for a
year starting with Houston
From Alan Tremain
RELEASE—June 2015 Out of Africa An Exhibition of Wax Cloth Quilts by Alan R
Tremain Art Studios Gallery, 391 Mann Street, North Gosford NSW 2250 August
5—16, 2015 Quilting Design Workshop ‘Autumn Splendor—Emotional Response to
Colour’. A 4‐day on‐site Quilting Workshop
will be conducted in conjunction with the exhibition. Request application form
from Or go to Art
Studios Co‐operative, 391 Mann
Street, North Gosford NSW 2250 Monday and Tuesday 10 & 11, 17 & 18
August 2015 Contact: Alan Tremain / Oz Quilt Design / /
0418 273 940 / PO Box 9235 Wyoming NSW 2250 ‘Out of Africa’ is a much awaited
exhibition of dramatic and original quilts made using and inspired by African
Wax Cloth. This is the first solo exhibition by Alan since suffering a stroke
August 2013. While African Wax Cloth embodies a very dramatic and colourful
history, its true origin is yet to be defined. Views differ as to how Dutch wax
prints entered the West African market. One view is that in the late 1800’s
Dutch freighters on their way to Indonesia from Europe with their machine‐made batik textiles
stopped at various African ports, and subsequently an African client base grew.
African wax cloth fabrics have been widely embraced by couture fashion houses
in both Europe and USA. One of the most popular wax cloth print themes has historically
been the use of political images and campaign slogans. African wax cloth is
well known for its highly stylised and innovative bold and colourful design with
very graphic images. On additional display in this exhibition will be a quilt
by an unknown African quilter using such themes. This quilt, which has
miraculously survived since 1944, features on the whole‐cloth quilt backing,
a print celebrating the election of William Vacanarat Shadrach Tubman as the
19th President of Liberia on 3rd January 1944. He was later to become known as
‘The Father of Liberia’. This quilt has resided in Africa, England, USA and now
forms part of Alan’s private quilt collection of significant quilts. Another
‘presidential’ quilt on display will be one titled ‘Happy Birthday Mr
President’ which bears no resemblance to the breathy birthday song, sung to
President John F. Kennedy at his 45th birthday by an adoring Marilyn Munroe on
May 19th 1962. Instead this quilt celebrates both President Barack Obama’s election
as the 44th President of the United States as well as his birthday on 4th
August. Barack’s father Barack Snr., was a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Republic
of Kenya, West Africa. Obama’s parents met in 1960 in a Russian class at the
University of Hawaii at Mānoa, where his father was a foreign student on
scholarship. A Zairean fable, ‘The Tortoise, The Elephant and The Hippopotamus’
features pictorially as the central panel in another quilt in typical African
colour palette of bright yellow, red and black. ‘African wax cloths are so
dramatic and inspiring. I found it very hard to choose which prints that
excited me the most and I’ve tried to include many of my most popular quilt
designs in this exhibition ranging from small to large’ Alan says. Alan R Tremain
is Australia’s longest practising male quilt designer and is recognised internationally
for his design, quilt conservation and restoration abilities. Alan’s inspiring
and dramatic ‘Out of Africa’ wax cloth quilt exhibition will be opened at
2.30pm on Saturday 8th August by International Quilt Artist Judy Hooworth and
introduced by the Quilt Study Group of Australia’s Convenor Karen Fail, both
Life Members of the Quilters’ Guild of NSW Inc.
In previous
Newsletters Helen Beaven and Mel Forrest put together some information about
all the resources that are available on the SAQA website. Here are two more.
1 – Maria
Shell presented a fabulous talk at the Conference, and there was a lot of
interest from other members for her to share her knowledge – she very
generously has put together a webinar. Highly recommended. This direct link may
open up a page for you to sign into your SAQA account since mentorship webinar
are a members-only resource. Enter your info and the page will automatically
redirect to the webinar.
2 – Lyric
Kinard led two breakout sessions about making bad art – sounds counter
intuitive, but she is awesomely inspiring. She also very generously puts out a
newsletter that also includes calls for entry. You can visit her website to
find out this information and also sign up for her newsletter -
3 – Ali has
been listening to some wonderful podcasts by Grace Bonney (a design blogger
with a love for art and design) and highly recommends these – if you have a
communte or other ‘free’ time, it’s worth plugging in and being inspired -
Oceania Exhibition 2017?
We think than
many Oceania members would like to work towards a SAQA exhibition, and we know
that there other regions were very interested in hosting an exhibition from
SAQA Oceania members, so anything we arrange has the potential to tour
We feel that
planning for an exhibition in 2017 is realistic – the making of the pieces is
one thing, the organization will also take a fair bit of time.
has the interest and time to get this rolling? Please let us know – don’t wait
for someone else to put their hand up if it’s something you’d like to do. It
could be super exciting to exhibit here and then have our work travel the
Call for Entry
Art Quilt
Elements 2016
Juror:Bruce Pepich, Racine Art
Museum, Executive Director and Curator of Collections
For more
information visit
Last day to
enter is September 30.
Wayne Art
Maplewood AvenueWayne, PA 19087
Postcards Update
Kate still
has all the postcards from members that she took to the SAQA Conference. The
work represented is really interested, and it would be great if we could take
them around with us as we (Ali and Kate) visit the various shows with the SAQA
trunk show.
Our thinking
is that we won’t put them up on a wall (too much worry about them being taken),
but we will have them on the table when we are personally there, so we can show
them to visitors and talk about them, and when we aren’t at the table, we will
put them away safely.
Only fibre
postcards will be included. If you supplied a fibre postcard, and you’re happy
for it to be seen by show visitors around Australia, you need do nothing. If
you supplied a fibre postcard and you don’t want it to travel, and want it
back, then please email Kate ( If you only sent an image
the first time, but want to make a fibre postcard to be included with the
others, please email Kate with details so she knows to expect your card
New Mentorship Program: An Exciting New Benefit
for SAQA Members
Bleiweiss, Massachusetts/Rhode Island Rep writes –
At the end of
2014 I launched a pilot mentorship program in my region (MA/RI) in the hopes
that it could eventually be offered to all members throughout the organization.
What started as a small region based test program is now available for all
members of SAQA to participate in.
What is the
mentorship program? It’s a goal or project-based program of peer mentoring open
to all SAQA members seeking one-on-one mentorship for a period lasting up to
twelve months: SAQA mentoring is a partnership in professional development. The
SAQA mentor is a friend, a trusted guide, one who shares knowledge and
resources with a less experienced colleague. The mentor’s responsibility is to
provide guidance, support and feedback. The mentee’s responsibility is to
identify goals and make reasonable progress in attaining those goals. Mentors
are recruited and matched to mentee applicants based on availability and areas
of interest. Mentors will review the advisee applications from SAQA members: If
the mentor accepts the applicant and the mentee is amenable, both will receive
a welcome email and begin meeting to discuss and define the goals and
objectives of the mentorship. These meetings can be held via FaceTime or Skype
if meeting in person is not geographically possible.
As far as I
know, there is no other organization as large as SAQA offering a program like this
as a benefit with a general membership level. You can find more information
about the program along with applications for both mentors and proteges on the
SAQA website.
Don’t forget these opportunities!
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
June 2015
Only a few
days until June, and lots happening. I hope you are all finding studio time
during this cooler time of the year!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome to
new members Karen Mundt (Queensland) and Kathryn Robertson (Victoria). We’re
very pleased to have you aboard!
Meet Up at the Sydney Quilt Show
Lisa Walton is keen to have a SAQA gtg at the Sydney Quilt
Show at Glebe Island. She’s thinking about a coffee around 3 when it gets
quieter; her preferred days are Saturday or Sunday, but she could be available
on another day, depending on interest. Please email Lisa:
Members of
Our quarterly meeting is on Saturday 13
June, at 10am in the Gallery Café. Local and visitors alike are very welcome to
come along and chat about all things arty!!
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Lisa Walton writes –
“My Bushfire
Sunset quilt [image below] is going to be hung in the Boardroom of the Rural
Fire Service.
Brenda Gael Smith writes -
the fantastic response to Beneath the Southern Sky and Living Colour!, I am
curating another travelling textile art exhibition touring in 2016/2017.
All the
details at:
There is also a facebook page:
International entries welcome!”
Charlotte Scott writes -
interviewed fellow SAQA Oceania member, Helen Godden, when she visited NZ in
January for the Manawatu Quilt Symposium. It's a great listen as Helen is
funny, upbeat and full of interesting information.
Here is a
link to listen to the interview via a podcast on my blog:
and an iTunes
Kaye Sauer writes
“I thought
you may like to know that one of my quilts ‘My Top 40’ won first prize at
Brookfield Show in the Art/Pictorial Section. I have attached a photo.”
Rebecca Staunton Coffey writes
“Eight of my
quilts will be on show at Parliament’s Exhibition Space in Wellington, New
Zealand, from 30 April to 6 June 2015. The exhibition is called ‘The Colour of
....’ and features the work by eight quilt artists from the Hutt Valley: Patricia
Ashcroft, Diana Carroll, Margaret Davidson, Brenda McPartlin, Ruth Nicholas,
Gael O’Donnell, Margaret Rogerson, and me. Our group was originally called 8 by
8 until recently when we added an extra person (now we are 3 squared) this is
our second series of 15 inch by 12 inch quilts. The first series was exhibited
in Upper Hutt Expressions Gallery. I have stayed in the Group even though I
have returned to live in Australia.
techniques and ways of working with fabric are what interest me the most. The
opportunity to work with colour using fabric, paint or thread is exciting.
Doing my
textile art provides an opportunity to enter a different world which is
challenging and consuming. There is the discovery of different approaches to a
subject, the researching and planning, and the playing and experimenting to
achieve the finished art quilt. My work mixes traditional quilting techniques
with more innovative surface design and uses some of my own hand dyed and
handprinted fabrics.
I have
completed City and Guilds by distance with Laura and Linda Kemshall(UK) in
Patchwork and Quilting and Creative Sketchbooks. I also undertook an Artist
Strength Training distance course with Jane Dunnewold and found this very
helpful in terms of reflection and focus of my work.”
Oszko writes –
‘It was an absolute pleasure to visit The
Dairy Barn Arts Centre in Ohio and see the Quilt National artworks hanging in
that wonderful space.
Of the 84 artists whose work was on show, 5
were Australians, 3 from Japan, 3 from
Germany, 2 from Canada, 2 from Switzerland, 1 from Northern Ireland, 1 from
Great Britain, 1 from Denmark, and the rest from the USA.
SAQA Oceania members represented are - Kathy
Brown - Growing Pains; Ruth de Vos - The Boundless Energy of Children; and Judy
Hooworth - Rainy Day Dora Creek #12.”
Don’t forget
these opportunities!
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge
using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
May 2015
Hello everyone!
Quick Suggestions
Lisa Walton (Vice President) also wrote about her experience. She says “I really encourage you all to think of attending the next one which will be in Philadelphia (29 March - 3 April 2016). You will certainly enjoy it and be inspired and meet some really interesting like minded souls. If you are interested in seeing some of the action in pictures you can check out my Facebook page at “
Email Neroli at
Other Opportunities
- Turmoil – 29 February 2016
April 2015
Hate to say
it – one quarter of the year gone! As we head into the cooler months it usually
means more inside time. I hope you are all finding the opportunity to create.
New Member Welcome!
First –
thanks to all the members who promote SAQA through their enthusiasm and
encouragement to others. It’s so great to see the membership increase.
Second – I
apologise if you are a new member and we have not formally welcomed you! There
was a changeover in systems at SAQA, and that may be why some people have not
appeared in this space in previous newsletters. Rest assured, we really
value your membership, your input, and what you bring to the group.
So – here are
the names of those coming up on the list as new members in 2015 who have not
been welcomed yet (if you aren’t a newie, well, you have received a double
welcome!! lol)
Sharon Bradley
Liana Christlo
Ellizabeth Dubblede
Helen Harford
Sharon Tyzzer Jewson
Alison Leslie
Mary Lewis
Catherine McDonald
Rhonda Stien
Welcome all!!
Meet Up at the AQC
Lisa Walton is organising a SAQA dinner on Thursday night at
the AQC in Melbourne and would love to hear from as many SAQA members who are
in town. Dinner will be in Lygon Street and is a great opportunity to meet and
chat with fellow SAQA Members. Contact Lisa - if you
would like to come along.
Exploring the SAQA Website – by Helen Beaven
Helen has put together another instalment of all that is on offer on the
SAQA website -
Member Listing
For a
listing of all SAQA members:
Members>Member Resources>SAQA
Member Directory
The page
will look something like this:
Use the
drop down boxes or the table to search.
Each member
is listed along with their location, contact details and website (if they have
If you get lost or can’t quite
find the right information, try the site map:
The site map
link appears at the bottom of every page.
Members’ Space
We love it
when members let us know what is happening in their neck of the woods – small
and big achievements, successes and experiences are celebrated here.
Pam Holland writes –
“I’m in
Mexico Teaching with now and it’s an amazing experience. I wrote this the other
day so it’s from my Journal.
‘Another day
begins and the daylight is tipping the trees.
For a Tutor,
teaching in a country in a foreign language is challenging and very rewarding. (I
don't speak Spanish).
The middle of
Mexico is a long way from Australia. Here I am surrounded by the most wonderful
Mexican friends. I'm in a totally Mexican environment, and we are managing to
share the ideas and techniques on Textile Art that I have created at home in my
studio in suburban Aldgate.
It’s more
than that though, it's a fusion of creativity and design. I capture as much as
I can with photographs which tell only part of the story. It's the history and
culture that is shared through conversations with vendors and artisans here
that complete the picture.
At an Art
Gallery in Patzcuaro I had the opportunity to teach Americans and indigenous
artisans who have never experienced a quilting class. They shared their art
with me and a joining of creativity has begun.
I’m teaching
9 classes throughout Mexico, every person in class is Mexican and it’s unique
to have a translator and two cameramen following me around the class. The video
is being translated into 15 languages and shared throughout the world.
Classes are
loud, bright and a lot of fun and I’m excited to be teaching this art to men as
well as women.
I count my
blessings that I'm able to be in this 'place' right now and I also thank the
troops back home for their observation of my passion... I will be home for an
extended time after July which will be a bit of a difference after years of
Cheers Pam”
Chris Hussey writes -
“I am the
workshop co ordinator for the Hobart-based textile group Stitching and
Beyond. I am organisng a workshop for Jeannette DeNicolis
Meyer very early February or late January for Stitching and
Beyond (dates not yet confirmed, but she has to be back in the
US by February 20). She will be in NZ and is going home to the US via Australia
to accommodate our workshop request. Her workshops
and fees are on her website, but she has told me she is choosing not
to offer Surface Design in Australia for a number of very good reasons. Cost-wise
for our group, this involves the one way airfare from NZ, plus internal
airfares in Australia, workshop fees and accommodation. We were happy to pay
this ourselves originally, but Jeanette is wondering if there are others
Jeanette is
looking for another workshop or two in Melbourne/ nearby Melbourne, coastal NSW
north of Sydney or perhaps southern Queensland. I envisage if say, another 2 or
3 groups joined with us, we could share the NZ-Australia airfare. A further
possibility is perhaps to divide the total internal airfare by 2 or 3,
depending on the groups that were involved as we are doing with Cas Homes visit
later this year, making the airfare component more equitable. Clearly each
group would be responsible for fees and accommodation costs for their part of
the tour.
If anyone is
interested, please could they email me (Chris) at”
Catherine McDonald writes -
“If anyone is
interested in teaching at the New Zealand Christchurch Quilt Symposium 2017
then they can register information on the website
and should do
this by the end of June. About 50 tutors are selected for the event with
several (20ish) from overseas.”
Tricia Smout writes
“My ‘Life’s
Golden Highlights’ piece was accepted into the Golden Textures Biennial
Contemporary Art Quilt Exhibition, displayed at Central Goldfields Art Gallery,
Maryborough, Victoria (21st February – 5th April 2015). It is 150 cm long and
39 cm wide. The photography is by Jolanta Szymczyk.
Occasionally, for the lucky few prospectors, gold appears as gleaming flecks
and nuggets and veins in otherwise seemingly worthless rock. Similarly glimmers
of hope and sparks of good fortune are hidden within the tedious dross and
trivia of our everyday existence. In times of stress and turmoil, we need to
develop the ability to seize these positive moments and embrace them. This
quilt features inspiring quotations about seizing offered opportunities,
seeking cheerful experiences and aiming high to bring our dreams to fruition,
while also making the best of the gloomy times. These gems of wisdom appear as
bright sparks, written, embroidered and beaded on glittery and black fabrics,
encased and surrounded by layers of less exotic materials.”
Life by Tricia Smout
Tricia’s piece will be travelling to the UK!! (see
Jenny Bacon writes –
Contemporary Art Quilts was on at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Neill
St., Maryborough Vic until 5th April 2015. The 2015 Acquisitive Prize was won
by Ruth de Vos for Banksia Spill. A selection of quilts from Golden Textures
will travel to Festival of Quilts in Birmingham UK in August 2015. We are an
independent show run by the Gallery and supported by the Central Goldfields
Council, not attached to any Guild, Group or Network, aiming to build a
collection of contemporary art in ‘quilted’ form to complement the rest of the
art collection held by this regional gallery. Open to any Australian quilt
artist, we will next be looking for Expressions of Interest in mid 2016.
If you wish to be on our mailing list please contact Curator: Jenny Bacon
Helen Godden writes –
‘SAQA Food
For Thought - my second SAQA exhibition i have entered and selected that’s 2/2.
First was Redirecting the Ordinary and it was sold for $1800 - I was going to
put $500 on it and they said NO NO NO so I was very pleased for their advice.
However I should have stopped there. 3rd entry for Wild fabrications was
rejected/not selected. That’s how it goes.
Food For
Thought - C is for…Couching. I am doing lots of experimental couching and
developing this new technique. I have created an entire landscape (Missoula
Montana, for CEO of Handi Quilter, look at his proud grin) piece and then this
vegetable still life, all couched with no digital image underneath just free
hand and I call the technique Couched Yarn Painting.
Montana Landscape by Helen Godden
Still Life
by Helen Godden
Still Life
(detail) by Helen Godden
Don’t forget
these opportunities!
- SAQA Journal – Health and Wholeness – May 1
- The
Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
- Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge
using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
-Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
-Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists
Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
Benefit Auction 2015
Have you started your Auction Quilt yet? The
final deadline 1 June.
Not that far away! Full information:
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
March 2015
Greetings! Well,
2015 is truly off to a great start – lots of happenings to share.
New Member Welcome!
Maree Rogers
and Sharon Thomson are our two newest Oceania members. Hi from us all and great
to have you part of our region!
Exploring the SAQA Website -
- by Helen Beaven
Member FAQ
The SAQA website is full of useful information, for a list of membership
related frequently asked questions:
Scroll down past membership questions to also find:
General questions
Exhibition questions
Website/technical questions
For a different view:
Members > Member FAQ
For new
member information:
Members > Member FAQ > Information for New Members
If you get
lost or can’t quite find the right information, try the site map:
The site map
link appears at the bottom of every page.
writes: “I have 'Earth Bones #2' (see
below) showing in the Golden Textures Biennial Contemporary Art Quilt
Exhibition, Central Goldfields Art Gallery, Maryborough, Victoria 21st February
– 5th April 2015.
I have also
had 'Sea Blue' preliminary acceptance for the AQC True Blue challenge, but
shouldn't show you that one just yet.”
Sue Dennis writes: “I have 5 quilts in the Golden Textures
exhibition, currently on show at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery in
Maryborough, Victoria. The exhibition runs until April 5 with opening hours
being Thursday- Sunday 10am-4pm. My quilt ‘We all dance around the sun #2’ was
selected for the AQC True Blue Challenge touring exhibition. The exhibition
premiers in Melbourne during the Australasian Quilt Convention April 16-19.” Sue’s
work for Golden Textures is her ‘Seduced by the Imperfect’ series – see below
“I have two
exhibitions going back to back
1 ‘Filling In the Gaps’ (see image
below) a retrospective exhibition of past works. Layering and filling in the
gaps on textile art pieces using commercial
fabrics, haberdashery, beads, recycled items, stretch and furnishing fabrics
with a bit of glitz. Some of them are large wallhangings quilted and stitched
and some are hand stitched onto circular frames and art boards which, were used
to create the many and varied textile art works. On display at Rosalie Gallery Goomungee
Queensland (approx 60klms north west of Toowoomba) Gallery open Wednesday to
Sunday 10.00am to 3.30pm; exhibition on from the 18th March 2015 until 12th
April 2015.
Shifting Sands by Jan Scudamore
2 The second exhibition is one that has
been in the pipeline for over two years and this is a joint exhibition. Tessa
Wright and I worked to a theme titled "Aspects". This is a textile
and mixed media exhibition showcasing very different responses to the
contrasting features of the bush, rainforest, reef and rainforest. The whole
idea is to take the viewers on a journey as they wander through the gallery
looking at the works.
exhibition is on at the Lockyer Valley Regional Art Gallery at the Lake Apex
Community Centre Gatton Queensland from 11th April 2015 until 24th May 2015.
Forest Floor by Jan Scudamore
There is a
very sad twist to this exhibition. I attended the Quilt Symposium in Palmerston
North in NZ and on the very last day of the Symposium, I received a message to
phone back to Oz urgently. I did and learned that Tessa had passed away
suddenly. Tessa and I were very close and worked very well together, especially
when putting this exhibition together.
I made the
decision to continue with the exhibition and over the past few weeks, I have
had to complete not only her works, but my own. Some of the things we had
planned won't happen, but nevertheless, I am sure the whole idea of the
exhibition will remain and I am treating it as if she is still taking part. I
personally have been in grief mode, as I finish the projects and touch her
An article
about the exhibition is now appearing in the Textile Magazine by TAFTA and
written by Toowoomba Chronicles Art Critic - Sandy Pottinger. Which has been a
great thrill and compliments the exhibition.
One never
knows what around our corner. And I wondered if anyone in the group has ever
experienced a similar situation.”
work ‘The Fallen’ (see below) has been selected for the AQC True Blue Challenge,
touring exhibition.
Postcards for
IS STILL TIME!!! A reminder about my address -
Estaway Ct
QLD 4157
postcard just needs to be a regular size – approx 4in x 6in. Put your details
on the back – name, city/town, state, email addy – and any other information
you wish. Also, please let us know if you’d like the postcard returned.
anyone wants to chat about ideas for their postcard, we are here to help – just
drop use a line. Ali -; Kate -
Don’t forget
these opportunities!
Spotlight Auction – March
A chance to have your work showcased at the
Fiberlandia Conference in Portland
Two by Twenty – March 31
accepted artists will show two pieces that relate to each other in some way.
This exhibition will feature SAQA artists whose work has not appeared in a SAQA
exhibition in the past three years.
SAQA Journal – Health and
Wholeness – May 1
The Tasmanian Art Quilt
Prize: ‘History, Her Story’
The major prize of $3000 is sponsored by
Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July 2015. www.
Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge
using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’ ,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
Concrete and Grasslands –
September 30
Explore the
juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.
Stories of Migration:
Contemporary Artists Interpret Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme
Benefit Auction 2015
Have you started your Auction Quilt yet? Early
bird entries are due in on 1
April with the final deadline 1 June. Not that far away! Full information:
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Email contributions to If
you could prepare the text yourself we can then just cut
and paste. And don’t forget to include images wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep
Ali, Susie and Kate
January/February 2015
Hi Everyone!
First Newsletter of the
year – which promises to be wonderful on many levels!
New Member Welcome!
A warm welcome to Alex
Shaefer, Judy Schaefer and Chris Beardsley. Lovely to have you part of SAQA.
Stay connected!
There are a few ways to
connect with the SAQA community.
- Locally
- the OMG! Oceania Mentorship Group, the new challenge is ‘Balance’. This
is a low key, encouraging and interesting page to check and get
inspiration! -
- Worldwide
– there is a Yahoo Discussion Group for SAQA members only; request
membership at –
don’t forget to include your full name in your request!
- Worldwide
- the Visioning Project is about visualizing goals and dreams and making
them happen, with members helping each other with support, networking, and
resource information; contact Suzan Engler if you’re interested –
- Worldwide
– the SAQArtique group is open to all SAQA members and members offer critiques
in the spirit of a shared interest in quilting as an art form and
improvement of each person's talents; contact Martha Ginn if this interests
you -
In case you missed Charlotte Scott’s
message on google groups – two visitors are looking to meet up with NZ
Charlotte writes –
“Hi everyone,
After sending out emails to organise a SAQA
meet up at the NZ Symposium, I've received a couple from international SAQA
members who will be in NZ this year and are interested in meeting other
I've sent personal emails to both Uta and
Lisa, but if there are any other NZ members who would like to be in touch with
them, I've included their messages for you.
Charlotte Scott
From Uta Lenk, co-rep for SAQA
Europe/Middle East; Mozartstr. 6, 84137 Vilsbiburg, Germany; e-mail:
“Hello Charlotte - I saw your notice on the
yahoo group. I won't be there at this time - but I am coming to NZ in November.
I'll be in Wellington first for a few days, and then biking a bit. Would love
to meet people, if there is interest. Perhaps you could mention it when you get
Greetings, UtaBlog -
SAQA Europe/Middle East's Blog:
From Lisa Call –
“Hi Charlotte,
I'm going to be in New Zealand in April to
teach a workshop and afterwards I'll be traveling around the country for about
3 weeks. I'd love to connect with other saqa members while there. Is there some
sort of local list or maybe a facebook group for new zealand saqa-ers?
Quilt Symposium Manawatu, New Zealand
Quite a few members were
at the Symposium held in Palmerston North from 16 to 21 January. By all reports
it was a fun time of learning and sharing.
Charlotte Scott interviewed Melanie Martin whose graffiti-inspired work was awarded Best of Show. You can listen to the interview on Charlotte’s blog, here -
Alison Laurence won
first prize in the Games Up challenge with "Hopscotch", and her quilt
was selected to tour with the Suitcase Exhibition.
Helen Beaven's quilt 'No
Sew HSTs' won a merit award in the 'Inspired Fibres' Category at the Symposium.
The description of the Inspired Fibres Category is as follows ‘Without freedom,
there is no creation in thread and fibre play. Innovative use of fibres and
threads but must bear some resemblance to a quilt.' Helens’ quilt is wool and
other fibres felted on to an acrylic felt base then quilted. It is her take on
half square triangles - just the no sew variety.
Viewers’ Choice was won
by Mathea Daunheimer for ‘Fragility - Kina on Rangiputa’. The images below are
lovely details of her work. She was interviewed on ‘The Ambitious Quilter’ blog
Mathea’s blog is Esparta Fiber Arts
Brenda Gael Smith was in New Zealand teaching and
exhibiting. Photos from the Living Colour! exhibition at Te Manawa gallery
(Palmerston North) and NorthArt Gallery (Auckland) can be viewed at:
Postcards for Portland
Thanks for the
cards I’ve received so far – I think we will blow people away with our
A reminder about my
address -
Kate Oszko
9 Estaway Ct
Capalaba QLD 4157
The postcard just
needs to be a regular size – approx 4in x 6in. Put your details on the back –
name, city/town, state, email addy – and any other information you wish. Also,
please let us know if you’d like the postcard returned.
If anyone wants to
chat about ideas for their postcard, we are here to help – just drop use a
line. Ali -; Kate -
Call For Entry – All SAQA
- Balancing Act – deadline of 28 February
This show celebrates women both throughout history and today--and
is open to any interpretation each artist feels inspired to depict.
- Spotlight Auction – March 20
A chance to have your work showcased at the Fiberlandia
Conference in Portland
- Two by Twenty – March 31
Twenty accepted artists will show two pieces that relate to
each other in some way. This exhibition will feature SAQA artists whose work
has not appeared in a SAQA exhibition in the past three years.
- SAQA Journal – Health and Wholeness – May 1
- Urban Textures Challenge –
A challenge using SAQA’s fabric line, “Urban Textures’ ,
with entries featured in a special online exhibition, and 15 appearing in an
upcoming issue of the SAQA Journal.
- Concrete and Grasslands – September 30
Explore the juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the
human constructed cityscape.
- Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists Interpret
Diaspora – October 31
All works will reflect on the theme ‘Diaspora’.
Call For Entry -
The Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’. The
major prize of $3000 is sponsored by Bernina Australia. Entries close 31 July
2015. www.
SAQA Benefit Auction
Have you started your Auction Quilt yet?
Early bird entries are due in on 1 April – this means that
your piece will be eligible for all publicity images. The final deadline is 1
June. Not that far away! Who is planning theirs? Any tips or tricks you’d like
to share with us?
Full information:
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership
– email them to
If you could prepare the text
yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images
wherever possible!
That’s it for now – keep creating!!!
Ali, Susie and Kate
December 2014
Hi Everyone!
So it’s the last
Newsletter of the year. What a year 2014 has been!
New Member Welcome!
It’s wonderful to see the SAQA membership growing – a
warm welcome to all our new members who have recently joined. We'll be sending you an individual invitation to join our Oceania Google Group as well as the OMG! (Oceania Mentorship Group) shortly - we're thrilled to have you in the Oceania region.
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
How are you progressing
with the ‘Roots’ challenge? It has got a lot of us thinking about what it means
to us. Join the discussion and sharing –
Get Togethers
Are you heading to the NZ
Quilt Symposium in Palmerston North in January 2015? How about a gtg with other
SAQAers? Charlotte Scott is happy to
coordinate this, so drop her a line if you want to catch up -,
or ring her on (NZ) mobile phone - 0277524648.
Oborn Jefferis who
would very much like to
meet up with some other SAQA members who live in Adelaide. Contact her on if
you are in the area and would like to get together.
Our Members of Brisbane (MOB) gtg on 13 December was a
good way to catch up with what everyone was doing – and some shopping at the
Gallery Gift shop may have occurred…
(Back row, from left – Sue Dennis, Mel Forrest, Kate
Oszko; Front row, from left – Kathryn Iliff, Janet Jackson)
The dates for 2015 are:
- Saturday 14 March
- Saturday 13 June
- Saturday 12 September
- Saturday 12 December.
Are you in another city/state and are looking to meet
with other SAQA-ers? Let us know and we might be able to do some matchmaking!
Postcards for Portland
Have you made your
post card yet? It would be great to have them sent to me by the end of January.
My address -
Kate Oszko
9 Estaway Ct
Capalaba QLD 4157
It just needs to be
a regular size – approx 4in x 6in. Put your details on the back – name,
city/town, state, email addy – and any other information you wish. Also, please
let us know if you’d like the postcard returned.
A special message from
Lisa Walton:
Hello Oceania Members.
In addition to
membership fees, SAQA depends on your voluntary donations to provide the rich
and varied programs that inspire, motivate, educate and develop quilt artists
and to promote the appreciation of art quilts throughout the world.
Every gift and
every donor count! Participation from
the entire SAQA community sends a message to the larger art world, increasing
recognition for art quilts and the artists who make them.
I know that we all
benefit from SAQA in different ways including selling and displaying our work
through the Benefit Auction and Exhibitions. It would be wonderful if you would
make a donation to the End of Year Appeal so that we can continue to benefit
from this great organization.
Please lend your
support by making a gift today (there is a button above) and
show that the Oceania members appreciate everything that SAQA does for us.
I hope you all have
a wonderful Festive Season and look forward to meeting up with many of you in
the New Year. I will try and organize a get together at the AQC and Symposium
in NZ. If you are interested please let
me know.
Thank you
Lisa Walton
Vice President – SAQA
Call For Entries
New - Balancing Act
Premiere Venues: International Quilt Festival, Houston,
Texas -- October 2015; International Quilt Festival, Chicago, Illinois -- June
2016; Quilt! Knit! Stitch! Portland, Oregon -- August 2016; additional venues
to be announced (work must be available to travel from September 2015 to
December 2018).
Exhibit Concept: Throughout history, women have had to
balance responsibilities to community, home and family while pursuing other
interests, jobs or careers. From those who helped farm the land to those who
worked the factories during wartime, to those who stand shoulder to shoulder
with men to pursue careers, and those who serve as caregivers; women have
always had to juggle the various aspects of their lives.
This show celebrates women both throughout history and
today--and is open to any interpretation each artist feels inspired to depict.
What have we accomplished that we now enjoy as rights and freedoms that our
grandmothers and their grandmothers did not? What obstacles are left to
conquer? We encourage both representational and abstract work.
Jurors: Lynn Bassett, Sue Bleiweiss; Managing Curator: Cynthia St. Charles
Full Information:
New - Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists Interpret Diaspora
Premiere Location: Textile Museum, Washington, D.C. from
mid March through late August 2016.
Exhibition Concept: Housed in the new George Washington
University Museum, The Textile Museum is hosting a juried exhibition in collaboration
with SAQA. All works will reflect upon the theme of "Diaspora."
Diaspora is the dispersion of a people from an established ancestral homeland.
These communities remain simultaneously active in social, economic, cultural,
or political processes in their country of origin and with compatriots
worldwide. In addition to presenting the pieces selected by jurors, the
exhibition will feature social, cultural and historical commentary by faculty
members of GW's acclaimed program in Diaspora Studies.
Jurors: Lee Talbot, Curator of Eastern Hemisphere
Collections at The Textile Museum; Rebecca A. T. Stevens is Consulting Curator,
Contemporary Textiles at The Textile Museum
SAQA Administrators: Leni Levenson Wiener and Patty
Kennedy-Zafred; Please contact with any questions regarding this
prospectus (full prospectus online).
Reminder - The Tasmanian Quilting Guild and
the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery have announced the theme for the 2015 Tasmanian
Art Quilt Prize: ‘History, Her Story’. An entry form can be downloaded from
www. Entries close on 31 July 2015. The major prize of
$3000 is sponsored by Bernina Australia. Last year the winner was our very own Sandra Champion.
Reminders - SAQA has a range of opportunities for
creating and entering work in collections, exhibitions and the Journal – here
are the current ones:
- Wild Fabrications - Deadline for Entry is January 31,
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Creatures - Deadline is
February 1, 2015
- SAQA Journal Gallery section: Health and Wholeness - Deadline
is May 1, 2015
- Concrete and Grasslands - Deadline for Entry is September
30, 2015
The Pi Project
From the SAQA ebulletin. Sally Sellers writes -
‘If you don't know about The Pi Project, let me tell you
about it: it is an international public art project celebrating the number Pi.
Digits are made by individual participants on fabric (hooray for fiber art!)
and sewn together in the precise order in which they appear in Pi. The result
is a fabric "ribbon" that could be 200 feet or 2000 feet, depending
on participation.
The Pi Project is gathering steam, but I still need
numbers, especially from fiber artists! The public has responded positively and
I've received many digits on 9.5" square (24 cm) pieces of fabric. The
squares need not be fancy at all. The deadline is Jan 31, 2015, although ASAP
is a far better deadline. Please send me a digit, and spread the word to
others. For more complete information, go to’
2015 Auction Quilts
Are you the person we’re looking for? Someone who can get
us organized and on track for next year’s auction?
We don’t see it taking up too much time, just a few
reminders here and there for those of us who need the encouragement.
Drop any of us a line if this is speaking to you!
Get ready for an
exciting new opportunity for Oceania members in 2015 – we can’t say too much
yet, as final details have to be sorted. BUT we can say that it will be a
wonderful chance to be part of a touring exhibition. Stay tuned!
Beth Miller writes –
‘My quilt, Canberra the Planned City, was accepted into
the Sweinfurth Art Center, Quilts = Art = Quilts. The exhibition runs until
January 4 2015. I was lucky enough to win the Catherine Hastedt Award for
Workmanship for this quilt.’
Well done Beth!
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership
– email them to or
If you could prepare the text
yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images
wherever possible!
Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
From all of us – we wish you all the very
very best for this time of year. We hope you have plenty of time to rest and
recharge. We hope you have time to be creative or to start planning for the new
year. We look forward to catching up again in 2015 for another amazing year.
Signing off for 2014
Ali, Susie and Kate
October 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the October newsletter. No, your calendar is not wrong – it IS November, but better late than never!
New Member Welcome!
Welcome Jennifer Bacon and Rae Poon new SAQA members in our region. Good to have you on board! We know
you’ll find lots of resources and news that will help you in your journey as
As reps, we are sent
membership updates about once a month. But if you think someone should be
mentioned here that isn’t, or if you’re getting this Newsletter and you’re no
longer a member – please let us know!
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
The OMG! (Oceania
Mentorship Group) on Facebook has been a great success. With the first
challenge, Ali got us thinking about ‘unity’ and some of us have shared our work
– not all of it complete. Joining the group is well worth it, as it gives
another perspective on our art. There is no pressure to ‘do’ anything, but of
course, sharing is encouraged, if that’s what works for you.
Sue Reno launched the
second challenge on 1 October – and her chosen theme is ‘Roots’. If you haven’t
already, check out the discussion and the way the theme has resonated with
The OMG! Facebook page
is at and ask to join!
Feedback Very Much Appreciated!!
Thanks to all the
members who responded to our question about whether non-SAQA members can be
part of OMG! We really appreciate the time you took to let us know your
thoughts. As reps, we aim to do what you as members want/need. So if you have
any other ideas/suggestions, they are more than welcome.
Travelling Trunk Show G – Our 25th Anniversary
Trunk Show
Trunk Show G is heading
to Adelaide in a few days. As usual, Ali will be the official escort, and would
LOVE to say ‘hi’ to any local SAQA-ers.
Get Togethers
Members of Brisbane (MOB) – get ready for a slight change
of meeting date. The quarterly gtg at the Queensland Art Gallery Café will now
be the SECOND Saturday of the new season. This will free up some members who
previously had clashes.
So, our next meeting will be 13 December, 10am.
In 2015, we’ll meet on Saturday 14 March, Saturday 13
June, Saturday 12 September, and (planning waaay ahead now) Saturday 12
Everyone – locals and visitors – very welcome!
SAQA – What’s In It
For You?
We often get asked about the benefits of being a member.
A good question. Here are some of the things your membership offers you.
In June and July Mel Forrest and Helen Beaven wrote about
the resources available on the SAQA website. There is heaps there, so it’s
worth a re-read of their articles. Plus, Helen has put together some
information for this Newsletter – all about Webinars – see below!
SAQA also offers members many opportunities to
participate in juried exhibitions. Go to the SAQA website, click on the
Resources tab at the top of the page, then click on ‘Calls for Entry’. Or go
here - You’ll see a list of deadlines
and dates with a clickable link to more information. Always worth a look to see
what’s on offer. This information is also mentioned in the regular e-bulletin
sent to members.
How about submitting your work for the SAQA Journals?
Read about the requirements and deadlines in the current e-bulletin, or here - It’s a great opportunity to
showcase your response to a particular them or idea to the broader SAQA world.
At a more local level we have:
- this Newsletter where
we share information/successes/events
- our own regional blog
- – where you can find previous - Newsletters,
links to member blogs, and a link to the main SAQA website
- googlegroups – a
discussion group and a way of getting information to members quickly,
allowing for interaction as well
- OMG! Facebook
membership group
- Face to face get
togethers – at the moment there is one regular meet up in Brisbane, but
there are ad hoc ones tied in with local shows.
The main SAQA site has a page called ‘Maximize your SAQA Membership in 5 Easy Steps’ – some good resources/information there as well -
Plus, we’re always open to other ways we can enhance your
SAQA experience – just let us know!
SAQA Webinars – by
Helen Beaven
Exploring the SAQA
Every now and then SAQA host a webinar, this is either
like a podcast (audio only) or a powerpoint presentation with audio. When these
are ‘aired’ live you can join and listen. Webinars are advised in the weekly
SAQA emails. The only one I’ve listened to live was at 8am NZ time – this would
have been way less convenient in the various Australian time zones! Fortunately
after the webinars have aired they are available on SAQA’s website.
The most recent webinars include:
- Trade Only Design Library (TODL). This is a free research library and toolset for design professional. More information here -
- Maximising Your SAQA Membership in 5 Easy Steps. Includes information on connecting with other members, professional resources, career development and marketing -
- 2014 Conference in Washington, DC. This includes highlights from workshops, exhibits and panel discussions.
- ‘Selling Art Quilts’ with Wen Redmond, Roxanne Lessa and Frieda Anderson -
To access the webinars you need to be logged on with your SAQA username and password. Use the links above or to go directly to the webinars.
- Trade Only Design Library (TODL). This is a free research library and toolset for design professional. More information here -
- Maximising Your SAQA Membership in 5 Easy Steps. Includes information on connecting with other members, professional resources, career development and marketing -
- 2014 Conference in Washington, DC. This includes highlights from workshops, exhibits and panel discussions.
- ‘Selling Art Quilts’ with Wen Redmond, Roxanne Lessa and Frieda Anderson -
To access the webinars you need to be logged on with your SAQA username and password. Use the links above or to go directly to the webinars.
Or, to navigate the website, scroll to the very bottom on
the home page and select ‘site map’ ( – I find this
makes locating things on SAQA’s site a lot easier. Select ‘member resources’,
if you haven’t logged on to SAQA you’ll be asked at this point. Under
‘Professional Development’ select ‘Mentorship Webinar recordings’. There are
recordings back to 2007 on a wide range of topics.
Conference 2015 –
Portland Oregon
Are you going? A few of us have registered
for Fiberlandia, the SAQA Conference in Portland Oregon from April 30 - May
3, 2015.
If you go to this
web page - – you’ll see what’s planned,
and further details of dates and times and other information.
Lisa Walton’s first
hand account of the 2014 Conference was in the June Newsletter. Just head to
the blog, click on the tab ‘Newsletters’ and scroll down to June to read all
about it. This link will take you straight to the newsletters -
Postcards for Portland
We know that not
everyone can get to the Conference, for one reason and another, so Kate has cooked
up a way to take you all with her!
Wouldn’t it be
fabulous for SAQA-ers from around the world to see what Oceania artists get up
Here’s the idea –
send Kate a postcard showing your work – approx 4in x 6in. It can be a newly
created piece, or one you’ve already made and have kind of hanging around. Put
your details on the back – name, city/town, state, and email addy. You can add
anything else to this information side that you wish, but those details are a
minimum. Also, please let us know if you’d like the postcard returned. The only
cost to you will be the one way stamp to Kate.
The idea is to
showcase the work of EVERYONE in this region, so it would be just so awesome if
we could get a contribution from each member. I think members from elsewhere
will be blown away by the talent we have here.
2014 Benefit Auction
As at writing, all auctions have closed. Congratulations
to all those who submitted work – it was an absolute pleasure to browse the
immense variety of artwork for sale. If you missed the chance to bid, there is
still a chance to pick up something wonderful from the SAQA Store -
Help! A co-ordinator
for next year’s Benefit Auction contributions is needed!
In 2013, Jenny Bowker had this wonderful idea for an ‘Oceania
Collection’ of auction contributions. And it worked! We all got enthused,
created wonderful pieces and posted progress on our blogs.
How about we do it all again in 2015? Having a
co-ordinator will keep us on track, and make sure we don’t miss the submission
date. Can you do it? It won’t be hard, but will be such a help to get some of
us organized! Drop Ali/Susie/Kate/all of us a line if this is you!
Walton has just
released the first in her Creative Journeys ebook series. Book 1 is Fun and
Easy Textile Surface Design Technique and has lots of great photos and links to
videos. It is available through Lisa’s website or directly
from Amazon. Lisa would love it if you helped spread the word on your networks
as she is self publishing the series and would be very grateful for your
support. She also wrote a blog post which has more information about why she is
self publishing and more about what’s in the eBook -
The collection called ‘Australia Quilts’, curated by Brenda Gael Smith, was a special guest country exhibit at the European Patchwork Meeting in Alsace France. It was a big hit with viewers! The official online gallery is at and there is a selection of exhibition photos at
Another collection juried and curated by Brenda
Gael Smith, ‘Living Colour’, will be at the South Australia Festival of
Quilts 13-16 November. Suzanne Gummow will be presenting an
artist floor talk on Saturday and Sunday at 1.30pm.
On 8 November, busy Brenda Gael Smith will be giving a
presentation ‘Technology & Your Creative Practice’ at the Quilt Study
Group meeting (the Group is part of of The Quilters' Guild of NSW Inc,
Sydney). The meeting will commence at 2.00pm and go through until 4.30 pm.
There is a new venue - Glover Cottages, 124 Kent Street, Millers Point, Sydney. Guild
members $5.00 and non-guild members $10.00. Afternoon tea will be provided.
Hooworth is
having a solo show ‘Detour via The Silk Road’ at Timeless Textiles Gallery, 90
Hunter St Newcastle East. Opening 6pm -8pm 20th November until 14th
December 2014. Judy’s new work is influenced by journeys to China and Central
Asia in 2012/13. Inspired by embroidery and tile patterns from the region she
has connected with artisans from the past, recreating and reinterpreting their
designs with silk screened mono prints and intensive stitching in my quilts and
textile pieces.
Henderson manages
a Facebook group called ‘Textile Arts’ which has a challenge called ‘Horizons’
– entries (images) due by the last day of the year – 31 December. Go here for
more information -
Gael Smith’s
artwork was juried into Quilts=Art=Quilts, Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn,
NY: It will be on display form 1 November 2014 to 4 January 2015 along with the
work of other Australians: Dianne Firth, Beth Miller, Alison Muir and Judy
Hoowoorth (see below). See the listing at -
Hooworth writes -
My quilt ‘Creek Drawing #9’ has been juried in to ‘Quilts=Art=Quilts’ at The
Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn NY, USA. Another quilt, ’Rainy Day Dora Creek
#12’ was accepted for ‘Quilt National 2015’at the Dairy Barn Arts Center in
Athens, Ohio, USA from 23 May 2015 to
September 2015. This is the sixth time my quilts have been selected for
this prestigious event.
Carroll’s work ‘Eucalyptus
Melliodora’ has been selected as part of the Flying Arts Alliance Inc
Queensland Regional Art Awards touring exhibition. This year’s theme was ‘The
Sky’s the Limit’. Find more information here
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership
– email them to or
If you could prepare the text
yourself we can then just cut and paste. And don’t forget to include images
wherever possible!
That’s all for now – see you next month
later this month!
Ali, Susie and Kate
September 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the September newsletter. We welcome two new members to the Oceania group – welcome Dale Robson and Janet Wright.
Our first challenge comes to a close in the next day or so – with our second challenge commencing on 1 October with Sue Reno as our guest artist. As always, it is never too late to participate and you can find the OMG! Facebook page at and ask to join.
My own thoughts about the first challenge are that 10 – 15 of our members actively participated in the challenge and have responded positively to the discussion, ideas, and suggestions. There are also a large number of members who joined the Facebook group and do not participate and seem quite comfortable on the sidelines. I think it is great to have so much interest– although feedback on how the forum might be improved or enhanced is always appreciated and welcomed.
I received a number of requests from non-SAQA members to join the group – and it raised the question of whether the group should be open to anyone who wishes to participate. The pros include introducing more people to SAQA and the con is that the group was established to support Oceania members and some may prefer to keep the group exclusively for SAQA Oceania members – or broaden to any interested SAQA member – I don’t have a view one way or the other and would appreciate feedback on your thoughts, if any, about whether membership could or should be extended. Tell us what you think!
Lea McComas - A Horse of Course
Trunk Show G continues its tour around Australia – having toured through Canberra and then Newcastle in recent weeks. We are so appreciative of the support provided by Expertise Events in travelling the trunk show for us throughout its touring life “Down Under”. Please let me know if you are interested in helping out at any of the upcoming shows – a few hours being available to talk about SAQA and introduce art quilts to an inquisitive public would be greatly appreciated. Next Lea McComas - A Horse of Coursedates are: Melbourne Stitches and Craft Show October 23-26, Adelaide Craft and Quilt Fair November 13-16. I will be heading to Adelaide for the quilt show – would love some company!
I’ve been able to travel with the exhibition a little this year – and there has been a crowd favourite – which is Lea McComas’s A Horse of Course.
Members of Brisbane (MOB) gathered at the Queensland Art Gallery Café on 6 September and spent a wonderful morning (and for some lunch) before taking in one or more of the exhibitions on offer. A great opportunity to catch up and were joined again by a resident reptile. We are moving our get togethers to the second Saturday of the new season – so for December that means we will gather at 10am on Saturday 13 December.
Feel free to organise your own get-togethers and meet with other Oceania members. Shows, Fairs and exhibitions often provide an opportunity to catch up.
Congratulations to Sue Dennis who has had two quilts accepted for the Hands all Around touring exhibition which premiers in Houston at the International Quilt Festival 2014 October 30-November 2. The exhibition tours through 2015 to USA venues.
Sue Dennis - Flood #1: River Rising
Detail of Sue Dennis’ Shake the Tree, also accepted into Hands All Around.
Sue was also selected to make work for Golden Textures, a biennial contemporary art quilt exhibition hosted by the Central Goldfields Art Gallery in Maryborough, Victoria.
Sue’s new series Seduced by the Imperfect will debut at the exhibition which runs from February 21- April 5, 2015.
Living Colour! continues on tour to the following venues in 2014 Brisbane Craft & Quilt Fair: 8-12 October 2014 with daily curator floor talks by Brenda Gael Smith at 1.30pm. Living Colour will also be at the South Australia Festival of Quilts 13-16 November 2014 with artist floor talks on Saturday and Sunday at 1.30pm. Finally for 2014 (but more tour dates in 2015 to be announced) at Grenfell Art Gallery, Grenfell, NSW: 22 November-20 December 2014
Congratulations to all the SAQA members who were curated into this exceptional exhibition. I can’t wait to see it in the cloth in Adelaide.
Susie, Kate and I caught up recently in Brisbane, a wonderful evening discussing all things Oceania and SAQA related. We had quite a few ideas including:
Putting together an Oceania SAQA Trunk Show to travel to Australia and New Zealand in 2015 – 2016 comprising a piece from any participating Oceania member – similar to existing SAQA Travelling Trunk Shows – a specific size able to be mounted and sealed in plastic protective sleeves
Postcards from Oceania – to be taken to Portland, OR for SAQA’s 2015 conference – and the possibility of alternating between an Oceania Collection for the Benefit Auction and blog hop (as for 2013) and an Oceania Trunk Show in the alternate year (which could also travel to the US or other regions)
An Oceania Conference – in 2016
Further developing OMG! – and thinking about making the challenge pieces 12” x 12” to be consistent with the Benefit Auction measurements
Applying for regional grant funding for SAQA Oceania specific events (in conjunction with own source funding as required under SAQA’s policy/ies)
Next year’s conference will see a few Oceania members in attendance –and is just around the corner. I’ve had to defer attendance due to family health matters – which is disappointing because I know how much fun, professional development and networking is possible at these events! In the meantime it would be great to have a volunteer to write about their conference experience for an upcoming newsletter – get in touch if you can contribute an article.
Kate will be preparing the October newsletter so please send anything art quilt related for inclusion – we want to share what you are up to with other members of the group.
That’s all the news for this newsletter, so until next month,
Ali, Susie and Kate.
August 2014
September 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the September newsletter. We welcome two new members to the Oceania group – welcome Dale Robson and Janet Wright.
Our first challenge comes to a close in the next day or so – with our second challenge commencing on 1 October with Sue Reno as our guest artist. As always, it is never too late to participate and you can find the OMG! Facebook page at and ask to join.
My own thoughts about the first challenge are that 10 – 15 of our members actively participated in the challenge and have responded positively to the discussion, ideas, and suggestions. There are also a large number of members who joined the Facebook group and do not participate and seem quite comfortable on the sidelines. I think it is great to have so much interest– although feedback on how the forum might be improved or enhanced is always appreciated and welcomed.
I received a number of requests from non-SAQA members to join the group – and it raised the question of whether the group should be open to anyone who wishes to participate. The pros include introducing more people to SAQA and the con is that the group was established to support Oceania members and some may prefer to keep the group exclusively for SAQA Oceania members – or broaden to any interested SAQA member – I don’t have a view one way or the other and would appreciate feedback on your thoughts, if any, about whether membership could or should be extended. Tell us what you think!
Lea McComas - A Horse of Course
Trunk Show G continues its tour around Australia – having toured through Canberra and then Newcastle in recent weeks. We are so appreciative of the support provided by Expertise Events in travelling the trunk show for us throughout its touring life “Down Under”. Please let me know if you are interested in helping out at any of the upcoming shows – a few hours being available to talk about SAQA and introduce art quilts to an inquisitive public would be greatly appreciated. Next Lea McComas - A Horse of Coursedates are: Melbourne Stitches and Craft Show October 23-26, Adelaide Craft and Quilt Fair November 13-16. I will be heading to Adelaide for the quilt show – would love some company!
I’ve been able to travel with the exhibition a little this year – and there has been a crowd favourite – which is Lea McComas’s A Horse of Course.
Members of Brisbane (MOB) gathered at the Queensland Art Gallery Café on 6 September and spent a wonderful morning (and for some lunch) before taking in one or more of the exhibitions on offer. A great opportunity to catch up and were joined again by a resident reptile. We are moving our get togethers to the second Saturday of the new season – so for December that means we will gather at 10am on Saturday 13 December.
Feel free to organise your own get-togethers and meet with other Oceania members. Shows, Fairs and exhibitions often provide an opportunity to catch up.
Congratulations to Sue Dennis who has had two quilts accepted for the Hands all Around touring exhibition which premiers in Houston at the International Quilt Festival 2014 October 30-November 2. The exhibition tours through 2015 to USA venues.
Sue Dennis - Flood #1: River Rising
Detail of Sue Dennis’ Shake the Tree, also accepted into Hands All Around.
Sue was also selected to make work for Golden Textures, a biennial contemporary art quilt exhibition hosted by the Central Goldfields Art Gallery in Maryborough, Victoria.
Sue’s new series Seduced by the Imperfect will debut at the exhibition which runs from February 21- April 5, 2015.
Living Colour! continues on tour to the following venues in 2014 Brisbane Craft & Quilt Fair: 8-12 October 2014 with daily curator floor talks by Brenda Gael Smith at 1.30pm. Living Colour will also be at the South Australia Festival of Quilts 13-16 November 2014 with artist floor talks on Saturday and Sunday at 1.30pm. Finally for 2014 (but more tour dates in 2015 to be announced) at Grenfell Art Gallery, Grenfell, NSW: 22 November-20 December 2014
Congratulations to all the SAQA members who were curated into this exceptional exhibition. I can’t wait to see it in the cloth in Adelaide.
Susie, Kate and I caught up recently in Brisbane, a wonderful evening discussing all things Oceania and SAQA related. We had quite a few ideas including:
Putting together an Oceania SAQA Trunk Show to travel to Australia and New Zealand in 2015 – 2016 comprising a piece from any participating Oceania member – similar to existing SAQA Travelling Trunk Shows – a specific size able to be mounted and sealed in plastic protective sleeves
Postcards from Oceania – to be taken to Portland, OR for SAQA’s 2015 conference – and the possibility of alternating between an Oceania Collection for the Benefit Auction and blog hop (as for 2013) and an Oceania Trunk Show in the alternate year (which could also travel to the US or other regions)
An Oceania Conference – in 2016
Further developing OMG! – and thinking about making the challenge pieces 12” x 12” to be consistent with the Benefit Auction measurements
Applying for regional grant funding for SAQA Oceania specific events (in conjunction with own source funding as required under SAQA’s policy/ies)
Next year’s conference will see a few Oceania members in attendance –and is just around the corner. I’ve had to defer attendance due to family health matters – which is disappointing because I know how much fun, professional development and networking is possible at these events! In the meantime it would be great to have a volunteer to write about their conference experience for an upcoming newsletter – get in touch if you can contribute an article.
Kate will be preparing the October newsletter so please send anything art quilt related for inclusion – we want to share what you are up to with other members of the group.
That’s all the news for this newsletter, so until next month,
Ali, Susie and Kate.
August 2014
Hi everyone and welcome
to the August newsletter. August has been a huge month including the Out of the
Box at the Delmar Gallery in Sydney. Well done to everyone who contributed or
participated in workshops.
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
Our first challenge is
well underway. It’s not too late to join the conversation or participate, if
only from the sidelines – everyone’s view is most welcome. The OMG! Facebook
page is at and ask to join!
Travelling Trunk Show G – Our 25th Anniversary
Trunk Show?
Trunk Show G debuted in
Perth at the beginning of August and is now in Canberra for the Craft and Quilt
Fair. Many thanks to the Canberra Quilters for setting up and packing away the
trunk show – if any member is available to help out at any of the 25th
anniversary venues – please get in touch.
A Reminder: Art Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
Martha Sielman, SAQA’s Chief Executive
Officer is excited to announce that she has just signed a contract with
Interweave to write "Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts &
Geometrics". The book will include interviews with 20 Featured Artists
showing multiple works by each. Approximately 70 additional artists will have
their work showcased in the book's gallery sections. This is your opportunity
to be part of another great publication showcasing our art.
How to Submit for Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
Preliminary submission is via email. Send
· your name
· address
· phone number
· email address
· website URL
· titles of your submission(s)
Attach jpegs of up to 3 images of your art. Images should be jpegs only, not larger than 1200 pixels in any dimension. Please label each image file with last name_first name_title (e.g. Sielman_Martha_Abstract 1).
is October 31, 2014.
Get Togethers
Members of Brisbane (MOB) it’s that time of the season
again – we’ll meet at 10.00am on Saturday 6 September in the usual place – the
Queensland Art Gallery Café. Can’t wait to see as many of you as can make it!
It was fantastic to get over to Perth again and catch up
with SAQA members – and a special thanks to Linda Stokes who looked after the
SAQA table during the show. We had lots of positive feedback about the 25th anniversary
exhibition – and it was so lovely to say “hi!” and compare threads.
Calls for entry
SAQA offers members many opportunities to
participate in juried exhibitions – to keep up to date with Calls for Entry
please go to the Resources tab on the website main page, then check the far
left column of options which includes “Calls for Entry”. Here’s the link
Deadlines and dates are covered off in the regular
e-bulletin sent to members.The current e-bulletin can be found at
Ever considered submitting your work for the SAQA
Journals? Read about the requirements and deadlines in the current e-bulletin.
It is a great opportunity to showcase your response to a particular them or
idea to the broader SAQA world.
The deadline for Food for Thought is fast approaching and
is open to all SAQA members. Deadline: September 30, 2014. This
exhibition will allow artists to explore any aspects of food that they find
inspirational – from a single piece of fruit, to a still life, to the family
table, to the significance of food in culture and the celebration of family milestones
and religious holidays. Please check the website for full details, terms and
2015 – Portland Oregon
Save the dates! April 30 - May 3, 2015. All
things being unequal, I’ll be attending the 2015 SAQA Conference in Portland,
Oregon. It will be a wonderful experience and a chance to get together with
other reps as well as around 300 SAQA members- all in the same place at the
same time – just magic!
Portland is easy to access out of either LA,
San Francisco or Seattle Airports. All conference details can be found
progressively on the SAQA website. If you are interested in finding out about
our annual conference, read Lisa Walton’s account in the June newsletter, or
talk to some of us who have had the privilege of attending in past years. The
benefits of attending are immeasurable – what about an Oceania contingent for
Help Needed –
Coordinating the Oceania 2015 Contributions to the Benefit Auction
We are getting in early – if you would like to coordinate
the Oceania 2015 Benefit auction collection and / or blog hop – please get in
touch with one of your reps (me, Susie or Kate). SAQA marketing is looking for
any members who recorded/documented the making of their 2014 contribution – and
would love to hear from anyone who did so – for marketing purposes. See your
latest ebulletin for more details.
for Inclusion in Your Newsletters
Send through celebrations and awards,
information about exhibitions or general matters of interest to our membership –
email them to
- it is preferred if you help us out and prepare the
text yourself – so we can cut and paste – and don’t forget to include images wherever
That’s all the news for this newsletter, so
until next month,
Ali, Susie and Kate.
Hi everyone and welcome
to the July newsletter – it is hard to believe we are hurtling through winter
and approaching Spring again. We welcome new members Susanne Hadfield, Susan
Auden Wood and Neroli Henderson to SAQA and our Oceania region this month – a
big welcome to you all. July has been an exciting month for our group,
including the long awaited opening of Out of the Box at the Delmar Gallery in
Sydney on Friday night. Congratulations to all who are exhibiting and
especially to Susie Cujes who almost single-handedly pulled the exhibition and
workshops together.
Update – Welcome Kate Oszko
big welcome and thank you to Kate Oszko who has agreed to join me and Susie as
your Oceania Co-representative for the next two years. Kate brings a wealth of
experience and expertise and Susie and I are really excited to have the benefit
of Kate’s sage advice and being able to tap into Kate’s passion and enthusiasm
for SAQA and art quiltmaking.
OMG! SAQA’s Oceania Mentorship Group
Thank you too for the
nearly forty of you who are engaging with the mentorship group – our first
challenge being an exploration of “unity”. The OMG! is a resource for Oceania
members (apologies to anyone’s friend who tried to join and was declined but
being a SAQA member is a pre-requisite to being part of OMG!). There is no
pressure or obligation to join the group (facebook page), nor to post anything
or complete the challenge – the information provided is intended to help with
thinking processes and developing your creative practice. Take as much or as
little as you like! For anyone who would like to participate in the group –
please go to the OMG! Facebook page and ask to join! Here is the
post that launched “Unity” and you are most welcome to participate.
Challenge #1: Unity (finished piece 10"
wide by 12" long - like portrait rather than landscape setting), any
medium and combination of techniques.
dates: 1 July challenge starts; 1 August show and tell our exploration and
visual diary work, our creative thinking and sharing; 15 September - post
challenge pics and participate in ongoing discussion / feedback and learning. 1
October .... challenge #2
Exploring the SAQA Website –
newsletter we look at two different aspects of SAQA’s website – resources (Mel
Forrest) and exhibitions (Helen Beaven).
Resources by Mel Forrest
you first enter the SAQA website you land on the homepage which features a
monthly showcase of members works. From here there are several categories
(tabs) that you can dive into including: About Us, Artwork, Resources,
Join/Support and Members. Each main category breaks down further.
The category that
grabbed my attention for this month is the resources
category. The resources category subdivides further into nine sections
including: Art Services directory, Calender of events, Artist interviews,
Marketplace, Art Quilt Resources, SAQA Journal, SAQA Publications & Art
Quilt News.
this trip we’ll begin to explore the Art
Quilt Resources category and in particular Resource Articles a sub-category within Art Quilt Resources.
Sub-category Resource Articles contains links to articles which both inform and
guide the experienced and the not yet as experienced art quilter through all
those questions that pop up as we evolve through our artistic development.
get you started with exploring this generous section here are a couple of links
to articles contained within this sub-category.
Acquiring Your Own Voice by June O. Underwood
Finishing and Packing Techniques for
Professional Presentation by Susan Crouse-Kemp
Learn to Analyze Your Own Work by Kim Ritter
These three articles are
a small representation of what lies within the Resource Articles category.
So go ahead, dive in and enjoy exploring.
Exhibitions by Helen Beaven
view quilts in SAQA’s Exhibitions either go directly via or via menus on the webpage by clicking
through about us →what we do →SAQA Exhibitions
page details a bit of background for SAQA’s exhibitions and lists the most recent
exhibitions. The list of exhibitions is then divided into Current, Future,
Previous and Regional on the left hand side of the screen.
to Current (, displays the
exhibitions that are touring various locations. For each exhibition the quilts
can be viewed (and purchased), also view the show schedule, curator and juror’s
Using Text Messages
exhibition as an example (,
I have a quilt in this exhibition and as I was writing this have read for the
first time the curator and juror’s statements
( where I’ve been mentioned!
Being able to
see what the juror was looking for and how they choose quilts for an overall
look is invaluable – I’ve never seen this sort of detail in any New Zealand
exhibitions I’ve entered. Be inspired by the quilts and challenged to have
a go and enter a SAQA exhibition.
Many thanks to Mel and
Helen for their research efforts and time which is greatly appreciated by all
of us.
Travelling Trunk Show G – Our 25th Anniversary
Trunk Show
After Perth, the Trunk
Show will travel to Canberra Craft and Quilt Fair from August 21-24 – then on
to the Newcastle Stitches and Craft from September 11 to 14. The Trunk Show
will then travel to Melbourne from October 23 to 26 – for the Melbourne Stitches
& Craft Show. From November 13-16 the Trunk Show will be at the Adelaide
Craft & Quilt and then to Sydney and Brisbane in March 2015 for the
Stitches and Craft Shows before returning to the USA. Expertise Events has been
a huge supporter of the travelling Trunk Show and provides transport between
each event.
If any member is able to
either attend or help with the exhibition at any of its venues (I’ll also be
travelling to Adelaide) – simply being present to talk about SAQA would be
wonderful - then please let me know and I can make the necessary arrangements.
Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
Martha Sielman, SAQA’s
Chief Executive Officer is excited to announce that she has just signed a
contract with Interweave to write "Art Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts
& Geometrics". The book will include interviews with 20 Featured
Artists showing multiple works by each. Approximately 70 additional artists
will have their work showcased in the book's gallery sections. This is your
opportunity to be part of another great publication showcasing our art.
SDA website)
How to Submit for Art
Quilt Inspirations: Abstracts and Geometrics
submission is via email. Send
of your submission(s)
jpegs of up to 3 images of your art. Images should be jpegs only, not larger
than 1200 pixels in any dimension. Please label each image file with last
name_first name_title (e.g. Sielman_Martha_Abstract 1).
is October 31, 2014.
Flying Arts Alliance – Professional Development
Flying Arts Alliance Inc
offers a number of professional development opportunities for visual artists.
Sessions are often available online – check the program for full details.
Information and contact details for Flying Arts can be accessed at
Curator Development
Over 5 workshops
sessions during Sept – Nov the Curator Development Project offers intensive
training to emerging curators wanting to develop their curatorial skills. Each
session will cover principles and practice of curatorship as participants
prepare for an exhibition which will be held at JWCoCA over December and
January. There are limited places available and interested participants are
invited to a briefing session at the Judith Wright Centre on Saturday 9 August
at 2 pm.
development Workshop 4 Artists
3 August - How to facilitate an arts workshop - Valeska Wood
a workshop for other artists or students can be a stimulating, sharing
experience and another way to augment your income. In this workshop
participants will learn about the role of a facilitator, how to prepare and
plan for a workshop as well gain valuable insight into managing group dynamics
and evaluating the learning experience. It is all the things you need to know
about planning and managing a successful arts workshop.
Where: Judith Wright
Centre of Contemporary Arts, 420 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley, Time: 10am -
4pm, Cost: $55 ($45 for members) BYO Lunch
Artist Consultations –
Live and Online
29 August - Artist Consultation - Simone Oriti (Urban Art Projects)
is an opportunity to have a professional discussion about your art, your
practise and your career direction with experienced curator and exhibition manager
Simone Oriti (nee Jones).
Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts - Flying Arts Office
Remote sessions via
SKYPE also available. Time: 1 hr time slots; Cost: $45 per hour ($35 for
members). Call Paul on 3216 1322 to book a time
Artist Talk Online –
Queensland Wide via Web TV
11 August - Artist Talk - John Stafford & Jennifer Marchant
instructive and more than just interesting - visual arts champion John Stafford
interviews public artist and graphic designer Jennifer Marchant who has
recently completed the work “Sunset Strip” for the Brunswick Street Mall
All you need for this
session is a computer, speakers and an internet connection.
What’s On
Out of the Box continues
at the Delmar Gallery, Trinity Grammar School in Sydney until 3 August 2014.
For more information contact Susie Cujes who has pulled this exhibition of
textile and fibre artists together. We’ll have a review of the exhibition for inclusion
in our next newsletter.
Conference 2015 –
Portland Oregon
the dates! April 30 - May 3, 2015. A message from the Conference Committee:
planning is taking place now. We look forward to welcoming you to Portland
next year. Come early and stay after to enjoy all that Portland and the
surrounding area has to offer. It is a short 2 hour drive to the mountains, the
coast, Mt. St. Helens volcano, and the Columbia River Gorge is an hour away. We
also have some wonderful museums, great galleries and fantastic fabric stores!
We are planning a wonderful conference for you all. "
Who is coming to
conference in 2015? Portland is exceptionally easy to access out of either LA,
San Francisco or Seattle Airports and fares for April / May 2015 are well
priced. All conference details can be found progressively on the SAQA website.
If you are interested in finding out about our annual conference, read Lisa
Walton’s account in last month’s newsletter, or talk to some of us who have had
the privilege of attending in past years. The benefits of attending are
immeasurable – what about an Oceania contingent for 2015?
Material for
Inclusion in Your Newsletters
through celebrations and awards, information about exhibitions or general
matters of interest to our membership – email them to - it
is preferred if you help us out and prepare the text yourself – so we can cut
and paste – and don’t forget to include images wherever possible.
all the news for now. As the little sign on my wall says “Be gorgeous. Shine
brightly. Love Life!”.
Until next time
Ali, Susie and Kate
June 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the June newsletter – there’s
lots to share including Lisa Walton’s account of SAQA’s Capitolizing on Fiber
Conference celebrating 25 years of SAQA.
After a lengthy and excruciating wait (I think Bill Reiker
will have to share the story, not me!) the 25th Anniversary Trunk Show G
arrived at home – and I am now the custodian of 50 beautiful
framed art quilts ready to tour Australia and New Zealand
until April 2015. This is Diane Firth’s Stony Desert #3 – other artists include
Alicia Merrett (River Flow #3) and Hsin-Chen Lin (The Forest III). If nothing
else we are reminded that it is the quiet persistence and development of our work
that pays off – I can’t wait to share the trunk!
Oceania Mentorship Group Launches
We have lift off – the OMG! group has its own Facebook
page – with a fresh challenge each quarter. What’s involved? Participants
explore a challenge theme– whether that’s working in a visual diary or journal,
gathering ideas and/or designs – it’s the thinking part of the process. We’ll
share / provide comments to each other through the fb page – with resources
provided to help participants engage meaningfully in providing constructive,
appreciative feedback. Then the 2nd and part of the 3rd month are spent
creating a piece in response to the challenge theme – members are invited to
participate as much or as little as they like – it’s a personal commitment to
yourself. We’ll then share thoughts and learnings in the final fortnight before
the next challenge commences. Everyone is welcome to participate. Here’s the
link and the first challenge
has been posted!
Capitolizing on Fiber– SAQA 25th Anniversary
Alexandria Virginia May 2014
Here’s Lisa Walton’s first-hand account of her first SAQA
conference and first as a member of the SAQA Board. It really is a special
experience to attend and the 2012 joint conference of SAQA and the Surface
Design Association held in Philadelphia, I can’t wait to go again. I love the
speed dating and as Lisa found out … get postcards of your work to showcase at these
and similar events. I’ll never forget the speed dating moment when I realised
they meant for you to take 50 ordinary artist postcards made of paper … not the
18 inch high stack I had stitched over the three months leading up to
conference! Happy reading and thank you Lisa.
Here is Lisa’s account of the 2014 Conference …
I was extremely thrilled to be going to my first SAQA
Conference and it certainly lived up to all expectations.
As a member of the Board of Directors I went a day early
to attend the AGM which was a great opportunity to meet all the Board face to
face. Monthly conference calls are fine but there is nothing like actually
meeting in person. The Board recently decided to change the changeover date for
terms to June so this May meeting also serves as a crossover of retiring and new
Board members. I think I volunteered for too much but time will tell.
The Conference was held this year in Alexandria Virginia
which is just on the Potomac River near Washington DC so although I could have
done the tourist thing this time I just stayed close to the venue as Alexandria
does have some beautiful old buildings and sights.
Some of the highlights for me at the Conference
Artists Speed Dating – sounds weird but each table
(starting off with each region at their own table so I was on the Overseas
members table) introducing themselves for about 90 seconds and talking about
their works and giving out business or postcards cards. When the table was done
we moved to another table and repeated the exercise – about five times in all
so you got to meet a great selection of artists. It was very funny trying to
describe yourselves in such a short time. Note to self – get some postcards
done of your work.
The Break Out Sessions were wonderful. I attended Lesley
Riley’s session on How to be your own Art Coach and Gregory Case’s session on Photographing
your textile and fibre art like a professional and both were fascinating and
entertaining presentations. My only regrets were that the sessions weren’t
repeated later so I could have attended some of the others – Promote your work
without apologizing, Digital designing with Photoshop and What is a Voice and
how do I find it. I was able – the next day to attend one of Sandra Sider’s
Critiquing Contemporary Quilt Art which was really enlightening. Sandra’s skill
and style and knowledge was fascinating to watch. I attended as an observer
rather than one of the participants.
Another highlight was a trip out to a museum to see the
new SAQA Exhibition Radical Elements. (
I really hope it travels to Australia as it was so interesting. Oceania was represented
by Dianne Firth – Silicon.
One night we had a silent auction of over 60 8” x 10”
works and the bidding was fast and furious. Based on the previous year we were
expecting to raise about $5000 so it was absolutely amazing to tally up the
total at the end to find we had raised over $10000. I kept getting outbid and the
two quilts I really wanted finally went for $1000 and $700 so I obviously had
good taste.
As it was the 25th Anniversary of SAQA we were honoured
to have Yvonne Porcella who started SAQA give a presentation of a history of where
and why SAQA started as well as the history of her work. What an amazing woman
and she has achieved so much. There was also a really entertaining panel discussion
with all (except one) Presidents of SAQA.
One thing, which really made an impression on me and gave
me great food for thought was that I really am an artist and I need to work
more towards this part of me. It is my driving force and although the teaching
and writing is a major part of what I do – I need to remember to create for
I really recommend attending a SAQA Conference and look
forward to Portland Oregon April 30-May 3 2015.
Out of the Box Exhibition
Pieces for the Out of the Box exhibition are starting to
arrive – your contribution is welcome and this is a great opportunity to put your
work into an exhibition where you’ll be amongst friends and a whole lot of
fibre art talent. Susie is looking forward to receiving more of your entries –
keep working on finishing any outstanding pieces and arrange to have them sent
to Susie in the next few weeks. This fibre art expo and exhibition runs from 25
July until 3 August 2014 at the Delmar Gallery, Trinity Grammar School, Sydney.
Full details can be found in the latest issue of Down Under Textiles (page 9)
and any queries please get in touch with Susie direct. Please send your
exhibition pieces to Susie c/- Trinity Grammar School, 119 Prospect Rd, Summer
Hill, NSW 2130
Getting to know SAQA and Exploring the
SAQA Website
A big thank you to Helen Beaven for doing some research
for us on the SAQA website – if you haven’t had time to explore all that SAQA
has to offer then this first instalment introduces us to the Juried Artist
Directory. Many thanks Helen.
Juried Artist Directory
To view the Juried Artist’s Directory and a great
selection of quilts either go directly via or
via menus:
about us →who we are →juried artist
For the definition of a ‘Juried Artist’ click on Juried
Artist Guidelines on the left hand side of the screen (
There are 13 pages of artists (in alphabetical order)
each with 25 artists.
Selecting Juried Artist Gallery
shows a random slideshow of different artist’s work. To move through the images
use the navigation arrows. Clicking an image provides more information.
Enjoy going through the pages and viewing the quilts.
Celebrations and congratulations
The fourth biennial PETITE: Miniature textiles opened on 14 June 2014 and will be at the Wangaratta Art Gallery until 27 July 2014. The exhibition features the work of one hundred textile artists including Brenda Gael Smith’s High Country Lupins #2. Congratulations to Brenda on not only having her work selected but sharing the challenge of working in a smaller context.
Get togethers
I’ll be in Perth from 31 July through to 4 August
accompanied by Trunk Show G. Thanks to everyone organising a get together – I
can’t wait to catch up again. I’ll also be in Adelaide later in the year (from
6 – 16 November) and would love to catch up if that’s at all possible.
Until next time, take care and happy creating
Ali and Susie
Hi everyone and it’s both welcome to and goodbye April. I hope you all had some time doing the important things in life over the Easter and Anzac Day breaks – many people seemed to combine the adjacent weekends and turn the fortnight into a very creative experience.
I love this time of year – the change of seasons, even if in some parts the visual accompaniment to the temperature change isn’t quite as dramatic as in the more southern part of our countries. It’s not just the autumn colours – it’s the way the humidity gives way to dry air and clear night skies. Just magic.
There’s lots of magic happening in Oceania region – thanks to everyone who sent information and news items – it is wonderful to be able to share successes and other interesting things with everyone. Our best wishes go to members facing health and other challenges – you are in our thoughts.
Out of the Box (non-SAQA Exhibition)
of the Box is an exhibition being coordinated by Susie and is open to textiles
artists including any member of the SAQA Oceania group. It is time to start
sending Susie your pieces for the exhibition. This is a friendly reminder to
get cracking and start packing. Susie has recently moved back into her
renovated house and has a room ready to store your works. Please feel free to
contact Susie if you need further info and don't forget your return postage address
and title of your piece.
Send your pieces to:
Cujes, Trinity Grammar School,119 Prospect Rd, Summer Hill, NSW 2130
Don't forget to include $20 for the first piece to cover postage and advertising. There will be an advertisement in the next Down Under textiles! Pamphlets are available –contact Susie for more information.
Get Togethers
In March Susie (left) had a wonderful morning in Auckland having a cuppa with two SAQA members Alison Laurence (centre) and Maureen Heywood (right). It was great to catch up with fellow artists and discuss the struggles and satisfaction we experience in the creative process.
Members of Brisbane (MOB) also get together on the 1st Saturday of the new season – at the Queensland Art Gallery Café – next meeting will be the first Saturday in June – meet around 10am for morning tea and bring something for show and tell. Please email me ( if you are able to join us – it helps book the table and I can let everyone know if something comes up - all welcome.
Lisa Repsevicius wants to hear from WA members who would like to get together in a similar way to that of the MOB – please get in touch with Lisa is you would like to meet up – Lisa can be contacted at:
Congratulations and Celebrations
Based in far north Queensland, Lucy Carroll had her quilt, Work Ready, accepted into SAQA’s Redirecting The Ordinary Exhibition. Lucy says she really enjoyed making Work Ready – which has taken her to some new places as far as design goes and it gave Lucy an excuse to take lots of pictures of her husband in uniform!
Lucy says she is grateful for the support of other Oceania members and looking forward to meeting more of us over time.
You can see more of Lucy’s works at Lucy Carroll Textiles
There is a you tube video on Pam’s web page - here’s the link to the youtube video It is a beautiful video – an extraordinary setting.
Pam also has the honour of sharing the Super seminars with Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson. Congratulations again Pam.
We can’t show an image of Creek Drawing #11: Autumn yet – however you may have seen one of Judy’s earlier quilts (left) at the Australasian Quilt Convention select exhibition Great Australian Quilts. Judy’s quilt Road to Condo #2 was made in 1992.
Have You ever Been a Guest Blogger?
Erica: It was decided that March would be the month. I agreed and jotted a few notes in my diary, so that I could start to think about what I would post and how many posts I would write. Over the next couple of months, my subconscious started to shape my ideas.
Based in Europe, …And Then We Set It On Fire is a technique-driven blog dedicated to mastery of surface design techniques. Generously, each guest was given direct access to the blog so that she could contribute text and photos without having to go through an intermediary. I’m not sure I could ever give anyone direct access to my blog!
I hand stitch for the sheer pleasure of it and I endeavoured to share a variety of my works so that readers could see how the simple running stitches I use alter the texture of my works. My three posts are here:
Guest blogging allows you to expose your work to a different collection of readers and is a valuable way of gaining new followers to your own blog. Perhaps we could consider if fellow SAQA Oceania bloggers would like to reciprocate with guest posts? Please get in touch if this appeals.
Erica by email at or visit Erica’s blog at
Contextart – A fellowship and the Blue Mountains
Can You Help?
you would like to be part of OMG! (Oceania Mentorship Group) please let me know
– so far I haven’t received any indication of support or interest from our more
experienced or well exhibited members – which may well be for many sensible and
realistic reasons. OMG! is not something that one member can run effectively –
so, please let me know if you are able to contribute a few hours (ideally if we
had 6 interested “mentor” members able to set a small challenge - and then two
month’s later be available via the blog or similar platform to provide
commentary / join in an online discussion / a supportive critique / feedback on
the pieces put up by participating members). We could review in a year and see
how participants felt their work had developed after 6 challenges (or not), and
how the “mentors” had found the experience. Just some of my thoughts … it
really is a matter for members and I’m more than comfortable not to progress
the idea if the interest or value in such an exercise doesn’t exist.
Thank You
Forrest and Helen Beaven have kindly agreed to contribute to the monthly
newsletter - look out for reviews of the SAQA website and other interesting
items in future months. Thank you Mel and Helen.
Thanks also to Kate Oszko for her ongoing behind the scenes support for me and Susie – it’s all greatly appreciated.
If you have an idea, or suggestion please get in touch – we are here to support you as your representatives and happy to hear your thoughts. A quick note – I am home from paid employment on weekends when I can deal with SAQA related matters / emails – although I will try to respond more quickly if that is possible.
All the best until next newsletter, Ali (and Susie)
March 2014
Welcome to March – and the autumn months where the humidity leaves us for a short time and the nights become crisp and cool – depending of course, on proximity to the equator. It is my favourite time of year.
Our best wishes are heading to Jenny Bowker and family
for the coming weeks. Jenny will be in our thoughts, hopes and prayers for the
challenges ahead – and we all wish for the best possible outcome next week.
Have you ever put a quilt or piece of textile
art into a gallery or other space on consignment? Do you have work in a gallery
that is being held pending sale of that item? The Arts Law Centre of Australia
offers a range of advice to assist artists. Changes to the Australian (Commonwealth)
Personal Property Securities Act 2009 that came into effect mid- 2012 might
affect your interests if an administrator is appointed as a result of financial
difficulties or closure of the gallery. An administrator can assume that the
art belongs to the gallery if the item is not registered on the (Australian)
Personal Property Securities Register. For a small fee, personal property
including art works can be registered on the PPS Register – this is a way to
provide prima facie evidence that you are the owner of the artwork. You can have
a look at the PPS register at For more information about the register and personal property /
security more generally visit The Arts Law Centre provides
access to a great range of articles and information to assist artists and not a
substitute for getting independent legal advice. Same goes for mentioning the
register in the newsletter – feel free to have a look and make your own
decision about whether you need to take action.
on Redirecting the Ordinary Selection and Participation by Oceania Members Congratulations to the five SAQA
Oceania members whose pieces were juried by Alicia Merrett into “Redirecting
the Ordinary”. That’s an amazing number of artists from our region represented
in this exhibition. Congratulations too go to the many other SAQA Oceania members
who submitted pieces for consideration. I was intrigued to receive an email advising
my piece was not selected, and that disappointment and rejection happens to everyone.
I’m sure it does. However there is a different take on not having a piece
selected – which I shared with the curator, in part, as follows:
“ … got your email.
Thank you so much for your prompt response - and I am not "disappointed" at
all. I am growing as an artist - and being part of SAQA has helped me in ways I
can never describe. Redirecting the Ordinary was the first exhibition
I've submitted to - and it is my best work to date - I really connected with
the theme and my response. I am so happy that I was able to accomplish this as
an artist – an emerging and learning artist - and my goal was to actually
enter. To have been selected would have been icing on the cake - and I'm yet to
interpret a decline letter as a failure - I'm seeing it as yet another
opportunity to take my textile work further. And I am ...
I hope we all take something positive out of making our
best work and submitting it to exhibitions. For those Oceania members
whose work was selected – I’d love to include some words in next month’s
newsletter and on our blog about your creative processes and how you
interpreted the theme – we’d love to share your excitement.
Out of the Box Exhibition – Delmar Gallery 25/7 – 2/8
An invitation for Oceania members and other textile artists to submit pieces for exhibition at Delmar Gallery 25 July – 3 August 2014
As promised a further update from Susie on
the processes for exhibiting and/or attending the workshops. Each entry can be
any size, there are no restrictions on subject, and it does not have to be
quilted. This is your chance to let the creative juices flow. I am hoping that
some of you will consider 3D options. You can have holes you can have things
protruding - it is up to you. This is not a juried exhibition.
Now each entry will have a fee of $20 which
hopefully will cover return postage and go towards advertising. An artist can
enter up to three pieces with the second and third piece the fee will be $10
each. Please number them in order of preference in case we need to restrict
numbers of pieces able to be hung.
Please label each piece with the title and
your name on the back and you must have either a rod pocket on the back or
loops for a rod. Remember the gallery will take the standard commission on the
sale so when you are working out the price of your piece take that into account.
If you don't want to sell make sure you mark it NFS.
Include in your parcel a return address and
an artist statement if you desire. You can start sending me your pieces from
22nd April to the 30th June. This gives me time to set up the catalogue before
the opening on Friday 25th. The workshops will be taking place on Saturday 26th
July and Sunday 27th, I have some pamphlets made giving details if you would
like some contact me at address to post your pieces to is:-
Susie Cujes
Trinity Grammar School
119 Prospect Rd
Summer Hill NSW 2130
Colour Debuts in Melbourne 10-13 April
The exhibition will premiere at the Australasian Quilt Convention in Melbourne, 10-13 April 2014 and a comprehensive website gallery will be published at that time. Brenda has been sharing some preview detail shots of each of the selected works in a series of blog posts entitled A Glimpse of Living Colour. Brenda invites you to bookmark this blog feed ( in your preferred RSS reading app; subscribe by e-mail; or follow the Living Colour Facebook page to stay up to date.
Get togethers
AQC Melbourne
If anyone is attending the AQC in Melbourne there is an opportunity to catch up – contact Lisa by email if you would like to meet - it is a great way for us to connect face to face across our rather vast region.
Members of Brisbane
The MoB meets on the first Saturday of the new season – at the Queensland Art Gallery café – from 10am. Bring something for show and tell and enjoy a relaxed chat and catch up. Please let Ali know if you are attending – and we look forward to catching up on 7 June, 6 September and 6 December 2014.
SAQA Trunk Show –
Celebrating 25 years
We will be receiving a 25th Anniversary Trunk Show in
late May 2014 – and I’ll be taking it to Perth (1-3 August) and Adelaide (mid
November 2014). The first outing will be at the Scenic Rim Open Studios – on 24
and 25 May 2014 – at Aliquilts Studios (Tarome, Qld). As with last year’s
exhibition, we are hoping for the quilts to travel with Expertise Events around
Australia and New Zealand for the remainder of its time in Australia and New
Artist Strength Training
With Jane Dunnewold – A Review
Artist Strength Training is a ten week course run by Jane Dunnewold (author of Complex Cloth (1996) Improvisational Screen Printing (2003), and co-authored Finding Your Own Visual Language (2007). Interweave Press published Art Cloth: A Guide to Surface Design on Fabric in 2010; current President of the Surface Design Association). Each week artists are taken through a short video by Jane, an essay or reading, and an action or series of exercises. Participants share as much or as little of their experience as they like in the online studio – with individual feedback on posts, progress and development as an artist from Jane. This is not a traditional online workshop in any sense of the word. A commitment to self to fully participate in the weekly offerings can be challenging – in terms of demanding the investment of time (as much or as little as you are able or life allows) and being prepared to honestly evaluate self and your art, creative processes and who you are as an artist.
There were quite a few textile artists in the first group
and not all participants are quilt makers or made art quilts. This is the type
of course or workshop that stretches you each week and I described it as like
having a regular, deep tissue massage. Sometimes it makes you wince, and
occasionally is uncomfortable – but the benefit is amazing and lasts long after
the hour on the massage table is over.
If you are ready to or want to make more sense and
meaning of the myriad of techniques available to us in working with textiles
then this might be the next step in your artistic journey. If you need a
refresher or want to refocus on who you are as an artist and why you create –
this might be a great investment in ten weeks of you – it’s all about you. For
early bird registration the course works out at just over $20 per week – which
represents great value for money and return on an investment in you. More
information about Artist Strength Training with Jane Dunnewold, can be found at
SAQA’s 2014 Artist
Benefit Auction
It’s that time of the year again – please check the SAQA
website for due dates – deadline for receipt is 1 June 2014. Last year’s
auction saw 421 donated quilts which raised US $65 000– your 12 inch square
donation helps SAQA raise essential funds – so spread the word and it’s not too
late if you haven’t yet turned your thoughts to this annual event.
Help Needed
If you are able to assist without being officially on a
committee - then Susie and I would like to hear from you. We need 3 or so
members who could work towards getting approval of a SAQA Oceania exhibition
(for 2015-16) and taking the first important steps. The SAQA website sets out
the policy for holding a SAQA endorsed exhibition – and the exhibition committee
aims to endorse requests in a very short timeframe to enable plans, themes,
calls for entry etc to be released. If we are to host a SAQA Oceania exhibition
it requires the commitment of a few – so I’ll leave it in your hands to think
about whether the idea gets progressed.
If you have an hour or so spare each month, we’d love
someone to review a different part of the SAQA site and write a very brief “how
to access XXXX” or “did you know that XXXX is available on the SAQA website and
this is how it works. This would be a regular contribution to our monthly
newsletter – a great way to develop personal knowledge of what SAQA has to
offer and maybe a foray into writing for publication about something you are
about – art quilts.
We are looking for members to participate in an Oceania Mentorship Group (OMG!) where a theme, word, colour, idea or concept is chosen for the following 2 months and members develop those ideas to fruition in the form of a textile response. I would like to hear from any member who would like to lead a 2 month exploration – choose a concept or idea that we can explore for the time period and work with me to provide participants feedback and respond to the conversation on that particular topic. Beyond simply creating (and simple isn’t the best word for it) the intent is to leave egos at the door and work with each other creatively in a supportive and encouraging environment. I’ll have more details about the first session in April’s newsletter. Email me separately if you are able to share some of your time and expertise with the OMG!
Well that’s all the news and events for March. I’m off to
the Blue Mountains for the week
proceeding Easter – a five day master class with Hilary
Petersen at TAFTAs CONTEXTart
forum. Susie is currently on the water, cruising across
the Tasman and visiting SAQA friends
in New Zealand – kia-ora and happy creating until next
Ali and Susie
************************************************************************************************************ February 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to the (end of)
February newsletter. Another season comes to a close and this weekend marks the beginning of
autumn for those of us in the southern hemisphere. Personally, I can’t wait! Many of you will
have had the opportunity to read our annual report on the State of the Regions – which is due each year
in January. Thanks again for all your support and encouragement – of your reps and each other –
and for the way we’ve grown as a group.
OMG! If anyone is interested in participating
in an Oceania Mentorship Group – please get in
touch with me – depending on levels of
interest we could look at having regular reviews / catch-up / discussions via a blog or other appropriate
format. All ideas and suggestions welcome!
A big welcome to our newest members – I hope
you are taking the opportunity to explore the website and look at all SAQA has to
offer. In our 25th year, there are many services available to
all members and the new website ensures access to everyone – no matter where you are
located. So if you haven’t been to the website lately, take a tour when you have a few
minutes – perhaps you are interested in opportunities to exhibit and calls for entries, or meeting the
featured artist of the month, announcements of upcoming events,
conferences, and other resources.
Speaking of exhibitions - it is benefit
auction time – and your 12” x 12” donation piece is greatly
appreciated. Last year’s Oceania Collection
was hugely successful on several levels – a great
concept, a fabulous coordinator (thank you
again Jenny Bowker)and a really imaginative way to
promote the Oceania region to the rest of
the SAQA community.
Meet a Member
One of our newest members is Maureen
Heywood from Auckland New Zealand who joined a few weeks ago. Here’s a little about her in her
own words:
“I have been a quilter for almost 35 years, purely traditional in
the early days using the standard 5 or 6 co-ordinating
fabrics, I very quickly changed to using 50 instead of 5! Been involved in
shibori dyeing on silk, taught
for many years, just love textiles and mixed media. Began a blog almost one year ago. Looking
forward to being part of the group and "meeting" other members.”
Welcome Maureen. You can view Maureen’s
blog at
of the Box” - July 21 to August 3 2014
This exhibition is an opportunity for you to
showcase your work – and we hope for a wide variety of entries from textile and fibre artists – works
can be any size, shape and subject. You have absolute freedom to design and create a piece for
The exhibition will be held at the Delmar Gallery (in Sydney) which has hosted a range of wonderful fine art exhibitions, including the finalists for the Blake Art and Poetry finalists. Workshops are being planned for the weekend of Friday 25th July to Sunday 26th July, so if you are interested in being included in the workshop program, please let Susie know as soon as possible to enable advertising of the classes. There is flexibility here - you could offer a class
for a half day, a full day or over two days. There
is already interest from artists to provide day
classes of wet and dry felting, a two day
mixed media and art cloth journal cover workshop as well as a photo shop class for printing on fabric.
There is no funding for this venture, so you
will need to factor in the cost of transport for you and
your supplies into class costs. More details
from Susie in our March newsletter.
Please contact Susie
( if you are interested in participating!
Brenda Gael Smith, Curator, Living Colour!
Writes -
Thank you to all the Oceania members who
submitted entries for the Living Colour travelling textile art exhibition. I am honoured that so many
artists took up the opportunity to submit their work for consideration and deeply appreciate the
time and creative energy that goes into such work. Here is a list of the selected artists (with SAQA
members in bold):
Jenny Bacon (Australia)
Deborah Boschert (USA)
Betty Busby (USA)
Sandra Champion
Sandy Corry (Australia)
Mathea Daunheimer (New
Sue Dennis (Australia)
Christine Dowell (Australia)
Sue Duffy (Australia)
Robyn Eves (Australia)
Dianne Firth (Australia)
Di Flint (Australia)
Catherine Gowthorpe (UK)
Suzanne Gummow (Australia)
Kay Haerland (Australia)
Julie Harding (Australia)
Neroli Henderson (Australia)
Anne Jolly (New Zealand)
Linden Lancaster (Australia)
Alison Laurence (New
Susan Mathews
Roxanne Murphy(Australia)
Lois Parish-Evans (Australia)
Paula Rafferty (Maher) (Ireland)
Charlotte Scott (New
Caroline Sharkey
Sarah Ann Smith (USA)
Carolyn Sullivan (Australia)
Phyllis Sullivan (Australia)
The exhibition will premiere at the
Australasian Quilt Convention in Melbourne, 10-13 April 2014 and a comprehensive website gallery will be
published at that time. Meanwhile, I will be sharing some preview detail shots of each of the
selected works in a series of blog posts entitled A Glimpse of Living Colour. I invite you to bookmark
this blog feed
( in your
preferred RSS reading app; subscribe by e-mail; or
follow the Living Colour Facebook page
( to stay up to date. I will also be sharing some curatorial
insights about the selection process that I hope will be helpful to those entering juried exhibitions.
Cunningham has had a quilt juried into the Art Quilt Elements 2014
exhibition in the
Wayne Centre, PA, USA.
The exhibition dates are March 21, 2014 – May 3 2014. This a
beautiful venue and I
was fortunate to be at the opening of Art Quilt Elements 2012.
Fantastic effort and well
done Sue!
Walton has been busy again! Her second video, about fabric painting, is
available on you tube:
This is Lisa’s second
technique-based video. Her first covers sun printing, and can be
found here:
the Ordinary – entry
deadline 28 February
Concept: We live in an environment we take for granted. We often miss the
essential and forget
that we can make the routine so much more vibrant and interesting.
Turning things around,
upside down, inside out, backwards or maybe even just a
minuscule course
correction can charge up the humdrum, turn the common into the
uncommon, and make the
expected unexpected. For example, look around your studio,
home or neighbourhood to
pick out an object (a paintbrush, fork, tree branch, or chair) or a
phenomenon (light
hitting a doorknob, raindrops streaming down a window…). Choose
something you see all
the time but don't notice and make it special. Interpret the object or
phenomenon in cloth to
bring attention and significance to the ordinary.
Juror: Alicia
Merrett - Curator: Gül Laporte
28, 2014 Online Entry Deadline at 11:59 pm EST (USA)
Venues - International
Quilt Festival - Houston, Texas, October 30 - November 2, 2014;
International Quilt
Festival - Cincinnati, Ohio, April 2015; International Quilt Festival -
Chicago, Illinois, June
2015; Additional venues may be added, through December 2017.
Don’t Forget!
Send small images wherever
possible to go with your news or stories – we love to include
SAQA members who live in
Brisbane, or are visiting, are very welcome at the seasonal
MOB (Members of Brisbane)
get togethers at the Queensland Art Gallery coffee shop. The
next meeting will be 1
March from 10.00am. After that, we will meet on 7 June, 6
September and 6 December.
Come along for some friendly chat and sharing!
Until next month,
Ali and Susie
January 2014
Happy 2014 everyone!
We hope your holidays/break allowed some time for creativity, and
that the creativity continues throughout the year. Welcome to new
members Carol Croce, Maureen Heywood, Julie Herring, Jan Nottingham, and Sonia Solly – we look
forward to hearing from you.
a Member
We have such a diverse and interesting
membership, we thought it would be great to start to know each other. To get
the ball rolling, here’s Susie Cujes, and a a bit about her in her own words -
“My world of art and my world of sewing
have exploded into the world of fibre art. I have worked as a portraitist and
printmaker, but have since found great satisfaction in working with fibre. For
me, working with fibre is all about texture. I create this by hand dyeing my
fabrics, wet and dry felting, using fabric confetti to give a sense of depth to
landscapes and, of course, what I call thread painting. I use the needle of my
sewing machine as my paint bush: this not only gives me the tonal shadings but
also the texture to add volume and depth to my work. I love to share my world
of fibre art and have run workshops with both adults and children. On one such
occasion a 12 year old boy commented “I never thought I was good at art but now
I know I am.” An inspiring gift for sharing my passion.
of the Box” - July 21 to August 3 2014
This exhibition is an opportunity for you
to showcase your work, and we look forward to a wide variety as entries can be any
size, shape and subject. You have absolute freedom to design and create a piece
for display.
The exhibition will be at the Delmar
Gallery in Sydney which has hosted a range of wonderful fine art exhibitions,
including the finalists for the Blake Art and Poetry finalists.
Workshops are being planned for the weekend
of Friday 25th July to Sunday 26th July, so if you are interested in being
included in the workshop program, please let Susie know as soon as possible to
enable advertising of the classes. There is flexibility here - you could offer
a class for a half day, a full day or over two days. There is already interest
from artists to provide day classes of wet and dry felting, a two day mixed
media and art cloth journal cover workshop as well as a photo shop class for
printing on fabric.
There is no funding for this venture, so
you will need to factor in the cost of transport for you and your supplies into
class costs.
Pam Holland was asked by the
Art Institute of Chicago to stand with her quilt “American Gothic Revisited”
next to the original painting by Grant Wood. It was a great thrill for her, and
she shares the full experience on her blog -
Pam’s quilt "The sample, Bayeux to quilt” is to hang in the Houston Museum of Natural Science in the Magna Carta Exhibition and she is quite thrilled out it, as it’s 10th most visited museum in the United States so the piece will get a lot of exposure. If you’re in Houston between February 14 and August 17 this year, you’ll be able to visit the exhibition and the quilt.
Dianne Firth was selected as a
finalist in the Infinity Art Gallery RED show, which is open to all mediums.
Although most of the works were paintings, there were five textile works
accepted. Dianne writes that she is “honoured to be in there with Mirjam
An overview of the show can be found here –; the gallery of finalists can be found here –
Ali George – My Father’s Shed,
part of the Queensland Regional Art Awards touring exhibition for 2014, can be seen at
the State Library of Queensland from next Saturday (1 February) and will travel to regional
galleries around the State for the next year. As part of her prize, Ali is
attending the ContextART Forum
in the Blue Mountains for a five day workshop with Hilary Peterson and working on a solo exhibition.
Walton has been busy – making technique-based
videos. Her first covers sunprinting, and the next one will be about more
fabric painting techniques. Lisa very generously shares her tips for success
and you get to see her in action in her own backyard (literally). She is hoping
to come out with a new one every month, and the sunprinting video is already on
for Entries
Petite Miniature Textiles
Entries are invited for this biennial exhibition, which is open to any
Australian artist working in textile and/or fibre. The exhibition will be on
display from 14 June to 27 July in Gallery 1 of the Wangaratta Art Gallery and
will be complemented by a concurrent installation of fibre-based work by
Melbourne artist Dana Harris in Gallery 2.
Enter via the website -
or write to
if you'd like to receive entry information via snail mail
This Biennial Contemporary Art Quilt
Exhibition at the Central Goldfields Art Gallery in Maryborough, Victoria, from
21 February to 5 April 2015. Artists who are Australian nationals are invited to
enter a proposal, including a statement outlining the artist’s intention and
proposed works, details of design and colours (including sketches, drawing
and/or photographs), materials to be used, anticipated dimensions of the work.
Please note that there is no theme, artists are free to explore any subject
For the purposes of this exhibition, a quilt is defined as a layered,
stitched textile with at least 2 distinct layers bound together by stitches
throughout the piece. Works can be 2 D or 3 D. Entries will be juried on the
basis of originality and innovative use of media.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted by 16 May 2014, with delivery
of work (if accepted) by 13th February 2015. For further information and EOI
Forms contact Jenny Bacon, Curator, 0409 189 143,
SAQA 2014 Anniversary Trunk Show
The aim of this exhibition is to give an up-close-and-personal
look at SAQA artists' works. You can join in the celebrations for SAQA’s 25th
year with your trunk show submission a 10" x 7" art quilt that
showcases your artistic expression.
This is a travelling exhibition, starting
with the premiere at the 2014 SAQA conference in Washington, DC, and then
making its way across the United States and around the world. A group of quilts
from this exhibition will be chosen by jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret “Peg”
Keeney to become a permanent part of the collection of the National Quilt
Museum in Paducah, Kentucky.
Craft NSW Emerging Artist - Craft Award
The Society of Arts and Crafts of NSW
invites emerging craftspeople in any craft discipline to submit up to two
entries for this aware. There is a major prize of $2000 and an invitation to
exhibit work at Craft NSW for six months, and a minor prize of $1000 and an
invitation to exhibit work at Craft NSW for six months. As well, there are two
encouragement awards of $500 each. For selection purposes, only emailed digital
images will be accepted and should be emailed or posted by July 31 2014. Entry
is free. More information can be found on the Craft NSW website
To stay up with the opportunities SAQA has
for exhibiting and sharing your work, don’t forget to visit the website “Call
for Entries” section. At the top of the Home page of the website, click on
“Resources” which brings up a menu including “Calls for Entry”.
The Brisbane MOB (Members of Brisbane)
meets at the Queensland Art Gallery coffee shop on the first Saturday of each
new season. The next get together will be 1 March. After that, we will meet for
7 June, 6 September and 6 December. It’s a relaxed and friendly gathering, a
good way to get to know what others are doing, and learn more about SAQA. Keep
those dates free so you can come along for a chat, and some show and tell.
Until next month,
Ali and Susie
December 2013
Benefit Auction results
Date Claimer - July 21 to August 3 2014
Let’s Celebrate
Congratulations to Judy Hooworth who was SAQA Featured Artist for November. Each featured artist talks about their work and there are images to enjoy. Judy reveals that walking along Dora Creek near her home is integral to her work as an artist. Access the page directly you can go to archived pages via the “Artwork” link at the top of the SAQA website.
Calls for Entries
To stay up with the opportunities SAQA has for exhibiting and sharing your work, don’t forget to visit the website “Call for Entries” section. At the top of the Home page of the website, click on “Resources” which brings up a menu including “Calls for Entry”. There are a few important ones with submission deadlines approaching including Art Quilt Australia (deadline 14 July).
One of the deadlines coming up soon is for the SAQA 2014 Anniversary Trunk Show. Its aim is to give an up-close-and-personal look at SAQA artists' works. You can join in the celebrations for SAQA’s 25th year with your trunk show submission a 10" x 7" art quilt that showcases your artistic expression.
This is a travelling exhibition, starting with the premiere at the 2014 SAQA conference in Washington, DC, and then making its way across the United States and around the world. A group of quilts from this exhibition will be chosen by jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret “Peg” Keeney to become a permanent part of the collection of the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky.
Living Colour!
There’s only about a month left to enter Living Colour! which will premiere at the Australasian Quilt Convention in 2014. The closing date for entries is 31 January 2014. Curator Brenda Gael Smith notes that monochromatic works in glorious colour are eligible for consideration, there is no need to have a rainbow of hues in your piece; just pick a colour you like and go for it! And don’t forget that there are two words to the title theme. Each work will be in a 100x40cm (L x W) vertical format and up to 30 works may be selected. To submit an entry, please review the Conditions of Entry and complete the Online Entry Form at No entry fee is payable unless your work is selected. International entries are welcome.
Until next month,
Ali and Susie
November 2013
November 2013
Welcome to the November newsletter – and it is hard to believe another year is coming to a close. This month we welcome new members Pam Malone, Tricia Smout, Veronica Jefferis, Mary Williams, Annik Andrews, and Linda Steele – a very warm welcome to you and we hope you will share your interest in art quilts with us on the ceania google group board. If there are any members who are not accessing the google group board and would like a fresh invitation to join, please email Ali ( Our SAQA Oceania blogsite can be found at
What’s in it for me?
Every month I’ll be including more information on a number of resources available to members through the SAQA website. There is an extensive range of information, assistance and help available. Over many years these have been sorted into the broad categories of: art, business, exhibition and display, education, photography, and visioning. Many articles, such as “Acquiring your own voice” by June Underwood or “How to write a press release” by Carolyn Lee Vehslage contain food for thought – and have been written by members to help members. The resources page can be found at
Get togethers:
The Members of Brisbane (MoB) will get together on the first Saturday of the new season – which is Saturday 7 December at the QAG Café at 10am. Bring some show and tell (or not) and enjoy a coffee, chat and general catch up. At our last get together we were joined by a resident lizard who kept some of our company on their toes!
Contact Kate on 0402 699 476 or for more details or if you have any queries about the MoB.
Travelling with the SAQA Trunk Show “This is a Quilt” and 2014 …
It has been a fantastic opportunity to travel with Trunk Show C – most recently to Adelaide for their Festival of Quilts. The exhibition was well received and attracted lots of interest. It was wonderful to meet so many SAQA members and have Cath Babbidge fly in from Sydney on the Sunday. Many thanks Cath for packing up the exhibition! SAQA has offered Oceania the 25th anniversary trunk show in 2014. I intend to have the show travel on a similar schedule to this year – please get in touch with Ali ( if you are able to attend one of the shows and participate on a demonstration table or talk to people about the exhibition and SAQA membership.
SAQA Oceania members can “THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX” in 2014
This is a “heads up” on an exhibition opportunity for 2014. Thanks to Susie Cujes, SAQA Oceania members are invited to participate in a fibre art exhibition at the Delmar Gallery at Trinity Grammar School in Sydney from the 21st July to the 3rd August 2014. Delmar is a well-respected gallery in Sydney with a great following. Your work will be able to be for sale as well,
with the normal gallery commissions. This is a great opportunity to think outside the box. In short,” if you can post it, it will be hung or displayed”. 3D work is most welcome. On one of the weekends during the exhibition, there will be an opportunity to run a few workshops. If you are interested in running a workshop, please let Ali or Susie know with an outline of your proposal as soon as possible. This is not a SAQA approved exhibition but an opportunity created for SAQA Oceania members to exhibit in the Delmar Gallery space.
There is no funding available for postage or transport so please take that into account if putting in a workshop proposal.
More details about the exhibition and workshop opportunities in early 2014. Put it in your diary, and start creating!
Lots of amazing things have been happening in Canberra with the Ozquilt Network conferenceearlier in the month and the opening of their members travelling exhibition 'Australia WideThree' at the Q Gallery in Queanbeyan and open exhibition 'Art Quilt Australia 2013: people, place, nation' at Craft ACT Gallery Canberra. There is a beautiful 20 page catalogue book for this exhibition which is available at $10 or $15 including postage and packaging. Email if you would like a copy.
Congratulations to Dianne Firth who has had work selected for Art Quilt Elements in Philadelphia and AQIPP 2013 exhibition Water, Warp & Weft in Melbourne from 14 November to 21 December, 2013 at the Whitehorse Gallery, Box Hill Melbourne. Dianne was also a finalist in the Australian Craft Awards for her exhibition 'Urban Forest'.
Congratulations also to Jenny Bowker who received an honourable mention at
The Canberra based group tACTile (Jenny Bowker, Dianne Firth, Helen Gray, Beth Miller, Beth & Trevor Reid) held its sixth exhibition '100: Celebrating Canberra' in August at Belconnen Arts Centre (left). One of the special features of tACTile's exhibitions is its collaborative component. For this exhibition it was a reinterpretation of a cyclorama, a 360 degree view of the site which was used in 1913 to help the designers of the city better visualise the site. The ACT Legislative Assembly has purchased tACTile's 'Cyclorama' for its art collection and it is currently on public display. This is an absolutely stunning exhibition and congratulations to all the tACTile members.
From the Cove c1833
From the Cove c1833 (detail)
Congratulations to Sandra Champion whose art quilt “From the Cove, c1833” recently won the Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. The theme, What a Site, celebrated the TMAG’s 150th year on the site which houses some of Tasmania’s important historic buildings: Sandra’s quilt was based on Charles Atkinson’s lithograph showing the Cove escarpment (1833).
Congratulations to Judy Hoowarth whose quilt, Drawing #10 was selected for Quits = Art =Quilts at the Schweinfurth Arts Center in Auburn New York USA. The exhibition will be on display from until 5 January, 2014
Congratulations also to Sue Dennis whose quilt Roundel (above) was also selected for Quilts=Art=Quilts.
Another of Sue’s quilts, Water Net (detail image above) will be part of the AQIPP 2013 exhibition Water, Warp & Weft.
Calls for Entry reminders:
Don’t forget it’s our 25th anniversary in 2014. This traveling exhibition asks SAQA members to create a 10" x 7" art quilt that showcases their artistic expression. The 2014 Anniversary Trunk Show will premiere at the 2014 SAQA conference in Washington, DC, and then travel all across the United States and around the world. A group of quilts from this exhibition will be chosen by jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret “Peg” Keeney to become a permanent part of
the collection of the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky. If you have any questions about this traveling show, contact Eileen Doughty, 2014 Trunk Show Coordinator, at
Living Colour
The exhibit will premiere at the Australasian Quilt Convention in 2014. ALL textile artists
are invited to submit an entry exploring the theme "Living Colour!" Each work will be in a
100x40cm (L x W) vertical format and up to 30 works may be selected. To submit an
entry, please review the Conditions of Entry and complete the Online Entry Form at The closing date for entries is 31 January 2014. No entry fee is payable unless your work is selected. International entries are welcome.
In closing …
Many thanks to all of you for your continued support of SAQA and your regional reps (me, Lisa and Susie) throughout this year. Rebecca Staunton Coffey and a number of other members have offered assistance in developing our exhibition proposal for 2015/16 and this is greatly appreciated.
There is a member’s webinar in early December which is all about exhibitions, exhibition policy and any member can participate. Check out your latest SAQA newsletter for details. If you have any problems registering (note the time difference before clicking the “join” button!) let me know.
That’s it for another month – until December, take care and may you all be
happy in your creative spaces.
Ali and Susie
October 2013
Welcome to the October newsletter with two days to spare - for many of us it has been a busy time and another month has melted into our (southern hemisphere) spring. Not that anyone would have noticed with summer-like conditions prevalent for many of our group. Welcome to Susie Cujes who officially commenced as your Oceania co-representative this month. Susie has reviewed Kari Chapin's "Grow your handmade business" which can be found below. Susie also takes over the newsletter from November so please send her your news, celebrations, congratulations and other items of interest for our group.
Welcome to the November newsletter – and it is hard to believe another year is coming to a close. This month we welcome new members Pam Malone, Tricia Smout, Veronica Jefferis, Mary Williams, Annik Andrews, and Linda Steele – a very warm welcome to you and we hope you will share your interest in art quilts with us on the ceania google group board. If there are any members who are not accessing the google group board and would like a fresh invitation to join, please email Ali ( Our SAQA Oceania blogsite can be found at
What’s in it for me?
Every month I’ll be including more information on a number of resources available to members through the SAQA website. There is an extensive range of information, assistance and help available. Over many years these have been sorted into the broad categories of: art, business, exhibition and display, education, photography, and visioning. Many articles, such as “Acquiring your own voice” by June Underwood or “How to write a press release” by Carolyn Lee Vehslage contain food for thought – and have been written by members to help members. The resources page can be found at
Every month I’ll be including more information on a number of resources available to members through the SAQA website. There is an extensive range of information, assistance and help available. Over many years these have been sorted into the broad categories of: art, business, exhibition and display, education, photography, and visioning. Many articles, such as “Acquiring your own voice” by June Underwood or “How to write a press release” by Carolyn Lee Vehslage contain food for thought – and have been written by members to help members. The resources page can be found at
Get togethers:
The Members of Brisbane (MoB) will get together on the first Saturday of the new season – which is Saturday 7 December at the QAG Café at 10am. Bring some show and tell (or not) and enjoy a coffee, chat and general catch up. At our last get together we were joined by a resident lizard who kept some of our company on their toes!
Travelling with the SAQA Trunk Show “This is a Quilt” and 2014 …
Contact Kate on 0402 699 476 or for more details or if you have any queries about the MoB.
It has been a fantastic opportunity to travel with Trunk Show C – most recently to Adelaide for their Festival of Quilts. The exhibition was well received and attracted lots of interest. It was wonderful to meet so many SAQA members and have Cath Babbidge fly in from Sydney on the Sunday. Many thanks Cath for packing up the exhibition! SAQA has offered Oceania the 25th anniversary trunk show in 2014. I intend to have the show travel on a similar schedule to this year – please get in touch with Ali ( if you are able to attend one of the shows and participate on a demonstration table or talk to people about the exhibition and SAQA membership.
SAQA Oceania members can “THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX” in 2014
This is a “heads up” on an exhibition opportunity for 2014. Thanks to Susie Cujes, SAQA Oceania members are invited to participate in a fibre art exhibition at the Delmar Gallery at Trinity Grammar School in Sydney from the 21st July to the 3rd August 2014. Delmar is a well-respected gallery in Sydney with a great following. Your work will be able to be for sale as well,
with the normal gallery commissions. This is a great opportunity to think outside the box. In short,” if you can post it, it will be hung or displayed”. 3D work is most welcome. On one of the weekends during the exhibition, there will be an opportunity to run a few workshops. If you are interested in running a workshop, please let Ali or Susie know with an outline of your proposal as soon as possible. This is not a SAQA approved exhibition but an opportunity created for SAQA Oceania members to exhibit in the Delmar Gallery space.
There is no funding available for postage or transport so please take that into account if putting in a workshop proposal.
More details about the exhibition and workshop opportunities in early 2014. Put it in your diary, and start creating!
There is no funding available for postage or transport so please take that into account if putting in a workshop proposal.
More details about the exhibition and workshop opportunities in early 2014. Put it in your diary, and start creating!
Lots of amazing things have been happening in Canberra with the Ozquilt Network conferenceearlier in the month and the opening of their members travelling exhibition 'Australia WideThree' at the Q Gallery in Queanbeyan and open exhibition 'Art Quilt Australia 2013: people, place, nation' at Craft ACT Gallery Canberra. There is a beautiful 20 page catalogue book for this exhibition which is available at $10 or $15 including postage and packaging. Email if you would like a copy.
Congratulations to Dianne Firth who has had work selected for Art Quilt Elements in Philadelphia and AQIPP 2013 exhibition Water, Warp & Weft in Melbourne from 14 November to 21 December, 2013 at the Whitehorse Gallery, Box Hill Melbourne. Dianne was also a finalist in the Australian Craft Awards for her exhibition 'Urban Forest'.
Congratulations also to Jenny Bowker who received an honourable mention at
The Canberra based group tACTile (Jenny Bowker, Dianne Firth, Helen Gray, Beth Miller, Beth & Trevor Reid) held its sixth exhibition '100: Celebrating Canberra' in August at Belconnen Arts Centre (left). One of the special features of tACTile's exhibitions is its collaborative component. For this exhibition it was a reinterpretation of a cyclorama, a 360 degree view of the site which was used in 1913 to help the designers of the city better visualise the site. The ACT Legislative Assembly has purchased tACTile's 'Cyclorama' for its art collection and it is currently on public display. This is an absolutely stunning exhibition and congratulations to all the tACTile members.
From the Cove c1833
From the Cove c1833 (detail)
Congratulations to Sandra Champion whose art quilt “From the Cove, c1833” recently won the Tasmanian Art Quilt Prize at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. The theme, What a Site, celebrated the TMAG’s 150th year on the site which houses some of Tasmania’s important historic buildings: Sandra’s quilt was based on Charles Atkinson’s lithograph showing the Cove escarpment (1833).
Congratulations to Judy Hoowarth whose quilt, Drawing #10 was selected for Quits = Art =Quilts at the Schweinfurth Arts Center in Auburn New York USA. The exhibition will be on display from until 5 January, 2014
Congratulations also to Sue Dennis whose quilt Roundel (above) was also selected for Quilts=Art=Quilts.
Another of Sue’s quilts, Water Net (detail image above) will be part of the AQIPP 2013 exhibition Water, Warp & Weft.
Calls for Entry reminders:
Don’t forget it’s our 25th anniversary in 2014. This traveling exhibition asks SAQA members to create a 10" x 7" art quilt that showcases their artistic expression. The 2014 Anniversary Trunk Show will premiere at the 2014 SAQA conference in Washington, DC, and then travel all across the United States and around the world. A group of quilts from this exhibition will be chosen by jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret “Peg” Keeney to become a permanent part of
the collection of the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky. If you have any questions about this traveling show, contact Eileen Doughty, 2014 Trunk Show Coordinator, at
Living Colour
The exhibit will premiere at the Australasian Quilt Convention in 2014. ALL textile artists
are invited to submit an entry exploring the theme "Living Colour!" Each work will be in a
100x40cm (L x W) vertical format and up to 30 works may be selected. To submit an
entry, please review the Conditions of Entry and complete the Online Entry Form at The closing date for entries is 31 January 2014. No entry fee is payable unless your work is selected. International entries are welcome.
In closing …
Many thanks to all of you for your continued support of SAQA and your regional reps (me, Lisa and Susie) throughout this year. Rebecca Staunton Coffey and a number of other members have offered assistance in developing our exhibition proposal for 2015/16 and this is greatly appreciated.
There is a member’s webinar in early December which is all about exhibitions, exhibition policy and any member can participate. Check out your latest SAQA newsletter for details. If you have any problems registering (note the time difference before clicking the “join” button!) let me know.
That’s it for another month – until December, take care and may you all be
happy in your creative spaces.
Ali and Susie
October 2013
Changes to the SAQA website - have you had a look around the new SAQA site? If not, take a tour. From November, each newsletter will contain a short explanation of a different part of the SAQA website - there is a wealth of information available and many of us do not seem to access the myriad of support available as part of our membership. The new site contains much of the information, ideas, resources and inspiration from the former site - visually it is easier to navigate - and please let Ali know if you have any problems navigating your way.
By now you should have received and had the opportunity to provide feedback on the membership types and proposed changes. The proposed changes were open for discussion as part of SAQA's member survey (earlier in the year). The poll was sent out in response to a number of concerns expressed about the new categories and proposed names. The Board is currently looking at the responses and what the membership wants!
Congratulations to Sue Dennis whose quilt Roundel (above) was selected for Quilts=Art=Quilts at the Schweinfurth Art Center in Auburn, NY and will be on display with the other entries from October 26 2013- January 5, 2014.
Water Net (detail aboe) will be part of the AQIPP 2013 exhibition Water, Warp & Weft November 14- December 21, 2013 at the Whitehorse Gallery, Box Hill Melbourne.
On a "congratulations" note, Ali was awarded the 2013 Queensland Regional Art Award (in textiles) for her quilt "My Father's Shed" (above). This year's theme was "living change" . The quilt will travel with abound 25 other fine arts pieces throughout 2014 in regional Queensland.
Calls for Entry:
SAQA's 25th Anniversary Trunk Show - create a 10 inch x 7 inch piece for this travelling exhibition - please read the submission details and if planning to put in a piece, make sure you leave plenty of time for US customs and inspections - what a great way to have some more of our Oceania works circulating the globe.
Brenda Gael Smith has posted details for Living Colour! on our SAQA Oceania blogspot. You can also access full details from the SAQA website under Calls for Entry.
Oceania gets another traveling trunk show
Oceania group has managed to secure a 25th anniversary trunk show for 12 months following the Capitolizing Fibre conference in 2014. What a great opportunity to be one of the first countries where the exhibition will tour. In addition to touring Australia and New Zealand on the quilt show circuit, your guild or group can borrow the exhibition or otherwise exhibit it - so please let Ali know if you are interested. More details as they become available
Book Review by Susie Cujes"Grow Your Handmade Business"by Kari Chapin
Book Review by Susie Cujes"Grow Your Handmade Business"by Kari Chapin
If you want to clarify where you want to go next with your creativity, then this is the book for you. Perhaps you want to create an income from your "hobby", your passion, or perhaps you may find you would prefer to exhibit or even enter competitions. Kari Chapin encourages you first and foremost to understand exactly what your real passions are, and then she gives you steps to take to achieve your ultimate goal, by breaking down your goal into more manageable and achievable tasks. With small achievements comes success.
From the chapter on "Business Plans Basics" she says……"My objective is for you to create a clear pathway for your success. I want you to feel free to dream big and plan hard"….. Sometimes we get so caught up in the creativity of what we are doing that we miss deadlines for competitions or don't even know where we are headed with our finished pieces. This book attempts to keep you on track and gives you quite a few tools to begin a more organised creative plan.
I've found to work creatively I need to have my studio space organised, it certainly gets messy during the process of making a piece but before beginning a new task my space needs to be tidy …. tidyish!
Kari applies the same principles to organising your mind,and encourages you to head in the right direction for you. It retails for around $30 and worth every cent.
Welcome to our new members - and those rejoining after a brief absence - don't forget that as your representatives, Susie and I are here to support you in all things SAQA - please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Until next time,
Ali (and Susie)
********************************************************************************************************September 2013
Welcome to the September newsletter! We’ve
got a few happenings early this month – some great exhibitions and meeting
opportunities for members our region.
There will be a special representative’s
call on 17 September (New York
time) – Ali will have all the
information about changes to both the SAQA website and levels of membership to
share with you after that date.
Welcome to new SAQA members Maxine O’Toole
and Lucy Carroll, both from New South Wales, Australia .
Auction starts in less than one week
A message from Martha Sielman about why YOU
should take part in the Benefit Auction --
1. The artwork is gorgeous!
2. Prices range from $750 to $75 so there's
something for everyone's budget.
3. They're small so it's easy to find a
home for them. I have a group in my
4. They make great gifts! I bought three last year as Christmas
5. 100% of the proceeds go to support
SAQA's exhibition program!
And I’d add a 6th – the Oceania collection is simply superb – get in early to
beat the stampede.
Get onto the website and follow
the prompts to participate in our annual fundraiser event.
(Members of Brisbane ) 7 September
The Brisbane MOB (Members of Brisbane) meets
at the Queensland
Art Gallery
coffee shop on Saturday 7 September (Election Day) at 10.30am at the QAG Café.
Please come along for a chat, bring some show and tell and we look forward to
getting together!
This weekend sees the opening of the Stitched Dialogue exhibition by Alison
Muir and Trudy Billingsley. The exhibition comprises stitched textiles and
opens at the Barometer Gallery, 13 Gurner Street Paddington NSW. The Official opening is 7 September at
2.00pm. Exhibition closes 22 September.
Khedival to Contemporary
Opening in Wagga Wagga on 26 August, this
exhibition features some really old and interesting tentmaker pieces, and just
a few of the more recent ones. Dr Sam Bowker, son of SAQA member Jenny Bowker,
has managed to pull together this rare and unusual collection. The exhibition surveys
the art of the Egyptian Tentmakers from the 1890s to 2010. Visitors will see
how the Tentmakers found new audiences as Egyptian society changed. Dramatic
suspended tent panels, some covering entire walls, contrast with charming
Egyptian souvenirs from the 1930s. A series of short films further explain the
context of Khayamiya, including a preview of the Australian documentary by Kim
Beamish, “The Tentmakers of Chareh el-Khiamiah”, to be launched in 2014. On
show in Wagga Wagga in the HR Gallop Gallery (in Building 21 off Carpark 2),
Charles Sturt University Campus from August 26 to September 12, 2013.
"Khayamiya: Khedival to Contemporary"
is designed to become a travelling exhibition, so if you know of any galleries
that may be interested in displaying spectacular textiles of this nature,
please let them know about the availability of this exhibition.
There will also be a Canberra 100 exhibition by the Embassy of Egypt and Canberra Quilters on the 28th and 29th September (9am – 3pm) at the Embassy of Egypt, 1 Darwin Avenue, Yarralumla ACT. There will be demonstrations by tentmakers Hany El Sayed and Ekramy Hanafy. For more information contact
Let's Celebrate!!!
to Sue Dennis who has had two of her quilts from her flood series juried into
the Art Quit Australia 2013: People, Place and Nation exhibition in Canberra November 1 -
December 14 2013 at Craft ACT.
(Detail of Flood #1 River Rising)
to new SAQA member Catherine Porter
who has had her very first entry into juried
into Houston ! ‘Mini Waves’ is A4 size and is entered in the
Art- Miniature category. Wavy strips of
fabric were woven together, fused, and then quilted. The quilt was also juried into Paducah earlier in the year
- what a great acknowledgement!
Congratulations to Hilary Metcalf. One of Hilary’s quilts in her “Boatshed series” has
been juried into an exhibition “Local structures” at the Spiral Gallery in
Bega, on the south coast of NSW . The show runs from 20thSeptember to 16th
The show is open to artists working in all
mediums, so it will be interesting to see how many textile pieces are
represented. ‘Spiral galley Co-operative
is an artist run space that aims to promote and support contemporary and
innovative art practice through its frequently changing exhibitions. The gallery is a not-for-profit organisation,
promoting established and emerging artists through an exhibition program which
reflects a variety of media and styles.
As well as solo shows, the gallery is community group shows and
exhibitions by the spiral artists themselves.’
Congratulations Felicity Clarke who has
pieces on exhibit at the Bird Gallery, Brisbane
for the Fringe festival from the 13th of September. Felicity also has a quilt
and triptych on display at the Brisbane
Square library (Brisbane Square , 266 George Street , Brisbane )
for Entries
“Call for Entries” is located on the SAQA
website under the “News and Events” tab on the home page. Searches can be
undertaken by keywords, between certain dates and submissions for “Calls for
Entry” can also be made from that page (
Always check eligibility guidelines for entry.
There are a few important ones with submission deadlines approaching
including Art Quilt Australia
(deadline 14 July).
Don’t forget the 10” x
7” challenge for SAQA’s 25th anniversary in 2014 – full details on
the SAQA website.
the fantastic response to "Beneath the Southern Sky” Brenda Gael Smith is
curating another travelling textile art exhibition that will premier at the
Australasian Quilt Convention in 2014.
All textile artists are invited to submit an entry exploring the theme
"Living Colour!" Each work will be in a 100x40cm (L x W) vertical
format and up to 30 works may be selected. To submit an entry, please review
the Conditions of Entry and complete the Online Entry Form at Please note that the closing date for entries
is 31 January 2014. No entry fee is payable unless your work is selected.
International entries are welcome.
SAQA Oceania Blog and keeping in touch
Our blog is there for everyone’s benefit
and any news items, especially with images or updates on what everyone is doing
can be sent to Kate Oszko who can be reached at . The blog hop has featured strongly over the
last month or two – congratulations to everyone who participated and to those
who helped make it all happen behind the scenes.
is a Quilt!” SAQA’s Trunk Show C
The Trunk Show has again travelled to New Zealand and will follow the Expertise Events
circuit for the remainder of its touring life in the Oceania
region. Again many thanks to everyone who has assisted in getting the Trunk
Show to and from venues – it is greatly appreciated. Get in contact with Ali is
you are available to attend Brisbane (16-20
October) or Adelaide
(6-10 November).
Representative Vacancy
Congratulations and welcome to Susie Cujes
who has accepted the role of representative – Susie’s works will be well known
to many of you. Susie will be transitioning into the role over the coming
months and will officially take over when Lisa commences her term on the SAQA
Coates Perez visiting Queensland
Member Janet Jackson is also the Queensland
Quilters Workshop Convenor and advises that 2Q is re hosting Judy Coates Perez
in Brisbane in
October and there are workshop opportunities available. Judy will be doing a 1
day class using acrylic inks in Peachester, this is being hosted by Bernadine
Hine on October 9. Bernadine can be contacted at Queensland quilters are
hosting a 2 day workshop on October 12-13, which we have called an acrylic ink
adventure, where students will explore surface design techniques using the inks
as well as fabric collage using layering of images using prints, resists, etc,
anyone interested in that one should contact Janet at email
Until next month,
Ali, Susie and Lisa
August 2013
There will be a special representative’s call on 17 September (
Welcome to new SAQA members Maxine O’Toole and Lucy Carroll, both from New South Wales,
Benefit Auction starts in less than one week
MOB (Members of
Exhibition Openings
Khayamiya: Khedival to Contemporary
"Khayamiya: Khedival to Contemporary" is designed to become a travelling exhibition, so if you know of any galleries that may be interested in displaying spectacular textiles of this nature, please let them know about the availability of this exhibition.
The show is open to artists working in all mediums, so it will be interesting to see how many textile pieces are represented. ‘Spiral galley Co-operative is an artist run space that aims to promote and support contemporary and innovative art practice through its frequently changing exhibitions. The gallery is a not-for-profit organisation, promoting established and emerging artists through an exhibition program which reflects a variety of media and styles. As well as solo shows, the gallery is community group shows and exhibitions by the spiral artists themselves.’
Congratulations Felicity Clarke who has pieces on exhibit at the Bird Gallery,
August 2013
Welcome to the August newsletter – and it has been a very busy month with much activity still happening with the Oceania Blog Hop. Thanks to everyone who has or is about to participate – we’ve certainly increased our profile in the lead up to the Benefit Auction 2013. Welcome to our new members in Australia and New Zealand including Catherine Porter, Kerryn Taylor, Helen Baker, Sandra Kennington and Carole Sorrell. Feel free to get in touch via our google group and we look forward to you being a part of the Oceania group. I’ll be at the Newcastle Stitches and Craft Fair tomorrow (Saturday 17th) for a floor talk on SAQA’s travelling trunk show “This is a Quilt”. The talk is at 1pm and I’ll be catching up with Cath Babbidge before we travel back to Sydney in the afternoon. Floor talk is at 1pm and would love to catch up afterwards if anyone happens to be at the show. I’ll be in Sydney on Monday from early morning until just after lunch so let me know if you’d like to have a coffee anywhere between Hornsby and the Domestic Airport! My mobile is 0488 546 444.
The Oceania SAQA MOB (Members of Brisbane)
The next meeting is planned for Saturday 7 September at the Queensland Art Gallery cafe for 10am. It's a chance to get to know some other local SAQA members, share experiences
and bring pieces (finished or unfinished) for show and tell. For anyone who hasn’t seen Quilt or
Ruth Stoneley’s “A Stitch in Time” there’s the opportunity to have a look at these 2 exhibitions. Any queries please give me a ring on 0488 546 444. Or email
Invitations, exhibitions and events
Everyone is invited to the exhibition opening of Beautiful Australia at Gallery 159, 159 Payne Road, The Gap (Qld) to see the works of the Mexettes. The exhibition has returned from France. It comprises 16 quilts inspired by the Australian landscape, its people, fauna and flora by artists Sue Dennis, Margaret Edwards, Annette McRae, Diane Sheard, Jennie Short and Marilyn Tucker – opening is at 3pm on 1 September with the exhibition running from 31 August – 15 September 2013. Gallery is open on weekends 10am – 4pm or by prior arrangement with Janet de Boer at 07 33006491.
100: Celebrating Canberra — tACTile
Until 25 August 2013 -
The tACTile group comprising Jenny Bowker, Dianne Firth, Helen Gray,
Beth Miller, with Beth and Trevor Reid working in partnership, are well known throughout
Australia and internationally for their innovative art quilts. They have created 20 art quilts each, a total of 100 altogether, to provide a range of perspectives on Canberra as people, place and designed city. Additionally, tACTile has created a collaborative work that was inspired by the
cycloramic panorama of the site of the future capital city painted by Robert
Coulter. Visit this spectacular exhibition at Belconnen Arts Centre, 118 Emu
Bank, Belconnen, ACT 2617. Gallery hours: 10:00am–5:00pm Tuesday–Sunday or
contact (02) 6173 3300
Twelve by Twelve’s Colorplay Series tours next to:
· AQS Quilt Show, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA 14 – 17 August 2013; and
· AQS Quilt Show, Des Moines, Iowa, USA 2 – 5 October 2013.
All 60 quilts from the 2012 series will be on display at Northwest Quilting Expo in Portland, USA 19-21 September 2013. For more details about the Twelve by Twelve exhibition program, contact or sign up for the Mailing List.
Beneath the Southern Sky is a travelling exhibition of contemporary textile works curated by Brenda Gael Smith. The exhibition finishes it international tours at the International Quilt Convention Africa from 6-8 September 2013. View the textile works in the Online Gallery and see the Exhibition Program for a complete listing of exhibition venues. Check out the Beneath the Southern Sky Facebook page for extra insights into the exhibition.
Calls for Entries
There are many opportunities to submit works for SAQA and non-SAQA exhibitions. Many of these appear on the website – search for “Calls for Entry”.
Brenda Gael Smith is curating another travelling textile art exhibition in 2014/2015. This is an invitation to all textile artists to submit an entry exploring the theme Living Colour! Each work will be in a 100x40cm (L x W) vertical format and up to 30 works may be selected. To submit an entry, please review
the Conditions of Entry and complete the Online Entry Form. The closing date for entries is 31
January 2014. International entries are welcome.
Update on SAQA’s Oceania Exhibition – proposed for late 2014 – 2016
Thanks to everyone for their ongoing feedback and suggestions. I participated in the Regional
Representatives webinar on Thursday morning to hear Betty Busby (the new Exhibitions Coordinator) talk about changes to the rules / policies for SAQA endorsed exhibitions. The process seems to have been made easier and certainly for a region outside the USA there is a lot of support and assistance available to us. I will be hooking up with her next week when I get back from Newcastle to go through the requirements for the Oceania proposal. Once Betty has given feedback I’ll get the information out to all of you (perhaps as part of the September newsletter). We are now looking at a maximum of four week turnaround on approval and if SAQA endorsed, our quilts are automatically covered by SAQA’s insurance while they travel. We have three proposals / suggestions for an exhibition name and I’d appreciate your opinion (if you don’t feel strongly about the title, that is fine and there’s no need to respond).
Possible names are: (a) SAQA: Oceania Revealed (2) SAQA: Oceania Unveiled or (3) SAQA Down Under. I taken on board feedback about not using “II” or “2” as in this being Oceania region’s second exhibition (the first being while Sue Dennis was Oceania representative).
I’ll provide an update on juror status for the September newsletter. Dimensions are going to be a minimum and maximum size in total and on a single side and there will be no specific theme.
SAQA is most interested in how we are funding the exhibition (including catalogue requirements) and that we maintain a high standard of work while ensuring all our member feel encouraged and supported to submit work. More on that after the approval process is underway. All offers of assistance, no matter how large or small, are appreciated. There are many skills and opportunities – if you are able to offer services in publicity, writing, assisting with the entry forms and related material for our blog site /online presence and generally being involved in some way – let me know (
Let's Celebrate!!!
There is much to celebrate and many congratulations to a host of SAQA Oceania members. Thanks for sharing news and providing images to share with others in our region.
Congratulations to Sue
Dennis – her quilt Jali received
a third at the Royal Queensland Show’s “Quilts Across Queensland” this week.
The Quilts Across Queensland is in its 12th
year – congratulations Sue.
Congratulations again to
Brenda Gael Smith
Brenda’s quilt “Eclectus Parrot
– an Eclectic Pair” from her Flying Colours series received second place in the
art quilt category in the Canberra Quilters exhibition 2013. Another two of Brenda’s
works have been juried into Dare to Differ, Gallery M, Adelaide, from 24
September - 21 October.
Congratulations to Lisa
Repsevicius who entered three quilts
into the Quilt Alliance Twenty Contest and won one of twenty honourable
mentions and a judges choice award for her work "RAWR #3". The quilts
are a donation and will be auctioned on ebay from November 11 to raise funds
for the Quilt Alliance. The quilts are currently touring venues around the USA.
For a better look at the quilts follow the link with Lisa’s quilts about
halfway down the page.
A huge congratulations to
Jenny Bowker who won Best of Show at
Canberra Quilters - with a her art quilt entry also winning its section. The
main colours are greys. The quilt is Earth, Air, with a Memory of Water. We are
as thrilled as Jenny at this prestigious win.
Trunk Show C – This is a
A huge thank you to Julie
Brunton in New Zealand for getting the “This is a Quilt” Exhibition to and back
from the Symposium in Taupo. The exhibition arrived Perth just 48 hours after
it left Taupo. Well done New Zealand’s postal service. The exhibition in Perth
drew much admiration and praise – and it was wonderful to meet so many WA
SAQA members. Thanks for the chance to catch up – and the help with the
exhibition table. The exhibition is now in Newcastle,
at the Stitches and Craft Fair.
New Member Discount
If you or your members teach or
lecture, Martha,, can give you a discount code to
encourage new members with a 10% discount for their first year. More than 150
SAQA brochures were taken up at the WA Craft Fair! Congratulations to Sue
Dennis and Lisa Walton for their part in recruiting two new members each in the
latest membership drive announcements.
opportunity for 2014-2015
If anyone would like to join me
as co-representative for 2014 – 2015 please get in touch with either me, Lisa
Walton or Sue Dennis who would be happy to talk about what is involved. It is a
great opportunity and a richly rewarding experience. The commitment is a few
hours a month (or a much as you choose to put into the role).
Just a reminder …
Celebrate SAQA’s 25th anniversary in
2014 – attend the very special conference Capitolizing on Fibre (May 1-4) in
Alexandria, Virginia (adjacent to Washington DC) and consider making an 10” x
7” piece for the SAQA 2014 Anniversary Trunk Show. This will be an
up-close-and-personal look at SAQA artists' works. Join SAQA in celebrating our
25th amazing year with your trunk show submission! This traveling exhibition
asks SAQA members to create a 10" x 7" art quilt that showcases their
artistic expression. The 2014 Anniversary Trunk Show will premiere at the 2014
SAQA conference in Washington, DC, and then travel all across the United States
and around the world. A group of quilts from this exhibition will be chosen by
jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret “Peg” Keeney to become a permanent part of the
collection of the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky.
Portfolio19 is now available online @ – check out the
Oceania members Ruth de Vos, Sue Dennis, Judy Hooworth, and Susan Mathews
All the best to everyone and
until next month,
Ali and Lisa
July 2013
Welcome to the July newsletter for the SAQA Oceania group and best wishes to you and yours from me and Lisa. It is hard to believe that we have been co-representatives for around 18 months and with Lisa’s acceptance of the invitation to become a SAQA Board member, we would be most appreciative of having someone to “co-rep” with me from January 2014. Becoming a representative is a rewarding experience. Both Lisa and I have enjoyed our time representing you and your interests as SAQA members. Lisa, as a Professional Artist Member (PAM) has
brought different ideas and thoughts to our collective thinking and I’ve valued
the input and discussion where both types of membership are represented. If
anyone is interested in sharing the role, especially an existing PAM, please
contact Lisa or me direct. In the absence of a volunteer I will continue as
solo representative for Oceania region for
another two years.
and Congratulations:
Lisa Walton’s quilt Crisp
Apples has appeared on the cover of the Summer issue of Modern Quilts Unlimited. The quilt is based on the design concepts
discussed in Lisa’s book “Beautiful Building Block Quilts”.
Lisa will also be travelling overseas and
teaching at FOQ, Scotland , Luxembourg and South Africa in the coming months.
to Hobart
member Sandra Champion whose quilt
“Tracks through the Button Grass #1” won an Award for Excellence for Best Use
of Mixed/Decorative Media and Third Prize in Art Quilts at the Island Quilts
2013 Exhibition at the Hobart Craft and Quilt Fair last week.
Celebrating Canberra
The tACTile group comprises Jenny Bowker, Dianne Firth, Helen Gray, Beth
Miller, with Beth and Trevor Reid. They work in partnership and are having
an exhibition at the Belconnen Arts Centre (A.C.T.) from 9-25 August. They have
created 20 art quilts each, a total of 100 altogether, to provide a range of
perspectives on Canberra
as people, place and designed city. As
well, they have created a collaborative work that was inspired by the
cycloramic panorama of the site of the future capital city painted by Robert
Coulter. A print of this painting was sent out to competitors in the Federal
Capital Design Competition in 1911, including Walter Burley Griffin and Marion
Mahony Griffin. An exhibition not to be missed.
Sue Dennis is one of ten
artists invited to dress the Jumpers and Jazz Festival 10th anniversary 10
trees in Warwick , southern Queensland , later this month. Sue is sewing
a dress for her tree, ‘The Leaf of the
Party’. The trees are painted black and made of plywood. They will be on
display during the Festival July 18-28 in the Warwick Town Hall .
is a Quilt” – tour dates
Trunk Show C is currently in New Zealand and
about to make its NZ debut at the Taupo Symposium – thanks to Julie Brunton. From Taupo, the quilts will travel as
* Perth - (2-4 August) WA Craft Show, Claremont
Showgrounds, Claremont , Perth
* Newcastle (August 15 – 18) Stitches & Craft Show, Newcastle Entertainment Centre, Broadmeadow)
* Hamilton , New Zealand (September
5 – 8) Craft & Quilt Fair Claudelands Events Centre, Hamilton )
* Townsville (October 3 – 6)
Stitches & Craft Show, Townsville Entertainment & Convention Centre, Breakwater Island )
* Brisbane (October
16 – 20) Craft & Quilt Fair, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre,
South Bank)
* Melbourne (October 24 – 27) Stitches & Craft Show, Caulfield Racecourse, Melbourne )
* Adelaide (November 7 – 10) Craft & Quilt Fair, Adelaide Event & Exhibition Centre,
Feel free to help promote the touring exhibition
and use the above logos appropriate for the show type. Any
members wanting to help out with the exhibition or who can attend / support
with a few hours supervision – please get in contact with Ali.
Ali will be presenting floor talks at Perth ,
Newcastle , Brisbane
and Adelaide “This is a Quilt – Makers, Methods and
to Lisa Walton and Brenda Gael Smith – our star recruiters!
Congratulations and many thanks to both Lisa and
Brenda for being “star recruiters” for SAQA this quarter. We now have nearly
100 members in Oceania region. Under the “star
recruiters” program, new members receive a 10% discount on joining by using a
special code on their membership application. Our PAMS and non-PAM members can
arrange their own code through SAQA and make it available to anyone they
recruit to SAQA membership – full details on the SAQA website.
hop for SAQA Donation pieces
The SAQA Oceania Region blog hop is yet to
be announced. Brenda Gael Smith is putting the “button directions” together and
it is preferred that the button does not go onto blogs until being announced to
the public. Kate and Brenda are doing the follow-up / finishing off on the
schedule and we can’t thank them enough for the work they and Jenny Bowker have
done to make this Oceania showcase a reality – and, of course, those
contributing the art works! A separate announcement will be sent out to blog
participants shortly. Can’t wait to see this kick off next week.
for Entries
“Call for Entries” is located on the SAQA
website under the “News and Events” tab on the home page. Searches can be
undertaken by keywords, between certain dates and submissions for “Calls for
Entry” can also be made from that page (
Always check eligibility guidelines for entry.
There are a few important ones with submission deadlines approaching
including Art Quilt Australia
(deadline 14 July).
Living Colour!
the fantastic response to "Beneath the Southern Sky” Brenda Gael Smith is
curating another travelling textile art exhibition that will premier at the
Australasian Quilt Convention in 2014.
All textile artists are invited to submit an entry exploring the theme
"Living Colour!" Each work will be in a 100x40cm (L x W) vertical
format and up to 30 works may be selected. To submit an entry, please review
the Conditions of Entry and complete the Online Entry Form at Please note that the closing date for entries
is 31 January 2014. No entry fee is payable unless your work is selected.
International entries are welcome.
2014 Anniversary Trunk Show
Open to all SAQA Members – join in
celebrating SAQA’s 25th amazing year with your trunk show submission This travelling
exhibition asks SAQA members to create a 10" x 7" art quilt that
showcases their artistic expression.. The 2014 Anniversary Trunk Show will
premiere at the 2014 SAQA conference in Washington ,
DC , and then travel all across the United States
and around the world. A group of quilts from this exhibition will be chosen by
jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret "Peg" Keeney to become a permanent
part of the collection of the National
Quilt Museum
in Paducah , Kentucky . Full submission details are
available on the SAQA website.
Symposium get-together
Any SAQA members attending the Taupo
Symposium, Taupo , New Zealand who would like to get
together, please contact Lisa direct by email to arrange a time to catch up.
Perth Craft Fair get-together
Anyone wanting to catch up while Ali is in Perth – please make direct
contact with Ali by email – Ali will be available 1 – 4 August and contactable
by mobile 0488 546 444. It would be wonderful to see as many SAQA members as
possible during this visit.
of Brisbane
The Brisbane
and near-Brisbane SAQA members get together on the first Saturday of the
season. The next get together will be 7 September at the Queensland Art Gallery
Café – more details next month. Contact Kate Oszko for more details.
Take care everyone and all the best for an
artistic and creative month
Ali and Lisa
June 2013
Welcome to the June newsletter and there is so much happening with our group – we are an amazing and talented bunch, bringing different perspectives and practices to SAQA. The biggest news this week/month/year is that Lisa Walton has accepted an offer to become a SAQA Board member. Congratulations Lisa – it is a great honour to have been asked and well deserved. I know our group is excited to see “one of our own” engaging at the Board level.Twelve by Twelve’s Colorplay Series tours next to:
There are many opportunities to submit works for SAQA and non-SAQA exhibitions. Many of these appear on the website – search for “Calls for Entry”.
Possible names are: (a) SAQA: Oceania Revealed (2) SAQA: Oceania Unveiled or (3) SAQA Down Under. I taken on board feedback about not using “II” or “2” as in this being Oceania region’s second exhibition (the first being while Sue Dennis was Oceania representative).
I’ll provide an update on juror status for the September newsletter. Dimensions are going to be a minimum and maximum size in total and on a single side and there will be no specific theme.
Let's Celebrate!!!
There is much to celebrate and many congratulations to a host of SAQA Oceania members. Thanks for sharing news and providing images to share with others in our region.
July 2013
Welcome to the July newsletter for the SAQA Oceania group and best wishes to you and yours from me and Lisa. It is hard to believe that we have been co-representatives for around 18 months and with Lisa’s acceptance of the invitation to become a SAQA Board member, we would be most appreciative of having someone to “co-rep” with me from January 2014. Becoming a representative is a rewarding experience. Both Lisa and I have enjoyed our time representing you and your interests as SAQA members. Lisa, as a Professional Artist Member (PAM) has
brought different ideas and thoughts to our collective thinking and I’ve valued
the input and discussion where both types of membership are represented. If
anyone is interested in sharing the role, especially an existing PAM, please
contact Lisa or me direct. In the absence of a volunteer I will continue as
solo representative for Oceania region for
another two years.
and Congratulations:
Lisa Walton’s quilt Crisp
Apples has appeared on the cover of the Summer issue of Modern Quilts Unlimited. The quilt is based on the design concepts
discussed in Lisa’s book “Beautiful Building Block Quilts”.
Lisa will also be travelling overseas and
teaching at FOQ, Scotland , Luxembourg and South Africa in the coming months.
to Hobart
member Sandra Champion whose quilt
“Tracks through the Button Grass #1” won an Award for Excellence for Best Use
of Mixed/Decorative Media and Third Prize in Art Quilts at the Island Quilts
2013 Exhibition at the Hobart Craft and Quilt Fair last week.
Celebrating Canberra
The tACTile group comprises Jenny Bowker, Dianne Firth, Helen Gray, Beth
Miller, with Beth and Trevor Reid. They work in partnership and are having
an exhibition at the Belconnen Arts Centre (A.C.T.) from 9-25 August. They have
created 20 art quilts each, a total of 100 altogether, to provide a range of
perspectives on Canberra
as people, place and designed city. As
well, they have created a collaborative work that was inspired by the
cycloramic panorama of the site of the future capital city painted by Robert
Coulter. A print of this painting was sent out to competitors in the Federal
Capital Design Competition in 1911, including Walter Burley Griffin and Marion
Mahony Griffin. An exhibition not to be missed.
Sue Dennis is one of ten
artists invited to dress the Jumpers and Jazz Festival 10th anniversary 10
trees in Warwick , southern Queensland , later this month. Sue is sewing
a dress for her tree, ‘The Leaf of the
Party’. The trees are painted black and made of plywood. They will be on
display during the Festival July 18-28 in the Warwick Town Hall .
is a Quilt” – tour dates
Trunk Show C is currently in New Zealand and
about to make its NZ debut at the Taupo Symposium – thanks to Julie Brunton. From Taupo, the quilts will travel as
* Townsville (October 3 – 6)
Stitches & Craft Show, Townsville Entertainment & Convention Centre, Breakwater Island )
Feel free to help promote the touring exhibition
and use the above logos appropriate for the show type. Any
members wanting to help out with the exhibition or who can attend / support
with a few hours supervision – please get in contact with Ali.
Ali will be presenting floor talks at Perth ,
Newcastle , Brisbane
and Adelaide “This is a Quilt – Makers, Methods and
to Lisa Walton and Brenda Gael Smith – our star recruiters!
Congratulations and many thanks to both Lisa and
Brenda for being “star recruiters” for SAQA this quarter. We now have nearly
100 members in Oceania region. Under the “star
recruiters” program, new members receive a 10% discount on joining by using a
special code on their membership application. Our PAMS and non-PAM members can
arrange their own code through SAQA and make it available to anyone they
recruit to SAQA membership – full details on the SAQA website.
hop for SAQA Donation pieces
The SAQA Oceania Region blog hop is yet to
be announced. Brenda Gael Smith is putting the “button directions” together and
it is preferred that the button does not go onto blogs until being announced to
the public. Kate and Brenda are doing the follow-up / finishing off on the
schedule and we can’t thank them enough for the work they and Jenny Bowker have
done to make this Oceania showcase a reality – and, of course, those
contributing the art works! A separate announcement will be sent out to blog
participants shortly. Can’t wait to see this kick off next week.
for Entries
“Call for Entries” is located on the SAQA
website under the “News and Events” tab on the home page. Searches can be
undertaken by keywords, between certain dates and submissions for “Calls for
Entry” can also be made from that page (
Always check eligibility guidelines for entry.
There are a few important ones with submission deadlines approaching
including Art Quilt Australia
(deadline 14 July).
Living Colour!
the fantastic response to "Beneath the Southern Sky” Brenda Gael Smith is
curating another travelling textile art exhibition that will premier at the
Australasian Quilt Convention in 2014.
All textile artists are invited to submit an entry exploring the theme
"Living Colour!" Each work will be in a 100x40cm (L x W) vertical
format and up to 30 works may be selected. To submit an entry, please review
the Conditions of Entry and complete the Online Entry Form at Please note that the closing date for entries
is 31 January 2014. No entry fee is payable unless your work is selected.
International entries are welcome.
2014 Anniversary Trunk Show
Open to all SAQA Members – join in
celebrating SAQA’s 25th amazing year with your trunk show submission This travelling
exhibition asks SAQA members to create a 10" x 7" art quilt that
showcases their artistic expression.. The 2014 Anniversary Trunk Show will
premiere at the 2014 SAQA conference in Washington ,
DC , and then travel all across the United States
and around the world. A group of quilts from this exhibition will be chosen by
jurors Linda Colsh and Margaret "Peg" Keeney to become a permanent
part of the collection of the National
Quilt Museum
in Paducah , Kentucky . Full submission details are
available on the SAQA website.
Symposium get-together
Any SAQA members attending the Taupo
Symposium, Taupo , New Zealand who would like to get
together, please contact Lisa direct by email to arrange a time to catch up.
Anyone wanting to catch up while Ali is in Perth – please make direct
contact with Ali by email – Ali will be available 1 – 4 August and contactable
by mobile 0488 546 444. It would be wonderful to see as many SAQA members as
possible during this visit.
of Brisbane
The Brisbane
and near-Brisbane SAQA members get together on the first Saturday of the
season. The next get together will be 7 September at the Queensland Art Gallery
Café – more details next month. Contact Kate Oszko for more details.
Take care everyone and all the best for an
artistic and creative month
Ali and Lisa
June 2013
Catch up with Lisa at the upcoming Sydney Craft and Quilt Fair which runs from June 12 – 16 at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour. Last year’s catch-up resulted in the Oceania Collection idea coming to fruition – so bring your ideas along on Thursday 13th June at 3.00pm – meet at the food area found at the back of Hall 2. Who knows where it will lead, although I have an idea it may involve Oceania region members showcasing our talents in a new and exciting way?
A reminder in case you don’t have it – the Oceania Collection can be viewed at (this is our blog address). A huge thank you to Brenda Gael Smith for the brilliant production work and a big thank you to the Oceania members who donated works for the 2013 benefit auction – just follow the link and click on the top row tab for Oceania Collection. The collection catalogue can be downloaded at
The Oceania Collection is only part of the story for this year’s benefit auction – our blog hop is being organised through Jenny Bowker and Jenny has already posted updates and information about the hop. Please contact Jenny direct if you have any queries or concerns about being part of the hop – and let me know if I can assist in any way if you are not a blogger or want help in getting your process documented.
More images of our get together have been posted by Kate on our SAQA Oceania blogspot.
Calls for Entries
“Call for Entries” is located on the SAQA website under the “News and Events” tab on the home page. Searches can be undertaken by keywords, between certain dates and submissions for “Calls for Entry” can also be made from that page ( Always check eligibility guidelines for entry. There are a few important ones with submission deadlines approaching including Art Quilt Australia (deadline 14 July).
Living Colour!
Following the fantastic response to "Beneath the Southern Sky” Brenda Gael Smith is curating another travelling textile art exhibition that will premier at the Australasian Quilt Convention in 2014. All textile artists are invited to submit an entry exploring the theme "Living Colour!" Each work will be in a 100x40cm (L x W) vertical format and up to 30 works may be selected. To submit an entry, please review the Conditions of Entry and complete the Online Entry Form at Please note that the closing date for entries is 31 January 2014. No entry fee is payable unless your work is selected. International entries are welcome.
Congratulations to the following Oceania members:
Congratulations also to Kerrie Anne Riles whose exhibition of pictorial art quilts will open at Timeless Textiles 7 Beaumont St, Islington (NSW) on June 20th and will run till the 14th July. Kerrie Anne uses fabric paints, hand dyed fabrics and machine quilting in her works. Kerrie Anne will also be giving a free talk on Friday 21st at 5.00pm talking about the way in which she translates her photographs into detailed appliqué quilts.
Congratulations to Jenny Bowker who is this year’s recipient of the Rajah Award. Jenny was widely considered a most deserving winner of the award, earned in no small way through her tireless efforts in creative textiles and her support and promotion of quilts and quilt making around the world. The large number of supportive posts are indicative of the esteem and respect we have for Jenny, her work and her art. Well done just doesn’t seem to cover it.
Congratulations to Diane Firth who was awarded the McCarthy Memorial Award at Quilt National 13 for her quilt “Storm.” Quilt National is a prestigious, biennial art quilt exhibition in Ohio, and is arguably the premier event in the contemporary quilting calendar. In 2013 "there were 851 quilts submitted by 458 artists from 44 states, 17 countries and five Canadian Provinces. Jurors Linda Colsh, Penny McMorris, and Judith Content selected 85 quilts by 85 artists. The exhibitors represented 27 states and 7other countries. In this exhibition 20 percent of the exhibitors were first time Quilt National artists”.
This is a beautiful quilt and a richly deserved award.
Congratulations are also heading to Ruth de Vos who has been honoured with the Acquisitive Prize for her artwork 'Trike' at the Australian Cotton Fibre Expo in Narrabri, NSW. Ruth also received a Highly Commended for 'A Joyful Heart' at the City of Melville Art Awards. Ruth has described receiving this level of award and positive recognition of her work as a truly motivating experience. Congratulations Ruth.
Congratulations to Sue Dennis whose quilt “In the Moonlight” has been selected for the 2013 Hands all Around touring exhibition. It will premiere at the Houston International Quilt Festival.
Out and About
Sue Dennis is one of the three judges for the Sydney Quilt Show which runs from June 12-16 at Darling Harbour (see above re: catching up with Lisa during the show). Sue will be giving a talk ”Quilting Adventures from Mt Isa to Mongolia” on June 14 at the Quilters’ Guild of NSW dinner, 6.30pm at the Rockford Novotel Darling Harbour. Sue will be talking about her travels and if anyone is interested in joining her on one of these events, Sue will be visiting India for the Wilderness, Wildlife and Weaving 11 day tour, from 27 November to 7 December 2013. Sue is returning to this fascinating, colourful country to gather more inspiration. Full details of the itinerary and cost is available at
If a trip to Italy is on your travel itinerary, Sue is also tutoring a class in Textile Souvenirs at the Abruzzo School of Creative Arts from 10 – 14 June 2014 ( - there is currently an early bird special discount of 20% until December 31, 2013.
In print:
Our SAQA Oceania Blog and keeping in touch
Our blog is there for everyone’s benefit and any news items, especially with images or updates on what everyone is doing can be sent to Kate Oszko who can be reached at .
“This is a Quilt!” SAQA’s Trunk Show C
Last weekend saw the first official showing of “This is a Quilt – Trunk Show C” at the Garage Gallery, Aliquilts Studios at Tarome. Around 100 people visited the studios over the weekend – no mean feat when it involved crossing the creek after the Villis bridge was swept away earlier this year in floods.
The Trunk Show will now travel to New Zealand to the Taupo Symposium before rushing back to Australia to continue its travels to Perth, Sydney and Adelaide. More venues are being finalised making this Trunk Show’s final year of being “on the road” a memorable Oceania adventure. Thank you to everyone who has assisted in getting the Trunk Show to and from venues – it is greatly appreciated.
Ali will be travelling to Perth (31 July – 5 August), Sydney to present to the NSW Guild (17 and 18 August), Brisbane (16 – 20 October) and Adelaide (6 – 10 November) and would love to catch up with SAQA members – more details in the July newsletter.
Regional Representative Vacancy
Once Lisa takes up Board duties, there will be an opportunity for someone to be Co-representative with Ali. The commitment is for a few hours each month (it’s never predictable and there are times when it is more, and less). The term for another co-rep for Oceania would commence from January 2014 and SAQA requests a minimum commitment of two years. I am intending to stay in my current role for at least another two years. When I started as co-representative with Lisa, I knew almost nothing about the vast world of SAQA (a classic fence sitter for the first few years of membership) and was able to use the extensive resources available to representatives – it has made the learning process so much easier – so much support is available, online and in person.
If anyone would like to take up the challenge or gain experience in this incredible organisation, please contact Ali or Lisa. SAQA is an organisation that gives as much as it gets – the more we put in, the more we benefit and the opportunity to be a regional representative or co-representative is an exciting part of being SAQA.
Until next month,
Ali and Lisa
May 2013
It has been a busy month for the Oceania group.

So you can see that SAQA Oceania is certainly making it's mark on the art quilting world.
The Oceania Collection was on display at the SAQA Conference in Santa Fe and received many great comments. Here are a couple of photos but apparently it was hard to get good clear ones as there were always people in front of them having a good look. Most of them are now on the SAQA Website (mainly on pages 3a and 3b) now and the ones that are not will be soon as they catch up all the uploading. I have asked that they are labelled as part of the Oceania Collection but this has not been done yet but may be done soon. It would be good to have them at least labelled together. It is a great collection everyone and you should all be very proud. Jenny will be working on a blog hop schedule soon.

Speaking of blogs - Kate Oszko has designed a blog for us so we can use it to promote ourselves, put the blog hop on it as well as individual blogs, post interesting things etc.
Speaking of blogs - Kate Oszko has designed a blog for us so we can use it to promote ourselves, put the blog hop on it as well as individual blogs, post interesting things etc.
You can find it here:
It's not a replacement for googlegroups chat, but more a central location for all things Oceania. Newsletters will be archived there (just click on "Newsletters" in the sidebar).
The blog contact is Kate on If you have something to share on the blog, let her know.
SAQA's 25th Anniversary Conference is May 1-4, 2014 - that's 52 weeks to plan a fantastic trip to the East Coast.
Capitolizing on Fiber will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia (adjacent to Wasington DC).
Any Oceania members who are interested in attending can get in contact with Ali ( who would be happy to coordinate an Oceania trip - expect airfares return Brisbane/Sydney - New York to be $1300 - $1900 and twin share accommodation in Virginia to be less than $100 a night. The idea would be to fly to New York, spend a day or two then Amtrak to Washington / Alexandria for the conference. It's just an idea - would love to know if anyone else would be interested in attending.
At the recent AQC in Melbourne SAQA Oceania Members really shone.
Jenny Bowker was awarded the coveted Rajah Award which acknowledges the outstanding contribution by an individual to quilting in Australia. Jenny is an outstanding quilter, teacher and mentor and definitely a worthy receipient.
Jenny Bowker was awarded the coveted Rajah Award which acknowledges the outstanding contribution by an individual to quilting in Australia. Jenny is an outstanding quilter, teacher and mentor and definitely a worthy receipient.
Helen Godden won the AQC Challenge - Free - with her amazing quilt ‘Galloping Wild and Free’ the runner up was Gillian Shearer with her emotive ‘I Am Nujood and I Am Free’. Both were amazing quilts and definitely deserving of the awards.
We had a great dinner with 16 members in Melbourne during the AQC and it was great to catch up with so many of you. There will also be a gathering during the Sydney Show in June but it will probably be an afternoon coffee at the show (possibly Thursday) as people tend to spread all over Sydney during Quilt Show week. Let Lisa know if you are interested in meeting up.
The State of the Art Quilt 13 exhibition juried by Lisa Walton, opened in Brisbane recently with quite a few SAQA members included.
Linda Robertus' quilt Zebra was selected as a finalist in the Black and White Expo 2013 at the Infinity Art Gallery:
This online gallery has an Art Quilt Exhibit coming up soon, for which submissions are now open: Linda is also the new editor of Down Under Quilts and part of the editorial team for Down Under Textiles. She is happy to receive ideas for articles, news about exhibitions, photos from exhibitions etc at
Ali George’s studio space, Aliquilts,

has been selected as part of Scenic Rim Council’s Open Studios program for 2013. Each weekend in May and early June, artists of the Scenic Rim in south-east Queensland open their studios to the public. Ali’s studio will be open on the 25th and 26th May. Joined by fellow SAQA artist Mel Forrest as artist-in-residence Ali and Mel will be demonstrating a range of mixed media and textile art techniques. The Studio is open from 9am each day – and all visitors are most welcome. Come out for the day or play for a weekend. Contact Ali at or on 0488 546 444 for more information. Visit the entire Open Studios program at
This online gallery has an Art Quilt Exhibit coming up soon, for which submissions are now open: Linda is also the new editor of Down Under Quilts and part of the editorial team for Down Under Textiles. She is happy to receive ideas for articles, news about exhibitions, photos from exhibitions etc at
Ali George’s studio space, Aliquilts,
has been selected as part of Scenic Rim Council’s Open Studios program for 2013. Each weekend in May and early June, artists of the Scenic Rim in south-east Queensland open their studios to the public. Ali’s studio will be open on the 25th and 26th May. Joined by fellow SAQA artist Mel Forrest as artist-in-residence Ali and Mel will be demonstrating a range of mixed media and textile art techniques. The Studio is open from 9am each day – and all visitors are most welcome. Come out for the day or play for a weekend. Contact Ali at or on 0488 546 444 for more information. Visit the entire Open Studios program at
Play day at the studio with Jane, Ali, Suzanne and fellow SAQA member, Sue Dennis
The Beneath the Southern Sky exhibition curated by Brenda Smith and containing many works by SAQA Members continues on tour to Gosford Regional Gallery: 25 May to 26 June 2013. Official opening Friday, 24 May 6.30-8.30pm. It has just returned from AQS Show in Paducah and it will also be on display at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham and International Quilt Convention in Johannesburg later in the year.
Twelve by Twelve Colourplay exhibition continues at Pinnacles Gallery, 20 Village Boulevard, Thuringowa Central, Townsville until 2 June Gallery hours Tues - Sun: 9am - 5pm. Free admission.
It's is so great that Felicity Clarke is part of the I am SAQA campaign. You can be part of it too - just send a photo of yourself, a jpg of your art, and the completed form to Allison Reker -
It's is so great that Felicity Clarke is part of the I am SAQA campaign. You can be part of it too - just send a photo of yourself, a jpg of your art, and the completed form to Allison Reker -
So you can see that SAQA Oceania is certainly making it's mark on the art quilting world.
Hello Everybody,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.
1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
2. Telephone Numbers:……….
3. Address and Location:…….
4. Amount in request………..
5. Repayment Period:………..
6. Purpose Of Loan………….
7. country…………………
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9. occupation………………
11.Monthly Income…………..
Email Kindly Contact:
Hello Everybody,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.
1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
2. Telephone Numbers:……….
3. Address and Location:…….
4. Amount in request………..
5. Repayment Period:………..
6. Purpose Of Loan………….
7. country…………………
8. phone…………………..
9. occupation………………
11.Monthly Income…………..
Email Kindly Contact:
Hello Everybody,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.
1. Name Of Applicant in Full:……..
2. Telephone Numbers:……….
3. Address and Location:…….
4. Amount in request………..
5. Repayment Period:………..
6. Purpose Of Loan………….
7. country…………………
8. phone…………………..
9. occupation………………
11.Monthly Income…………..
Email Kindly Contact:
My Brothers and Sister all over the world, I am Mrs Boo Wheat from Canada ; i was in need of loan some month ago. i needed a loan to open my restaurant and bar, when one of my long time business partner introduce me to this good and trustful loan lender DR PURVA PIUS that help me out with a loan, and is interest rate is very low , thank God today. I am now a successful business woman, and I became useful. In the life of others, I now hold a restaurant and bar. And about 30 workers, thank GOD for my life I am leaving well today a happy father with three kids, thanks to you DR PURVA PIUS Now I can take care of my lovely family, i can now pay my bill. I am now the bread winner of my family. If you are look for a trustful and reliable loan leader. You can Email him via,mail ( Please tell him Mrs Boo Wheat from Canada introduce you to him. THANKS